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Chapter 674 673 Your jackals are dying every moment, but

Chapter 674 673. Your jackals are dying every moment, but my good brothers are endless-[310]

Gaia used her divine power to raise the No. 2 position along with the jackals and kobolds in it. Although this method was simple and crude, it did not take the opinions of the parties involved into consideration.

Well, what I'm talking about here is of course not the opinions of the jackals. No matter how many of them die, no one will worry.

Mainly Murphy and the soldiers at Position 2 had strong opinions.

You said that you, Goddess of the Earth, show off your power when you show off your power. What do you want to do by flattening the war system we have worked so hard to build with one blow?

Digging trenches and laying out barbed wire was also very tiring. I finally found those key nodes to defend. Seeing that the classic trench warfare was getting better, it suddenly disappeared.

Ah, what a bastard god!

Of course, complaints are complaints, and the battle still has to be fought.

Especially when the Earth Mother God was so powerful in helping the defenders penetrate the Gnoll position, and everyone was strengthened by Crazy Piwamu, not taking advantage of the victory and pursuing the victory would be a shame for the two gods in this twilight war.

The first person to react was Lord Heather.

She led her own bodyguards and several Blood Alliance retinue troops from the flanks into position No. 1 in front, as if she was determined to take back all her territory.

Of course, this may also mean "showing loyalty" to the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia who is watching here.

Heather herself has become a vampire. It doesn't matter what the Mother Goddess thinks of her, but she still has a group of die-hard shield dwarves under her command and there are also a lot of dwarves in her army.

It is worth mentioning that the brass dwarf artillery colonel Kader, who had previously found various reasons to shirk the fight, did not talk about profits and business this time. He personally led his artillery team to join Heather's offensive.

, and behaved extremely sincerely and excitedly.

Obviously, this guy is scared!

As the race most closely connected with Mother Earth, when the power of the earth was unleashed just now, all the dwarves felt the anger of Gaia from the bottom of their hearts.

It was not just anger towards the gnolls for launching a black disaster to disrupt order, but part of it was obviously not related to the war.

It's probably because the Mother Goddess is really in a bad mood today, so every dwarf with normal senses can feel the Mother Goddess's scrutiny of them. The cold attitude that seems to be that of a judge towards suspects is too scary.

The brass dwarves who were harboring evil thoughts naturally wanted to show it off. On the contrary, the silver dwarves and the earth priests, who had gone further in their faith, seemed to notice a hint of subtlety in the attitude of the Mother Goddess.

But now is not the time to discuss this. It is necessary to work together to regain the No. 1 position.

The main NPCs in the defensive battle charged forward, and the players who were under great pressure from the jackals could finally take a breather. They followed the NPCs into the No. 1 position in a loose formation without any command.

But creatures like players are really fierce when they are brave, but they are also really cunning when they are cunning.

Except for the giant sharks and those players who are followers of Vam, the others have a tacit understanding and start frantically searching for the trophies of these jackals after entering the No. 1 position. Anyway, if you will not bring them in this life or take them away in death, you can help

It is also a great behavior for gnolls to reduce their burden on the road to death.

Moreover, the brothers have fought continuously and filled in a lot of consumables. Now that they finally have a chance to make back their money, can't they just enjoy it?

Driven by this idea, Lord Heather's army in the front was slashing all the way, and the players behind were searching all the way like a vacuum cleaner, until the lucky little rich man and his Manticore found a kobold digging on the edge of the No. 1 position.

He came out of the hole and rushed in to check it out. Then a very important message was sent out in the player's communication frame at this time:

"Hey, I found the equipment you guys were exposed to. The jackals hid them all in the hole on the edge of the No. 1 position. Maybe not all of them, but at least most of them are here! Come and get them!"

"Ha, is there such a good thing?"

Diguashao, who followed Master Qin around, was immediately happy.

He also died in the previous battle and exploded a lot of things, which was really heartbreaking. I originally thought there was no possibility of getting them back, but now I found out where the monsters hid their equipment.

It looks like this is some strange "game setting".

Maybe it's some kind of "new feature" that the development team is quietly trying, but no matter what, it's always worth being happy to get the equipment back.

Especially the vanguards selected by the Riptide Knights.

They all fought in plate armor, and when they were killed and these expensive gadgets were exposed, they almost wanted to fight to the death with the shameless gnolls holding explosive packs and "stealing equipment".

When he heard that all the lost equipment was at the edge of the position, Taipal did not hesitate and rushed over the messy position with a few knights who were as "not good at fighting" as him.

When they arrived at the cave where the equipment was hidden, there were already many players moving things there, and they had to find their own among the "trophies" piled up by the gnolls.

But don't worry about someone taking it randomly. Although these equipments are dropped, they are still "soul-bound". Before the user's breath given by the spiritual energy dissipates, other people cannot use them well if they get them.

And if it's equipment dropped by monsters, it's understandable to grab it, but if it's my brother's thing, if I dare to reach out and take it, I won't have to mess with the player circle after being discovered.

It's too risky to take a chance on this kind of thing, and it's not a magic weapon, so you can't take such a risk.

"It seems that your plate armor was taken away by the gnolls. There are not many pieces left here."

Mo Youqiong, who was guarding the pile of trophies with his own manticore smelly treasure, said to Uncle Fording, who was holding a blood-stained war hammer:

"Maybe it was modified by the barbarians to arm their elites. This kind of high-quality plate armor has many uses in war. I mean, you really suffered heavy losses this time, brother."

"It's really miserable, but it's actually not bad."

Uncle Fording's heart was bleeding, but on the surface he remained calm and calm. He waved his hand and said:

"Miss Pinkie has issued a mission on the battlefield, asking the Torrent Knights to become her temporary guards to win honor for the Sivir family. This is a very long task chain, and it is an exclusive task for the Torrent Knights.

After completion, Miss Pinkie will give each participant a set of school officer-level plate armor.

This is much better than the knight armor we use now.

Anyway, they will have to be replaced sooner or later, but it is a pity that those plate armors were originally planned to be eliminated and handed over to new recruits, but now they have to spend money to buy them at the Sivir family's workshop."

"Well, actually you don't have to spend that kind of wasteful money."

Brother Xiaofu leaned next to his huge manticore and said:

"I heard that our blacksmiths were discussing replicating our plate armor craftsmanship. The Sivir family's plate armor is good, but it is too expensive. When our brothers come out with new products, they will be priced at a bargain price.

It’s not too late for you to go shopping and exchange them later.

If you have that kind of money, why not support the blacksmiths and let them come up with products as soon as possible.

At worst, we can find someone to enchant the plate armor ourselves. There are also enchanters and inscription masters among the brothers. They are for new recruits anyway, right?

Lao Huo told me before that he plans to spend money to support the 'Craftsmen's Guild' and form a 'whole industry chain' among the players as soon as possible. By then, we can buy things for our own use at low prices, and there is no need to waste money externally.

Of course, for brothers who are pursuing extreme equipment, you can just find a way to find the good stuff by yourself."

"Hey! This is good!"

Uncle Fording's eyes lit up and he said to Little Rich Brother:

"Then help me tell Lao Huo that our Novice Village can provide various herbs and alchemy raw materials at a low price."

"Hey, you can tell yourself, you know, I'm not really interested in doing business."

Brother Rich grinned, turned over and mounted his manticore, waved to Uncle Fording, and then the manticore's increasingly huge bat wings carried his summoner into the air, turning around and flying towards the position.


The Minotaur warrior "Big Black" who is wearing fine dwarf plate armor, carrying a rune-encrypted axe, and hanging the life support device of the Bone-Gripping King around his neck is going to be killing people there right now.

Well, don't worry about this weird name, it's the "nickname" that Little Rich gave to his Minotaur.

The best thing is that because it is the summoned object of Brother Xiaofu, the honor and trophies won by the Minotaur "Big Black"'s killing will belong to Brother Xiaofu. Of course, Brother Xiaofu has a very high vision and does not look down on jackals at all.

Rags dropped by people.

He had previously reached an agreement with the Minotaur. One-third of all trophies belonged to the Minotaur, and he would provide the Minotaur with a "monetization channel."

As for what this taciturn Minotaur is going to do with the money, Brother Xiaofu has no control over it and doesn't want to.

Of course, the set of finely crafted dwarf plate armor it currently uses is not cheap, and it also has the relics of the King of Bone Grinders. Not to mention its use value, its commemorative significance is ranked high in the mainland, so even if Little Rich Brother

Given a cost price, the stubborn Minotaur Dahei will have to "work to pay off his debts" for a long time.

Actually, this is problematic at first glance.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that hidden tasks can be triggered from this silent but very capable minotaur, but Brother Xiaofu is not in a hurry. He has many tasks at hand, and cultivating his own stinky treasure is the main business at the moment.

This is probably the attitude of rich guys when playing games. They don’t consider the profits at all and just play however they want.

According to Senior Sister Winnie, Xiao Fu's manticore is now an adult. The next step is to fight continuously to break through the life stage and become the manticore lord, which is basically equivalent to the silver trial in the material world.

But astral creatures have their own unique and brutal promotion system.

"I have to find a way to contact the elves' trainers."

Brother Xiaofu pulled out a trench gun from behind the manticore, filled it with bullets and said to his manticore:

"I heard that they have special armor specially prepared for giant beasts. Before you return to the star realm to challenge your seniors, I have to tailor a suit for you."


The manticore roared and said rather arrogantly that there was no need for external possessions. Manticores were a proud people and they could determine the outcome of a battle with only their teeth, claws and tail nails.

Little Rich Brother has reservations about this.

It's a good thing that you have confidence, but if you, the "domesticated" manticore, go to the wild manticore lord without any preparation, the result will probably be ugly.

But it doesn't matter. If you are wronged outside, remember to come back and cry to me. The adults at home will always find ways to help the naughty child regain his dignity.

Wiping the butts of your summons, isn't this the value of a summoner's existence? Look at how Mr. Murphy has raised all his astral wolves into 'Lone Wolf Lords', and they all have cool astral realms.


I am also a summoner, so I have to work hard!

"Little Rich Brother, come on! Master Qin and the giant shark have found the retreat route of the Jackal Warlord. We are setting up an ambush, but the Warlord has a bipedal flying dragon guard! Your manticores need to come to interfere and contain them!

After the sun goes down and the vampires fly into the sky, they have nothing to do."

Brother Miao Miao's emergency message immediately cheered up Brother Xiaofu.

He patted the manticore's head and pointed in a direction. The manticore, which had prepared a "death pounce" to kill the jackals still resisting on the ground, immediately gave up its goal and turned around and flew out.

It is a ferocious beast that soars in the sky, and it is meaningless to bully the crawling insects on the earth.

It is eager to challenge those monsters that can fly, which also provides it with some "air combat" experience when it challenges other manticore lords.

Mo Youqiong soon discovered that several bipedal flying dragons were flying away from the position. They must be covering the retreat of the Jackal Warlord.

He aimed at one of them and fired. The bullet hit the latter's claws and tore the tendons. The wyvern roared in pain and rolled in the air, throwing the two gnoll windriders behind it to the ground.

Amidst the shrill screams of the jackals, the ferocious manticore also pounced forward, and its poisonous tail spike pierced the injured wyvern's neck, causing the latter to become paralyzed and fall.

The next moment, four bipedal flying dragons surrounded him, intending to challenge this vicious and powerful creature.

But Brother Xiaofu and his manticore were not afraid and faced them head-on.

The wind riders in the sky were restrained, and the ambush battle below started almost at the same time.

The girls from Brother Ming Miao's Big Bird Group and Silver Moon Group came out from both wings. San Wu Dou and Lan Hua Hua, two defenders holding sacred objects, charged forward to stop the governor's guards, while Xiaowei Ming and Lao Qu

Assassinations were also carried out in the rear.

Both of them are very good rangers and gun rangers, and there is no need to say anything about their deadly accuracy.

After a few gunshots, the Hunting Priest and Voodoo Priest beside the Overseer were named, but two long-range invalid totems were thrown out to protect the Overseer and the remaining warriors.

"Fuck! This damn totem is so annoying."

Lao Qu cursed, threw the shotgun back into his psychic bag, whistled into the sky, and a majestic horned eagle flew down and landed next to him. Brother Qu also pulled out his double swords and joined in the melee battle.

His occupations are ranger and rogue. These two occupations are very versatile, but their advantage is that they can be both far and near. Although Laoqu's destructive power in close combat is not as good as those of powerful beasts, he is definitely not weak with the blessing of equipment.

Xiaowei Ming is a little worse in this regard.

Although she also has unscientific skills like "gun fighting", her destructive power is all focused on long-range attacks. After all, it's a bit too much for a small person to go to melee combat.

But this is actually enough.

The two groups cooperated well to stop this group of elite jackals. Lao Qin and the giant shark who were chasing after each other quickly arrived. Players who were hunting and killing enemies nearby heard the news and ran to help.

In just five minutes, more than two hundred veteran players participated in the crusade against the "boss boss".

One third of them are "god killers".

They obtained supermodel equipment in the Hunting Guard Cave, and their power in killing was naturally doubled at this time.

Murphy once described his warriors to Lord Heather using a simple and easy-to-understand "monetary theory". The newbies who are full of crazy courage are coppers.

The denomination is not big, so it hurts to hit someone.

The backbone players who have passed the Black Iron Trial are silver ingots, which can not only be used to slap enemies in the face, but also provide the user with various advantages.

And these top players are precious gold coins!

Must be used with caution!

Because every time they spill it, they must get a sufficiently generous return, otherwise it will only mean that the user will not do business at all.


The besieged Grand Overseer Splitclaw looked at the Transians who were pouring in from all directions.

It feels like it has to be buried here today, but this guy doesn't lack courage.

There are no cowards among the Gnolls who can defeat the Grand Overseer in the Dark Mountains. In this Darwinian paradise of survival of the fittest, the weak can only be trampled underfoot. For such Gnolls, death is nothing to be afraid of. They will

Return to the Lord of the Hunt after death.

Although the god has not yet been born, its hunting kingdom has already been formed.

"You are only delaying the coming destruction!"

The Grand Overseer of Splitclaw sneered and took out a spellcasting bone sword made from the horn of a thunder lizard, and he also held up a psionicist's orb carved from the head of a goatman.

Its brave guards also dispersed, preparing for a fight to the death.

It roared:

"You were born to be slaughtered by us. You are sheep and we are wolves."

"Well, goats will hit people when they are anxious, my dear Overseer. What's more, have you really confirmed that you are wolves in the food chain?"

Brother Meow Meow picked up the dwarf battle ax and scolded:

"A dog that deserves to be slaughtered! Say goodbye to the good old days. There is no place for you, the sons of the evil god, in Lord Murphy's grand plan! Brothers, in the name of being disconnected from the Internet for three damn days! Let's stand side by side and kill them.


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