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Chapter 720 719 Murphy! Tell me honestly, did you give Pa

Chapter 720 719. Murphy! Tell me honestly, have you brainwashed Paying?

When Murphy walked out of the bedroom refreshed, he saw Lord Paying sitting on the mechanical chair of the monitoring station.

His first reaction was anger.

You Thousand-Year-Old Lord, how come a big shot like you still has such a bad habit of listening to the wall?

But the second reaction was one of horror.

Because he saw that the Lord was manipulating those very complex Creator technologies in a more skillful and professional manner than he, the official exhibition curator, and even the various surveillance systems that he had been unable to fully open were successfully opened.

The Lord is still inputting new instructions, and seems to be adjusting the program operation of the Swamp Exhibition Hall.

When Murphy got closer, he saw that a subroutine called "Office Efficiency Optimization" was called by the Lord from the exhibition hall's program library, and used a long string of identification codes to bypass the curator's authority, allowing it to automatically enter

The activation is in progress.

"So, after your memories were activated, your high-level authority as a member of the Eden District Management Committee was also taken back?"

Murphy asked quietly.

Lord Paying, who was inputting different commands on the virtual keyboard to observe the current status of legendary creatures around the world through monitoring probes, nodded, but then shook his head and replied softly:

"When the trial purification program 'Beta' was launched, it not only formatted the memories of all Eden District survivors, but also initialized everyone's permissions in the Eden District management system. Theoretically, I am just a

An ordinary vampire, you just gave me temporary visitor permissions before.

But I still remember my special identification codes, so I can activate some higher-order functions in a limited space.

In addition, Mr. Alpha, based on the advice of the elders, it is best not to give complete control to Tris during entertainment.

The Scarlet Witch's mental state is not stable. If she loses control in bliss, it will only take a few seconds to drain your blood. In that case, it will be difficult to recover quickly from the injury.

But with the current state of the world, we need a healthy Alpha on standby."


The Lord said this in such a calm tone, which made Murphy, a young man, somewhat embarrassed, but you asked such a young guy to try to "tame" a female lion over 400 years old on some occasion.

This is a bit too overwhelming.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Young people should just pay attention to moderation. A lot of entertainment is also good for Cuisi's situation, but it must be moderate.

Now look at this search program!"

Lord Paying turned around on the mechanical chair, pulled the chair halfway open in a classic social animal gesture, and pointed at a special search program running under the optical projection screen.

He said seriously to Murphy:

"You must always pay attention to this program. This is a reconnection request to the Eden District's former management core AI 'Eden'. I cannot confirm whether it will respond, but once it responds, you must notify it as soon as possible.


"Wait! Core AI?"

Murphy was shocked.

He asked rhetorically:

"Have you confirmed that more than a thousand years after the destruction of the Eden District, that outrageous thing is still operating now?"

"yes, I'm sure."

The Lord sighed and said:

"Part of its current sub-threads are in Port Shardau, and are called the 'Mechanical Evil God' or 'Mechanical Spirit' by the halflings there. I have noticed some of its strange behaviors more than once in the past thousand years.

I am not sure of the current situation of this AI, but I think that the beta purification program that I started may have also destroyed Eden's data integrity.

This means that during that subspace invasion, part of the core AI was actually infected.

This makes it fraught with danger.

You cannot contact it rashly, but if we can regain contact with Eden, then we may be able to restart some of the creation equipment that still exists on the continent.

For example, I know that in some deep areas of the Underdark, there are still quite complete backup devices of the Golden Age, but the activation of those things must first be authenticated by the core AI, especially now that the authority of all the ancients has been blocked.

When they are cleared, the only one who can successfully activate them is you."

"And dusk!"

Murphy leaned on the desk on the side, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Twilight has undoubtedly taken away some things left by the Creator. I can be sure of this, but didn't you join forces with Sarokdar to move those secret warehouses to the Holy Blood Land?

Could it be that dusk has entered the Holy Blood Land?"

"It's possible."

Lord Paying sat on the mechanical chair and casually snapped his fingers, and the curator's assistant Iron Beetle No. 3 delivered a cup of coffee at a suitable temperature to his hands.

The Lord, who behaved like a social animal, took a sip of coffee and said under Murphy's subtle gaze:

"Of course there is a greater possibility!

In the dusk, there are members of the Eden Management Committee, or they are helped by the information left by some of them.

Now that you have seen that memory, you should know that the secret actions of Sarokdar and I are always limited.

We can't compete with the resources of the entire committee. Perhaps without my knowledge, my companions have already found the Creator's secret warehouse.

But you can rest assured, Murphy.

The decryption authority given to you by the Creator is quite high, so high that even the committee members have to rely on exhaustive methods to decrypt the project information. This means that even if Dusk gets those dangerous things in this era, it will be difficult for them to control them.

Use your special equipment.

However, the leakage of creation knowledge is indeed a big problem.

rat man

The new race that destroyed the Black Flame Pass and is probably already attacking the Brass Fortress is definitely a product of the Creator's genetic technology. There is at least one faction in Dusk that specializes in this."

"Their leader is called 'Scholar'."

Murphy took out the previously captured texts and showed them to Lord Pa Ying. The latter's expression became worse the more he looked at it, until he finally clenched his fists and said:

"We cannot allow them to continue to waste this kind of power that should be used for world recovery. We must take action immediately. While the black disaster is ongoing, we will send some elites to track down the clues of this scholar faction, and we must destroy the core experiment they occupy.


Skaven are just the beginning.

Once they complete the shaping of a race, more dangerous things will be made later. Most importantly, if the Eden District is destroyed by vampires trying to create perfect life, then Dusk's wanton behavior is likely to

Let the tragedy happen again.

I guess the Sentinel Legion won’t be able to turn the tide this time.”

"So, what exactly is the Sentinel Corps?"

Murphy asked:

"A leader like you who has held a high position in the Golden Age must know information about them, right?"

"I don't know much. It's a direct force of the Creator that operates independently of the Eden District."

Lord Paying did not hide in this situation.

He explained:

"In the three hundred years since we Star Sea Exiles arrived in this world until the collapse of the Golden Age, there would have been no more than ten exchanges between the Eden District and the Sentinel Legion, and most of them were routine reports.

They are very mysterious.

There is a special Guardian Sequence in the Eden Zone to hand over to them. Oksana belongs to the cadres of the Defender Sequence, so she can send a distress command to invite the Sentinel Legion to enter the battlefield when the subspace invades the Eden Zone.

I just looked at some decrypted files.

The main mission of the Sentinel Corps is to guard the security of this world on behalf of the Creator, and secondly to guard the mysterious heart of the world. Protecting us homeless people is probably not in the top five of their missions, so their indifference is understandable.


I actually very much suspect that the Sentinel Legion is behind the series of major events hidden in history that occurred after the collapse of the Golden Age."

"I know!"

Murphy suddenly remembered the scene he had seen in the message of the Linmu Holy Grail before, and he said thoughtfully:

"The birth of new gods! Lord, have you heard of the 'Frontier Contract'?

I have seen that scene in the Holy Grail of the Forest of Avalon. At that time, the spirits who were just astral giants met with the strange people in the light. They agreed on this contract, and then those spirits used the Holy Grail to drink

He drank the 'Wine of Ascension' and threw the Holy Grail into the material world.

It was the Sentinels who shaped the New Gods into what they are today.

Avalon, Su, Gaia, Ao, Leviathan, etc., these gods were all born at that time. According to the revelation of my astral guardian, this event should have happened 40 years after the collapse of the Golden Age.

I suspect that the Sentinels used their ascension in exchange for the New Gods fighting the dangerous Warp Shadows on the battlefields of the Warp."

"Well, it seems you found more and more amazing things than I imagined."

Lord Paying nodded and said:

"So, you can gain access to the mysteries of these things by touching the Holy Grail of the Gods?"

"Yes, but so far I have only found the Forest Holy Grail of Avalon."

Murphy didn’t hide it, he said:

"Every god should have left a message. Avalon warned me that the situation on the battlefield of the gods is not optimistic. This proves that the subspace did not give up and continue to pollute the world after destroying the Golden Age.

But I’m very confused, is there anything in this world that they must get?”


Lord Paying hesitated for a moment, glanced at Murphy, and said:

"Next, I'm going to tell you some secrets about the Creator. This is a secret that only the Eden District committee members are qualified to have access to. Don't spread it casually.


To be precise, most of the current civilized races on this continent are not native to the world. Our true hometown has been destroyed in a cosmic disaster called the 'Great Extinction'. It was the Creator who was reincarnated in that crisis.

Saved us homeless people.

He is merciful.

Not only did it save the last spark of civilization, it also prepared a new home for us exiles.

But you have to understand that there are so many homeless people that one world cannot handle them. According to the ancient memories in my mind, the homeless people who landed in this world are just the pioneers of the recovery of the universe.

Our mission is to complete the transformation of the world and provide guidance for the subsequent people who have lost their homes to rebuild civilization.

This world is special. What the Creator left here is not only some power and knowledge, but also the coordinates and information of other worlds prepared for the homeless.

Once the subspace shadows obtain that information, they can carry out large-scale and precise invasion and destruction of the created universe without limit.

The Creator's ideal of the prosperity of all things would also be ruined.

To put it bluntly, whether we can withstand the invasion of subspace will be directly related to the future of the entire universe.

However, our world recovery effort ultimately went wrong.

It’s hard for me to imagine whether other fleets of the Homeless have already set off. After all, the originally planned recovery time was only 300 years, but now a full 1,400 years have passed.

Alas, those things are too far away from us now, Murphy, let's just focus on the current work."


Murphy nodded.

I was madly complaining in my heart that this creator is also unreliable. You always set such a grand recovery plan, but you ran away and handed the plan to a group of guys who ruined your world.

How big-hearted is this.

However, facing the problem that Lord Paying was thinking about at this time, Murphy actually had a solution. He said:

"I have formed a small organization to deal with the threat of dusk. The members currently have quite potential, but I think we need an excellent commander like you to lead us. It just so happens that the Yuan faction has been hit hard one after another and should be quiet for a while.

Time, next we can focus on tracking and attacking the scholar faction.

I entrusted Madam Shani to track down the great psionicist 'Dragon Flame Lina' who was framed by the Tower of Rings and fled. As you just saw, some members of the scholar faction are from the Tower of Rings.

If we could get the psychic master who was almost killed to take action, our tracking might go smoother.

But I’m curious, you’ve been fighting Dusk for a hundred years, don’t you have a clearer understanding of their organizational structure?”


The Lord has opened up his chatterbox today. He has never spoken so much in the past.

But perhaps due to the influence of those ancient memories, his indifferent character also changed slightly. He sipped coffee and whispered:

"The leader of Dusk is nicknamed 'The Chief Monk'. It was he who established this organization. I now suspect that this guy is a big shot in the civilized camp during the Fourth Black Disaster. He came into contact with the power of subspace during the war.

and was corroded.

His assistant is called 'Nun' and is currently lurking in the camp of human civilization.

I can be sure of this. Old Edward and I allowed Lady Cecilia to move around in the Wolfsbane clan just to confirm the identity of the 'Sister'.

Further down, Dusk's structure emerges in the form of factions.

The older factions are the Source, Wilderness, and Scholars, and the rest are new factions that have only appeared in the past ten years. In fact, Dusk's rampant activities only started in the past ten years.

To be precise, the fall of the old religion is the most outrageous thing they have done in the past hundred years, which also means that their plan on the mainland is nearly completed, and they have finally begun to call out their evil master with great fanfare."

Having said this, Lord Paying stopped.

He told Murphy:

"I know you are slandering me for just watching and not taking action, but I actually did something, Murphy. Dusk is hidden in the Old World, but what they do in the New World is unimaginable.

Remember when old Finnock went undercover for a while?

Aren't you curious about what old Finnock did under the temptation of dusk to make the white knight almost despair?"

Murphy immediately smelled the secret.

He looked at Lord Paying, who took a sip of coffee and said softly:

"Slaughter! The natives of the New World were almost completely slaughtered by the adventurers secretly driven by these bastards. They committed countless crimes there. According to the report of the blood alliance knights I sent to the New World, one of the indigenous kingdoms there was almost

They were completely wiped out.

I was also curious about what these cultists were looking for in that wild continent, but now I can confirm it.

Their goal is the heart of the world!


The Heart of the World is somewhere in the New Continent. I even suspect that Dusk has found that place, but they can't get in! This is the main reason for their crazy actions in the Old Continent in the past ten years.

They are trying to break the blockade of the Sentinel Legion and the Creator on the Heart of the World.

I guess this is why you were selected for the administrator project.

Alpha, this is your battlefield!

You, the only one who has been given administrator rights in this era, must prevent those scoundrels in the subspace from obtaining the qualifications to go to the heart of the world. Currently, you are the only one on this continent who can do this."

"I would love to. I have a lot of accounts to settle with them."

Murphy leaned against the workbench and said:

"But I can't do this alone. The threat of the Black Disaster to Transia is enough to make me anxious."

"So I will transfer the main force of the Blood Alliance Knights to you and fight as a member of Transia."

Lord Paying whispered:

"You need population, right? Hu Congjun is also yours. Although there are not many people, there is a little bit. If you need any help now, just tell me and I will do my best to help you. Not just because of this War will eventually change the world, and because we have all opened a corner of the Golden Age.

Knowing those truths means responsibility.

You and I both know that the confrontation with Dusk has gone beyond the concept of war. I once wondered how much we would have to pay for it.

As it stands now, we have to stake everything we have, and it's not enough.

This is not nearly enough."

This chapter has been completed!
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