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Chapter 678 The material of 677 Alpha Company’s server is his mother

Chapter 678 677. The material of Alpha Company’s server is fucking potatoes, right? -Additional update【710】

Almost instantly, Murphy was sent back to the swamp restricted area from where he was attacked at Black Flame Pass using a super teleportation spell by Tris. Tris was always frighteningly reliable in crisis situations.

She even fine-tuned the location of the teleportation, and with a shameful princess hug, she took her little cutie and jumped into the door leading to the land of creation. Three beetle assistants appeared immediately.

After Assistant No. 1 scanned Murphy's physiological condition, he immediately sounded a sharp alarm:

"It has been detected that the curator's vital signs are weak! Imminent risk of death! The special incident scene of the Swamp Exhibition Hall is activated and enters the first level of combat readiness!"

"Swish, swish, swish"

The module of the ordinary steel gate flipped over, and more than 66 heavy weapons of various types popped out in an instant and entered a cruising state under special event conditions.

If someone who doesn't belong here approaches, he will be killed to pieces in an instant. What's even more awesome is that the protective matrix and kinetic energy neutralizing force field that are only written in the curator's regulations have also entered the pre-programmed state.

Startup status.

The six energy towers placed around the entire swamp restricted area were reactivated after more than a thousand years.

They were hidden under the swamps and among the rocks. When activated, the entire restricted area shook several times. A layer of blue matrix grid loomed, with hexagonal energy frames all over it, covering it in an egg-shaped manner.

Lived in the entire swamp area.

The 36 hidden guard turrets surrounding Area A popped up from the harmless mud with nine rocket nests and two rotating gun barrels. 112 detachable chemical devices emerged from the ground in the form of black spiers.

Pops up and floats five meters in the air.

The moment these two things are activated, they are connected to each other to form a whole covering area A.

With just one command, the non-lethal chemical spray that can definitely paralyze intruders in an instant will cover the entire area, and then be blasted to pieces by guard turrets that can travel at high speeds along complex tracks.

This formation is scary enough.

But it wasn't enough for Tris.

As the curator's assistant, she also read the security system documents in the exhibition area, even more carefully than Murphy did.

"Full-automatic intelligent defenders activated! Prepare for battle at level 1, disperse them! Turn off the battlefield ethics module! Kill anyone who approaches here without permission!"

"Command received! Fully automatic intelligent defender X24 has been activated! Current command mode: Search and Annihilate!"

The No. 2 Beetle assistant in charge of the security system made a sharp sound, and the secret warehouse on the second floor of the exhibition hall immediately popped open.

24 humanoid automatic robots like RoboCop were activated. They strode out of the collection warehouse and reached out to take over the lethal armed modules sent by the robotic arms. After walking forward 50 meters, these guys were already covered.

It was equipped with black explosive response protective gear and a Hydra missile bay mounted on the shoulder.

The V-shaped visors of these defenders who had turned off the battlefield ethics module were flashing with a cold light, and a red radar cursor moved back and forth on the visor, like the one eye of a bloodthirsty monster.

It makes people shudder.

They are released throughout Area A through catapults. Before the curator or the curator's assistant takes back the order, they will ruthlessly kill all non-whitelisted creatures that break into Area A.

At this time, Tris was putting Murphy on a suspended stretcher, and was being led by Assistant No. 3 to the underground biological chamber. The always-back-up biological cabin there could obviously help Murphy recover quickly.

Although the vampire lord escaped through the bottle of resurrection, the sharp blade used by the mysterious assassin to kill him was strange. Tris had never seen a similar poison, but it was indeed still in effect, preventing Mo

Fei's self-healing also forced him into this weak state of half-death.

Except for a few words between Murphy and Tris when he just came back to life, he remained in a state of near-death along the way.

This frightened Tris.

Murphy was stripped naked and put into the biological cabin. As the cabin closed, a large amount of transparent biological fluid covered him. Beetle Assistant No. 3 operated the automatic program of the biological cabin to help Murphy detoxify and suture his wounds while also treating him.

body check.

Tris was half-kneeling in front of the biological cabin.

She stretched out her hand and placed it on the glass shell, looking at the painful Murphy lying in the biological fluid in front of her.

At this moment, the Scarlet Witch felt stupid.

Although she didn't care long ago, she still clung to those damn dogmas of the past. She always thought that she and Murphy had a lot of time to spend, but it turned out that after almost losing him, she almost lost control.


No, I have lost control!

It was little Murphy who used his last strength to wake her up at the last moment.

"You can't trap me forever!"

A voice screamed in Tris's mind.

Vicious and crazy, that might not be a real voice, but an emotion that decided to be buried forever affecting her.

The Scarlet Witch never dies!

She has been trapped in Tris's heart, and just now, the cage almost shattered.

"I will find her, Murphy, I swear, I will find Luna. Then, I will strangle her to death with my own hands."

Tris whispered.

She didn't even need to guess where the assassination came from.

Assassins of that level can only be cultivated by an organization like Dusk, and the latter used astral rifts from jumping into the Black Flame Pass to leaving. This method is something no other organization on the mainland would dare to think of.

With the fighting power that guy showed just now, it would be difficult for Shani and that guy to decide who is the winner in a one-on-one duel.

That is a golden one, a ghost who is proficient in assassination!

It seems that little Murphy really pissed them off, otherwise he wouldn't have used such drastic measures.

"Lady Tris, what happened to Master Murphy? I just now. I almost chased Ms. Villanse out just now. She said Ms. Spider was protecting her, but she had to kill the sneak attacker."

Maxim's quantum communication was quickly received by Tris.

His voice was extremely weak and somewhat muddy. Tris could guess what happened to him. Murphy had died just once. Given the deep connection between Murphy and Maxim, Maxim should have died as well.

But now he is alive.

The only explanation is that Murphy gave him the source blood.

That thing allowed Maxim to escape with his life and at the same time gain the freedom he didn't want at all.

"Take Adele and Femis to the restricted area of ​​the swamp immediately!"

Tris looked at Murphy in front of her and said coldly:

"Watch your back! Be wary of everyone who comes close to you. Don't bring tails with you! I have added you to the white list. Do not display any weapons in the restricted area, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Maxim replied, and at the end he added:

"Warriors, they all went offline. At that moment, everyone in the Transia Tavern went crazy. Maybe you should send a message."

"I'm not in the mood, Mark, let Adele go."

Tris replied and hung up the communication.

Her mind was in a mess, and she put her hand in the biological cabin in front of her.

She looked at Murphy among them and at herself reflected in the mirror. She gritted her teeth and said:

"Don't even think about it! Don't even think about reappearing! What he likes is the current me. You are already dead. You were buried by my own hands. Luna wants to make you reappear, but she has given up. It's impossible! It will never be possible.


The Scarlet Witch is dead, so the dead should not interfere with the feelings of the living!"


"Holy shit! What's going on? I was fighting monsters, why did I suddenly disconnect? Brothers, can you still log into the game?"

In the group of the Transia Bistro APP, the giant shark is asking questions in confusion.

Cheche answered him immediately:

"What the heck, I can't even access the forum! No matter how I start the helmet, it just says 'Signal lost, trying to reconnect'. Damn it, it has automatically connected thirteen times but it has not responded yet.

Did the server crash?"

"I now very much suspect that something happened to Alpha Company. Maybe there was a power outage?"

"What the hell, how can such a level of black technology possibly have a power outage? Even if it does, do they have some backup energy source? Alas, I just entered the kobold crypt, and now I'm done.

The people are definitely fine, but the equipment is probably gone."

"It's said that this is a server problem. The development team will surely compensate you, right? For example, give you an identical set of equipment or something?"

"Okay, okay, I was in the position at Black Flame Mountain Pass just now. Even if my equipment is disconnected, the NPC will help me recover it."

A group of people were talking nonsense here, and suddenly someone @called all the members:

Si Hu Neng Yuan Mu: [@All members, brothers, who can contact Alpha Company? Or does anyone have Fa Ge’s personal contact information? 】

What is the color of loyalty: [Huh? @丝虎能元木, what happened? 】

Like a tiger but can make a difference: [My uncle just called to tell me about Afeng’s situation.]

What is the color of loyalty: [Let’s chat about this privately, don’t panic.]

Brother Zhongzhong, who was sitting in the office and looking at the busy scene outside, scratched his head vigorously.

The server-wide disconnection that just happened happened so suddenly that there was no plan to deal with it. Other players were fine, but the pants-removing demon A Feng was an exception. Brother Zhongzhong had been worried about his problem before, and now it has indeed appeared.


He immediately called the field office and got a response.

A Feng's physiological characteristics are still stable at present, but his brain waves have experienced unexplainable disorders. For his body, something will definitely happen if this situation continues.

Now the furious Master Yang and his equally furious wife Aunt Mei are grabbing the field workers to ask for an explanation.

"Tell them that it is a normal 'technical adjustment'. Because the new version was launched too hastily, a vicious BUG was not discovered. Just now, the BUG was triggered and caused the server to lose connection.

It is said that the operation and maintenance team is taking the time to troubleshoot the problem.

There will be one soon.


The forum is now available, good, tell them the situation is improving and the server will be restarted soon."

Brother Zhongzhong made up a lie, then quickly put on his helmet and logged into the forum, and found that there was already an official post explaining the emergency shutdown of the server.

But there are no valuable details in it. They are all the smooth talk of operation and maintenance, which is exactly the same as what Brother Zhongzhong used to prevaricate Master Yang and Aunt Mei.

However, Brother Zhongzhong is a professional. He doesn't believe that this is really a server problem. The world on the other side is real and the third-party observer's technology is superb. It is impossible for these two to suddenly have problems, so the problem is most likely to be caused by

This side of the real world.

"Did the other side take action?"

Brother Zhongzhong took off his helmet, leaned on the chair, lit a cigarette and thought to himself:

"Didn't Sister Cement turn on the phone once? Although she was semi-paralyzed, according to Alpha, Sister Cement may have been exposed to something. Damn it! Is the other side trying to hack or interfere with signals?

What the hell kind of fancy stuff is that?

But that’s not it, the other person doesn’t have any real objects in his hand!

Is it really possible to do this with a prototype machine that burns out a brain once it is turned on?"


The phone rang. Brother Zhongzhong took it in his hand and saw that it was indeed Mr. Qin calling.

He put the phone to his ear and heard Master Qin say:

"We must get the cement back as soon as possible. I don't know if this incident is related to her, but we must eliminate all possible hidden dangers.

Action next week!

Ask your field team to prepare an extra set of life-support tools, just like the one used by A Feng. Since it is an issue within our authority, we will be responsible to the end."


Brother Zhongzhong straightened his back in the chair and replied in a deep voice.

Five minutes after Lao Qin hung up the phone, the gaming helmet was reconnected.

The game restarted successfully.

Brother Zhongzhong quickly went online and appeared in the office of his arsenal naked. His equipment and expert adventure assistants were scattered all over the floor. The most difficult thing was that this time he was "offline", so he finished it again.

After the psychic projection, the arm that was cut off by himself grew back.

Brother Zhongzhong looked at the fallen mechanical arm and palm on the ground with a painful look on his face. He hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't make up his mind to give himself two more blows.

By the way, after using the robotic arm for a long time, it’s quite fun to use your original hand again.

"Team leader! Let's find out clearly. Something happened on the front line."

Brother Loyalty's subordinate, "Mr. Ziwei Da", a professional intelligence agent from another world who is currently operating near the Black Flame Pass and disguised as an agent of the Shadow Intelligence Bureau, quickly returned to Wolfsburg and sent a message. He said:

"It is said that Lord Murphy was assassinated. Just outside the Yamaguchi headquarters, some people swore that they saw Lord Murphy hacked to death. But I asked the vampires who were still on duty and they all said that Lord Murphy was fine.

I also noticed that Grand Duke Tris, Miss Femis, General Maxim and Director Adele were all missing, as were the clan leader’s personal guards.

Moreover, the time when Lord Murphy was assassinated happened to be less than ten seconds apart from the time when we were disconnected."


Brother Zhongzhong narrowed his eyes when he heard the news.

As an old player, he immediately remembered something. After telling Ziwei to continue working, he quickly contacted Brother Mingmiao and asked straight to the point:

"Meow meow, you are one of the first two people to enter the game in the true sense. I remember you said before that there was a line in the earliest mission that said that if Mr. Murphy dies, the game will end directly.


"Yes, there is, and it has appeared more than once, so those of us who are real veterans will call Mr. Murphy the 'mainline NPC', which means that if he is gone, the mainline will not be pushed forward."

Brother Miao Miao is also a genius.

Moreover, he was at Black Flame Mountain Pass right now. He also heard about what Ziwei asked about. He immediately connected the two things together and said to Brother Zhongzhong:

"So, what are you suspecting?"

"I suspect that just now, Mr. Murphy may have really 'died'."

Brother Zhongzhong lit his pipe in the office of the arsenal. While sorting out his thoughts, he said:

"That's why we all went offline without warning, but now he's come back to life."

"He is an NPC. Isn't it right to be resurrected from the dead?"

Brother Miao Miao said something haha, obviously trying to change the subject, but Brother Zhongzhong sneered and said:

"Are you kidding me? Or are you trying to be clever? At this time? Under this topic? Do you think it's appropriate? This is serious business, Meow Meow."


Brother Miao Miao was silent for a few seconds. He sighed and said:

"Okay, I actually think so too.

It seems that the development team is not joking. Once something happens to Mr. Murphy, everything we have here will disappear in an instant.

Including ourselves!

Farewell is not so affectionate, we will disappear in the most direct way, and there is no such thing as loading and restarting.

NPCs will continue to live in this world, but we will be forced to stay away from here and will never have a second chance to log in.

The world would still function without us, but I don't want to see that.

Without our different world, how much excitement would be lost? And without our different world, do we have to return to the bad game of reality?

What do you think?"

"We can't let him go to the front line anymore! It's too dangerous."

Brother Zhongzhong blew out a smoke ring and said to Ming Miao:

"The major guilds should contact each other and submit a petition to Archon Miriam or Grand Duke Tris. Just say that Sir Murphy is too handsome. Such a handsome commander will undoubtedly affect the smooth progress of the war on the front line. Put him in the rear.

Just be a mascot.

It’s up to us, the ‘immortal heroes’, to fight the war.

In addition, gather all the player psionicists who have learned 'Astral Tear', and we can't let the jackals continue to cause trouble like this!

Listen, I have a plan."

This chapter has been completed!
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