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Chapter 651 Chapter 650 Wise Wolf in action adds more updates for the 'Little Sheep' brothers

Chapter 651 650. Wise Wolf in Action - Additional update for the "Little Sheep" brothers【35】


The collision between the blade and the scabbard made a crisp sound when they were closed. Murphy, who maintained the posture of sheathing the sword, canceled the state of slowness in the astral realm and acceleration in the heavenly realm, and behind him, the blood was extracted to create a flying scarlet storm, like five or six criss-crossing paths.

The scarlet dimensional slash that passed by wiped out more than thirty ordinary jackal barbarians behind him with one blow.

This is a complete reappearance of the "ultimate move" from the player challenge during the Holy Blood Festival, but this time it has the bonus of ancestral power to make it look more evil and intimidating.

The most important thing is that he is more handsome!

Well, of the three advantages, Murphy values ​​the last one the most.

After all, as a noble mainline NPC, when he shows up in front of players in the future, how can he win the favor of players without using a few iconic unique skills?

However, this move is not only handsome, but if you look closely, its killing efficiency is actually not as high as that of Murphy driving the Heavenly Realm to accelerate among a group of enemies that are slowed down by the Star Realm and slashing them with one knife after another. Even because of the excessive emphasis on scarlet

Dimensional Slash consumes part of its destructive power by shaping its posture.

But again, as an NPC, whether you can fight is only the second factor that determines your status in the minds of players. The first factor is always whether you are handsome enough.

This simple truth has been proven many times in the era when Lord Sephiroth, nicknamed "Little Saphiro", appeared.

As long as you are handsome and cool enough, most players will follow their facial features, and most importantly, Murphy considers himself a vampire lord with a very high moral standard.

He definitely can't do such a bad thing as destroying the world.

Murphy turned around with the monkey version of the Yama Sword given by the player. In the small clan camp behind him, most of the jackal warriors were dead and wounded. The three "doglegs" under Murphy were attacking the escaping adult male jackals.

Perform final cleanup.

The all-round combination of the Bloodthirsty Demon Sword, the Astral Lone Wolf and the Blood-Eating Spirit Vulture ensures that this pitiful little clan that doesn't even have a Silver Overseer will soon be "harmless".

Of course, as Murphy ordered before, the female jackals and the cubs must escape with their lives. According to their tradition, when Hogg's people come to take over, these survivors will automatically become the "Wise Wolf" faction

a member of.

As for whether they will seek revenge from vampires in the future because of tonight's encounter, that is not something Murphy needs to consider. Anyway, his vampire players will only dislike the monsters because there are not enough monsters.

There is no way, the players' flexible moral bottom line means that they will not be bound by "ethical issues" in this kind of matter.

Of course, if a group of beautiful elf sisters were crying to them about the disaster of genocide, then the players might hesitate for a few seconds.

Alas, ugly people have no human rights in any world.


E-girl Adele emerged from the shadows of midnight carrying a stabbing sword that was still dripping with blood. She reported to Murphy:

"The gnoll team to the east has been cleared. Master, all the seizures have been collected. According to your instructions, they will become part of the logistics supply for the Wise Wolf army."

"Well, where's Bonnie?"

Murphy waved back the necessary evil and asked:

"The Patriarch's bodyguards will only move faster, right?"

"Ms. Bonnie has moved forward to find out news about the way forward for you."

Adele whispered:

"You know, I don't have the power to command them, and Ms. Bonnie has a bit of a brain. She is just executing Grand Duke Tris's order and must do her best to ensure that you will not be harmed."

"Trish always treats me like a helpless little baby, as if I will choke to death because I drink soup too quickly if no one helps me."

Murphy complained:

"Although I am indeed weak in front of her, this kind of unwarranted paternalistic concern is really enough."

Adele did not comment on this.

This was quite an appropriate approach. Vampire tradition did not allow her to comment on an archduke at will, and if Bonnie heard the rumors and came to the door with a sword, it would be difficult for Adele to escape a beating with her current strength.

Considering Bonnie's weird "taste", Adele thought it would be better not to provoke the mad woman.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

Murphy spread his wings and stood up slowly. Reifno also returned to him in the astral vortex, while George was sent back to the ancestral forest, where he was the new wolf king, giving birth to offspring and patrolling the territory.

It can never be finished.

Adele took off after her master, and the two of them rushed towards the mountain col ahead. Murphy soon noticed Bonnie's figure, and the Rose Knight's iconic perfect posture was beside her.

This naughty guy had to take good care of his scarlet cloak even in this ungrateful place, and stood on the most prominent rock so that his cloak could flutter with the night wind to show off

Show the most perfect appearance.

He must have carefully selected this place to prepare for this meeting. Therefore, these perfectionists are really scary. In order to maintain the exquisite characters they have created, they will do anything perverted.


Murphy folded his wings and quickly descended and changed his attitude in the air. As his wings spread and flapped twice, he hovered in front of Palano in an elegant posture with his long black hair flying.

Two stunningly beautiful men nodded to each other with the most elegant elegance in the quiet night.

It's like recognizing each other's beauty.

"So, our Lord Xian Lang is nearby, right?"

Murphy, who had already decorated his chest with the midnight rose given by Palano in advance, asked:

"Why doesn't it show up in person? Is it because Hogg also has idol baggage?"

"This is a good joke. I will write it down and use it to ridicule those guys I hate."

Palano laughed and then replied:

"That's not the case. Your Excellency Xianlang is just tied up by some important matters. Look over there! Murphy, the valley in the distance is the territory of the Pestilence Clan. We should have arrived there this morning, but we encountered an unexpected situation on the way.

A group of banished plague sorcerers.

Wise Wolf and his assistant took them in, and received disturbing news from them.

The Plague Clan seems to be divided.

After losing the news of Flesh Tear, its disciples began fighting among themselves for power and soon entered a fever pitch. The current recruitment of the Splitclaw clan is like a fire, prompting this division to turn into something quite terrifying.


Hogg is worried about this."

"That valley is very uncomfortable."

Murphy looked in the direction of the Pestilence Clan's territory, frowned and said:

"It's like there's a layer of dark power hanging over it."

"Your perception is very accurate. Tear Flesh told me that there is an elite undead force buried under that valley that can be awakened at any time. It is a 'secret' that the Pestilence Clan has been collecting continuously over the past few decades.


While leading the way to Hogg's hiding place, Palano explained to Murphy and Adele and Bonnie beside him:

"According to Tear Meat, their discord with other clans is not only because the necromancy itself disgusts the living, but also because the hands and feet of the Pestilence clan are not very clean. In the past few decades, the jackals of the Dark Mountains have

They are the real culprits behind the frequent tomb robbing incidents in clan cemeteries.

These grave robbers are executing exactly the same strategy as Dusk.

They artificially create dangerous skeleton armies and use them for self-protection and expansion.

The reason why the Splitclaw Clan pays so much attention to the Plague Clan is also related to what is buried under this valley.

Otherwise, with the Pestilence Clan having less than 2,000 members, they would never be able to gain their current status in the gnoll society of the Dark Mountains.

This is where Xian Lang's worries lie.

It is worried that its mistakes in this matter will directly have a worse impact on the Black Disaster battlefield.

The most important thing is that Tear Flesh is dead, and its reputation among the Pestilence Clan has plummeted. In this clan's rather radical tradition, losers have no dignity."

"I understand."

Murphy nodded.

In his impression, Hogg is not a timid guy, so Xian Lang's real concern is definitely not the reason mentioned by Palano. The purpose of Hogg's coming to Murphy is not only to solve the problem of the Plague Clan, but also because of his appetite.

The big wise wolf wants to eat this "undead army" completely!

But it knows that it cannot do this with its current power, so it can only ask for help from its "master".

Murphy likes this approach.

Hogg at least knew to ask for permission before taking risks, instead of acting recklessly out of ambition and asking Murphy to wipe his ass. This is good. This proves that Hogg has not been dazzled by the name of "Wise Wolf".

"Adele, you and Bonnie will take people to investigate around the valley. I need to know the most accurate movements of the Plague Clan."

Murphy gave instructions to his trusted sister E.

Adele nodded.

Bonnie was not very willing to leave Murphy's side, because the order given to her by Grand Duke Tris was to unconditionally protect Murphy's safety.

But under Murphy's subtle gaze, Bonnie finally did not refuse but obeyed and left with Adele.

Although the mad woman is crazy, she knows very well that when there are "outsiders", she, the Grand Duke's personal guard, must maintain Lord Murphy's face.

Because that is also the face of the Blood Eagle Clan.

These small details were not hidden from the Rose Knight's observation, but Palano did not make any strange comments about them. He just led the way forward and soon entered a hidden cave.

There is a mark of the Plague Clan at the entrance of the cave, which means that this place was originally one of the hiding places of the Plague Warlocks.

A ball of fire burned in it, elongating the figures of the miserable deportees. Among these tall jackals, the shortest guy certainly attracted special attention.

When Murphy and Palano approached, the expelled Plague Jackals showed expressions of disgust and even hostility, but Murphy and Hogg ignored them.

This group of losers is worthless in this scene.

"My dear master, I am in urgent need of your wisdom and help."

Hogg stood up and saluted Murphy while the other jackals were looking at him with different eyes. The words "master" betrayed his true position, but the jackals around him just pretended not to hear.

There is of course a reason why they are so "good".

In addition to the spiritual aura carried by Hogg himself, it was also because those "incorrigible" guys had been dealt with before Murphy arrived to prevent their nonsense from affecting Governor Murphy's mood.

As for what happened to those guys.

Well, the crazy Cripple has always wanted to explore the limits of undead construction, and there are never enough test subjects for this great project.

"Do you want to completely take over the valley of the Plague Clan? Do you want the elite skeleton army that Mr. Flesh-Tearer spent more than forty years secretly cultivating? Tell me, what do you want to use them for?"

Murphy asked in a gentle tone, which made Hogg's eyes light up.

Ah, as expected of Mr. Murphy!

He had never told anyone else his true plans, but he pieced together the truth just by relying on scattered information.

"Of course it will be used for the great cause of 'killing gods', my master."

Hogg whispered:

"I claim to bring an alternative to my people, but I can't behave like those bastard chiefs who don't care about human life. I can't use my followers as consumables, which will be a problem when we attack Mossy Valley in the future.

An army of the dead with both quantity and quality will definitely come in handy.

More importantly, I need to use this to show the potential of the Wise Wolf faction.

The Plague Clan is the famous strong backbone of the entire Dark Mountains. If I can solve this problem perfectly, then during my subsequent 'visits', those difficult chiefs will give me and my followers the courtesy we deserve. .

For you, this matter also has considerable benefits.

The valley of the Pestilence Clan has been managed for more than forty years, my master. While they steal the bones of strong gnolls, they also do tomb robbing.

But they have no reliable monetization channel.

I know that there is a rich treasure hidden in that valley, and I want to dedicate it to you to help our Transian financial crisis.

The terrain of the entire valley is excellent, and it is a node among the three roads leading to the depths of the Dark Mountains. Your warriors will also need it, just as they pursue victory in Wolf's Castle and Shadow Valley.

After the Plague Clan left, the vicious things left here don’t even need to be cleaned up. In the words of the warriors, this is simply a natural ‘team copy’, my master.”

"Ah, I'm starting to feel excited."

Murphy chuckled and said:

"So, what reason should you use to make me finalize my decision to get involved in this seemingly tricky waters?"

"Of course it's dusk! My master, the henchmen of the eternal enemies of the Creator are planning something very dangerous in the Pestilence clan."

Hog opened his hood, stared at Murphy very seriously with his eyes full of wisdom, and said in a deep voice:

"These expelled brothers, after they found their way back from their lost ways, they told me and the Shredded Flesh everything that happened to them. Facts have proved that the original purpose of the Dusk Origin faction in cultivating the Shredded Flesh and forming the Pestilence Clan was not simple.

It was like their actions in Xiko City, where they planted a seed.

And now, they are coming to collect interest."

"One of the servants of the source has sneaked into the valley!"

At this moment, Tear Flesh, who had become the Moon Corpse Witch, explained in his dead voice:

"That guy was supposed to contact me and ask me to lead the clan to join the Black Scourge in response to the call of Mistress Splitclaw, but my unexpected death caused him trouble.

My disciples were trained by me to be very aggressive. They competed with each other for the command of the clan. As a result, Yuan's servant could not find an agent who could stabilize the overall situation. He was forced to participate in the split of the Pestilence clan and choose He made my seventh disciple as his puppet.

He assisted the ambitious but talented guy in launching a purge in the clan in an attempt to seize power.

These exiles are the losers who escaped from the clan after the purge. Bah! What a shame. How could I have humble apprentices like you? Don’t you even have the courage to die with your opponents?

They are so embarrassing and frightening, just like a bereaved dog. If they had not met us, their fate in the dark mountains would not have been good."

"Well, it seems I came at the right time!"

Murphy narrowed his eyes and said:

"So, representatives of the Splitclaw clan are coming soon?"

"Well, Mistress Splitclaw's henchmen are already on their way."

Hogg explained:

"The matron who is mainly attacking Transia not only wants the members of the Plague Clan, but also wants them to awaken the skeleton army under the valley as her main force to attack the Black Flame Pass.

But I guess that mistress who is very calculating will never get the news she wants."

"We have the Knights of Paliano."

Murphy said:

"Leave the Splitclaw Clan's envoy to him, and leave Twilight's bastard to me. I will not participate in the internal affairs of the Plague Claw Clan! After all, I am not a jackal, and I am not qualified to make decisions for Lord Wise Wolf."

"No, no, my master, I have no power to decide the future of the Pestilence Clan."

Hogg shook his paw humbly.

It said calmly:

"Your Excellency Tear the Pork is the chief of the Pestilence Clan. It is up to him to decide where his clan will go in the future."

"So, what are you idiots waiting for?"

Tear Meat shouted impatiently:

"Didn't you hear what Mr. Xianlang said? The Pestilence Clan needs a 'reliable' new chief! We only need one answer, and we have seven answers in front of us."


As soon as he finished speaking, a poisoned bone claw was pierced into the hearts of the compatriots in front of him by a poison warlock. Almost instantly, a brawl between seven people began. Palano frowned at this scene.


Obviously, the Rose Knight had objections to this too straightforward selection method.

"Don't be afraid, the loser's body will be made into an undead servant."

Murphy whispered:

"Xianlang's career does not allow any waste."

This chapter has been completed!
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