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Chapter 656 655 The first barbell that levered the black disaster

Chapter 656 655. The first barbell that levered the black disaster

"You said that Philip told you the specific location of the Gnoll Civilization Center?"

After hearing Hogg's words, Murphy immediately became serious.

As the administrator Alpha and the director of the Swamp Exhibition Hall, he immediately fully realized the importance of this matter. Although the King of Bone Grinders repeatedly claimed that what existed in the civilization hall was only the history related to the Jackal civilization and race, considering

Since Philip was just a security captain, the information he had access to was always limited.

Therefore, if possible, Murphy must go there in person.

There are very few remaining places of creation on this continent that have not been discovered by the Songhai people. If the Jackal Civilization Center is still operating after the end of the Golden Age, then it must be controlled by Murphy.

To put it another way, even if the place is destroyed, it cannot be touched by dusk.

The enemies of the Creator have been developing for a hundred years before Murphy arrived. Their advantage is too great. Murphy must seize every opportunity to solve this problem before the Twilight Disaster continues to spread to the worst situation.

But the news Hogg brought back also proved another widespread fallacy.

"In other words, the secret of the Bone-Gripping King's power is not in the Moss Valley, but everyone thinks that the holy land of the gnolls contains the secrets left by the Bone-Gripping King. So that guy Philip did a trick,

Is it deliberately misleading those who are interested?"

Facing Murphy's inquiry, Xianlang nodded repeatedly.

It explains:

"Sir Philip is very weak and cannot appear in person to explain all this to you, but your idea is generally correct.

During the Third Black Plague 140 years before Lord Philip was awakened in our time, the Gnolls had already wrested control of the Mossy Valley from the Shadow Elves, which was once the holy land of Avalon and was used to cover the Gnawing Bones.

The King's Secret couldn't be more fitting.

For those explorers who did not belong to the Golden Age, it was easier to accept that the Bone-Grinning King was the Chosen One than to understand the power of the Creator.

Lord Philip had already realized this when he started the fourth black plague.

It deliberately erased all the traces it left behind, and then carefully fabricated a set of facts that were accepted by the jackals, allowing my tribe to believe that it was a 'holy descendant' born from the Moss Valley.

This lie was extremely successful.

Not only did it lead the ambitious gnolls to constantly search for the Bone Grinning King's secret cache in the Mossy Valley, it also deceived the sight of the twilight there to cover up the fact.

The Civilization Center, like the exhibition hall, is an underground facility.

It has always been on the edge of the territory of the Broken Tooth Clan, close to the Skeleton Canyon leading to the Sea of ​​Mists, and is a truly inaccessible place."

Hogg took out a map of the Dark Mountains drawn by the Plague Clan and drew a circle in the southeast corner of the mountain range. The straight-line distance between that place and the Plague Valley is more than a thousand kilometers, not to mention that the road is difficult to walk everywhere.

Mountain and swamp terrain.

Xian Lang pointed to that place with his paw and continued to explain:

"Senke, the chief of the Broken Tooth Clan, was once the most trusted guard captain of the Bone-Gripping King. He was the first follower that Lord Philip gained in that era. He was also the only jackal besides the Bone-Gripping King who knew the location of the Civilization Center.


Rather than being a subordinate, Chief Senke is more like Lord Philip's brother.

It was unfortunately seriously injured in a battle before the Black Disaster, so the Bone-Gnasher King made a scene with it.

It pretended to be stubborn and unwilling to join the journey of the Fourth Black Disaster, and was exiled by the angry Bone-Gnasher King, and has since lost power. However, the actual situation is that Lord Philip secretly assigned an elite team to follow Chief Senke and retreat to the Dark Mountains.

In the poorest areas.

The purpose is to keep the secret of the Civilization Museum.

Facts have proved that Lord Philip did not trust the wrong person.

The Broken Tooth Clan has adhered to the orders left by their chief for hundreds of years, never participating too much in the power politics of the Dark Mountains, and because their territory is too barren, other clans have no interest in attacking them.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the gnolls that the Broken Tooth Clan subsequently gathered were all fringe clans.

But here's the real problem.

Although Lord Philip left the plan, he did not expect the direction of the subsequent war. He himself died in the exhibition hall of the filthy swamp, which directly led to the failure of Chief Broken Tooth to get his leader to return.

Old Chief Senke must have been dead long ago.

We are not sure whether it told this secret to its successor before it died, and the Bloodscar clan has been preaching to the Broken Tooth clan, and the title of Lord of the Hunt is also very useful in that barren land.

This is a real adventure!

Just crossing this road will take a lot of time. I can't ask you to walk with me. You have a more important mission.

I will lead my followers to complete this exploration and pursuit. I believe that after we find the Gnoll Civilization Hall and my followers realize the true origin of the Gnolls, false gods like the so-called Lord of Hunting will also

No longer worthy of their worship.

By then, we will have a real army that dares to resist the evil god."

"Well, your thinking makes sense."

Murphy nodded. He also agreed with Hogg's decision. It would be impossible for him to follow Hogg to find the Civilization Museum now. Even the flight would take half a month.

But the battle at Black Flame Pass cannot wait for half a month, and the situation in Transia cannot be separated from his presence.

However, Murphy didn't think Hogg's plan was perfect. He looked at the map in front of him, thought for a moment, and said:

"Where is the territory of the Black Eyes clan?"


Hogg raised his hand and drew a small circle around the southern defense line and said:

"The Black Eyes Clan is a vassal of the Whiptail Clan. Their territories are quite fertile oases throughout the Dark Mountains. As the earliest servants to follow the Whiptail Clan, the Black Eyes Clan also occupies one of the large oasis, right here

Between two mountains.

I understand what you mean, you want me to persuade the Black-Eyed Clan to switch sides before setting off, but to be honest, I don’t have much hope for this."

Xian Lang touched his sparse head melancholy, sighed and said:

"The Black Eyes Clan is not an unlucky bunch like the Pestilence Clan, whose grandma doesn't care for their uncle. Their situation is very good, and they have a strong sense of identity with the Whiptail Clan.

Unless we can destroy the majesty of the Whiptail clan, it is impossible for the Black-eyed clan to join us. Although I have attracted the ambitious and talented Popok, it is said that the old chief Black-eyed does not actually value Popok, his son.

The gnoll, who is very cunning in appearance, prefers his eldest daughter.

And we don't have that much time to spend with a cunning old jackal engaging in this kind of tribal politics.

Their territory is two hundred kilometers away from here, and just driving there would take time and risk being discovered by the Warg Cavalry of the Whiptail Clan."

"No, I'm not asking you to convince it. You don't have the ability to make a mid-level clan switch sides with just one word. I'm just asking you to get in touch with them."

Murphy narrowed his eyes and said:

"If the black-eyed old chief is as cunning as the legend says, then he will definitely have a way out in advance.

I learned about Popok's story from Nash. If the old chief really didn't care about his son's life, he wouldn't have used 2,500 clan elites to plead with Governor Kherson to let his son go.

That old guy might be doing a rather cunning form of 'diversification'.

Popok is a very useful lever. Well, given its character, it might be more appropriate to call it a barbell.

Hogg, you have to at least give it a try. You don’t even need to convince Chief Black Eyes. You just need to convince the reckless but courageous Bobok, and then let him enchant the Black Eyes clan, with some people like him.

Together, the 'young talents' complete the 'root-finding journey' which is very important for all jackals.

This will be the epic of your race in this era. The search for ancestors and origins is extremely important for anyone interested in uniting civilization."

"Ah, I understand."

Hogg's brain was spinning rapidly.

Its enhanced intelligence immediately keenly captured the words that Murphy had not said.

For example, using the noble origin of the Gnoll and the true identity of the King of Bones to make an impulsive young man like Poppok become a die-hard fan of the Wise Wolf ideal. After it realizes the mission it shoulders, it does not even need Hogg.

With guidance, Popok will naturally embark on the career of overthrowing the false god of hunting.

And if its cunning father still wants to prevent it from doing great things in the name of the successor of the Bone-Gripping King, then a tragic but necessary "father's kindness and son's filial piety" will probably be staged soon.

At that time, Popok was "righteous". Even if he did something terrible, he could be forgiven, even rewarded, and praised!

What is even more likely is that after seeing the truth brought back by his son, if the black-eyed old chief is really as cunning as the legend says, then he will realize the risks involved and wait until his son turns around.

Before becoming the "big filial son", he took the initiative to become a member of the Xianlang faction.


Xianlang's eyes were filled with admiration.

As expected of Mr. Murphy!

Such a vicious plot is easy to come by, and it is not a conspiracy. After all, what father can hinder his son from doing a truly great career?

This isn't even sowing discord.

After all, Hogg had already figured out Popok's temperament clearly in the previous contact. He didn't even need to explain the reason. He just told it that it was related to the secret left by the King of Bone Grinders. Popok would definitely be upset.

He ran to work preparing his own dry food.

And even though the Plague Clan has come to join them now, more jackal cannons are indeed needed to safely enter the territory of the Broken Tooth Clan. Ahem, warrior!

Although the Broken Tooth Clan does not play with other clans, its strength is one of the five major clans. As the jackals are notoriously diehard and conservative, the result of offending them will definitely not be good.

"In addition, you also need to choose a suitable 'birthplace' for your upcoming warriors."

Murphy whispered:

"Although no foreigner has taken the initiative to become a Jackal yet, I believe that after my warrior Yaya informs their tavern of tonight's secret, there will definitely be some strange guys who choose to become Jackals in the future.

Get direct access to this epic saga.

Never underestimate the power of foreigners in such a big event. You don't even need too many, Hogg, fifty undead heroes are enough for you to reverse the situation of the war at a critical moment.

But as the caretakers of the ‘Gnoll Heroic Spirits’, it is very important to prepare for them to choose a suitable origin for them before they enter this world, one that will not be despised or resisted.

The Plague Clan has a bad reputation, and we can't connect with the big clans, so the Black Eyes Clan is very suitable.

I will neither appear too weak and be despised by others, nor will I appear too strong and make too many enemies, just like what I did in Transia.

But you have to work harder.

I mean, be more flexible, be more generous.

After all, gnolls don't fit in with the picky aesthetics of my warriors, so it's difficult to attract them to join."

"No, no, no, Master Murphy, those you are talking about are ordinary ugly gnolls. I admit that their appearance is indeed too wild to be controlled by orderly creatures.

But we have another template.

Have you forgotten?"

Hogg looked around and lowered his voice and said:

"Sir Philip's unique appearance is full of the majesty of a king even in the eyes of the most picky elves. Anyway, your warriors are just psychic projections, and their appearance does not affect their performance.

Of course, we can't directly create fifty bone-grinding kings in one go, but we can try it first. I've even given them names.

I plan to consider myself the orthodox heir of Lord Philip, and I want to create a new clan, which I will call the 'Bone-Gnawer Descendants'! Since they are all called Bone-Gripping Descendants, it is understandable that they look more similar to Lord Philip.

It’s a matter of fact.”

"Well, this is a solution to the problem."

Murphy nodded.

He decided to try to modify the appearance of the Gnoll race after going back. Huh? Why modify the appearance? Just do a wave of "skin lottery" activities, and then use the two legendary skins of the Gnoll race "Frederick, King of Conqueror of the World"

"And the shipment rate of "Original Son: Wise Wolf Hogg" can be "appropriately increased" just a little bit?

Players who are already in the game will definitely not change their race to a Jackal just because of a legendary skin, but newbies can play well if they have one, so what kind of bike do they need?

Well, you can also spread some gossip in the forums and Transian taverns. For example, the built-in luck value of the Gnoll race is very high. For example, the Gnoll has some special mechanism. For example, after choosing the Gnoll, it can be directly related to it.

New expansion pack for "Legacy of the Creator" and more.

In Murphy's experience, this kind of gossip is often very useful.

Well, that’s it!

Murphy made up his mind and said to Hogg:

"Then act like this. You complete the contact with the Black-Eye Clan as soon as possible, and be sure to take Popok with you. After you complete the construction of your birthplace, I will try my best to help the foreigners who enter the mainland next time.

You pick some great guys.

I will let them be born in the territory of the Black Eyes clan, which means you may have to wait there for a few days, but you can't rush such a big thing.

Just think of it as giving you a holiday.

I have to rush back to the Black Flame Pass as soon as possible, and I will send the Grand Duke of the Blood Terror Clan and his assistants to assist you. Their territory is at the Blood Raid Port in the Sea of ​​Mist, not far from the Jackal Civilization Center."

"I still need some assassins, Master Murphy."

Hogg didn't hide his needs, saying:

"I need a lot of powerful assassins like the Nightcrawlers of the Thorn Clan. I can use the name of the Wise Wolf to unite those who have ideals, but I also need to use fear as a means to restrain those who have different intentions and are wavering.


"Take this."

Murphy handed Hogg a blood crystal that could contact Mrs. Shani and said:

"Talk directly to the Duke of Thorns as a wise wolf! Don't be afraid, you can chat and laugh with Her Majesty the Wolf Lady in the Brass Fortress, it's just the Duke of Thorns."

"You are joking, who dares to ignore the king of assassins like Madam Shani?"

Hogg grinned and took the blood crystal.

But when Murphy turned around, it suddenly remembered something and took a few steps forward to report:

"Speaking of the Brass Fortress. There is something in that city that makes me uneasy, Master Murphy. It's hard for me to describe that feeling, but the city of the Brass Dwarves seems a bit too. How can I describe it? Too impetuous, too noisy, too

It's noisy.

That kind of sound can even penetrate into the soul and cause anger!

Lord Paying said he never liked that city, and I think he was referring to what I perceived.

Perhaps it is due to the wisdom enlightenment brought by genetic enhancement, I think I should stay as far away from that city as possible, and the same is true for you. Please do not get too close to it unless necessary."

This chapter has been completed!
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