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Chapter 694 693 Black Tide Lonely City

Chapter 694 693. Black Tide Lonely City

"The Big Bird Group and the Silver Moon Group have obtained the remaining two crystal cores. They have lost some brothers and are now moving to Fort Courage through the tunnel we marked. Brother Bang and Master Qin, we have to bring people.

Go and meet them.

Otherwise, with the current situation of the city being surrounded on all sides, their small number of people will not be able to get in at all!"

In Fort Courage under the night, Teacher Li, who was temporarily in charge of communication, quickly stepped forward and passed the new news to the two commanders. They were currently guarding the outer tower of Fort Courage together with many players.

Faced with Teacher Li's suggestion, Brother Bang and Lao Qin didn't say anything. In fact, there was no need to explain the situation too much.

Everyone in Fort Courage knows how dire the situation is.

Looking out from the guard tower, this small highland is surrounded by the Splitclaw Jackal army and their kobold servants, in every direction, and it is not a temporary siege.

, you can see the trenches dug by the kobolds in many places. Although they are crooked, they are obviously imitating the trenches of the Transians.

This is obviously a long-term siege and attack posture.

Obviously the Jackals also knew that the defense line of Fort Courage had become extremely difficult to break after the construction was completed, so they chose a safer method while they had the advantage.

With Black Flame Pass having been essentially breached, Fort Courage, an isolated place outside the battlefield, has no supplies or support at all. The Jackals don't even need to attack repeatedly. As long as they surround this place, the consumption alone is enough.

Exhaust these stubborn people.

This is not a strategic location.

But as long as the bloody flag in the center of Fort Courage is still flying, no matter whether it is a werewolf, a vampire, or even believers of several major churches, they will never give up the fight here no matter what.

"Can't our earth priest use earth magic to bring them here just like he did when he picked us up before?"

Happy Stick asked in a low voice. Teacher Li shook his head and said:

"It can pick up people, but the core crystal cannot. I asked the priests, and they said that thing has its own psychic disturbance, which will interfere with the precise operation of earth magic. Unless it is controlled by a psychic master like Mrs. Tracey, otherwise it will basically

It is impossible to be transferred in through methods such as teleportation.

We have to go out and respond."

"Then get out."

Lao Qin, who was holding a pipe in his mouth, took a deep breath of smoke and said:

“Nothing but death in battle!

This is not a burden to us, but the important task of 'strategic counterattack' currently shouldered by Fort Courage will directly rewrite the outcome of the Black Flame Pass offensive and defensive battle.

I have never seen the Astral Rip with my own eyes, but you old players all told me that it is a very cool thing. Once it is released successfully, it will be enough to cause heavy losses to the Splitclaw clan. I will interpret it as a tactical nuclear bomb.

It is a necessary means to reverse the disadvantages in local battlefields.

This risk is definitely worth taking!

Especially given the current situation, even if the active forces at Black Flame Pass can be withdrawn in an orderly manner, the lost morale will be difficult to replenish immediately, which is fatal in such a large-scale defensive battle.

There are still two subsequent stages of the Black Disaster. We must find a way to cheer up the NPCs so that the subsequent war can proceed smoothly.

Our numbers are too small. Whether we can win this war depends on whether their fighting will is strong enough.

I don’t want to see a complete defeat in the defensive battle due to low morale.”

"We understand what you mean, a shot in the arm."

Teacher Li nodded and said:

"All members of the Shado-Pan are ready. Mr. Qin, as long as you give the order, we will have no hesitation!"

"And us!"

Chen Long, the unfailingly proud guild president, immediately raised his fist and shouted:

"We are all newbies. Our lives should have been lost on the battlefield just now. Our combat capabilities are not of much use, but we also know the importance of this counterattack. I will go and fight with my brothers.


When we rush out to pick up people later, I guarantee you will see the confident new players going out with you!"

"I think all the players in Fort Courage are mentally prepared for this, but the problem is that it's not enough to let everyone out right now."

Happy Stick stood up, pointed in the direction of the two crystals, and said:

"The jackals in this direction have prepared two positions on the outside. It is almost impossible to penetrate it in a short time. Even if the newbies have the will to sacrifice, it will be difficult to open the gap. Moreover, if this side moves, the other three

The gnolls in the direction will come to support.

They've effectively trapped us here.

Therefore, not only the players must take action this time, but the NPCs must also take action. They must launch ferocious attacks in the other three directions to coordinate our response operations.

The good news is that Knight Wallander and his 500 winged cavalry are now at Fort Courage, and I can convince them to carry out a trampling charge, which will definitely break open the Jackal's position at the critical moment."

"Isn't this wrong?"

Lao Qin frowned and said:

"How can the hussars charge in this terrain? You are heavy cavalry. If you want to get enough impact, you have to accelerate. These gnolls have imitated us to dig trenches and have blocked the position. You can't charge at all.


"We can! Use special tactics."

Brother Bang grinned proudly, clapped his hands and said:

"In fact, after the defeat of the Knights of Wallander in Xiko City, they have been trying to improve the overly traditional fighting method of the hussars. Do you still remember the scene of the hussars jumping into the battlefield from the portal during the Blood Flag Round?

I have tried with Knight Valander. We can let the hussars start to accelerate in the open space in the center of Fort Courage.

The distance of about 1000 meters is enough for the hussars to enter the third stage of acceleration. Open the portal at the end of our charging road. With the help of Lord Mannis the Endless, the hussars will not lose too much when passing through the portal and entering the landing point.

kinetic energy.

In this way, as long as the landing point of the portal is fixed behind the Jackal position, we can rush out directly from the portal, bypass their trenches, and cut through the back of the position with the majesty of trampling."

"Holy shit! Portal raid tactic? Isn't this an alien interpretation of the leapfrog tactic? It's awesome!"

Several student gang members nearby were dumbfounded.

Pigeon Bao exclaimed:

"If such a tactic can be implemented, doesn't it mean that the mobility of the winged cavalry has been improved to an epic extent? Can you completely appear in any position on any battlefield with the appearance of magic soldiers descending from the sky?"

"Well, that's true! But this strategy can only be achieved with the help of Mr. Mannis. Otherwise, just the astral journey through the portal will be enough to make us injured. The astral world is not kind to the life in the material world.


Happy Stick sighed and said:

"And it cannot be used on a large scale. At present, we do not have the kind of legion-type portal that can allow thousands of winged cavalry to charge through together. This is really a pity."

"This is enough!"

Lao Qin squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then blew out a smoke ring and said:

"Then you and Knight Valander are responsible for digging through the rear of the position. The newbies and I will definitely help you open the front of the position before you reach the two Raiders of the Lost Ark. As for luring enemies in the other three directions, I

Go talk to the NPC commanders in the castle."

"No need!"

Old Eugene, the zealot of the Church of Avalon, came out from the steps.

He didn't come alone. The warrior leader of the Vam Berserker, Froud, and the Su's monk leader, Master Yuri, were both here.

"Fort Courage is the Three Sacred Places. We believers guarding this place cannot allow the followers of the evil god to act recklessly. We also fully understand the importance of the counterattack planned by the Transians to the Black Catastrophe War.

Therefore, when you attack, the believers of the three gods will also fight with you.

We will rush to the gnoll position and attack them so that they cannot interfere with your actions.

This was an act of courage and a noble sacrifice."

Old Eugene’s words represented the decision of these believers, but the more cautious Master Yuri reminded:

"Warriors of Transia, you have more to consider. Obtaining the core crystal is only one aspect. It is also difficult to obtain the participants required to trigger the Great Rip of the Star Boundary. With the current number of psionic masters in Fort Courage,

, is completely insufficient to trigger the kind of attack you want to see.

It would take three times more psionicists to turn your wild plans into reality.

And the Dark Mountains are not Transia.

The plane boundary here is very stable. It will be extremely difficult for you to cause destruction to the astral realm here. You need a beacon that can connect to the astral realm.

With all due respect, things like that are very rare across the continent."

"I know that difficulties exist, but things have to be done step by step."

Lao Qin said in a deep voice:

"The battle of destiny will never come when you are fully prepared. Get the core crystal back first, and then talk about the rest. Thirty minutes later, our compatriots will escort the crystal to the outside of Fort Courage, and that's when the battle begins.


In this dark moment, we have no more options.

I hope you are all ready."


"Let me explain in advance that I just proposed this idea. I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. Maybe when we rush into the portal, we will be swept to the other side of the world by the Star Trek."

In the center of the highland that was widened and leveled by the earth priests in Fort Courage, Happy Stick, who was riding on the "Shadow King" horse, put on a hussar helmet while facing Valan, the goshawk knight who was two circles larger than him.

De said in a low voice:

"This is risky combat."

"Which battle of the Hussars is not risky? From the moment we were born, we were not meant to live peacefully."

Wallander, who has become the Holy Grail Knight of the Forest, sneered at Happy Stick's weak tone. The leader of the mountain people snorted and patted his general on the shoulder with the hand that could easily break the steel pipe.

Even with the protection of armor, Brother Bang gritted his teeth in pain.

"In the tradition of the Sealanders' cavalry, any cavalryman who lives past the age of thirty is a coward. What I want to say is that if I am afraid of death, I will not do this profession."

On the other side of Brother Bang is a knight captain of the Blood Alliance Army. He and more than a hundred of his companions will also join in this life-threatening charge.

They followed the players and escaped from the collapsed Black Flame Pass to Fort Courage a few hours ago, but now they are back in danger. However, there is no fear at all on the faces of these cavalrymen. On the contrary, everyone's eyes are twinkling.

With anger.

He answered Happy Stick's concerns with a Zealand proverb, which made both Wallander and Happy Stick laugh.

Behind them, five hundred wing cavalry and more than a hundred retinue cavalry have formed a charge formation. Under the city wall a kilometer away in front, the psychic masters stationed here from the Blood Vulture Clan are doing their best to attack them.

The opened portal is enlarged.

Due to the nearby psychic interference, the landing point of this thing will not be too accurate, but fortunately, the stubborn jackals have a large position outside, so there is no problem if it is a little off.

"Miao Miao and the others have arrived, right behind the Jackal position."

Brother Bang took the time to look at the latest news on the forum, and he said to Knight Valander:

"We can get started."

"Then do it!"

The Vulture Knight put his sacred oak war helmet on his head, held the armor-breaking hammer composed of vines and oak entwined in his hand, and urged the war horse Hanfeng to come forward, but the next second, he looked at the happy stick


"This time, you will lead the charge!"


Brother Bang was startled and said:

"Isn't this the commander's power? When you are here, in which round will I lead the charge?"

"Nonsense, you are riding the Shadow King."

Wallander complained:

"That's the leader of all the Shadowmane warhorses. Leading the charge with it will make the Shadowmane warhorses go berserk and make the impact stronger. You lucky guy, hurry up! Stop talking nonsense."

"Oh well."

Brother Bang took a deep breath, pulled down his mask and stepped forward.

He stood in front of 500 winged cavalry for the first time. The Shadow King was already a little irritable and began to kick the ground with his huge hooves, as if urging his knights to hurry up. I couldn't wait to kick a few jackals to pieces.

Let's have some fun.

Happy Stick turned around and looked at the cavalry behind him.

He saw the Transian battle flag being held high, and the battle flag of the Cadman Raiders held high by several of his brothers. He knew that the tradition of the Hussars could guide a group of people in such a battle.

The field charge means that he has become one of the representatives of the Hussars.

Ah, what an honor.

"Then, I order."

Brother Bang suppressed his excitement, pulled the reins of the horse to let the Shadow King move forward, and shouted as loud as his lungs could:

"Slowly move forward! Prepare to charge!"

The next moment, the five hundred winged cavalry moved forward like an indestructible group. They strolled forward and slowly accelerated. When they crossed a distance of three hundred meters, the Shadow King was already running at a small pace.

"First acceleration! Charge formation!"

The speed of the cavalry began to increase, and the ground of the entire Fort of Courage began to shake. The chariot flying in the sky carried a bag of explosive bombs and Molotov cocktails, holding his staff and screaming:

"It's coming! It's coming! Look! My favorite part is coming!"

"Second acceleration! Don't fall behind!"

When there were only three hundred meters away from the huge portal shining in front of him, Brother Bang shouted the order, and at that moment the phalanx of hussars began to attack with all their strength.

The distance of three hundred meters almost passed in the blink of an eye.

There was a flashing scarlet light curtain in front of him, like a wall. He could enter the battlefield as long as he hit it.

"Spread your wings!"

He gave the final order, and then rushed into the flickering light curtain with his horse. However, the next second, he heard the weird mocking voice of the Endless One:

"How bad is your luck today? Forget it, my dear commander, I will give you an extra service today."


The time-reversed light flickered on the happy stick that had the bad luck to encounter the Star Trek, bringing him back to the moment when he was already lagging behind. He passed through the light curtain again, and this time he did not encounter the Trek.

As the screen of light flashed before his eyes, and amid the Shadow King's roar, he was the first to rush into the center and rear of the Jackal's position.

In front of him was the camp of a little Gnoll Overseer who was grabbing a barbecue and enjoying a midnight snack. The Splitting Claw Gnoll Overseer saw a winged cavalry rushing out from the flickering light in front of him. The poor guy didn't even have time to react before eating his dinner.

They were knocked away together.

Amidst the shrill screams of the "flying man", more winged cavalry rushed out of the portal at full speed. In an instant, hundreds of jackals were honored to receive their lunch boxes.

They were eating midnight snacks and singing songs in their own camp, when they were suddenly attacked by hussars!

Who the hell can stand this?

The whole rear area of ​​the Jackal position broke into chaos almost instantly, and the sentinel Xiao Ashina sent by Brother Miao Miao and Lady Shui who were waiting in the rear immediately captured this wild response signal.

She shouted in the air:

"Brother Bang came out of the portal with the winged cavalry. Damn! It's so brutal. The position was plowed open. I really want to be a winged cavalry."

"Fake! Is this the cavalry you usually play? Isn't this unscientific?"

Judy, the cowboy who followed the Silver Moon Group as an "experience baby", was looking at the heavily armored knights in front of her who were driving wildly in the jackal camp. This was different from the "cavalry" she imagined. Well, it seemed a bit subtle.

s difference.

"Rush! Hurry! Keep up with them, this is the only chance!"

Brother Meow Meow, who was riding the Thorn Beast, roared, and the surviving players immediately escorted the two barrier core crystals and rushed towards the Jackal's position.

Their final goal is the lonely city standing in the distance under the dark night, like being hit by the black tide but still standing firm.

That was the first miracle created by the Transians in the Black Catastrophe War. Who would have thought that the story of the end of the Black Flame Pass would also be played out here?

Ah, fate, what a magical thing!

This chapter has been completed!
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