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Chapter 714 713 Gehrman bites the bones, think about the worst, and then go on

Chapter 714 713. Gehrman Bone-gnawing, think of the worst, then think of the good

The real situation in the Brass Fortress is obviously much worse than outsiders imagined.

When that layer of communication was isolated and the subspace power that shaped the labyrinth emerged, it was already under attack. This occurred almost simultaneously with the war at Black Flame Pass entering its worst stage.

If Dusk is behind all this, then this time the cultists are planning to bloom on both sides.

Almost at the moment when the covering fog shrouded, a huge number of ratmen launched an "underground surprise attack" from the underground on the Brass Fortress and the surrounding fortress strongholds. These bastards seemed to have long confirmed that the Brass Dwarves would definitely lose the protection of Mother Earth.

Therefore, their attacks appear arrogant and straightforward.

There is no tactical cover like Black Flame Pass, so we have to attack decisively when the fortress is blocked and isolated.

The impregnable and impregnable Brass Fortress was dug through the ground that night, causing chaos inside the fortress, but the surprise attack was ultimately unsuccessful.

Because the Skaven underestimated the professionalism of the fortress and the combat effectiveness of the dwarves.

Especially the former. For a fortress carved out of a mountain, there are more than a dozen floors in the stratified area alone. The dwarves also have a large number of buildings underground in the fortress, which makes this underground surprise attack all the way possible.

To the core location, the height difference alone reaches thousands of meters.

Only after the Skaven dug in did they realize that this was a layer-by-layer battle on a three-dimensional structure battlefield, and the Skaven. The native strength of this race is even weaker than humans at the individual level, allowing them to fight against the dwarves who are known for their brute strength.

It is too difficult for them to fight hard.

What's more, the garrison in the fortress is not just dwarves.

Therefore, the Skaven's surprise attack was successful, but it also failed.

However, there is no doubt that the Skaven played exactly the same role as Black Flame Pass in the offensive and defensive battle of the Brass Fortress. They reversed the situation of the position and allowed the initiative of the war to completely fall into the hands of the Jackals.

After the first wave of ratmen were defeated, the follow-up jackals and kobolds immediately took over. The wild barbarians followed the tunnels dug by the ratmen and rushed into the fortress. Then a bloody battle began in the brass fortress.


Probably the failure at Black Flame Pass stimulated Dusk, causing them to put away their careless trying attitude and start going all out at the Brass Fortress.

The impact and replacement of illusory consciousness that the commanders are constantly experiencing is the constant counterattack of subspace forces in this fortress. The jackals do not have such means, so it is certain that there are currently dusk forces in the Brass Fortress, and their number is still there.

Quite a few.

Today, when the Elf Legion and the Sang Marine Corps finally decided to break out, it was already the sixth day since the Brass Fortress was attacked. This undefeated fortress had become a real flesh and blood mill.

The brass dwarves occupy the advantage of the terrain. Although the underground and first floor of the fortress have fallen into the hands of the gnoll army, the dwarves are still resisting.

The news of losing the protection of the Earth Mother spread among the Brass Dwarf civilians, which severely damaged their morale. However, the current situation is already a desperate situation of "if you don't fight or you die", this resistance has even ended with

Faith has nothing to do with it.

The Brass Fortress has been contaminated with too many gnoll lives, and the hatred between the two races has spread for hundreds of years. No matter how stupid the dwarves are, they will not believe that as long as they put down their weapons, the gnolls will let them leave.

Life and death!

This is a war with no second option.

After the road out of the battlefield was blocked at dusk, this attack and defense was quickly pushed into bloodshed and disaster.

And this is the most perfect slaughter that the jackals hope to see in this black disaster, to please their evil gods with the blood that flows all the time.

"What a wonderful start that has never happened before!"

Outside the Brass Fortress, in a valley more than ten kilometers away from the dwarf fortresses, the army of the Bonegnawing Clan is entrenched here.

At this early morning, King Gehrman Bonegnasher woke up from a wonderful dream that he would become the king of the world. While tasting the bloody venison breakfast, a pioneer messenger sent a battle report.

The above shows that last night's raid captured an armory on the second floor of the Brass Fortress. The Bonegnawing Clan's army obtained a large amount of sophisticated armor and weapons, and even the proud firearms of the dwarves.

For this victory, seven thousand kobolds and five hundred jackal vanguards paid the price of being scalded to death by the lava, but these casualties were not taken seriously by Gehrman at all.

Are you kidding me?

In the crazy and savage dark mountains, even the fight between two clans with casualties would be more crazy than this.

What's more, the soldiers' deaths in battle were generously rewarded, which in itself is something worth boasting about. How many brass dwarves are there, and how many jackals are there? If the two sides exchanged coins like this, Gehrman would be full of pride.

It was a pleasure to wait until the day when the last dwarf was besieged to death.

The casualties caused by the six-day attack were not without tragedy, but if this was the price that had to be paid to break through the Gorgon Pass, which was as dangerous as nature, then the Bone-gnawing King would only feel that it was a good deal and satisfied.

Its heart is the same as that of a bright mirror.

As long as under its leadership, the invincible Jackals occupy the Brass Fortress and enter the wealthy Genoa Peninsula, even if the black disaster is eventually repelled, it will still become a veritable king of the Jackals!

After all, even its ancestor, the Bone-Gripping King, could not conquer the Brass Fortress.

Hermann is still very young.

It is still in its prime as a jackal, and even if it fails to complete the great cause of dominating the continent this time, it will still have an opportunity to form a real black disaster when the psychic tide of the Dark Mountains surges more than ten years later.

It has many cards in its hand.

Having more choices will naturally make you feel more at ease.

"Pass my order to give a reward to the clan that captured the armory last night! Replace their lost warriors and give them more kobolds so that they can continue to be the vanguard. As long as they capture the second floor, I will reward them

more fertile territories and gave them the honor of being the first to plunder the Genoese peninsula.

The Bone-gnawing clan only needs 20% of all the spoils, and the rest belongs to them."

King Hermann laughed loudly and stuffed the venison in his hand into his mouth, and threw a piece of plump deer liver to the messenger who came to report the news. He also gave it a bag of the wine he enjoyed so that it could drink on the way.

This is its unique "skill of controlling people".

Although superficial and straightforward, this is what the low-level Jackals do. Gehrman has always maintained this generous style of "courteous and virtuous corporal", which gives him a pretty good reputation among the Bone-gnawing Clan.

But the bone-crushing king who has everything going well actually has troubles.

For example, after eating breakfast, it inspected the military camp as usual, and unsurprisingly found that the Whiptail Clan's camp was still at the same place as yesterday. That powerful clan seemed to have no intention of intervening in the frontal war of the Brass Fortress, and had been sending their elite troops.

The Wolf Cavalry fought with the scattered dwarf clans near the Gorgon Pass.

The cunning old Singer called it "clearing out potential threats for the great bone-grinding king", but in fact, what this old guy wanted to do could not be hidden from Herman.

"You go to the Whiptail clan to deliver my order and ask Chief Singer to come to my place for a banquet this afternoon. Just say that we have just obtained a batch of elite dwarf munitions. I intend to share some of this good stuff with my loyal war."


Gehrman Gnawbone, who was riding behind the luxurious white warg king, said something to one of his cronies, the warlord, who nodded angrily.

Gehrman's inspection continued. Compared to the Whiptail clan's ineffective work, the Bloodscar clan under his command performed very well this time. Probably because the Bloodscar clan is the most pious clan among the jackals.

, causing them to do their best this time for the birth of the Lord of Hunting.

The faith warriors and hunting priests of the Bloodscar Clan were almost the first group to rush into the Brass Fortress and engage in street fighting with the dwarves. The six-day attack forcibly defeated the three core vassal clans.

This kind of loss made Gehrman stunned and distressed, but the bloodscar clan's great warlord didn't care and continued to send people to fill in the lines.

Such a crazy gesture even forced King Bonegnasher to send an army governor to persuade it or even stop it.

This is not how the elites of big clans are used!

This battle is still in the initial stage, so just let the peripheral clans die. The elites must be saved and used to attack the opponent's core when the opponent is exhausted.

If every elite gnoll is currency in the hands of the clan chiefs, then they must be used in the most appropriate place, and your current behavior is equivalent to using gold coins to smash the door! It’s not that you can’t smash it like this, but it’s obviously better to use cannon fodder.

It's cost-effective.

"Your Majesty! A messenger is coming from the Black Flame Pass."

Just when Gehrman had finished his "after-dinner exercise" and was about to take his soldiers to the front line to knock down some dwarf fortresses to have a good time, a bipedal flying dragon cavalry brought him unexpected news.

This made Herman a little unhappy.

It doesn't like the Splitclaw clan and everything related to that clan, nor does it like the cunning old Portana. That guy has been secretly planning some dangerous things, but Gehrman can't find any evidence.

During this black disaster, the Splitclaw clan took the initiative to attack Transia. This was a development that Gehrman hoped to see, so that it would not have to be constrained.

But now people have been sent over there. Apparently there is something wrong with the battlefield at Black Flame Pass.

Although the layer of fog brought down by dusk blocked the communication between the dwarves and the outside world, it also blocked the communication between the jackals on the battlefield and the outside world, so that during the past six days, Gehrman was unable to receive any news from the outside world.

But the jackals are allies after all, so they have "privileges".

They can freely pass through the subspace fog that covers the battlefield every morning or evening, but the number cannot be too large. This is equivalent to locking themselves and the enemy into an octagonal cage, and one must fall before they can leave.

In the eyes of other races, this mode of war is too dangerous, but for the gnolls it is just right.

"Let the Splitclaw clan wait for me at the camp."

Gehrman Bonegnat waved his claws and said:

"I'm going to kill 50 dwarves before I go see them. Don't worry, they won't be kept waiting for too long."

After saying that, the bone-gnawing king rushed out of the camp with his guards.

The truth is as it said, for a gold-level jackal, 50 dwarves is really not a difficult target. An hour later, Gehrman returned victorious, and then he heard the order in his camp.

Shocking news.

"What? Old Potana cough, I mean, Chief Potana died in the battle? The Splitclaw clan's hundreds of thousands of troops were also wiped out? Is this some kind of fucking vampire joke? What the hell is this?

A good fight!

Are you thinking with your tail as a strategy?

Why such horrific losses occurred?

Even in the Fourth Black Disaster, there was no example of a war chief dying in the early stages of battle! Lord of the Hunt, this is really shocking."

The bone-gnawing king was really shocked.

It was not a jackal leader who was good at hiding his emotions, and even the hint of joy hidden under the shock in his eyes was not well concealed.


What a good death!

The old witch is dead, and she died in such a shameful manner. The Splitclaw clan will inevitably be in ruins.

If I think of another way to operate it, I might be able to dismember this big clan directly, so that other gnoll clans will have enough psionicists available. In addition to the Splitclaw clan, the other big clans will be very happy.

Hermann had already begun to think about taking over, but High Priest Manson, who was sitting opposite him, didn't care about that.

It clearly states its purpose:

"I want to take the Bloodscar clan warrior here, King Bonegnasher, as an aid for the Splitclaw clan to march towards Transia for revenge, and at the same time offer more crazy slaughter to the Lord of the Hunt there. I went before arriving here.

During a trip to Mossy Valley, my chief, His Excellency Amote, told me that the Lord of Hunting was very satisfied with the massacre at Black Flame Pass.

He even felt pleasure.

But on the other hand, He is not that interested in the war at the Brass Fortress, which shows that our Lord's focus has shifted.

The main battlefield of this black disaster sacrifice will be replaced by Transia."


Hermann decisively refused:

"Without the help of the hunting priests of the Bloodscar clan, it would be difficult for my army to break through the Brass Fortress under the firepower of the dwarves. The army here cannot retreat."


Manson glanced at the Bone-Gnawer King with a strange look, and said softly:

"I'm not asking for your consent, Chief Gehrman. I'm just here to tell you that the Bloodscar Clan has made this decision. Serving the Lord of Hunting is the Bloodscar Clan's only responsibility and mission. As far as I know, you are not the leader of the hunt."

The Lord’s choice.

You had the opportunity, but you declined the honor, didn't you?

Now the true Chosen God is about to be born in Mossy Valley, and it will lead Bloodscar and Splitting Claw's vengeance army into Transia.

The soldiers of the Bloodscar clan are already gathering now. I am just telling you out of courtesy to adjust your front quickly to avoid being recaptured by the dwarves."

"You bastards!"

Gehrman was furious, and he yelled:

"There is only one step left to capture the dwarf fortress, but you are holding me back at this time! Damn it! When I become the second bone-gnawing king, I will definitely"

"Wait until you sit on the throne of the King of Jackals before unleashing your thunderous wrath."

Manson was too lazy to argue with this guy.

It stood up, leaned on its bone staff, and whispered:

"It was Lord Philip who shaped the orthodox inheritance of the Lord of the Hunt, and our god has enough majesty to designate the next King of Gnolls. Now that the Chosen One has been born, you are getting further and further away from the throne you have longed for all your life.

But you still have a chance.

If you can get enough support among the people, maybe the Lord of the Hunt will change his mind. What I mean is that you can enter the Genoa Peninsula to get rich rewards for the people before His Highness Hugeson, the Chosen One, conquers Transia.


Can you spread war, chaos and massacre to all parts of the continent in the name of the Lord of Hunting?

Can you become a great man like Lord Philip who makes the whole world tremble?

Chief Gehrman

Think about it carefully, this may be your last chance.

Well, the Bloodscar clan and our gods await good news from you, but for now, please allow us to retire from your war.

Please forgive me, compared to the insane Transians who fight to the death, you and your so-called enemies at this time are too low in terms of intensity, will, and purity.

A group of fallen dwarves who have lost the protection of their faith and are fighting for unknown reasons and their isolated city.

Hey, how hard can this be?"

After saying that, Manson swaggered away from Gehrman Bonegnasher's camp, leaving only an incompetent and furious chief.

But after Gehrman frantically smashed everything in the camp to calm himself down, he suddenly realized something from a very strange angle that he had not noticed before.

The Bloodscar clan is leaving.

This means that the Whiptail clan no longer has any reason to shirk the requirement to participate in a frontal war.

Old Singer could either break up with it, or he could only send the elite Whiptail Hunters into the battlefield of Brass Fortress to fight with the Bonegnashers.

And compared to the Bloodscar Clan, who are so fanatical that their own people are afraid of them, the Whiptail Clan, which is better at hunting and has tactical thinking, is obviously more suitable for the current street battle that requires sufficient wisdom.


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