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Chapter 701 700 Facing revenge for Yuan’s assassination, what is Murphy’s choice?

Chapter 701 700. Faced with Yuan’s assassination and revenge, Murphy’s choice is to continue to provoke!

Now that the situation in Black Flame Pass has become like this, and they say they will fight back, if someone else had said that, Daimus would definitely turn around and leave!

Are you kidding me? I, the high-ranking ranger captain of the Elf Kingdom of Castile, am chatting and laughing with people like the Elf King and Lord Paying. How can I have time to make such a black disaster joke with you here?

But considering that the person who said this was Lord Murphy who had been creating impossible things, and just now, Murphy showed him a cheat in front of him.

The unique skill of being able to look directly at the evil god without being affected and protect the people around him from being disturbed by the mind is enough for the indifferent Captain Demes to give a precious trust to Murphy at this moment.

"But aren't you in charge of the retreat?"

The elf captain didn't even have time to mourn for his "blackened" Moon God Falcon. He picked up his halberd and bow from the ground, looked at Murphy, and said:

"If you leave like this, what will happen to the people in the rear?"

"I am their lord, not their nanny. I have already planned for this situation. Just follow the retreat plan. Besides, I also have my righteous partner, Grand Duke Tris, who is watching over me."

Murphy took out a halfling compass to confirm the sense of direction that had been completely distorted by the interference of the Lord of Darkness. He said without looking back:

"What's more, my vampire friend Lord Heather has released his biggest secret. With the power of the evil god standing across the Black Flame Mountain Pass, unless the jackals are desperate for their lives, they will not rush forward.

Haven’t you felt it yet?

The power of the evil god is changing the reality here.

All the surrounding light sources are being swallowed by it. If we can't send it to other places quickly, there will be no need for Black Flame Pass.

This can certainly stop the black disaster from rushing to Transia, but if left unchecked, this place will become a gangrene in the connection between the real world and the subspace. Although it is definitely not caused by Twilight's conspiracy, due to the impetus of fate, an unexpected combination of circumstances has led to this.

When things develop like this, the bastards at dusk will probably wake up laughing in their dreams.

I don't even dare to think about what kind of horrific things this ferocious Lord of Darkness in Heather will cause on the continent once the era of chaos they are looking forward to comes.

But if they are happy, I will be worried.

So I plan to use a huge ‘bomb’ to BOOM all the problems that exist here! This is a no-brainer, but as long as it has enough power, it can solve thousands of problems with one explosion.”

"You seem to know a lot about these things that are not part of the physical world?"

Dames looked at Murphy warily and said:

"I have heard your name, Lord Murphy, you are just a young vampire."

"But I have a great lover, and my girlfriend is the most powerful theologian on the continent. She told me all this."

Murphy glanced back at the one-eyed elf who was trying to trick him. He shrugged, showed a gentle smile on his face, and said:

"Just think that I am talented at eating soft food. So, do you want to continue wasting time here, or go to Fort Courage with me? As you can see, I am just an ordinary black iron. Now I want to

I must have a strong guy to protect me when I cross the dangerous Black Flame Pass."

Demus is not an elf who is good at joking.

He is a typical old-school elf who is very rigid and boring, but at this moment when he heard Murphy say that he was an ordinary black iron, the high-level ranger couldn't help but want to complain.

You bastard vampire, can you first look at the layer of white light next to you that can be easily dispersed by the power of evil gods before you say this?

Is this another fucking Transian barbarian joke?

It's not like I haven't been to Transia during the last black disaster. The people there are barbaric and closed-minded, but they don't have the good eloquence and good attitude of the guy in front of me.

"But how are we going to get there?"

Dames suppressed his desire to complain, grabbed the bow and prepared to fulfill his duties as a bodyguard. He looked around but couldn't find an available road at all. Seeing that Murphy had begun to shake his wings and prepare to take off, he


The vampire lord pointed to the ground and said:

"The tunnel dug by the rat men is dozens of meters underground. The breath of the Lord of Darkness has not penetrated so quickly. Now the rat men have run away, so as long as we are fast enough, we can be completely swallowed up by the power of darkness.

Arrive at Fort Courage before Black Flame Pass.

The rest is very simple.

My warriors have already prepared everything they need to counterattack, and now they only need a 'beacon', and I will personally deliver the counterattack blade to their hands.

Let's go.

There’s no time to waste, I’ll explain it to you slowly on the way.”

After speaking, Murphy jumped up, and with his wings folded, he jumped towards the rock formation below that was "decomposed and engulfed" by the floating black strange force. Demus touched the Moon Girl sculpture in his arms and prayed to Ava in his heart.

Long Baoyou then jumped down as well.

But after entering the Rat Man Tunnel at Position 9, Demes discovered that they were not the only ones on this trip, there was also a shadow elf spider girl waiting there.


Demus scolded:

"How dare you show up here?"

"Shut up, you idiot who lives in a tree."

Villanse ignored the provocation of this high-level ranger at all. She moved her six spider legs uneasily and said to Murphy:

"We must leave here as soon as possible, Master. The evil god above is very powerful. The nightmare tyrant Baphomet is only a small person compared to him. It is hard to imagine how Lord Paying sealed him in Lord Heather?


"The Ancients always have many strange abilities."

Flying low in the empty Skaven tunnels, Murphy said:

"But I am more inclined to think that the Lord may have used external forces, those powers that he has forgotten where he came from but still uses them, those powers that do not belong to vampires. When we see him, I think all the secrets will be revealed


"You have a gold-level guard, do you want me to come with you?"

Captain Demus Goldleaf finally noticed something was wrong. He backed away and said:

"I feel now that you deceived me to commit murder."

"Don't take yourself so seriously! There was no need to save you just now when the master wanted to kill you. Your poor will is meaningless in front of the filth of an evil god."

Villanse turned around and said maliciously:

"You are still alive now because of the protection of my powerful and mysterious master. If you dare to leave this light, you will be noticed by the Lord of Darkness above. Of course you don't have to follow us, boring forest elf.

But you know exactly what that means."

"Don't pay attention to Villanse's threats. I just want to talk to you about some elven matters."

Murphy was as gentle as ever. He motioned for Dames to follow him and not to break away from the faint white light shining around him, lest he enter the darkness and be swallowed up by the evil god.

In fast forward, he said to the elf ranger:

"I learned from some of my sources that during the Ten Years' War on the mainland, you elves have been collecting the lost holy relics of the Church of Avalon. It is said that half of the holy blades fell into your hands.

If the old religion dies, then there is nothing to say about your actions. However, the Human Temple of Avalon has re-established itself in Transia, so can I ask you to return those holy blades?"

"Are you joking?"

Demus whispered:

"Do you really think that I, an ordinary high-level ranger, am qualified to participate in such a thing?"

"Of course you can't be an ordinary ranger captain, but your last name is 'Gold Leaf', isn't it?"

Murphy glanced at him and said:

"Look, as I said just now, I have a very powerful girlfriend. From her, I know that the two families of Gold Leaf and Silver Leaf have been the favored ministers of the Elf Royal Court for generations. You were the Kuei family at the beginning of this era.

King Lyon's confidant.

The Black Disaster is about to invade Transia. You have experienced the whole process of the fall of Black Flame Pass. I don’t think I need to exaggerate any more panic. After our counterattack is over, you and your elves can leave.

But I would like you to convey my request to King Querion.

Transia and the newly born Church of Avalon both need those holy blades, so think of them as special armaments to support the war. After all, if Transia cannot stop the crazy gnolls, the worst situation of the fourth black plague will be

Maybe it will happen again?

In addition, I want to confirm one more thing."

The vampire governor looked at the silent high-level ranger and said softly:

"Is the Greene Holy Grail of the Church of Avalon also in your hands? If you have been pursuing the Holy Blade, then the Holy Grail that is more valuable than the Holy Blade may also be regarded as a target by you."


This time Demes answered decisively:

"We have searched for the Holy Grail of human believers, but we have found nothing! But more than a year ago, a strange news came back from the North Sea. It is said that some businessmen passing by the sea off Greene saw a green holy thing under the night of Glamour Island.

The light flickers.

Therefore, if the human believers in Avalon want to recover their Holy Grail, I suggest that they go to the abandoned holy land and take a look.

As long as they are not afraid of being caught and beheaded by King Louis."

"Well, I understand, thank you for your message."

Murphy nodded and asked no more questions.

This decisive attitude surprised the high-level ranger.

That's it?

Did you really go all out to bring me here just to let me be a messenger to deliver a message for you?

Shouldn't you be coercing me to ask for more information about the Holy Blade at this time? Or is this handsome vampire a bit careless? Does he really believe that he will help him deliver a message to the Elf King?

Demes' psychological activities were "heard" clearly by Murphy.

The power of desire has been operating, but the vampire governor has no time to explain more to this mysterious ranger.

Even if he is not an outstanding psionicist, Murphy can still clearly feel that the power of the Lord of Darkness above his head is rapidly expanding, and his dark breath is seeping into the land, even near the pollution that is already unstable.


If the time is prolonged, the entire Black Flame Pass will be filled with the power of darkness and corruption.

This guy is not the same as the subspace shadows that Murphy once faced. The Lord of Darkness does not have the distortion and corruption power that directly targets the soul like the subspace evil spirits. He also uses temptation to weaken the mind of his prey.

This seems to indicate that he has a connection with the subspace, but it is not profound.

There is even a possibility that this guy is not a god born in subspace.

After all, when Heather's life candle was identified just now, the information given by the character card was quite clear, this guy is an "old god".

This is the first time Murphy has seen this term.

But this is not the first time he has faced this kind of similar power. If he looks carefully, this lord of darkness is somewhat similar to the nightmare tyrant Baphomet who has not yet awakened in Baphomet's underground palace.

Perhaps the nightmare tyrant is also a member of the old gods. They are not the same as the "new gods" like Avalon and Su who became gods with the help of the power of the Creator after the beginning of this era. They are also completely inferior.

The subspace shadow is so shockingly powerful and indescribable that it is more similar to an evil god in the traditional sense.

Ah, these differences are too complicated to describe.

This is not Murphy's area of ​​expertise. Maybe you can ask Tris when you go back later. As a theologian, she will definitely have research on these things.

"We are almost there, Master."

Villanse vigilantly grabbed several tokens of the Spider Lady along the way, ready to "rescue" at any time, but this section of the road was unusually quiet and safe, and no unexpected incidents occurred.

It wasn't until Murphy led Villanther and Demes to rush out of the damaged tunnel at the other end of the Black Flame Pass position that they knew why no one bothered them.

The road from Black Flame Pass to Fort Courage is also fragmented. Although this place has not been invaded by the power of the Lord of Darkness, it is filled with thousands of wandering undead, large and small, and there is still a strong atmosphere of Hades.

The Necessary Evil floating around Murphy was wandering to absorb the power of death here, and the three of them quickly moved forward, and soon found survivors in the "Sea of ​​the Undead" that were just wandering but not harmful to anyone.

The cute new Terranova grabbed a shotgun that had no deterrent power in the current scene of the demons dancing around, and together with the champion insect Pumbaa guarded the unconscious mummy, on the broken rock not far from Nefertari,

There was also a body wearing a strange cowboy outfit that was almost torn apart.

"Ah, Lord Murphy!"

After Terranova, who had been frightened by the previous battle, saw the main NPC appear, she hurriedly ran, waving her hands and told her powerful NPC what had just happened.

"What? Bayek, the chief priest of the Church of the Death Moon, has been hiding in Nefertari's body, and he also fought with the Twilight cultists here by awakening tens of thousands of undead to form an army, destroying the entire mountain road.

Killed a lot of gnolls?

Also, who do you think the cultist is?"

Murphy was stunned for a while. It was obvious that what happened here was beyond his imagination. Faced with his question, Mengxin Terranova immediately waved her hands and shouted:

"It's a guy named 'Mamluk King of Wraiths'. His nickname in the dusk is 'Explorer'. According to the little mummy, he is the most terrifying, crazy and paranoid tyrant pharaoh in the history of the Songhai Empire.

It was he who started the war with the Elf Kingdom three hundred years ago!

That bridge!

Tongtian Bridge!

I had heard the story of that bridge told by the bearded dwarf Ilyich before, that bad warlord! He was sealed, but escaped and joined the Dusk. The jackals learned their knowledge of death from him.

The consciousness of the King of Wraiths has been captured by Lord Bayek and taken back to the place of origin. We don't have to worry about encountering him again.

Oh, by the way, there’s also this!”

Terranova, who had "exclusively enjoyed" a story CG, excitedly picked up a cold Songhai scepter hidden behind her and handed it to Murphy. She said:

"This is the 'gift' that Mr. Bayek specifically asked me to give you before he left. He said that placing the core scepter of the Feast of Ten Thousand Souls in Xiko City will prevent the Hades army there from being manipulated by Dusk!

He also said that the little mummy would know how to use it after waking up."

"Well, so, the reason why Nefertari is crazy is because Bayek is hidden in her soul?"

Murphy asked curiously, Terranova shook her head vigorously and said:

"No, no, no, I've asked this question too, but Priest Bayek sighed and said that the little mummy's madness is really just because of the water in his brain, and has nothing to do with the old man's hiding.

In addition, he commented that you are truly the one chosen by the supreme creation.

You are also invited to take time to visit the place of origin, and you will become the most honored guest of the entire Songhai Empire."

"Okay, when the black disaster situation eases, I will definitely go there."

Murphy put away the core scepter of the Feast of Souls and said to Terranova:

"Take the little mummy with you and we will go to Fort Courage immediately. This bad day at Black Flame Pass should be over!"


"Damn it, why hasn't Lord Murphy come yet! What the hell is that big monster at Black Flame Pass? I heard the guys on the forum broke the news that it was some evil god released by Lord Heather?

So, have we been receiving missions from the evil god during this period?

Hey, think about it, why is it so cool?"

The cars in the Fort of Courage were jumping up and down in a hurry, and the veteran players next to them couldn't control their emotions and were walking back and forth. Even Mrs. Shui, who was always the calmest, couldn't help but whisper to Brother Huozi about her feelings.


They have been waiting here for a long time.

The three core crystals of the Serenade Barrier were stacked on the top platform of the central building of Fort Courage, and all the psionicists among the people who fled here were already in place.

Both player psionic masters and NPC psionic masters are now filled with a rare temperament of anger and hatred, especially those who escaped from the Black Flame Pass after a narrow escape. They looked at the place shrouded in darkness.

The eyes are extremely complex.

But what is certain is that the anger in these people's hearts has been ignited.

As long as the damn gnolls can be punished, they would rather fall into hell with those barbarians.

The Goatman's conjuration group was making final adjustments to the upcoming Great Rip Ceremony of the Star Realm. Old Goatman Finley felt excited about what was about to happen, and even had a little fear.

As an outstanding spellcaster, it can fully understand what kind of horrific disasters can be created with the three crystals in front of it. At this time, it throws such power at the enemy without hesitation, leaving it can only sigh with emotion.

The West Asians are indeed a bunch of real lunatics.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind that can connect to the star realm.

"Master Murphy is here!"

Brother Fu, who was flying around overhead to observe the situation, shouted, and the players on the platform suddenly stood up.

Murphy flapped his wings and fell from the dark sky. He glanced at the crystal core that had begun to be charged, nodded to the old goat man, and turned the Vientiane device into the form of an astral guide stick and inserted it into the ritual center.


Murphy noticed that many psionic masters present were looking at him. The broken military uniforms on their bodies represented that they came from the Black Flame Pass, and the eyes of these people were burning with fire.

The governor felt that he should say something at this time. He thought about it and said to them:

"The Black Flame Pass is gone, the position collapsed, the jackals thought they had won, and my friend, your commander Heather, in order to stop the black disaster, did not hesitate to put himself on the scale of war as a bet.

We will definitely save her!

Transians never compromise, we always do what we say!

But before that happens, we'll make the Splitclaw gnolls pay with their blood! Right here, right now! Be patient, they're about to wail."

This chapter has been completed!
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