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Chapter 607 606 Mr. Mo, who has a golden face, is going to reveal his secrets now

Chapter 607 606. Mr. Mo, who has a golden face, is going to reveal his secrets now

Giving up the competition, and choosing to give up when the death match has reached the final stage with only three and a half days left, does not sound like a choice that Happy Stick would make.

Master Qin immediately thought it was a joke after hearing it, but then the old commander realized what it was.

Happy Stick was not crazy, and he made this judgment very rationally.

"Is this your own idea? Or your team's idea?"

Master Qin asked.

Brother Bang replied calmly:

"How could I make such a decision alone? Of course, the decision was made after discussing it with all the lower-level commanders. You can see it in the forum. The people in the first regiment are noisy now.

In fact, this proposal was first proposed by Brother Miao Miao, and then Mrs. Shui explained it and successfully convinced most of the commanders.

The current situation has become like this. The first group has basically withdrawn from the championship competition after guarding for five and a half days. We have guarded for five days, and you guys have now reached five days, and the remaining time is only four and a half days.

If you defend for another two and a half days, you can seal the victory."

"Two and a half days? You really think highly of me."

Master Qin sighed and said:

"The jackals on the opposite side have obviously changed from stragglers and small clans to the vanguard of a big clan. From what I can see so far, they only need a wave of charges to bulldoze us, not to mention those guys are still doing

Preparation for summoning meteorites.

They have no intention of continuing to fight with us.

In this case, let alone two days, my battle group and I can survive the next five hours because of Lord Murphy's blessing."

"That's the problem!"

Brother Bang said:

"If you can't hold on and get bulldozed, the competitive match will end immediately, and we won't even have a chance to rotate. The combat effectiveness of the three battle groups assigned by the system is not much different, and we can't do what you can't do.


And don’t forget, the second victory condition of the death match is to kill the boss at the end of the level. I just asked the scout captain in Black Flame Pass who has the most knowledge about the gnoll clan, and she told me that the battle flag in front of me belongs to Whiptail.

The chief warlord of the clan.

That position is equivalent to a Jackal General.

In other words, the boss at the end of the level has appeared, right in front of you.

So it seems like we still have a chance of winning in this situation, but in fact, based on the facts, we know that the game is over!

You must hold on!

Otherwise, when you collapse, we won't have time to redeploy!

Once the flag representing Transia is destroyed by jackals, then everyone will be a loser. Not to mention what the players will say, the saliva of the greedy parties on the forum can drown us all.

After all, everyone has a face.

In this case, Brother Mingmiao and Mrs. Shui easily convinced us that this was the last event in the closed beta phase after all. Mr. Qin, the development team wanted to boost morale, not cause trouble for monsters to massacre the city.

Therefore, we can transfer the support points we currently have on hand to you. We now have 5241 points, plus what you have in hand, it is almost enough to summon a gold one and a strong silver one."


Master Qin immediately noticed something was wrong and asked:

"You did hold on for five days, but you shouldn't have so many points left. Did the first group give you their points?"

"Well, there was a little Ashina who survived in the first group. The little girl was stimulated. It is said that she is going offline to rest now. After we made an agreement with Brother Miao Miao, because of the wonderful final fight between Ms. Natalie and the giant shark,

All the 1600 points obtained by killing were given to us, and the first group has officially withdrawn from the competition.

This is what we are going to do.

The outcome between players is of course important, but if there is no stage, it would be too ridiculous for us puppets to continue fighting back and forth.

So, do you want to accept our last resort?"

"Of course! I urgently need points to summon strong men who can hold the position and enough substitute warriors."

Master Qin chose to accept it without hesitation. Of course, he understood, and then asked:

"Tell me your conditions."

"The reputation is yours, and the benefits are ours."

Brother Bang was also unambiguous and put forward the conditions simply and neatly:

"No matter what reward the competition champion gives, whether it is gold coins or material things, I want 80% of it! Don't frown, Mr. Qin, one-third of it is going to Brother Miao Miao."

"You are a bit harsh in bargaining."

Mr. Qin was a little hurt by the lion's open mouth, and he said:

"Just wait. I want to discuss it with my commanders. This kind of thing is not something I can decide alone. You were right before. Since we are playing games, we have to take care of the experience of most people.


I will give you an answer in thirty minutes at most."

"Well, I'm waiting for news."

Happy Stick hung up the communication. Master Qin turned around and issued a summons order to his commanders. He was divided into seven hundred-man team captains and rushed over. After hearing Master Qin's explanation, the captains also became numb.

It's certainly a good thing to have support in this time of imminent destruction.

But the other party’s appetite is a bit too much!

Just when everyone was silent, Niu Niu, the boss of the melee team, slammed his shield on the ground and shouted:

"Isn't it 80%? Give it to them! What Brother Bang said is right. Now this matter is no longer a simple gameplay or random event. Whether we can hold this flag represents the face of Transia!

That is the face of all players!

I made a video call with Cheche during lunch. Damn it, six grown men were crying like little girls on the screen. It made me feel distressed to watch them.

Brother Miao Miao and Yan Sang have paid so much to put the flag in our hands. If the flag is lost in our hands, then we will be eternal sinners!

Now is really not the time to talk about money.

If you hold on, you will win!"

Niu Niu's speech was full of the idealism and passionate feelings unique to young people. The other commanders looked at each other and nodded in the end.

Thinking on the bright side, if this wave of events has progressed so far, if it can really be defended, it will be unjustifiable for the development team not to give a few Hall of Fame qualifications.

And the six guys in the first Hall of Fame are now enjoying the bonuses and their mouths are full of oil. Who wouldn't envy them?

Although Brother Bang is understatement, anyone with any brain knows that what they gave up is definitely not just a simple victory and reputation. Brother Bang must also be under a lot of pressure in his third group.

If you can't get enough benefits to appease the team members, Bangge's reputation will be ruined.

People take risks.

This is indeed beyond the scope of calculation of interests. This is a true human kindness.

"Then go ahead and vote with the brothers in your respective teams."

Master Qin waved his hand and said:

"Let me explain the current situation clearly to everyone."

"That's a silly thing to say!"

The commander of the "Iron Tube Boys", Digua Shao, cursed:

"As for the arrogant behavior of the jackals opposite, anyone with eyes knows that once they come to kill us, we can't stop them at all. At this time, those who want to cause trouble will be thrown out to feed the jackals! If he can be like Ms. Natalie, alone

If he kills hundreds of jackals, everyone will listen to him.

If you can't do that, shut up!

Now is the time to submit to the collective good."

"Just go and ask for advice. Where's all the nonsense?"

Master Qin kicked Sweet Potato in the leg.

The latter snorted and turned around to talk to the team members, but it turned out that the sweet potato burning was also reasonable.

Only less than 40 out of 726 people in Lao Qin's second group voted against it, and the choice to accept aid was decided.

He called Happy Stick again and explained the situation. The two parties took the time to find the nominal organizer of this death match, the eldest sister of the Fight Club, Mrs. Dorothy, to sign a contract.

In a few minutes, the support points on Lao Qin's interface quickly increased from more than a thousand to just over seven thousand, which was too fat.

But just when Old Qin was gearing up to summon Grand Duke Cuisi to enter the battlefield and take charge, a private message from Meng Haha, the most inconspicuous member of the Silver Moon Group, rang at this time. Lord Qin knew who it was, so he picked it up.

"Uncle Qin! Don't summon Grand Duke Cuisi. Her destructive power is indeed very strong, but now this jackal is about to summon a meteor shower and with the situation of rushing into the formation, a psychic master cannot protect all players safely in the early stage.

full screen bombing.

I just asked the psionicist NPC, and she told me that unless Grand Duke Tris has a mage tower here, we will definitely suffer heavy losses even if we survive this situation.

To maintain the maximum effectiveness, you have to change your thinking."

Menghaha said directly:

"I suggest you summon Lord Murphy directly!"


Master Qin was dumbfounded and asked:

"Isn't Lord Murphy just a black iron level? What's the use of summoning him, and he is the main line NPC! If he dies here"

"Just because he is the main line NPC, that's why we have to summon him."

Madam Shui's voice sounded from Mengha's orb, and the latter said tiredly:

"This is a very simple thinking trap, Mr. Qin. The point consumption on the summoning list represents the combat effectiveness or functionality of the NPC. Lord Murphy, a black iron-level hero can be proudly placed side by side with the gold-level hero. This in itself explains the problem.


His absolute strength is definitely not as good as other golden ones, but the score he deserves means that he has special functionality. To be honest, we took the risk to make this suggestion, but I guess the result after discussing it with Moeha should be different.

There will be mistakes.

Lord Murphy will give us a surprise.

Also, who are you going to choose for the Silver Rank summons?"

"Of course Kudel."

Master Qin said:

"Isn't the combat effectiveness of the tribune already close to gold? If it were displayed numerically, this guy would definitely be a supermodel."

"No, the best solution is to summon Ms. Natalie or Mr. Iron Fist Turner, Uncle Qin."

Menghaha explained:

"The two of them are chosen by God, and you have to understand the value of this unique identity.

You have also seen Ms. Natalie’s previous combat prowess. Iron Fist Turner is also the God of the North Wind’s choice. Su has always been famous on the mainland for his bravery and strength. Once he appears on the battlefield, there is a high probability that he will receive the gift of the North Wind God.

Blessings are strengthened.

Although Lord Kudel has super strong physical strength, he does not have this layer of BUFF, and his performance in large-scale team battles is probably not as amazing as Turner's.

In the same way, the Eastern Holy Spirit’s God-chosen Knight Liwen and her ‘Golden Peach’ pendant may also be strengthened by the Eastern Holy Spirit after they appear on the battlefield.

I don’t know much about the ‘blind prophet’ Ms. Villanse who has been quite popular on the forum these days, but she seems to be a chosen one as well.

The development team obviously played a trick!

We only realized this after seeing Ms. Natalie's outburst. This is a world where gods exist. Uncle Qin, we can't just compare our strength on paper.

Of course, Mrs. Shui and I are only providing suggestions, the real choice is still in your hands."

"You two little babies have talked about this. If I don't listen, I will make a mistake. Okay, I accept your suggestion."

Lao Qin laughed and said:

"Say thank you to Happy Stick for me. That young man is really good. He is decisive at critical moments. You should also be ready to support me. Once my second regiment is finished, it is your turn."

"Well, we are already preparing for the war. Although some brothers are complaining because they cannot be the winner."

"If you can hold this place, everyone is a winner! If you can't hold it, everyone is a loser."

Lao Qin ended the conversation with one sentence.

He heaved a sigh of relief and stood under the bloody battle flag that was propped up with a special flagpole. At dusk, he looked at the assembled gnolls in front of them, wearing the flags of the Whiptail Clan.

The battle flags were even simply displayed in a charging formation, while the army behind them was like an armed outing that had not yet been deployed.

How arrogant!

The Overseer on the opposite side obviously felt that they had the upper hand and did not even need to be stuck in the quagmire of the Transian battle like the losers.

They may have the right to be proud, but the owner of Transia will definitely not let them live like this!

Master Qin closed his eyes.

Sacrifice 3000 points!

Summon "Eye of the Wolf God" Turner to enter!

Sacrifice 3500 points!

Summon the Governor of Transia, the soul of the Blood Vulture Clan, Count Cadman Reifno Murphy Lesembra to enter!

Ah, Goddess of Victory, this is the last sacrifice we are waiting for. Please give me a victory as the final ending of these crazy twenty days.


"Ah? In order to summon me into the battlefield to fight the Jackals, they actually dismantled two battle groups? Do you really want to see my appearance CG and defeat painting?"

At this time, in the Black Flame Mountain Pass, Murphy stared dumbfoundedly at the summon notification flashing on his core orb.

The Cuisi people beside him were all dumbfounded with laughter.

At this moment, the majestic Duke of Blood Vulture was holding his stomach and turning over on the bed like a beautiful retard, showing no trace of the majesty of the genius of the vampire clan.

"Ah ah ah, this is definitely the funniest scene I have seen in the past 100 years."

Tris laughed so hard that she was out of breath. She pointed at Murphy tremblingly and said:

"My cute little Murphy deliberately adjusted his score to be on the same level as the golden strong man in order to put a golden face on his face, but in the end he was pecked by an eagle.

People now think you must have a winning formula!

My dear little Murphy, what if you make a fool of yourself by going to the battlefield like this?

Isn’t that what makes you famous in this life?”

"Smile, smile, smile! You're so stupid!"

The angry Lord Murphy unceremoniously stepped forward and grabbed the squealing Tris and slapped her on her most plump part several times, making Tris beg for mercy.

The smile cannot be concealed.

She also gave Murphy advice and said:

"How about I use an illusion to disguise myself as you? I'm not going to attack you. With the quality of the Whiptail Clan's vanguard, no matter how talented you are, it won't have much effect."

"Hey, how could you think that such a magical person like me is just trying to gain fame?"

Murphy snorted, stood up, straightened his clothes, spread his wings and flew out of the house, saying:

"I'll show you guys today that I, the Governor of Transia, also have two brushes!"

Seeing little Murphy flying into the sky towards the battlefield, Tris behind her shook her head helplessly, saying to herself that Murphy was good at everything, but there was something wrong with his character that he just didn't want to show his timidity in front of the players.

It’s about time!

It's better for you to be soft to this Grand Duke than to go into battle in person and embarrass yourself, right?

Or, as the curator of the exhibition hall, you want to summon the giant snake to join the battle?

Well, if one or two giant snakes are in the swampy terrain, it shouldn't be a problem to destroy the members of the Whiptail clan, but this time is short of time and the terrain is wrong.

To be honest, Tris also wanted to know why Murphy was so confident.

She spread her dragon-like wings and slowly took off into the air. When she flew to the top of the tower, she happened to meet Lord Heather wearing a war helmet and watching the battle.

Tonight, Lord Heather is wearing a golden armor in the traditional style of the brass dwarves, and has two battle shields at hand.

Obviously, this female dwarf vampire is ready to be summoned to the battlefield. She was already prepared for this before the death match began, and she even asked for it to be put on the summoning list.

"Come here, Mrs. Tracey."

Lord Heather called:

"You had been missing for many years when I became a vampire. I still heard your story from Palano and Yvette, but I am curious why your warriors did not summon you in this situation.

, why did you summon Mr. Murphy to go to the battlefield instead?

Isn’t he just a black iron-level person who has talent but hasn’t redeemed his strength yet?”

"Because the Transian lord must face any challenge with his people, he must be the Transian's protector and leader in times of despair."

Tris folded her wings and landed on the tower.

She took out two bottles of wine, gave one to Lord Heather, and opened one herself.

The two golden men, one tall and one short, clinked glasses. The moment they drank the wine, Tris suddenly said:

"Everyone says you are a brass dwarf, but I know that your real race is actually a shield dwarf, a sub-race of the brass dwarf, right? You like to fight with shields, and you are a little taller than ordinary dwarves.

When I traveled to the mainland, I took shelter from the wind and snow in your clan fortress when crossing the Bolut Pass.

Is that pervert old Fante still alive?

Back then, that bastard tried to rob me and kept me as his wife."

"Oh, Lord Vant Hoffmann died in the Fourth Black Disaster. His tombstone is in the cemetery of the Brass Fortress."

Lord Heather said with a straight face and angrily under his battle helmet:

"The reason why the Hoffman family is not famous in the Brass Dwarf system is because our shield dwarf clan is not very willing to get involved in their complicated and boring politics. To be honest, outsiders generally cannot recognize the brass dwarves and shield dwarves.


Also, the old pervert you talk about is my uncle, and you almost became my vampire aunt.

Gee, fate is really wonderful."

"Hmph, not only can I recognize you, I also know that you shield dwarves are all hopeless drunkards and bad gamblers. I guess the mysterious guest who made the biggest bet in the death match is you, right?


The move was so generous, and he actually staked 50,000 gold coins and a hill lord's rune giant ax to prevent us from defending until the end. If I'm not mistaken, that ax is an heirloom of the Hoffman family, right?

It seems to be called ‘The Butcher of Bolut’?

I remember that old Fante personally escorted me to Port Chardeau with that ax on his back, and that bastard even tried to get me drunk."

Trish said:

"How about this? Let's make a bet on whether my little Murphy can help our Transian warriors survive tonight."

"How to bet?"

Lord Heather was immediately interested and said:

"Staying alive means getting through tonight, right? I know that you Transians are not afraid of death, and your warriors are all from another dimension and will not really die. It has been more than ten days, and there is not a single corpse!

You guys really don’t even bother to pretend.”

"Huh, let's bet that with Murphy's help, by tomorrow dawn, there will be at least 500 people left in Lao Qin's battle group! And they can kill the great warlord of the Whiptail clan and use his head as a black disaster

It’s best to send the loot to Black Flame Mountain Pass before the actual battle begins.”

"Impossible! The Whiptail clan is one of the most powerful gnoll clans. They are not rookies like Dirty Claw. I don't believe Murphy can provide such protection."

"Then let's bet like this. If I lose, not only will the mountain lord's great ax be returned to you, but I will also go to your uncle's tomb to wear the widow's white flower for him. I know that you shields are more stubborn than the brass dwarves.

Dwarves are most particular about fulfilling their wishes after death.

but if i win

I want a bottle of your blood!

Don't ask me what I want to do here, just be willing to admit defeat.

make a deal?"

This chapter has been completed!
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