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Chapter 686 685 The firewood of destruction has been completed, now is the time to burn

Chapter 686 685. The firewood of destruction has been prepared, now is the time to burn!

"Every time I see Twilight's creations, I can't help but sigh, how grand they are in pursuing the knowledge of the previous era that only existed in legends? Just picking up some scattered remains of the Golden Era is enough for Twilight

Create these amazing things.

This is a creative creature.

According to legend, it is an authority that only belongs to the Creator, a power that even ordinary gods cannot covet."

Splitting Claw Matron Potana was walking slowly in the dark underground tunnel, holding her thunder lizard bone staff that symbolized the chief's position. She was not alone. Next to her was the Gold from the Bloodscar clan.

Hunting Priest Lord Manson.

These two are the leaders.

The hundreds of gnoll priests following behind them were all spellcasters, and they carried large and small bags of various ritual items, as if they were planning to do great harm.

The tunnel they were walking in at this time was located at least sixty meters underground. This was definitely not a tunnel that ordinary races could dig. In fact, even the kobolds who were the best at digging couldn't accomplish this feat.

It's not because the kobolds can't dig out such a strange place, it's simply because the kobolds' large-scale excavation at this depth cannot be hidden from the detection of the earth priests in the position above.

But the Skaven can!

At this time, there were countless ratmen continuing to work on both sides of the tunnel where the jackals were traveling.

They don't just dig with their claws, which is too inefficient.

There are strange psychic individuals among them who can use some very simple earth spells to loosen the surrounding rocks and soil, and then the rat slaves swarm up to widen and deepen it.

The scene of tens of thousands of humanoid rats working together is astonishing, but these guys obviously have a strange and creepy discipline. They hardly make any unnecessary noise when working, but the rustling sound of digging

And those green eyes that lit up in the darkness around them made some cruel gnolls feel terrified in their hearts.

It was as if these strange big rats around them would swarm them at some point and bite them all to bits.

"I heard that the reason why these rat men can dig under the earth and avoid the detection of the earth priests is because the Creator of Dusk gave them the power of the sandworms in the gray desert?"

Potana seemed to be in a lively mood today, discussing this matter with the silent Lord Manson.

Facing the question she raised, the old but sinister blood-scarred priest shook his head and said:

"I was once invited to their 'laboratory'. I can only say that I can't understand the strange knowledge they have, but the place is really shocking. Although it is simple, it has the beauty of power, but that power is not

Belongs to the jackals.

Our people have been blessed with natural strength, so naturally we have to give up some wisdom."

"But that's a good thing, Lord Manson."

Potana shook her head and said:

"Wisdom is a good thing, but it only needs to be mastered by a few people. Once it spreads, fools will learn to think, and the conclusions drawn by fools are often dangerous, such as our King Gehrman.

He, who calls himself the Son of Bone-Gripping, only inherited the brute strength of the King of Bone-Gripping.

None of that astonishing wisdom was inherited, let alone Lord Philip’s desire for supremacy.

It is just stupidly imitating its ancestors, immersed in the black disaster that it has personally launched, but it cannot even understand what we want to get this time.

It is the perfect puppet cultivated by the Bloodscar clan, isn't it?"

"Shh, Chief Potana, you just need to understand this kind of thing in your heart, it can't be said out loud."

Lord Manson smiled.

The laughter of gnolls has never made anyone feel comfortable, let alone the Bloodscar clan, a group of fanatical guys dedicated to spreading the faith of the Lord of the Hunt.

It looked around at the rat people who had completed the foundation excavation and were digging diagonally toward the surface, and said:

"The front eight positions only require the ratmen to dig through tunnels and blast the ground with explosives to completely destroy them, but the real trouble is the positions at the back. I know you have obtained the help of Dusk, Potana, what are you doing today?"

His actions will directly determine the future of Black Flame Pass.

But we’re already here, aren’t you going to show us your trump card?”

"It's not that I don't want to say it, Mr. Manson. In fact, I don't know what surprises Dusk has left for us. I just know that it can be used by us."

Mistress Splitclaw shook her head and said:

"The only pity is that the Plague Clan, which is best at using the power of death, is on the wrong team. If those Plague Warlocks could also be here, maybe I would have ended this disgusting battle seven days ago.

But please be patient, Lord Manson.

I know that you are also looking forward to offering sacrifices for the birth of the Lord of Hunting. I swear to you that you can offer extremely generous sacrifices to our god at the Black Flame Pass.

All the lives that exist here will create our victory with a murderous attitude, and the Lord of the Hunt will feel happy about it.

But it’s still the same problem.”

Potana glanced at the Blood Scar Priest and whispered:

"Did you really not notice? Our God is a polluted God. Is it really okay to let Him be born like this?"

"Careful what you say! Mistress Splitclaw!"

Manson, who had always been indifferent, would now yell angrily:

"The question you just asked is already blasphemous!

Whether the Lord of Hunting is contaminated or not is not a question we should consider. Our faith has been restricted to the domain of the Lord of Hunting a long time ago. Only gods have the authority to choose believers, and believers are not qualified to choose gods.


We must allow the Lord of the Hunt to be born, Portana.

Although we also know that it will bring the gnoll civilization into a state of decay, the era of chaos is coming, and our people need spiritual protection.

No one except the Lord of the Hunt will accept the Gnolls' beliefs.

Unless you are willing to worship the more dangerous shadows of the warp.

Those gods of dusk

But look at those people who are hiding in the shadows of civilization and playing conspiracies. Their bodies are still intact, but their souls have rotted. Are you really willing to be one of them? Potana, you must know that they are like fallen gods.

is God!

He can also provide us with the strength and protection we need.

He was born from the faith of the gnolls! He will not and cannot harm the interests of the gnolls.

If you fall, just fall.

Anyway, all we need is a shelter and strength, nothing more.

The Bone-gnawing King has shaped the foundation of civilization for us, the four black disasters have tempered our strength, and the birth of the Hunting Lord is a sign that we jackals will eventually rule the world.

In the face of such a reward, all He needs is faith.

What a bargain.”

"Ha, well said, it's really a good deal."

Portana pulled her hood up.

She seemed to agree with this argument, but judging from the twinkle in her cloudy eyes, she clearly dismissed it.

The Splitclaw clan clearly has plans for the future of the world.

"It's right in front."

The jackals went straight and soon reached the end of the rat tunnel.

Mistress Splitting Claw took out a simple map and compared it. Their current location should be directly below the ninth level of the Black Flame Pass. The tunnel here has not turned, and its end is inserted into the underground structure of the Black Flame Pass defense line.

core location.

It is in the "non-existent area" that Samoyelia concluded.

Potana saw the ratmen digging in front of her. She shook her head, stepped forward and swung the bone staff to drive out a highly penetrating spiritual spiral, opening the last few meters of the tunnel in an instant.

What then caught the eyes of the Jackals was a lifeless and huge area, a "tomb" hidden in the core of the position.

Portana laughed.

She bent down and picked up a badly weathered metacarpal bone.

The owner of this metacarpal bone still held the weapon tightly before his death, so that even after the flesh and blood dried, he still could not take the broken sword away from his hand. It seemed that even a hundred years after his death, he was still unwilling to give in to failure.

"Look, the warriors who died at the hands of the Bone-Gripping King a hundred years ago, everyone thought that these brave warriors had been annihilated in the black disaster. They even foolishly built cenotaphs for these warriors on the ground.

I know that they wanted to commemorate that war and those tragic sacrifices, trying to seize some will, wisdom, and the like from it, but it turned out that they could not learn any lessons from the sacrifices.

A hundred years ago, Lord Philip defeated the Black Flame Pass in just one week. Tens of thousands of warriors of all races died in the massacre, but their death was not the end.

It was just a buried seed of darkness.


This seed is about to take root and sprout!

Stupid Heather Hoffman thought her enemy was the Splitclaw clan, but that was not the case! If he wanted to challenge the Splitclaw clan, the reckless and stubborn dwarf vampire had to first get past the remains of his 'predecessors'!

Does this wave count as cannibalism?

Ha, I'm really curious."


"What have you been doing all these years of inspections? Goddess Earth, above, these are your drawings! It was you who completed the construction, and it was you who promised Lord Paying that this place will never fall! But I only found out today

, there is a big bomb in my position that has never been discovered!

Once it explodes, my position and I will be wiped out in an instant!


Is this the working attitude of the Temple of Gaia?

If I weren't already a vampire, I would definitely report you to the Mother Goddess!"

Lord Heather has received the report from the Stonemason Brotherhood, and her whole body is numb now.

Governor Murphy has always been pessimistic about the fate of Black Flame Pass. Lord Heather always wanted to convince the vampire to tell him that everything was fine, but now it turns out that Murphy's premonition was correct.

There really was a terrible flaw in the Black Flame Pass position, and the most terrible thing was that they discovered it too late.

"Find the void that doesn't exist!"

The vampire lord pointed at the compatriots summoned from Silver Castle in front of her, and she cursed:

"Find it before everything is irreversible! Destroy it! This is my only order."

"This is hard, Heather, please calm down."

A silver dwarf with a beard that almost wiped the floor explained:

“There is nothing wrong with our drawings”

"Go away! Don't shirk responsibility from me now! The jackals have launched an attack on the front line, and I have to stop them to buy you time to wipe your ass."

Heather yelled.

She was so angry that the light in the entire command post became very dim at this moment, as if a surge of darkness was about to swallow up all the light.

"Heather! Calm down! Don't forget those things you are carrying!"

The thin old man with a white beard and a dwarf whose identity was obviously extraordinary shouted. He tapped the cane in his hand on the ground, letting the sound penetrate into his soul. Lord Heather immediately stopped her voice. She gasped and calmed down.

Then the lights in the entire command post office came on again.

She grabbed the weapon and said:

"Go and find that hidden danger! Help those Transians find that hole. I beg you, Lord Orvger! We can't lose this position, otherwise everything will be over. Even if I die here, I can't atone for my sins. We

You can't change the tragic ending, you know?

If we don't hold this place.

The disasters of the Fourth Black Disaster will happen again, and those casualties and disasters will stain the hands of all of us with blood."

"This isn't us trying to shirk our responsibilities, Heather."

The supreme lord of the silver dwarves, Orfgor Silverheart, who personally came to the front line, sighed and said:

"I came here just to solve the problem. The priests are already helping the travelers from Transia to find the hole. What I want to warn you is that you must be prepared to retreat now. Dying here may allow you to face the shame.

, but you are the commander-in-chief!

You cannot act so selfishly.

You have to take responsibility for your soldiers and make plans immediately. I will stay here to assist you in completing the evacuation.

If the situation can still be saved, I will do my best to make up for our mistakes.

But calm down. We produced the drawings of the position, but we are not responsible for the construction of the position. Heather, we only completed the position frame. Don’t forget who completed the construction in the end!

This is a really important issue.”


Lord Heather is agitated.

She subconsciously lowered her voice and said:

"You mean, there is a traitor among the brass dwarves?"

"A high-ranking traitor!"

Lord Orfger narrowed his eyes, and the dwarf elder, who was smaller than the other dwarves, said softly:

"A traitor who can hide such a huge hidden danger and make the earth priests dare not explore deeply. I suddenly remembered that more than twenty years ago, a group of silver dwarves were attacked by goatmen when they returned from the Black Flame Pass.

Sneak attack and killing.

That seemed to be an accident.

But now it seems that we may have missed the best opportunity to make amends.

And to be honest, I’m not only worried about the Black Flame Pass now, but also the Brass Fortress.”

"Lord! We have found the hidden hole. It is in the center of the position! Like a hidden heart."

An earth priest, sweating profusely and smelling of earth, ran in, holding a pen in his hand and drawing a circle on the position drawing.

Lord Ofg took one look at the location and was immediately shocked.

He shouted:

"That is the core position of the traffic tunnel of the rear six-layer position. Once it is occupied, the enemy can follow the underground tunnel to attack all important positions of the position smoothly and unimpeded.


Block those tunnels!

Heather, come with me!"

The Supreme Lord grabbed Heather's wrist, waved his staff, and led Heather to the newly discovered hollow area through earth magic with incomparable precision.

As a result, as soon as the two people jumped out, they were shocked by the corpses scattered in front of them.

So many corpses accumulated here, just looking at the number is enough to make people's scalp numb. What's even worse is that when the Supreme Lord and Heather entered here, they saw the flickering green light coming from this hole like an impact halo.

The other end exploded.

Wherever the green light reached, the remains seemed to be immersed in water and tainted with strange power.

Under Lord Heather's desperate gaze, the skeletons around her seemed to wake up from an ancient sleep, each one igniting green bone fire in their eye sockets, and then moved their decayed bodies and slowly stood up.

"Congratulations! The powerful and wise Lord Heather finally entered here at the last moment!"

Chief Potana's hoarse voice echoed from the green glow, with strong sarcasm and provocation, she shouted loudly:

"But it's too late! If you choose to sleep on the tomb, you will naturally bear the wrath of the dead souls. You have let down the warriors of a hundred years ago, and they are now coming to seek justice from you."

After throwing harsh words, Chief Potana immediately retreated. What stood out was his stability.

"Blow this place up! High Lord! Quick!"

Heather had already raised her shield, and she shouted to Lord Orfgor, who was holding the chest pendant beside her:

"We cannot let these undead rush into our position, collapse it, and bury them completely!"

"No, this is the intersection of earth veins."

The Silver Lord rejected it outright. He shook his head and said:

"If this place collapses, the entire position and the soldiers will be torn apart in an instant, damn it! The power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth has been stolen, and a traitor has appeared among the Earth Priests. That traitor is now in the Brass Fortress!

I will stay here to block the attacks of the undead from all parts of the battlefield as much as possible!

I can last at least one day!"

The strange pendant in Lord Orfgor's hand shone with topaz-like fluorescence at this moment.

With his white beard flying, he used earth magic to send Lord Heather out of here and warned:

"Heather, you must send this news to Lord Paying! By the way, warn the halflings that the Brass Fortress and Gorgon Pass may no longer be able to protect them! The fall of the Brass Dwarves is unstoppable, and the Earth Mother must

Give them up.


Otherwise, the tragedy of the God of Nature and the Spider Lady may happen again. Oh my god, the era of chaos is about to begin from here.”

This chapter has been completed!
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