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Chapter 682 681 So you fanatics are enough

Chapter 682 681. So you fanatics are enough!

The assassination of Murphy is a major event, and it will undoubtedly have a direct impact on the course of the war. The assassination of a rising vampire leader in his own territory is an unacceptable humiliation for Lord Heather.

Although the opponent's methods are clever and the method of quickly traveling back and forth by relying on the cracks in the astral world is difficult to track and sense, this is not a reason for Lord Heather to solve himself.

She is a dwarf and vampire who has lived for hundreds of years.

She has seen many bizarre things that ordinary people can't imagine, and she is also very good at piecing together the conclusions she needs from clues.

Although there is no evidence at the moment, Lord Heather quickly connected the two incidents of Murphy's assassination and the silence of the gods, and then came to a somewhat scary conclusion. The mastermind behind all this is definitely related to the black man advancing the Jackal.

It was related to the disaster. The opponent summed up its experience after encountering setbacks and abolished the two advantages of its own position as soon as it took action.


"The general attack is coming soon!

If I were the Splitting Claw Mistress, I would never give up this good opportunity. The foreigners in Transia only obey Murphy's orders. Now that the Governor of Transia is injured and unable to go into battle, there may be problems with the scheduling of the warriors.

And the silence of the gods means that I will not get help from the superior power at the most critical moment!

Damn it, this is the beginning of a vicious plan, this is just the first step, but I still can’t imagine how those bastards are going to destroy my Black Flame Pass?”

Lord Heather is a dwarf.

It is well known that dwarves are not very good at thinking.

She thought over and over again, but could not come to any effective conclusion other than making her thoughts even more confusing. But at this moment, Adele visited her as the head of Transcian intelligence.

"What did you say?"

Lord Heather, who never took off her helmet, looked at the obscene intelligence officer in front of her in astonishment and said:

"You suspect that there are mines laid in advance by the Jackals in my position? How is this possible! This position was built under the supervision of the Knights of the Blood Alliance after the Fourth Black Disaster. Lord Pa Ying has seen it here several times.

, there can be no problems that we haven’t discovered.”

"I believe in your expertise, but Lord Murphy believes that all unstable factors must be eliminated before the general attack of the Jackals. I also think this is necessary."

Adele said in a deep voice:

"The series of events in the past few days indicate that unrest is building. We cannot sit still and wait for death. Therefore, I request you to see the structural map of the Black Flame Pass position. The silver dwarves helped you build this defense line.

They must have a complete set of drawings, and I need to take them and give them to our architects to analyze carefully."

"You're asking for something I can't possibly give you."

Lord Heather shook his head and said:

"Having mastered the structural diagram, you can analyze the weaknesses of Black Flame Pass. If your architect is lax, it will be easy for something to happen. I trust Murphy and the Blood Eagle Clan very much, but this trust has not yet reached the point where I can transfer my wealth to

To the extent that my life is entrusted to you.”

"Then let our master builder look at you!"

Adele stepped back and said:

"This is Master Murphy's request! You must cooperate with us. You know, Master has never thought that Black Flame Pass is a perfect position. What's more, the person standing behind the Jackal this time is Dusk. You must know this name.

If even Lord Paying is wary of them, then you shouldn't boast so much and pretend that everything is fine when there is clearly a problem."

Lord Heather was silent for a few seconds, nodded and said:

"Let your master architects come. I will hand over the drawings to them, but they can only look at them in my command post. They cannot take them away, let alone copy them. The silver dwarves have always taken things like construction very seriously, so they can do it at will.

Leaking their drawings would have dire consequences."

"You don't have to worry about this. Transia also has a silver dwarf architect. Master Ilyich Umm Warheart, have you heard of it?"

Adele asked, and Lord Heather was surprised when he heard the name and said:

"Isn't that the previous chief architect of the Silver Dwarf Gaia Temple? It is said that he is also a reserve divine chooser of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. How come you Transians are so prestigious? Can such a person be hired by you?"

"Uh, is that master so powerful?"

Adele raised her eyebrows and recorded this information in her heart.

she says:

"He never explained his special identity to us, he just acted like an ordinary silver architect."

"This is normal, because Master Ilyich has made mistakes before."

Heather explained some secrets among the dwarves to Adele, and she whispered:

"Master Ilyich once helped the Songhai people build the Tongtian Bridge connecting the Castile Peninsula. It was the most proud work of his life. However, the radicals among the Songhai people used the bridge to launch a campaign against the elves.

Kingdom attack.

In order to prevent the war from intensifying and spreading, Master Ilyich personally blew up his favorite building, thereby interrupting Songhai's last possibility of integrating into the mainland.

That incident had a great impact on him. Since then, he has resigned as the chief architect of the Temple of Gaia, and has not stayed in Silver Castle but has traveled around. It is said that he has become a person in these hundreds of years.

He is a hopeless drunkard, but this is not something that is difficult for a dwarf to accept.

What a pity, that was an old dwarf who was heartbroken by the war.

If you can invite him here, you can take a look at the drawings of Black Flame Pass. He has a great reputation in dwarf society, and this is the privilege he deserves.

Do you need me to send some people to help you scout my position?"

"This is unnecessary."

Adele stood up and said bluntly to Lord Heather:

"Out of intelligence officer instinct, I don't trust your people, Your Excellency.

Especially those brass dwarves. I already know their true situation. With all due respect, those guys who don't want to fight and only want to get rich may be the weakest link in the defense system of Black Flame Pass.

Especially when the Mother Earth has already given her will, you should prepare for this in advance."

After saying that, Adele made the courtesy between vampires and turned around to leave, leaving Lord Heather alone in her office, lost in thought again.

She had already begun to rectify the artillery under her command. In fact, Lord Heather had seriously requested the Brass Fortress to send another colonel to replace Colonel Carder, who had completely lost his warrior character.

But because the road from the Black Flame Pass to the Brass Fortress has been cut off by the Jackals, the delivery of this letter and the response from the Brass Fortress are much slower than before.

"Maybe I should make some preparations."

Lord Heather had a headache and knocked on her full-face helmet. She opened the drawer and took out a very strange rune candle. After hesitating for a few times, she put the candle into her

In a personal psychic bag.

She is a vampire and a dwarf with a secret.

She really doesn't want to unlock her secrets under certain circumstances. Although that means she can solve almost any problem by herself, it also means a pretty terrible disaster——

"The assassination of Murphy is over. Your actions are really fast. I have to express my deep appreciation for the efficiency of your actions from the bottom of my heart."

The Mistress of the Splitclaw Clan, Potana, was still in her luxurious war vehicle. She held a pearl bracelet in her hand and said with emotion to the "Source" on the other side:

"My priests told me that the gods no longer pay attention to the Black Flame Pass, and we were able to start disrupting the spiritual energy nearby under the auspices of Lord Manson to trap them. Finally, all the conditions I needed have been

Everything is ready, it's time for the fools in Black Flame Pass to see the real Black Disaster.

Why are you so silent today? Your Excellency.

In the past, didn’t you always use different ways to ridicule my poor ambition?”

"I just don't want to talk."

Yuan's voice sounded from the other end, still cold, but revealing a lack of energy. This was immediately caught by Chief Potana. This cunning jackal made a disgusting laugh, and she said:

"Hey, you're injured again. You're really having a bad time. Before you could recover from your last injury, you were beaten severely again. Let me guess, this time it was Murphy again.


"Shut up."

Yuan, who had been "stabbed" hard by Lord Paying with the Holy Spear of Eternal Silence, was really in no mood to play tricks with the Jackals. Her losses this time were much more severe than when Tris taught her a lesson before.

Not only was the cafe he ran bombed by Xiao Sharon, but he couldn't even save his most cherished "stand-in".

Lord Paying is really ruthless!

If it hadn't been for the strong man's wrist-cutting at the critical moment, the terrifying power of eternal silence would have followed the connection between her and the substitute and directly harmed her body.

That is "eternal silence"!

When fighting against foreign enemies, Eternal Silence is already very terrifying, and the legend of Lord Paying's undefeatability is also very popular among the jackals. However, the purpose of the Holy Spear when it was created was not to harm foreigners, but to

Punish "unbehaved" vampires!

It is a sacred object for special attacks against vampires.

Not to mention the source, even other vampire princes will be injured by the sharp edge of eternal silence. This is why when Lord Paying visited old Edward with the holy spear of eternal silence, the latter was so timid.

s reason.

But the gnoll's sarcasm was just right.

Yuandu couldn't help but think about it, is he really having a bad time?

He had been fine for more than a hundred years, but in the past few months, not only had he been injured twice, but his arrangements in Transia were almost destroyed, and he even left nothing for the perfect Tris.

Mom's journey to becoming a god is in danger of overturning.

Calculating the time, when I started to be unlucky, it happened to be when that bastard Murphy was rising, so my bad luck must have something to do with Murphy!


Not to mention stealing his position next to Lady Tris, that bitch actually dared to openly claim to be Lady Tris's partner.

Fortunately, I know Lady Tris, she is not that casual vampire.

The purity she has maintained for more than four hundred years must be protected by herself until she completes the Scarlet Witch's last regret and until she personally lifts Lady Tris to the throne of God!

"Let your clan begin the general attack immediately, Portana."

Yuan said in a deep voice:

"The external conditions are all in place. Now we just need to advance further and let war and death gather enough power of resentful spirits. At the right moment, I will help you attract the dead souls waiting for resurrection under the Black Flame Pass.

Once we perform that ritual, not to mention the Black Flame Pass, the entire Transia will be overturned in an instant.

The black disaster led by you will spread in Transia. It will be a great plunder more glorious than the victory of the Bone-gnawing King. You will spread panic and disaster, and the whole world will also be in the blazing fire of war.

Burning and entering the reincarnation of real restart.

The world is waiting to fulfill its original mission! This ugly wrong era must be corrected!"

"Of course, I will do as you ask."

Potana responded with a low eyebrow and discussed the specific plan with Yuan before breaking off contact. However, the moment the pearl bracelet was thrown away, the Splitclaw Mistress sneered.

These Twilight believers are all really out of their minds. Even guys like Yuan are convinced of the necessity of destroying the world.

But who wants to rule over a garbage heap of ruins?

What the jackals want is a glorious victory and the establishment of their own kingdom on fertile soil. The reason why they launch wars time and time again is the fight for the right to survive.

But now, Dusk is openly asking them to fulfill their mission of destroying the world.


Bullshit mission!

This continent belongs to the jackals!

After they occupy the most beautiful lands, the gnolls will replace the weak and miserable humans and those subhuman races, shouldering the responsibility of building and defending the continent.

That's right.

Dusk is the enemy!

It is not only the enemy of all creatures of order, but also the enemy of gnolls!

Even the rough and arrogant Gehrman Gnaw understands this and sincerely agrees with it.


Don't think that since we jackals have no need for you now, you can kick your nose into your face. It's just a tool, it's just a chamber pot. Once you use it, you'll be kicked away!

"Hugesen! Come to me."

Mistress Splitclaw called out to her most capable and powerful Grand Overseer Splitclaw, who quickly walked up to the Mistress carrying the Wolf Blood Holy Sword.

This golden gnoll warrior, who had been strengthened to the limit with voodoo secrets, had already put on his battle helmet, with the battle flag of the Splitclaw clan tied behind his back, and seemed to be ready to lead an army to attack the Black Flame Pass.

"Well, that's good. It seems that you are very motivated to fight."

The mistress looked with satisfaction at her most proud work, which she regarded as her son, but Xu Gesen could not respond because his vocal cords had lost their function after many voodoo enhancements, and now he could only make wild war sounds.


"Let the warriors be prepared and let Lord Manson of the Bloodscar Clan immediately begin to summon the power of the Lord of the Hunt to disrupt the spiritual energy. Then, you personally lead the army to charge over.

But remember!

We can only rush to the seventh layer of defense and then we can’t go any further.”


Xu Gesen made a suspicious nasal sound, but Botana did not explain, but said in a more serious tone:

"No need to ask, I have my own plan! You will soon see with your own eyes the glorious black disaster caused by me. No, it should be called a 'natural disaster'! I will use facts to prove that the Splitclaw clan is the most powerful.

Gnoll Clan.

I will also use my undisputed victory to declare that the era of splitting claws is coming, what a bullshit Lord of the Hunt!

Is an evil god who has not yet been born worthy of our worship?


We jackals don’t need those god-like gadgets to rule the world!

This is the truth I realized from the few words left by the great and noble King of Bone Grinders.

Xu Gesen, we jackals are inherently nobler than other races on this continent, and we deserve respect from the entire world!"

Portana laughed and said:

"Being able to see that scene before I die of old age is enough to comfort my soul. And you, my child, my most proud work, you will eventually be crowned king! You will become the second bone-gnawing king, and you

He will do what even Lord Philip could not do.

Go ahead.

Start your journey."

Grand Overseer Xu Gesen nodded, turned around and left silently.

Potana stared at its back, her eyes filled with the gentleness she had never given her daughters.

She had never revealed Hugersen's life experience to anyone, but Gehrman Bonegnasher foolishly claimed to be the orthodox descendant of the King of Bonegnaths, but it could never have imagined that there was a second son of Bonegnashers besides him.

Potana accidentally picked up this child when she was young,

She used various methods to confirm that this orphan was the purest bloodline left by the King of Bone Grinders. She was so happy that she named it "Xugesen" and continued to strengthen it with the wisdom of voodoo.


Xu Gesen can be regarded as her and the Bone-Gripping King’s “child”, a truly proud work of her own.

That is the truly destined King of Gnolls!

Alas, of all the gnolls alive now, who is not a loyal fan of the Bone-Gripping King?

It sounds outrageous to have a child for an idol, but for passionate female fans, isn't this the best way to pay tribute to their idols?


"Ah sneeze!"

Hogg suddenly sneezed while he was walking, causing the flesh-shredder next to him to look at it in surprise.

Xianlang waved his paw, indicating that it was nothing.

But just now, he felt the bone-grinding king's consciousness suddenly tremble, and he didn't know if Lord Philip had a nightmare.

"The territory ahead is the territory of the Black Eyes clan, Xianlang."

Tear the flesh and say to it:

"Are you ready?"

"Let's go, the black disaster is already on the way, so whether we are prepared or not, we can no longer retreat."

This chapter has been completed!
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