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Chapter 717 716 The great Lord Paying finally came to his loyal

Chapter 717 The great Lord Paying finally arrives in his loyal Transia

When Tris received Murphy's urgent message, she immediately put down her research and began to hurriedly notify all important members of the Blood Vulture Clan to rush to the Shadow Valley to "pick him up". At the same time, the Millennium Lord Vernon Paying Capado

Your Excellency Xia was riding a winged horse toward the Shadow Valley alone with "no consciousness of being strong".

Well, a Pegasus with wings is certainly a pretty cool creature.

Especially when the horse's head really has an ivory horn on a white background dotted with blood, this scene becomes quite fantastic.

Speaking of which, the Lord himself was not very clear about where his horned Pegasus came from. He only knew that when he woke up in the Dark Mountains, he had this horse following him forever.

There are countless legends about this "unicorn" nicknamed "Aurora" by the Lord. Basically, in every legend about Lord Paying spread on the mainland, there will be this Aurora war horse.

's role.

Even in some special stories, the horse is the protagonist.

For example, Elf King Querion particularly liked this fantasy beast, the only one on the continent, so after the second black disaster ended, he spent a lot of money to obtain Lord Paying's permission to let Aurora go.

A trip to the Elf King's Court.

No one knows what a joyful month the unicorn flying feathered beast experienced there. In short, since then, every important member of the Elf Court has a unicorn war horse that matches his status.

Of course, as a descendant of Aurora, the elf unicorn could not inherit its pair of fantasy wings that are so beautiful that they can bring out light when they flash. However, even though those guys only have one pair of black or white wings, they still make the elf unique.

From the moment it was born, the Horned Beast has become one of the most expensive and prestigious mounts on the continent.

Moreover, this thing is notoriously priceless, and any thief who dares to steal a horse from the Elf Court is unlikely to leave the Castile Peninsula alive.

When Tris went to the Elf Court to steal the Holy Grail, she also had some evil intentions to get herself an Elf Unicorn. Fortunately, she failed, otherwise it would not be just the Ranger Generals who were chasing her.

, the Priest of the Moon and the Archdruid.

The enraged Elf King might take action personally, so Tris' "legendary story" would probably end hundreds of years ago.

Another legend about the Aurora is related to battle.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a scar on the neck of the armored horse carrying Lord Paying. It is said that it was during the fourth black disaster, when Lord Paying fought with the Bone-gnawing King, and Aurora, as his mount, also fought with him.

The legendary Warg King Benny had a contest.

There is no winner in the battle between the masters.

But the heroic Aurora easily defeated the inferior Warg King, blinded Benny's eyes with her horn and crushed one of its fangs.

Because of that incident, Aurora also has the reputation of "the victorious beast".

According to some gossip, Lord Paying's beloved horse actually has many bad habits. For example, it likes fine wine and like Palano, it always has an abnormal affinity for beautiful things. It has a big air.

He would make a fuss when he couldn't find a stable to rest in that suited his status.

Therefore, the unlucky victims include but are not limited to the ice palace when the wolf girl's father was still alive, King Louis' garden, King Songhai's sun boat, etc.

Therefore, some people are very mean and say that no one in this world except the Millennium Lord can afford to raise such a big daddy.

But the horse's greatest strengths more than make up for all its shortcomings.


Aurora has been by the Lord's side ever since she walked out of the Dark Mountains with the Lord, and has never left him at any time, uh, not counting the month when she went to breed.

That was Uncle Aurora's "vacation" from serving the Lord for thousands of years.

As the founder of the Blood Alliance clan and the first Blood Alliance knight, Lord Paying is only in his strongest state when "the man and the horse are united".

It can be seen from this that the absence of Aurora when the Witch Cafe was destroyed in Port Chardonnay proves that in the eyes of Lord Paying, the threat of Yuan is not that high. The most outrageous thing is that as the uncrowned king of vampires,

You can't even call him arrogant with such an attitude.

After all, he is someone who can fight evenly with the enhanced security captain of the Creator. If there must be a ranking list of combat effectiveness on the mainland, Lord Paying may not be able to secure the first place, but the gold content of the top five will definitely be


According to Tris, although Lord Paying is also a golden person, he is at this level not because his true strength lies here, but because this is the only pinnacle of the elves' description of the power system in the material world.

Many vampires are speculating that Lord Paying is actually only a few steps away from transcending the mortal world and entering the realm of demigods, but no one can come up with a firm statement on this.

But one thing is for sure, if the current blood clan grand dukes come together, they will probably only be able to drink their hatred in front of the Holy Spear Eternal Silence one by one.

In one sentence, this guy is a bug that cannot be fixed.

But at this time, the expression on the face of this handsome Lord was not good-looking. He did not fly directly from the Genoa Peninsula to Shadow Valley. Before coming here, he first went to Black Flame Mountain Pass.

Everything he witnessed there gave Lord Paying a clearer understanding of the Battle of Black Flame Pass that ended a few days ago.

"There is something wrong with our strategy."

The Lord looked at the shadowy valley that came into view. He stroked the head of the flying unicorn under his crotch and said softly:

"Aurora, I made a terrible mistake. I misjudged the direction of the Jackal's main attack. If I could have sent Yvette over at that time or I would have been here personally. Maybe Heather wouldn't have

Ah, I have failed my heir. She is now exiled alone in the depths of the star realm, with only an evil god by her side. The Mother of Midnight is above. What a terrible ending this is."

"Hui Hui Hui"

Aurora neighed.

It is asking its owner if he needs it to take him to the star realm?

As the only rare beast on the mainland, Aurora has great abilities, and even the star realm is not a place that cannot be visited, but Pa Ying shook his head.

"We can't find a way to control the Lord of Darkness. Even if we bring Heather back, the situation will not be much better. On the contrary, letting the Lord of Darkness return to the material world will accelerate its breaking of the seal.

Murphy has no problem handling this matter. Staying in the star realm can allow Heather to persist longer. The Lord of Darkness cannot allow his human body to die. It needs to expend its strength to protect Heather's life.

This can be regarded as a delayed disaster in a sense."

Aurora snorted.

Obviously he doesn't mind this delaying tactic, but he considers himself a well-behaved horse and won't argue with his master on such trivial matters.

So it began to lower its altitude, flapping its wings to create a fantastic stream of light in the sky.

This scene was quickly noticed by some veteran players wandering in the valley. Xiao Ashina and the student party were responsible for air defense today, so they quickly spread their wings and flew into the sky to intercept this unknown person.

However, the moment she saw the cool unicorn, Ashina's eyes suddenly straightened, her wings straightened with a bang, and then she screamed to the students beside her who were also dumbfounded.


"I want this!"

"Well, I'm afraid you can't afford this, little rich woman."

Little Rich Brother, who also took off, scratched his head and whispered:

"This uniquely modeled mount with its own light effects looks like it was dug by the development team. I estimate that it is absolutely impossible to open it for purchase at this stage. Well, this may be the development team's way of paying for in-game props.

Try the model?

If it’s such a mount, it’s not like I can’t use my lucky money.”

"Are you crazy?"

With a tone of envy and hatred, Che Che was madly complaining about these rich people in his heart, but he said very pragmatically:

"To be able to ride such an exaggerated thing, the person coming here must be of extraordinary status. I think we should conduct an investigation?"

"Why bother with that?"

Mengxinhaizhu, who had just become a vampire next to him, didn't like these fancy things. When Lord Paying approached, he threw a detection technique at him, and then the message jumped in front of his eyes:

Name: [Millennium Lord/Grand Duke of the Blood Alliance] Vernon Paying Cappadocia

Template:???Level·Golden Body·Faction Leader

Occupation:???/???/Artist·Painting and Music Specialization

Character evaluation: Like a god


Your detection skills were sensed by Lord Paying. He was disgusted with your rudeness and therefore activated the [Eye of Judgment] on you. You were sentenced to sins such as arrogance/tyranny/raunchy/swearing, etc. Because of this trial, you

All attributes were reduced by 70%, all combat skills were sealed, and the Blood Vulture Clan's talents and specialties were suppressed to 20% of their original effects.

This status lasts for 24 hours.

Obtaining Lord Paying's forgiveness will reduce the duration.


Hai Zhu became visibly weaker at this moment.

His wings began to shrink and he could not maintain his hovering in the air. He suddenly plunged towards the ground and was quickly pulled up in the air by several student gang members to prevent him from falling to his death.

But Haizhu's weakness taught other players a lesson. The vampire in front of them was really not easy to mess with.

"This is the leader of our vampire camp, the legendary Lord Paying."

Hai Zhu weakly shouted:

"Quick! Get out of the way, don't block him. I'm going to die if the Lord glares at me. Damn it, is this the oppressive power of a top powerhouse?"

"Ah? Is this Lord Paying? He's so handsome! I think he's more handsome than Lord Murphy. I like his temperament, he's so cold and cold."

"Don't go crazy, hurry up and clear the way for the invincible Lord Paying! You guys, go down and disperse the irrelevant people, don't let those sand sculptures watch the Lord on the ground. If you make him angry, I will probably shoot him

The ultimate move can knock us all out."

"If someone wants to hit us, do they still need to use their ultimate attack? Just scan it with your eyes and we'll all be dead, okay?"

A group of vampire players were frightened, but then they cheered because of the appearance of the camp leader.

So as Lord Paying watched with twitching eyes, the strange descendants of the Blood Eagle Clan began to form a "convoy formation" around him, and two guys held up flags in front, and while landing downward, they used

A strange voice shouted:

"Thousand-year-old Lord, wise and powerful! The Dharma has come, and the idlers have retreated!"

Originally, the Lord planned to keep a low profile, talk to Murphy and Tris about something in Shadow Valley and then leave. However, after being messed with by these guys, he no longer wanted to keep a low profile.

The Lord sighed.

He knew that these guys who were incompatible with the vampire tradition should be the rumored "foreigners".

Sure enough, just like Shani's report, these guys act crazy and eclectically.

But when he thought that his appearance might be able to boost the morale here, he simply took out his scarlet cloak and put it on his shoulders, and also took out the Holy Spear of Eternal Silence.

This time it’s even worse.

Even vampires like Little Sharon who inherited Murphy's blood would be afraid of the majesty of the holy spear. Naturally, it goes without saying that the player is a templated product.

The moment the holy spear was taken out and suspended beside the Lord, the players who were escorting the Lord all retreated a few meters away.

It's not that they are timid, but that within the scope of the "halo of eternal silence" that comes with the holy spear, players must accept a mental test once per second. If they fail to pass, they will enter a very strange "repentance" state.

It's basically equivalent to being "silenced".

This is a very dangerous state for players who regard combat as the meaning of existence, but the Holy Spear is so powerful that a group of vampire players make eye contact and share their thoughts with each other in the chat box.

"I said, the Necessary Evil in Master Murphy's hand and the Holy Spear of Eternal Silence in Lord Paying's hand are both vampire sacred objects, right? Why is there such a big gap between the two sacred objects? I felt that Necessary Evil was already very cool before

Yes, but compared to the scarlet majesty of the Holy Spear, this is not even a bit inferior!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The invincible and handsome Lord is a skeleton-level camp leader, but Lord Murphy is just a poor black iron. How can this be compared?"

"Hey, you didn't even get to the point!

Necessary evil is also very fierce in the hands of Sarokdar. Just like the blood dragon, it also has an aura of fear. It suppresses the two golds of old Fenok and Palano, but the old patriarch who lost his mind was defeated.

After the plot kill, the sacred object fell into the hands of Lord Murphy and became a blank slate.

You know right?

The level is gone, now you have to refresh it.

You see, the momentum of Master Murphy’s Necessary Evil before and the current Demonic Sword are completely different. Our Blood Vulture Clan’s sacred object is for growth.”

"Yes, yes, each clan's sacred objects are different. The gun of the Blood Terror clan is outrageous. It is said that when good luck comes, one shot can seriously injure the golden one, and our blood vultures are not the worst.

The Thorn Clan has even lost its ancestral sacred items!

That's it, it's so embarrassing that Mrs. Shani has to pretend to be realistic every time she appears. If Mrs. Shani's modeling wasn't so beautiful, I would have laughed at her."

"Shhhhhhh, don't talk. Lord Murphy and Grand Duke Tris have appeared. They are greeting the Millennium Lord down below. Damn it, basically all the important members of the Blood Eagle Clan are here. It's the Lord's face.

so big!"

"Hehehe, I decided to join the blood alliance with Brother Bang. I didn't know that the Lord was so handsome and had such a strong aura before, but now I finally see with my own eyes the demeanor of the most powerful vampire.

I made a decision!

From today on, I will be the number one dog licker under Lord Paying!"

"Go away! You are a novice who was severely injured by the Lord's glare. The Lord doesn't want you. Even if he does, only a tall and powerful vampire swordsman like me is qualified to follow the invincible Lord Paying.

Teeth left and right!"

Fortunately, the players' private chats could not be heard by the Lord, otherwise the Lord, who maintains an artist persona, would probably perform a facial expression on the spot.

It's really outrageous for these "new generation vampires" to dare to think of such rude things in front of him.

Of course, the Lord is still very stable.

Although his appearance was greatly reduced by the unconventional escort by the vampire players, he still maintained an elegant posture, drove the unicorn forward slowly, and came to the green amidst the whispers of the players around him.

Silk front.

The Lord looked at Tris and noticed the scars on her neck.

He whispered:

"It seems that you have survived the rotten life, Tris, that's great, welcome you back to the world."

"It was my little Murphy who brought me back."

Grand Duke Cuisi bowed to Lord Paying and said softly:

"As you can see, I am just a puppet. The real master of the Blood Vulture is beside me and in front of you. I will introduce him to you with the greatest honor.

Of course, the most important thing is, Lord.

We have found the original sin of the vampire family!

Those things you have forgotten, those things you have personally experienced, if you are willing, we will be happy to retrieve your dead memories for you.

And all this is thanks to my soul and life partner.”


The Lord turned over and dismounted. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Murphy, who was maintaining a saluting posture in front of him. He said:

"Then let me take a look and help me find my past self, and then we will overcome the difficulties together."


This chapter has been completed!
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