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Chapter 647 646 War and Business

Chapter 647 646. War and Business

"Lord! The battle information has been compiled! In addition to attacking Black Flame Pass and Fort Courage last night, the Splitclaw clan also sent seventeen scouts to simultaneously raid the outpost we established near the mountain pass.

Nine of the seventeen sentries sensed the danger in advance and chose to retreat, while the remaining eight have lost contact with us.

At present, all the peripheral reconnaissance posts have been cleared, and we have lost our perception of the external area. Currently, except for the scouts sent out by the elves, our eyes have been removed."

While Lord Heather was preparing to take back the first line of defense of the mountain pass in person, one of her tall human knight descendants brought her unexpected bad news.

Judging from the attack position of the Splitclaw clan's gnolls last night, the Splitclaw clan had no intention of leaving time for the defenders to adapt. They were obviously preparing to seize the Black Flame Pass passage in a brutal raid.

The only road to Transia.

Lord Heather nodded.

On the big sand table behind her, the commanders of the Blood Alliance clan immediately removed the flags representing the frontline sentries on the beach and replaced them with the green flags representing the Splitclaw clan.

In this way, the situation near the battlefield immediately becomes clear.

Those small green flags are connected together to outline a line that separates the Black Flame Pass from the rest of the Dark Mountains. That is the direction in which the Splitclaw Clan is marching.

Relying on their large numbers, these bastards advanced towards the Black Flame Pass from three directions almost at the same time.

Especially in the direction of the mountain pass leading to Hungry Mountain, the passage there is completely cut off, which means that the land connection between the Black Flame Pass and the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights and the Brass Fortress was completely blocked last night. The worst thing is that the three teams

In total, there are more than 10,000 gnoll vanguards alone. From this, it can be inferred that the number of Splitclaw's army is at least 150,000.

"This is a cover"

Lord Heather pushed up her battle helmet, looked at the situation on the sand table, and said angrily:

"The Splitclaw clan has cut off our exploration of the outside world. It is undoubtedly covering the major movements of other clans. Since the black disaster has been fully activated, it is definitely not just the Splitclaw clan that is moving.

It seems that this black disaster is as Lord Paying expected, and the jackals will focus their main attack on the Brass Fortress.

The battlefield there is wide enough for the Jackals to exert their absolute numerical advantage.

But I'm curious.

How can they break through the copper and iron walls of the Brass Fortress with almost no decent firepower? The failure of the third Black Disaster has taught the Jackals that meteorite tactics are ineffective against the Brass Fortress.

They're just wasting valuable human resources."

"The population of gnolls is not precious."

At the other end of the large sand table in the war room, the high-ranking ranger captain Daimus Jinye, who led the local elf ranger force, shook his head in an indifferent tone and said:

"Even if half of them die in the Brass Fortress, it will only take ten years to gather in groups again, and we lack the means to deal with the gnolls once and for all."

This elf, who was blind in one eye and wore an exquisite black holy leaf eyepatch, spoke very directly, and he almost said the word "kill".

This male ranger also lacked any worry about the trend of the war. Although he was on the battlefield, he seemed to be a bystander.

This is actually quite normal.

The kingdom of the elves is far away on the peninsula on the edge of the mainland. Even if the gnolls break through the Brass Fortress and Transia at the same time and cause trouble on the mainland, they will definitely be the last to be attacked.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the Fourth Black Disaster, when the Bone-gnawing King went too far and allowed his subordinates to burn down the green forest in the Antani region, the elves of the Kingdom of Castile would not have participated in the battle against the gnolls.

Just like other races on the mainland harshly evaluate the elves, these sissy-like long-eared people lack sympathy for other races and are a group of cold bastards!

Lord Heather needs to give a fair explanation for this. These vicious comments about the elves are actually not harsh.

Because that's their nature!

Back when Lumina was pursuing the legend of the elves, Tris had given her the same warning. Obviously, the Scarlet Witch did not like the elves who had delicate faces but were quite selfish and conservative.

Compared with the elves, the dwarves have a bad appearance, and their personalities are also irritable and rude. However, the reputation of the dwarves on the mainland is much better than that of the elves. From this alone, you can see how unpleasant the elves' behavior is.

"Actually, there is a way."

The brass dwarf artillery colonel Kader Cannonflame, who was sitting next to the big sand table and holding a wine flask, snorted and glanced at the elf ranger captain. This man's ten fingers were covered with orb rings and he was as short as a ring dealer.

Dunzi said with full of malice:

"If we can convince the Songhai people to dispatch all their solar ships and target the Jackal camp at high altitudes for indiscriminate bombing, maybe in just a month, we can permanently solve the trouble caused by the Jackals.

But guess what?

During the last black disaster, we were almost convinced the Pharaoh, but some pointy-eared bastards insisted on insisting on their identity and insisting on dwelling on the past. The Songhai people were so angry that they withdrew from the war at the last stage."

"What are you implying? You might as well speak more clearly! Shorty!"

High-level rangers are not used to dwarfs with sinister personalities.

Captain Dames was also one of the frontline commanders during the Fourth Black Disaster. He personally participated in the conversation with the Pharaoh, so he naturally knew the inside story.

He scolded:

"The Pharaoh never intended to overly intervene in the situation on the mainland, and your so-called persuasion is just wishful thinking. I admit that we elves don't care much about the spread of the black disaster, but compared to those Songhai people who watched you step into hell with cold eyes,

We are already very gentle.


Withdraw your hostility. King Quillian has sent his sister, the great and ruthless ranger general and forest prince Ms. Felosil Emmagil, to lead the ranger army to participate in the fifth black disaster. This has proven to us


Where are the Songhai reinforcements that you said can solve the problem once and for all?"

The brass dwarf was unhappy.

He took a sip of wine and planned to have a good argument with this damn tall man. Seeing that these two bastards were about to fight again, Lord Heather suddenly had a headache and hit the beach hard.

"You two, go out and fight!

Two grown men, stop arguing with each other about the outcome. How about I invite the Transians over to hold a gladiatorial match for you two?

I heard that they are very good at this thing. If you two die together, then I will save two troubles at once, and even make a lot of money.


We are talking about war now!

Whether the Songhai people come or not will not change the reality that the Black Disaster has broken out. The Splitclaw Clan has launched an attack on us, and we must give a resolute response!"

The lord said loudly:

"Captain Dames!

I ask that you immediately take your rangers out of position and enter the Dark Mountain area to carry out the largest killing safari, and try to slow down the time for the gnolls to attack again as much as possible.

Colonel Caddell!

I ask your brass artillerymen and iron-hearted soldiers to be ready. In two hours, I will personally lead the troops to launch a battle to recapture the first position. If you pull your hips in the link you are responsible for, I will have you engaged in military law!


"As you command!"

Elves and dwarves disliked each other, but their military qualities were outstanding. Lord Heather gave the order and they were immediately ready to carry it out.

But before Colonel Caddell left, he leaned close to Heather and whispered:

"Little Heather, why do you have to lead your own people to retake the first position? Wouldn't it be better to let the Transians fight? They are not afraid of death and eager to fight. They fight to protect their homeland. When it comes to morale,

It's much better than the group of subordinates under your command who have no other ambition than revenge.

This is not cost-effective at all.”

"Kadel! This is not a question of whether it is a good deal or not!"

Heather frowned and said:

"You brass dwarves are really enough! I remember when I was a kid, you didn't always talk about business like this. We dwarves don't think about problems purely in terms of interests when doing big things, but you!

You are now acting as if everything is a transaction.

Are you still a descendant of Gaia?

It seems that the white money brought by selling burning gold has indeed corrupted you, making you richer and stupider at the same time.

You are a veteran of three hundred years!

Damn it!

Why can't you even see such a problem?

I can't let the Transians fight all the battles, you bastard, when their defenses are in Shadow Valley and the Foul Swamp!

The Black Flame Pass is my defense zone, this is my territory, and the Lord who gave this place to me not only gave me a power, but also a heavy responsibility. If I don't win another battle, the soldiers will take Mo

Governor Fei becomes their commander!"

"Hey, if I were you"

Colonel Caddell didn't care. He grinned and whispered in a very philistine voice:

"I will hand over the commander to Murphy generously and let the vampire lord who likes to show off his own people take the lead. Do you understand what I mean? The Black Disaster is not a battle where the outcome can be decided in one or two battles.

This is a long war measured in years.

You must learn to preserve your vitality.

The Transians don't care if you treat them as cannon fodder. They only have interests in their eyes. As long as you pay them enough, they will be happy to be cannon fodder.

They didn't even hide it themselves.

You say that we brass dwarves are cunning and philistine, but compared with the Transians, we are as pure as white lotuses."


Lord Heather was noncommittal.

She glanced at Colonel Caddell and whispered:

"Then explain to me why you sent a dwarf patrol to the mountain pass two hundred kilometers southeast without my permission half a month ago? They came back yesterday, and they brought

Something comes back.

Kader, I'm not just a dwarf, I'm a vampire!

My perception is very keen, and my grasp of the Black Flame Pass position is much finer than you think. Please tell me, what did your patrol bring back?"

The dwarf artillery colonel's face changed slightly.

He laughed dryly twice and rolled his eyes to explain.

But Lord Heather had no intention of listening to his excuses.

She scolded in a deep voice:

"Don't even think about lying to me. I know that you have been prospecting for your family mineral company in private. I also know that you have been collecting gold deposits nearby during the five years you have been stationed here through your position.


I'm warning you, Kader!

I could turn a blind eye before. After all, shield dwarves can also get certain rewards from the gold trade, but now that war is coming, you'd better separate public from private!

Take back all the prospectors you sent out as a patrol!

I need those warriors to take up arms again instead of willingly becoming gold dealers who only care about money.


In the past hundred years in the Brass Fortress, how many dwarves have become iron-hearted warriors who have no faith and only think about killing, indulgence and destruction? How many brave soldiers have been corrupted by the money you earned from burning gold and ran to work for you as foremen?


Lord Hadran is absolutely crazy!

He actually allowed you to act like this! That's the army! You bastards, if the Brass Fortress is gone, there's no use making more money for you! Do you want to keep it for yourself as a coffin?

Now I feel more and more that the old Bach had bad intentions when he sold us all the secrets of Burning Gold. Halfling people know that this industry is very profitable, but they never get involved in the development and mining of Burning Gold, but we are trapped in it.



I used to be just like you, Kader.

I think there is no conflict between making money, survival and fighting, but after Lord Paying turned me into a vampire, I was able to seriously think about our changes. If the brass dwarves continue to run wildly on this road of no return, we will really

It’s over.”

Lord Heather gasped, obviously trying to hold back his anger, and the light in the room seemed to dim a bit because of this.

She said to the silent artillery colonel:

"Remember, I only give you one week! I want to see fully equipped brass warriors appear on my position!"

Colonel Caddell hesitated, then whispered:

"Is half a month okay?

My nephew has just discovered a very large mineral deposit three hundred kilometers away from the position. It only takes a few more days for him to explore the fuel gold reserves below. If you are accommodating, I can share it with Hof

One-fifth of MAN’s.”


Lord Heather punched Colonel Cardel away, causing the latter to fall awkwardly against the wall and slide down like mud as he crossed the entire battle.

The golden man's angry blow was so terrifying that the silver-ranked dwarf colonel was helpless to resist.

"Seven days! I only give you seven days!"

Heather's posture at this time was not like a dwarf at all, but more like an enraged vampire. She said coldly:

"This is a military order! There is no room for bargaining! If you really like doing business so much, then go back to the Brass Fortress and replace me with a veteran who is willing to fight. You are a bitch who relies on your seniority to stick to your nose and face.



"The Brass Dwarf is hopeless."

The conversation between Lord Heather and Colonel Caddell was clearly heard by Murphy, who was hiding in the shadows outside the battle and pretending to rest. Compared to Lord Heather's anger, Murphy felt quite calm at this time.

On the one hand, he had already heard about the changes in the brass dwarves since they monopolized the burning gold trade.

On the other hand, even the main god of the dwarves, the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia, is completely disappointed in the brass dwarves, which shows how big the problem is with this race.

Look, a three-hundred-year-old veteran actually dares to bargain with the commander on the issue of military orders. This fully shows that some kind of "corrosion" within the heroic race that was once so brave and defeated the Jackals four times is no longer needed.

Use language to describe it.

According to Master Ilyich, the number of Earth Priests born by the Brass Dwarves has been decreasing rapidly in recent years. It seems that they have chosen tangible things between the faith of the Earth Mother and more worldly profits.

But Murphy is now unable to determine whether the deep-seated corrosion of the Brass Dwarf is simply related to burning gold. Does burning gold contain some kind of evil power that can seduce people's hearts?

Or has the series of profits derived from burning gold turned into a tempting devil?

this point is very important.

Because part of the industry after Transia is related to burning gold, and there is a burning gold mine underground in Scarlet Castle.

Murphy didn't want his territory to follow the footsteps of the Brass Dwarves.

However, to get an accurate conclusion, Murphy needed more evidence, and when he saw Colonel Caddell staggering away, covering his heart and wiping blood, Murphy quietly opened his eyes.

He knocked on the door, walked into the war room, and said to Lord Heather, who had his back turned to him and was preparing to go to the battlefield:

"Your compatriots are resenting you. I can hear his voice. Sir Heather, the Brass Dwarves have a really big problem. If I were you, I would not let them participate in anything related to position defense in the future.

in decision-making.

One of our own people who harbors hatred can cause more terrible damage than a hundred thousand enemies."

"I know, Murphy, the shield dwarves are a subrace and vassal of the brass dwarves. I know their problems better than you."

Lord Heather said in a tired tone:

"But we need their powerful firepower, and most of the low-level dwarf warriors are still trustworthy."

"As for firepower, we Transians can also provide it. It's just a matter of time."

Murphy whispered:

"Of course, I am just providing you with a suggestion. It is up to you to decide whether to adopt it or not. I am here to say goodbye. The major things Lord Paying is promoting have made progress, and I have to go to the depths of the Dark Mountains myself.

The soldiers I left behind are under your personal command. Tris is stationed in Transia and can support the front line at any time.

I believe that they can be your trump card that can play a role at any time, but please remember that my soldiers are very realistic. If you need them to shoulder their responsibilities, you must prepare rewards for them."

He handed a three-and-a-half-generation calculation orb to Lord Heather and said:

"Life is a currency that must be used properly. My warriors are copper coins. Although the denomination is not large, it hurts to hit people. Put them in a bag at the critical moment, and then swing them to beat your enemies.

Please use them properly, your lord.

But if you fail them, you lose their goodwill forever."

This chapter has been completed!
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