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Chapter 658 657 Report! The shameless vampires of Transia sent

Chapter 658 657. Report! The shameless vampires of Transia have sent out a new death squad

"What? What are you going to do?"

In her command post, Lord Heather, who was still feeling complacent about leading the guards and retaking Position No. 1 after a bloody battle, was about to reward herself with a bottle of good wine. Then she saw the sight of someone led by herself.

The battle plan was handed over by the concierge Uncle Qin, the Transian major commander nicknamed "Meat Grinder".

The fact that the Transians like to fight has spread throughout the Black Flame Pass. Of course, Lord Heather is mentally prepared for their battle plan.

But even so, when she saw the combat objectives on the thin plan, she couldn't help but spit out the good wine in her mouth.

She jumped up in shock and shouted to Mr. Qin who looked calm in front of her:

"You are planning to lead troops to directly attack the Jackal vanguard position! Are you crazy? My most trusted scout told me that there are at least 4,000 Jackal elites and three times their number of crazy kobold thugs in that position!

Their backup is on the way. I don't know how many Splitclaw Gnolls you will eventually face, but there is no doubt that it is a number that you cannot resist.

The number of soldiers listed in the battle plan you gave me is only 2,200? And veterans only account for a quarter?

I know that you Transians like to fight, and I also know that you are not afraid of all enemies. Your victory at Fort Courage has been well-known, but this kind of thing

I can't agree!

This is simply asking you to die. The most important thing is that this kind of death is worthless! It is impossible for you to break through that vanguard position."

"Whether we can do that or not is our business, Lord Heather."

Lao Qin replied:

"We just need your approval of this plan. If possible, we hope to get fire support from the brass dwarf artillery. At a necessary moment, let the artillery tilt the shells in our preset bombardment area. The rest does not need to be black.

The defenders of Yanshan Pass participated.

This is the adventure of the Transian Army.

In fact, this combat plan has been handed over to General Maxim and has received his approval. In other words, regardless of whether you agree or not, we will complete this operation in the name of the Transian People's Army.

Our soldiers have already assembled in the Dark Valley. They will arrive at Black Flame Pass early tomorrow morning and march as planned until they come into contact with the enemy tomorrow afternoon.

As you can see, our war machine is already in motion!

We will not give up the attack until we have enough prey."

"You guys are crazy!"

The dwarf lord felt that she had some understanding of the Transians, but after seeing this extremely crazy battle plan, she suddenly discovered that her understanding of these crazy people was still completely insufficient.

She flipped through the plan, which only had a few pages, and saw some clauses on the last page, so Lord Heather understood.

she says:

"You are doing this just to get that thing called 'honor points'? I can't understand it. Although Murphy made an agreement with me, your warriors can obtain weapons and protective gear from my quartermaster through these numbers. Although I

I also know that your lives are consumables, but is it worth it just for a set of less-than-excellent protective gear?"

"You also said that our lives are consumables!"

Lao Qin whispered:

"Soldiers exchange their lives for weapons and protective equipment that can help them climb the road to strength, while commanders exchange their brothers' lives for tactical victories. The accumulation of these victories will eventually become a strategic advantage in the future.

At this moment, the advantages we continue to accumulate will eventually completely change the outcome of the entire war.

So don't ask stupid questions like 'is it worth it', your lord?

Victory is never an honor that can be obtained casually. For professional soldiers like us, defeat is the only and indelible shame.

Especially since we have sworn to defend Transia

No sacrifice is too great to accept!

Please approve our plan and provide us with the necessary help. Of course, if the brass dwarves are unwilling to participate in this suicide operation, then we only need some idle field cannons.

My adjutant has already invited the vanguard battalion of the Plantagenet Kingdom to participate in the operation. I guess there is a high probability that they, eager to gain glory, will not refuse to share in our victory."

"Ah, you really are going to give me problems."

Lord Heather sat back in her dwarf-only chair with a headache.

She knew that with the Brass Dwarf's current urinary behavior, Colonel Caddell would most likely not agree to participate in such a suicide action.

Heather couldn't even force them to join the war, because in the eyes of any commander with any brain, the Transians' plan was tantamount to meaningless killings.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Lord Heather took out her commander's seal and stamped it on the plan. She said:

"I will temporarily release some heavy weapons to you, and I will also provide enough artillery shells, but you must find at least 300 well-trained artillerymen."

"no problem."

Master Qin showed a smile, took back the plan, and asked carefully:

"You have no shortage of artillery under your command, but we Transians lack these heavy firepower. So, can we purchase a batch of them?"

"In principle, no! The brass dwarf's weapons company does not have the authority to do business with foreigners. The export of such large-scale weapons requires the approval of the Supreme Lord. But if you can come back alive, I can use some of my heavy firepower as a 'reward'

A gift to you in the name of.

If you can really break through the Jackal Vanguard position, then such a magnificent victory will be enough to get you whatever you need."

Lord Heather took a sip of wine into his mouth.

Lao Qin just couldn't see clearly how this dwarf vampire who never took off her helmet drank. It was obvious that her helmet was full-coverage. This ghost world was really magical.

Lao Qin obtained Lord Heather's permission. Over in Shadow Valley, while the players of Happy Stick and Cadman Raiders acted as grassroots commanders, they adjusted and mobilized as many as 1,600 new recruits to form a "super team".

, Mr. Qin's adjutant, a guy named "Qing Dynasty Veteran" was also talking with Colonel Fraser and Major Ron.

The same plan was submitted to the two commanders, and Colonel Fraser's expression after reading it was exactly the same as Lord Heather's shock.

"I think you are really crazy!"

The heir to the Capet family slapped the plan on the table and yelled:

"Your commander's mental state must be abnormal. In the pioneering army, if you create such a damn plan, you will be sent to a military court, or you will be sent directly to a mental hospital!

It’s not enough for you to go crazy yourself, you want to drag us along with you?”

"There is no need for your soldiers to directly participate in the battle, Colonel."

The Qing Dynasty veteran explained slowly:

"We only need your well-trained artillery to provide us with fire support. My commander will obtain some dwarf artillery for you at Black Flame Pass. You can follow our position and project firepower in a safer area.

You can even evacuate directly after using up all the artillery shells."

"That's not OK!"

Major Ron held his command knife and responded:

"We are not rookies who don't know anything. Once your position is defeated, our artillery position will not even have a chance to retreat! We have to face an enemy that is at least four times our own in number, and we do not occupy the same level in terms of individual combat effectiveness.


With all due respect, Commander of the Transians, you are asking us to join you at a gambling table with no guarantees and asking us to stake everything we have.

I know it only takes three days for you to be resurrected, Gentiles, but we only have one life!"

"The Black Disaster will break through the Black Flame Pass and directly invade Transia. I no longer want to emphasize how much threat and pressure your country will suffer after this worst-case scenario occurs."

The veteran of the Qing Dynasty stood up and said loudly:

"This is not me exaggerating fear! This is a real hidden danger, and you know this too, so you abandoned your comfortable life and came here!

You are here just to fight and win the war! If you are not willing to fight such a battle with the Transians leading the way, then what is the point of being here besides being a tourist group?

Are all those rumors true?

Did you really come here to get gold plating? Then I suggest you two 'noble men' retreat to your camp in the Cato area. Isn't it safer and more convenient for you to escape before bad things happen?"

"Shut up!"

Major Ron was irritated and scolded:

"Retract your damn slander, Transian!"

"I'm not slandering you, I'm laughing at you."

The veteran of the Qing Dynasty snorted, took back his plan, and said:

"When my brothers fought against Wolf's Fort, I hadn't come here yet. But I also heard about your bravery in daring to fire at the legendary giant snake in the Battle of Wolf's Fort. I thought you were real men, but

Facts have proved that I seemed to have thought too well of you.

Tsk, no wonder you spray perfume on yourself, 'Ms. Frazier'. No wonder our Transian consul looks down on you. You are a girl, how can you fall in love with another girl disguised as a man?"

"That's enough! You're just irritating me."

Fraser was not provoked at all. He maintained his demeanor and scolded:

"But it has nothing to do with my personal situation. I just can't let my soldiers fight a war that will cost them their lives."

"Death in battle is an occupational risk for soldiers. If you are afraid of death, don't be a soldier."

The veteran of the Qing Dynasty was a master of the yin and yang charisma. He took a step back and whispered as he left:

"And yes, I am just irritating you two! You dream of becoming kingdom guards like your ancestors, but you just want to fight the kind of war that won't kill people. You stupid childish brats, go back to your mother's arms and suck your milk."


This is not your playground."

After saying that, the guy kicked open the door in a big way and walked away, leaving only two young people who were severely humiliated. In silence, Major Ron said hoarsely:

"I'll take someone there, you stay here."

"Shut up, Ron."

Colonel Fraser cursed angrily.

He glanced at the suicide note he had written long ago on his desk. After thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"I will take people there, and you immediately send a message to the Cato camp, asking Dunn and several other commanders to lead at least 3,500 people through the filthy swamp to the front line. Remember to follow the road marked by the Transians.

My guards told me that Transian lunatics have recently been digging traps in the swamps and laying insidious mines.

Obviously, the Transians do not feel that the Black Flame Pass is foolproof, and they are already prepared to fight against the gnolls in the swamp.

We can despise their rudeness, but at the level of war, we must pay attention to this intelligence."


Major Ron nodded and sighed:

"Murphy has foreigners who are not afraid of death under his command. This bastard is really tough in what he says. What if we also have heroic spirits who are resurrected every three days?"

"We will have it."

Fraser stood up, straightened his collar, and said:

"With Murphy's acting style, sooner or later he will deliver these heroic spirits to us, just like handing over a peerless sword stained with venom.

Even if we want to refuse, we can’t give any reason.

But the rude soldier just now was right. If we don't want to fight, why are we here?

It’s time to let King Louis’ flag fly on the battlefield of the Black Plague. The Transians have used practical actions to teach the gnolls to be afraid, and we must do the same thing.”


"Look, brothers, our cute new army has been formed. We are about to follow Mr. Qin and Brother Bang to fight the jackals! Brothers, prepare the rockets in your hands. When the time comes, we will kill a few of them with one shot.

It’s a jackal, the more you kill, the faster we’ll kill it to add to the fun of our brothers!”

In the Valley of Shadows, the "Medical War God Competition" who has applied for live broadcast permission is using his expert adventure assistant as a first-person camera to review Transia for "audiences" in another world.

The heroic military posture of the "cute new death squads".

Under the command of the two major guilds, Hymn of Loyalty and Scarlet Hammer and Sickle, more than 1,600 newbies who want to get the Defender set have been gathered together.

Although not everyone has a desire for equipment, this time the player group is doing such a big thing, and I would be really sorry if I didn't participate.

This operation also received the full support of the Cadman People's Army.

Maxim selected 1,000 people and planned to personally lead them as a reserve team for the rookie suicide squad. He opened the military supply depot in Shadow Valley and distributed various explosives to this group of restless rookies who were about to go on an expedition.

The grassroots officers of the People's Army set up several large tables for the new recruits to line up to receive their "wartime supplies."

Each person fired three improved explosive bombs, a box of gold-burning bullets and six Molotov cocktails. The army of newbies who were summoned happily picked up these highly destructive gadgets and installed them on themselves. They dressed up like their mother.

The humanoid explodes like a truck.

On the other side, Lao Huo and his fellow tricksters were still handing out freshly made last-ditch spells to the newcomers.

It is said that the new Goatman Spell Master from Transia is trying to improve this thing, not in a "non-lethal" direction, but in a way that increases the destructive power while maintaining low cost.

The alchemists were distributing black wine of victory.

The most hellish joke about this thing comes from its birth process. This thing was made as a reinforcement by the gnolls and distributed to cannon fodder. As a result, it has now become the "standard armament" used by the Transians to harm the gnolls.


"They are obviously preparing to die, so why do they act as if they are about to go to heaven?"

Lisa, the titular hostess of Shadow Valley, was walking in this lively place accompanied by her husband Meikel. She looked at her husband very puzzled and said:

"I feel like we've boarded a ship that's being helmed by a madman, and the worst part is, we don't have the qualifications to jump off the ship."

"They are not going to die, they are going to chase victory."

The half-elf ranger captain Meikel looked at the restless but brave recruits in rapt attention, and he said softly:

"Just like when we were young, we were always full of courage and never bowed to any setbacks and failures. I don't know if we can survive the black disaster, Lisa. But I can be sure that our journey towards death will definitely be very difficult.


Me, I want to join the war too!

Fight like a Transian."

This chapter has been completed!
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