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Chapter 69 Miss 68, Master Jade is crazy! He is going to do something

 Chapter 69 68. Miss, Master Jade is crazy! He wants to get a new blood vulture! 【860】

(Additional update for the ‘Frostfang Claw’ brothers [3/5])

Murphy could only lament that his little players could always find new ways to create new lives for themselves.

Just now, he received a report from the soldiers under Maxim's command. A group of vampire "beggars" crawling out of the great rift were discovered by Lumina and Sister Pomegranate, and are now under control.

After receiving the news, Murphy and Tris immediately rushed to the place where the vampires were placed.

On the way, Cuisi kept "self-examination":

"I was just talking to stimulate Femis, but I didn't expect it to come true. This is wrong. With the concentration of spiritual energy in the astral realm in the inner city, even if they are not involved in the astral realm, they will not be able to survive for seven days.

so long!

This isn't right, Murphy."

Murphy also looked helpless.

Although he knew that the sudden appearance of those embarrassed vampire beggars at this time was definitely not because of Tris's crow mouth, he also took this opportunity to say to Tris:

"You also know that you have the characteristics of a crow's mouth, so don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Maybe your mouth is so poisonous that a passing god can't stand it, so you prepared such a surprise for us."

"Hey, which god would pay attention to vampires? Do you really think that our status as eternal sinners is a joke? The gods of the star world avoid us."

Tris rolled her eyes and saw Maxim waiting in front. She said no more and just followed Murphy. The loyal servant in front of her had a very strange expression.

When he saw Murphy coming, he immediately stepped forward and whispered:

"Those who escaped were several of the clan leader's personal guards and their servants, led by Lord Jade."

"Ah? Is it such a coincidence?"

Murphy was also stunned for a moment.

As far as he knew, there were almost 1,500 personal guards of the Sarokdar clan leader, who were the elite of the clan. Jade was only one of the 30 captains. In the current situation, he was able to escape alive.

This probability is indeed too low.

He also noticed Maxim's strange expression, and knew what his servant was worried about. He reached out and patted Mark's shoulder and whispered:

"I will make it clear to him, don't worry."


Maxim nodded and watched Murphy enter the house behind him. Tris, who was watching all this with a cold eye, took a sip of wine and suddenly said to Maxim:

"Are you ready?"

This question made Maxim turn around in confusion, and then he heard Tris say:

"What if that Jade doesn't agree to your leaving? What if he doesn't plan to give my little Murphy this face?"


The loyal servant immediately clenched his fists.

He was struggling in his heart, and then he saw Tris showing a smile and saying to him:

"You have to understand that under the current circumstances, the Blood Eagle Clan has ceased to exist in name only, half-buried in the grave with those rules that smell of decay.

My little Murphy is going to do something big, and as his servant, you have to be flexible in your thinking.

You can't always ask others to give you what you want, right?

You are a native of Transia, and you know what to do at times like this."

That's it for what Tris said.

But Maxim already understood what Mrs. Tris meant. He nodded, stepped aside and pulled up his hood, hiding his expression and thoughts under his visor so that no one could see him.

At this time, in the room, the eldest lady who rushed over after receiving the news had already examined the bodies of the seven clan leader's personal guards in front of her. Seven of them were male and female, but they were all very miserable.

The armor on their bodies was in tatters and severely corroded by energy, and their bodies were so thin that they were almost skin and bones. It looked like it was not the result of normal consumption, as if their life force had been drained by something.

All of them had haggard faces, withered and yellow hair, sunken eye sockets, and their whole bodies were dirty and smelled bad.

There is nothing wrong with the reports of Lumina and Sister Pomegranate. These are a group of vampire beggars who suffered in the inner city for seven days before escaping.

Their dozen or so servants are also indifferent, but it is worth noting that there are no human blood servants among these servants, but they have all been converted into vampires.

Obviously, it is impossible for ordinary humans to persist in such a harsh environment in the inner city until now.

"How is it going?"

Murphy asked.

The eldest lady shook her head, wiped the stains on her fingers with a handkerchief, and whispered:

"It's all bad. They have experienced a long period of blood extraction and their physiological state is quite tired. Even their own blood essence has been exhausted.

There are also a few people whose souls have been seriously eroded by the filth of the astral world, and have already developed dementia and madness.

This is irreversible mental damage!

Even if they can recover later, they will have to remain in this semi-crazy state until eternal silence comes.

Tris's previous vicious words were right.

Tonight, when the spiritual whirlpool in the astral rift changed, it was their only chance to escape, and they did seize this opportunity and escaped from the inner city."

"Did he really escape from the inner city? I feel like it's not that simple."

Murphy is skeptical.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the miserable seven clan leaders' personal guards in front of him, and whispered:

"Both you and Tris' professional knowledge determine that even high-level vampires cannot survive in the inner city, so I suspect that they must have hid in an area that can temporarily resist the spiritual pollution of the astral world.

Although I have never been there, I also know that the Blood Vulture Corridor is in the center of the inner city, and there is a vast underground area under the castle-shaped buildings on the ground.

The family's holy blood pool is also deep in the corridor, right?

Miss, the question you have been worrying about seems to have an answer. The Blood Vulture clan does not seem to have perished, at least it is not as miserable as you thought. There may be other living clan members in the corridor.

Even your father."

"No, the clan is finished! I'm sure of that."

Femis sighed.

As if she didn't want to discuss the matter with Murphy at this time, she left a few bottles of alchemy potions and turned around and left the house. However, Adele did not follow the eldest lady and left this time, but guarded the door.

Obviously, Murphy's heirs were worried about their elder's life.

Although the seven personal guards of the clan leader here are all weak, their strength is at the silver level. No matter how weak they are, they are still the absolute elite of the family. Moreover, their minds are eroded by the spiritual energy of the astral world, which makes them even more dangerous.

Murphy came to Master Jed.

He looked at Jade lying on the wooden board in front of him. The patriarch's personal guard no longer had the powerful and elegant posture when he announced orders to Murphy.

Not to mention the tattered and blood-stained armor on his body, his demeanor alone was no longer normal, and he now seemed to have aged hundreds of years all of a sudden.

Serious wrinkles also appeared on Ben's handsome forehead, and even his black hair turned gray.

It looks quite bleak.

Murphy stretched out his hand to twist away the potion left by the eldest lady, and poured it into Jade's mouth. Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly heard a weak foley sound in his ears:

"Let your heirs leave first. I have something to tell you, Murphy."


Murphy blinked.

This is Jade's voice. Is this guy awake?

Or has he been pretending to sleep?

but why?

"Adele, go check on Tris."

Murphy turned to his heir and warned:

"By the way, take a walk around the Great Crack to see if there are any more compatriots who have broken out. Don't worry about me. I am safe among my own people."

"Okay, sir."

Mrs. Adele turned and left, and the door covered with ashes closed at this moment.

When the room fell into darkness, the weak figure lying on the wooden board in front of Murphy immediately stood up and sat up.

Jed's eyes opened and he could see the exhaustion and joy in them. He stretched out his trembling hand and released a psychic spell. Murphy could feel an invisible force sweeping through the room, covering all the sounds in it.

stand up.

"There is no one left."

Jade gasped and said to Murphy in the dark:

"We are the last members of the Blood Vultures to escape! I must tell you, something terrible happened in the corridor, it happened before the astral rift opened, and I didn't even dare to tell it out loud.

What happened in the dark night of Cadman City was not just a disaster in the star realm, it was far more than just natural disasters, there were also man-made disasters.

But the Mother of Night is watching over me!

Midnight Blessing made me meet my old man, little Murphy."

He looked at Murphy up and down with surprise and admiration, and said:

"I am not unconscious. Before being sent here by my servant Maxim, I have been observing the surrounding situation in my own way. I saw those survivors who obeyed you, those delicious humans! Not only are you alive

They are back and have gathered a pretty good force on top of the ruins.

It seems everyone underestimated you, Murphy.

Everyone also underestimated Tris.

Tell me, was your previous low profile a disguise she asked you to make?"

"It seems that my disguise was not good enough and I was discovered by you, Lord Jade."

Murphy replied sarcastically:

"I have always remembered your kindness. Without your help at the beginning, I would never have been able to complete the death mission alive. I am also very grateful to the Mother of Night for allowing me to see you again after this disaster.

Do you need blood?

I'll send some over right away."

"Of course, my companions and I are in urgent need of blood to recover, but don't let those stupid and cowardly human animals come in, our current state is not decent.

This will destroy the great image of the great vampires in their stupid hearts.

Collect their blood and send it over quietly. Let Maxim deliver it. He is a person we all trust.

But pay attention!

Ten million!

Don't let that little bitch Femis find out."

Jed's throat moved up and down, obviously thirsting for blood, but he reminded Murphy more, which made Murphy realize that something was wrong.

He frowned and asked:

"Why do you want to hide it from the eldest lady?"

"Because it was her father who caused all this, the once wise and powerful Sarokdar has degenerated into a madman. He is a sinner of the family and a monster of the species!"

Jed whispered with strong disgust and a trace of hidden fear:

"It was he who caused the terror in the corridor. The madman who buried the clan with his own hands is no longer worthy of being our clan leader. As for Femis, haha, you don't know yet, right? When the city was swallowed by the star realm, she was stupid

He rushed into the Blood Vulture Corridor that was being closed, but escaped again by relying on his identity as the family heir.

We begged her to take us away.

But she cruelly abandoned us, treating us as sacrifices for her father's ugly behavior!

I guess she didn't tell you this.

It's obvious that she's hiding a lot from you, which proves that she's just using you.

Murphy, listen to me!

I have a plan now that I need your help with. It seems that you have won the trust of that little poisonous woman in Femis, which is good! It means that the Midnight Mother is looking after you and me."

He took out a small crystal bottle from his psychic bag and handed it to Murphy. In the darkness, he said dumbly:

"Feed it to that little bitch, it only takes a few drops. You have reached the critical point of the black iron level. I can feel that you need a prey to complete the promotion of strength.

I'll help you, Murphy.

Femis is the perfect prey.

After you execute her with your own hands, Sarokdar's bloodline will be cut off, and you and I will have real power."

"Real power?"

Murphy took the small crystal bottle without hesitation, but he was obviously eager to hear more. Jade needed Murphy's services at this time and was very generous. He said with an inexplicable excitement:

"Yes, real power!"

As Jade's fingers danced in the darkness, something appeared on the tip of his finger.

The thing was like an irregular slate emitting a scarlet glow in the dark. Murphy was immediately attracted to the thing, as if there was a voice in his consciousness calling him to touch the thing.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, but immediately retracted it, as if he had been burned by an invisible flame.

"Haha, don't be afraid, touch it, touch the treasure we got back after a narrow escape, one-third of the Grand Duke's Certificate!"

Jed chuckled softly:

"With your position in the family, you would never have seen it with your own eyes during the era when Salokdar was in power, but times have changed now, Murphy.

Listen to me, whoever holds this thing will be the next Duke of Blood Vulture! Even the most demanding knights of the Blood Alliance cannot deny this transfer of power.

However, the premise of everything is that Femis must die!

The bloodline of Sarokdar must be extinguished, and the civilians under your command will become the first members of the new Blood Vulture clan led by me! Yes, although the holy blood pool has been contaminated, we can still rely on a large number of primary

Come and rebuild the family.

You see, I am so honest with you, but Femis will never tell you her true intentions and plans.

Like I said, that little bitch is just cheating on you.

She is as cunning and cold as her father.

But I am different, and I will share it all with you generously. We all climbed up from the bottom, Murphy, and we understand how sweet the ambition to get ahead is.

We were born to stand together."

Murphy did not answer, nor did he pay attention to Jed's somewhat neurotic persuasion and temptation.

He seriously suspected that this guy might have had his mind eroded by astral spiritual energy, or was he really desperate and needed Murphy to stand by him at this time?

No matter what the truth is, this means that Murphy can in turn take advantage of Jade who has needs for him.

At this moment, his attention was focused on the scarlet slate in Jade's hand. The moment his fingers touched it, the information label popped up:

Name: Civilization Slate·Vampire【1/7】·【Desire】Fragments

Quality: Miracle Creation


1. After holding the slate and completing the binding, you will be given the title of [Head of the Blood Vulture Clan/Grand Duke of the Blood Vulture], which will give you nominal control over all Blood Vulture vampires, and inherit the Blood Vulture family’s rule over Transia.

A strong assertion of power.

2. After holding the stone tablet and completing the binding, the special power entry [Power of Original Sin·Desire] will be given, and the holder will be given a special talent [Desire Perception].

3. After holding the slate and completing the binding, you will be eligible to participate in the special event of the vampire race [Holy Blood Seal].

4. Collecting all the slate fragments can reshape the [Civilization Slate·Vampire], making it possible for the scattered vampires to be integrated into a complete civilization.

Status: The current binder is Sarokdar Collinsman Lesembra, and the first successor is Femis Cecilia Lesembra.


Item description:

[The original sins of each of the seven vampire clans are not conceptual claims, but come from the seven special powers at the spiritual level that were given to their races when they were born. The slate fragments in front of you are not just symbols of power,

It also represents the unknown and secret origin of the vampire family!

Because its manufacturing techniques can no longer be verified and reproduced, it is called a "miracle creation", and every miracle creation in the world possesses magical power that cannot be matched by ordinary things.

Get it!


Get it, and you will get the ticket to participate in the world's deepest vicissitudes of life.】

"What a magnificent and great thing! I can't imagine how much sacrifice you and your companions made to get it."

Murphy retracted his finger and took a deep breath.

He leaned slightly in the darkness and whispered to Lord Jed in a flattering tone:

"Then, please allow me to propose myself to be your sword in the darkness, my respected Archduke Jed."

This chapter has been completed!
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