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Chapter 649 648 Ruyi thinks it’s a great game where you can be a hacker

Chapter 649 648. Ruyi thinks it’s really cool to play a game where you can be a hacker - more updates [15]

(Additional update for the "Little Sheep" brothers [1/5])

The symbiosis model between Songhai people and scarabs has always been a tradition.

After thousands of years of evolution, the complex relationship between these two creatures is no longer a simple master and servant. According to Nefertari's summary from the Songhai myth, it is said that the Songhai people found the world under the direct guidance of the Creator.

The scarab serves as the totem of one's own civilization.

Entomologist Terranova thinks this stuff is somewhat unscientific.

According to what she heard from the mummy, the current genealogical research on scarabs among the Songhai people has 7 major categories and nearly 74 different growth forms, the most famous of which are the Church of the Brilliant Fierce Sun and Death

The symbiotic Sun Scarab and Death Moon Scarab of the Cult of the Moon.

The former is a semi-elemental creature filled with purified sunlight energy, and the latter is a high-level undead after merging with death. They are both quite powerful forms on the "evolutionary tree" of the scarab, representing not only power but also Songhai people.

The common destination of scarabs.

In addition, the mummy girl also enthusiastically taught her first "comatriot" about the hunter scarab, which can passively sneak, grow a large claw, scorpion tail and tail spike, and has a thick and specialized shell, making it extremely good at frontal combat.

The Holy Shield Scarab is responsible for medium and long-distance transportation in the place of origin, and is a powerful scarab with a specialized body shape.

The Songhai people have even cultivated storm scarabs and abyss scarabs that can control strong winds and water currents over the course of thousands of years.

In short, there are only evolutionary routes that entomologists dare not think of, and there are no specialized functions that scarabs cannot do.

Of course, cultivating different scarabs according to your own needs has always been tricky. There are specialized scarab trainers in the place of origin, and they will be responsible for teaching ordinary people how to cultivate their own insect companions.

However, ordinary Songhai people have no use for those highly specialized fighting insect forms. Most Songhai people use their own bugs as vehicles and family members.

"There are two scarab demigods in the star realm. They are called Parom and Hades. They are the first Sun Scarab and Death Moon Scarab cultivated by the Songhai people in history. It is said that they were

In the age of the Creator, they completed their transcendence and entered the star realm. This was also the star realm guardian of the Songhai people when they walked in the star realm and explored that strange plane.

They have kind thoughts towards all Songhai people. As long as you call in the star realm, Parom or Hades will come to help you.

But they will not respond to the call of any life except the Songhai people."

Nefertari was very serious about teaching Terranova about the sacred connection between the Songhai people and scarabs, and the entomologist also used a notebook supported by a small name to carefully record the knowledge that she was very interested in.

In the real world, Nova could not find a strange insect with such a complex genetic genealogy and the ability to specialize in life forms in a short period of time. This has completely inspired her love and exploration of insects.

However, Nova's strange idea before also made Nefertari a little confused.

She rubbed her face wrapped in mummy bandages and said in a strange tone:

"As for the kind of scarab you mentioned that acts as its own mother nest and creates a numerical advantage by rapidly reproducing its offspring, I have never seen it. I guess there is no similar insect in the records of the Songhai people.

This may be a brand new evolutionary lineage, but you are not a professional scarab trainer, and I don’t know much about this aspect. Maybe you can take the time to go back to the place of origin and visit those powerful masters to learn about this aspect.

Tips to help your beetle achieve the evolution you want.

But this is difficult, my fellow foreigners.

Becoming a Scarab Training Master is no less difficult than joining the Church of the Burning Sun or the Dead Moon to become a priest.

In fact, the status of Scarab Masters in the Songhai Empire is also quite high. The Ptolemaic royal family provides generous subsidies to many Scarab Masters who travel around the place of origin all year round.

In our army, the Silithids commanded by the Scarab Masters are often the most important attacking force."

"Ha, then I'll take this path."

Terranova put her hands on her hips and laughed loudly and said:

"It's great to have an insect trainer profession in this other world. I can still continue my precarious career as an entomologist here, and maybe I can write a few papers."

"Look at your potential!"

Xiao Ashina, who was floating above the ground next to him, curled his lips and said:

"We're all here, and I'm still thinking about your crappy thesis. Let me tell you, once you get the helmet, you will most likely settle in our place. Don't even think about running around the world in this life."

"Ha, what a stupid little man."

Terranova said proudly:

"When did you come up with the idea that I am still free now? After Sister Cement asked me to do bad things for her and it was exposed, I was already under surveillance, you idiot.

Those uncles also gave me a semi-official job, and I am currently in the inspection period.

Okay, okay, I admit that this situation is a bit miserable, but considering the terrible environment of the current pandemic, it would be nice to have a safe place to live.


What about Ruyi?

The little man is gone."

"When you and Sister Mummy were discussing bugs in full swing just now, Ruyi went to Scarlet Castle to learn engineering from the engineering master."

Xiao Weiming shook his head and said:

"Ruyi does not plan to take the combat career route, she wants to become a steam engineer, and her choice of the halfling template already represents her thoughts.

Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen Ruyi. When that cautious guy pinched her face, she changed her face into a mess, so that I could not see her true appearance at all. Wow, she is so cunning."

"I have met her before~ I had dinner with her once in Europe. I begged her for a long time before she was willing to meet me."

Nova whispered:

"I will send you a photo after I log off. Ruyi is a very sassy little beauty, but unfortunately she is a girl with severe internet addiction.

She said that she was one of the most powerful hackers in Europe and one of the best in the world. To be honest, I didn't believe it, but later I saw that Ruyi could easily hack into Sister Cement's facilities and communicate with her.

I think she might not be lying.

By the way, talking about Sister Cement

Have you been in contact with her recently? I'm a little worried about her safety."

"I do not know."

Xiao Weiming also said with a bitter face:

"Maybe Mrs. Shui knows, but she is the most cunning and refuses to answer the question at all. Lumina told me not to ask. She said Sister Cement's situation is much worse than we thought.

Alas, I have long heard that Sister Cement was actually planning to return to China for research early, but she always likes to misappropriate her research funds to do some weird things, but she is indeed very powerful. This bad habit should be left to other researchers

It has long been notorious in their circle, but it is really not easy for Sister Cement to get to that level.

By the way, I also feel that Lumina’s chat group is amazing. There are only seven people in total, and the worst one turns out to be a powerful entomologist."

"Hey, you've had enough of this little guy with a bad personality! I'm happy when you say I'm great, but I'm not happy when you say I'm bad! Why don't you take me, this cute new guy, to clear a few dungeons and get equipment?


Being trapped on the battlefield and waiting to die is enough, I don't want to experience it again."


"Are you the new engineer apprentice? Do you have any experience in this field before?"

In the Blood Vulture Corridor of Scarlet Castle, the engineering laboratory that formerly belonged to Little Sharon has been requisitioned by Old Flywheel.

When "Ruyi Knows My Heart" arrived here, Brother Zhongzhong and his group of "weapon technicians" had just finished asking for knowledge here. Their endless strange talks made Lao Feilun very tired.

But the drawings of other worlds they brought made Old Feilun very interested again.

When Ruyi walked into the laboratory, she heard Old Feilun ask her in a helpless and boring tone, and the half-length ergonomics master was standing on a chair writing and drawing on the experimental table.

It seems to be confirming the dimensions of something in preparation for an amazing feat of engineering.

Facing Old Feilun's question, Ruyi did not answer yes or no. She brushed her waist-length hair that she stubbornly kept as a halfling, stepped forward and placed the two things in Old Feilun's hand.

The old Fei Lun, who had a perverse and sinister personality, turned around and took a look and found that it was a disassembled calculation orb.

Dismantling this thing is not Ruyi's original creation. Mengha has dismantled it once before. The structure of the calculation orb is not complicated. As long as you master the skills, you can easily disassemble the orb body with a pair of psychic tweezers.

But Ruyi's method was obviously more clever. Old Feilun could see at a glance that the psychic factors inside the orb had been completely formatted and returned to their original posture.

This suddenly made the old flywheel interested.

He took off his huge and heavy multifunctional engineering goggles, looked up and down at the halfling figure and face that Ruyi had pinched for himself, threw a new orb to her, and said:

"It is not difficult for a skilled engineering mechanic to do this, but you are obviously a foreigner who has just arrived in Transia, so how did you do it? Show me to me!"

Under the translation module of the new orb, Ruyi knew that she was facing the "entrance exam". She picked up the psychic tweezers and easily dismantled the orb body, then impacted and washed it, and said:

"I asked a psionicist to give it a short, high-power psychic impact to complete the data reset. This is a very simple method of data destruction."

Ruyi wanted to explain, but found that without the Calculation Orb, Old Feilun could not understand the complex language of people from other worlds.

So she explained in sign language, and finally pointed to the expert adventure assistant that Old Flywheel put aside, and made a recording gesture.

"You mean, you want to learn this?"

The old flywheel laughed, installed the orb that had been dismantled by Ruyi with a click, used the third and a half generation core orb in his hand to complete the "Psychic Factor Reset" on it and then threw it to Ruyi. He nodded and said


"You foreigners say you are interested in engineering, but in fact most of your focus is still on mechanical design and the debate on the principles of the two worlds. I admit, your engineering ideas over there make me

It's refreshing, but I'm also sorry that your engineers have not discovered the true secret of steam engineering.

Your side also had the birth of the Difference Engine, but unfortunately, you did not continue along that path of mechanical calculation. This is the biggest difference between the two engineering communities.

The underlying logic of engineering lies in calculations and numbers, and pure mechanical design is just a gorgeous appearance.

I am very happy to see that a second outsider has finally become interested in the Calculation Orb. This thing is a masterpiece of steam engineering. It may be a bit difficult for you to learn how to make it in one step."

"But I don't want to learn how to make it, Master Flywheel."

Ruyi immediately explained:

"If I were a great food connoisseur, would I have to have unparalleled cooking skills? No matter how high-end the computing orb is, it is just a tool. What I want to learn is how to control this tool rather than study it.

Production and improvement.

To be more precise, I hope you can teach me the secret of calculating the psychic factors of orbs, so that I can find loopholes in this currently incomplete system and exploit it.

I hope to use my skills and what I am good at to continue doing what I am interested in in this world.

For example, using a modified computing orb to remotely crack the mechanical database of Port Shardau, or creating a virus that only works in the network of psychic orbs, which can instantly paralyze the strange and overly mechanized structure of Port Shardau.


Finally, when the halflings harness their unparalleled mechanical power to attack us, I can neutralize those weapons in an instant."


Old Flywheel's eyes widened.

He exclaimed:

"Why did you do such a terrible thing! Why did the halfling provoke you? Everyone else is thinking about how to defeat us on the physical level, but you, a little devil with a halfling appearance, want to dig up our roots.



I have to say, you guys have indeed proposed a 'form of war' that we have never considered before, a 'data virus' that can be effective in a network composed of computing orbs?


What an evil idea like a genius.

If I can do this, then I can come and go freely in Shardau Port, which is full of machines and computing orbs!


If I had something similar in my hand when I was dueling with Minx, his mechanical creations based on the calculation orb maintenance system would be paralyzed instantly!"

"Be bold, Master. Seize control of them directly and let the enemy's machines be used by you."

Ruyi said softly:

"We can do this!

In fact, this is exactly what I do in another world. I am a hacker. It is my job to find loopholes and exploit them, and it is my pursuit to become an omnipotent ghost on the Internet.

Capitalists looking for trouble are my favorite.

All it takes is one vulnerability, one backdoor, one message mixed with a virus, and I can shut down their ruthless machine for plundering wealth.

Yes, although their loss of 100 million will not bring me a dime of income, seeing them angry will really make me very happy.

If they can play financial games to harvest ordinary people, then why can’t I use the same ‘digital weapons’ to make them feel pain in the name of punishment and counterattack?”


Ruyi's declaration made the old flywheel blink, he shook his head and said:

"You're a little too extreme, girl.

I admit that the factory owners and bankers in Port Chardeau are indeed hateful, but they are not guilty of this.

Do you know what dire consequences it would have if you planted a virus in the Chardeau Central Bank’s computing orb network?”

"I can guess."

A strange smile appeared on Ruyi's delicate face, and she said:

"That's exactly what I want to do. Ah, when I heard that I was coming to another world, I was full of frustration. I thought that I might have to hold a sword and fight monsters like the idiots, leaving myself covered with

Dirty blood.

But when I really saw the operation of the computing orb and the data network established with it as a node, I suddenly realized that this is the paradise I want!

Master Flywheel, let us spread the computing orbs all over the world to form a network that connects all life, and then destroy it wantonly!

We can become the gods who control the wind and rain on the Internet!

A God who is not personal, who is not so far away from the material world, who can be perceived by everyone, and who truly exists!

The God of Data! The God of Hackers! The God who toyed with Port Chardonnay to applause

I've heard your story, and I know you've always wanted revenge on the city that failed you, but now you have something more powerful than your stupid swords and clumsy guns.

I teach you how to get started with hacking, and you teach me the secrets of psychic factors.


I am not here to be your apprentice, Master, I am here to be your partner and comrade-in-arms! Let us burn Port Chardeau to ashes together!"

"Well, girl, let me say it again, you are a bit too extreme!"

This chapter has been completed!
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