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Chapter 73 72 Killings!【1260】

 Chapter 73 72. Kill!【1260】

(Additional update for the ‘Humen Smoke’ brothers [2/5])

In the uneasy night of Cadman City, Miss Femis had just put on a very formal set of psychic armor for combat. It was in the style of a tight-fitting robe, but it also had leather armor to protect against physical attacks.

outer layer.

Her usual psychic sword was also replaced by a more formal scarlet secret energy staff. The top of the staff was shaped into the shape of a night bat's wings, which looked mysterious and dark.

There is also a set of scrolls placed on the combat belt, as well as several bottles of alchemical medicine used to replace spell attacks.

Being so heavily armed means that the eldest lady is ready for a fierce fight to the death.

Behind her, Madam Adele was also filling her spare scarlet gun with special alchemy bullets, and her thorn sword had just been temporarily enchanted by the eldest lady herself.

The slender and sharp sword body is wrapped with subtle burning heat, which can cause continuous burn damage to the opponent when it hits the opponent.

For creatures like vampires that are weak to fire and light, it is a completely targeted restraint preparation.

In front of them was an unsettling night. From this tower, they could see the shrinking spiritual vortex in the sky of Cadman City. By tomorrow, that thing would completely disappear from the material world.

The premise is that they must survive until that time.

"Are you sure that your warriors can complete the attack on Jed's group? Are you sure that the witch hunters will definitely cooperate with you? Are you sure that Jed will not discover all this in advance?"

The eldest lady asked while leaning on the psychic staff.

Behind her, Murphy was putting away the armor and psychic sword that the eldest lady had replaced earlier.

Do not misunderstand.

This is not a perverted act of collecting so-called "rich lolita original battle clothes".

This is just to prepare the mission rewards for young players in advance after completing the "Main Line Prologue". As a main line NPC, he must consider these in advance.

The system will not take the initiative to give him these equipment as gifts, so he can only find a way to get it all by himself. His little players will never imagine that the handsome Mr. Murphy can actually act like a humble "trash guy" when he carries someone on his back.


Alas, it's too difficult.

Murphy sighed and threw the collected items into a psychic bag specially designed for mission rewards.

Facing the eldest lady's uneasy question, he pulled out the polished Blade of Desire from the scabbard at his waist and answered slowly:

"I have confidence in my warriors. They may be weak but they definitely lack courage and wisdom. They can complete the raid. They may not be able to annihilate all the vampires, but the witch hunters will help them finish the work.

As for cooperation

I don't doubt this.

Those witch hunters can communicate.

My warriors have visited them twice and have proven this. The leader of the other party is a wise man, not a reckless man who only knows how to kill people.

They have no reason not to agree to this kind of cooperation that would benefit both parties.

As for whether Jed will find out.

I think your question is somewhat redundant and a waste of time. You don’t really think Jade can safely hand over the task of executing you to a novice like me, do you?”

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:

"I'm just a smoke bomb thrown by him, Miss.

Whether I can take your head or not has no impact on Jed at all. The reason why he wanted to spread suspicion was just to buy time for his companions to recover.

A steady stream of blood was sent from the survivor camp to where they were, and one night was enough for the vampires who had crawled out of hell to recover to six points of combat strength.

You don’t think that a genius like you is so strong that you can face seven silver-level clan leader’s personal guards and still fight back, do you?

Jade has been ready to kill you with his own hands.

No one would trust this job to anyone."

"You know they are recovering, but you still want to feed them with the blood of the civilians under your command?"

The eldest lady looked at Murphy and said angrily:

"You just treat them as consumables?"

"Are you stupid?"

Murphy retorted unceremoniously:

"If you don't keep giving them sweet treats, how can you make them willingly drink the poisonous blood wine at the last moment? Although the day potion is colorless and odorless, don't underestimate Jade's vigilance, okay?

They'll sip the delicious blood and indulge in it until the very end. Alas, most addictive things are harmful, and I have to keep that in mind.

Let them drink.

When you walk on the road to hell, you have to give people something to eat, right?"

"What about Tris?"

The eldest lady asked again:

"Are you so confident in handing Tris to Maxim? That guy's loyalty is a double-edged sword. Jade has raised him for twenty years, so you're not afraid of him betraying him? You obviously care about Tris so much."

"Do you think Tris is easy to deal with? It seems that my elder's disguise as the useless king is really effective."

Murphy snorted.

He walked to the edge of the tower and looked at the gradually brightening sky. He touched the ancient wall and looked at the ashes-strewn old city below, and whispered:

"Let me tell you this, when I found Tris in the ruins of the city, there was a giant astral beast beside her that she killed. I don't know how strong that guy was, but I think it should eat you.

Not a big problem.

Tris is a gold-level spiritual master. Although she lost most of her power due to your father's assassination, she still has the ability to protect herself.

If Jed loses his mind and goes crazy and attacks her, Tris will definitely give me a surprise.

She knows exactly what she is doing.

Smart women will always use their own smart ways to help the men in the family, but in this regard, you are both slow and arrogant and unwilling to face your shortcomings.

It’s so far apart that I can’t help but worry about your future partner.”

This slightly teasing answer made Femis fall silent.

After a few seconds, she sighed and said:

"Occasionally I really envy the weird relationship between you and Tris. It's different from the way most vampires I know get along, but more like those human families.

My father once asked me to stay away from Tris, saying that Tris would bring disaster.

But it turns out she doesn't."

"My warriors set out!"

Murphy glanced at the 40 young players on the Core Orb who were online at almost the same time. He took a deep breath, estimated the time, and said:

"Be ready to take action in an hour! Protect yourself, Miss, but don't worry too much. If you unfortunately die, I will prepare a tombstone suitable for you and worship you every year."

"Can't you say something auspicious?"

The eldest lady complained fiercely, then looked at Mrs. Adele who remained silent next to her, and said:

"Adele, let's follow you. With your strength, it's really easy to get yourself involved."

"No! This is a hunt."

Murphy waved his hands and said:

"We are a united wolf pack, and we are about to fight with a group of crazy tigers and leopards for territory and food. It will be life and death, and blood will be spilled on the spot!

As one of the strongest members of the wolf pack, Adele also has her own goals and tasks.

I don't need protection!

This is just the gentle breeze before the strong wind. If I can't get through this hurdle, perhaps being given eternal silence is the merciful ending I deserve."

He turned around, held out three fingers to the silent Lady Adele, and said:

"You have three tasks! This is the minimum requirement, can you do it?"

Madame Adele raised her head.

A certain kind of light danced in those blood-red eyes. She made a sharp sound with the rapier in her hand, and inserted the scarlet musket into the combat belt at her waist.

She said in her unique cigarette voice:

"If I kill five. My master, may I make an offensive request?"

"It depends on your performance. Mr. Murphy always rewards those with outstanding abilities."

Murphy shrugged and grinned.

The dense white teeth against the background of the dark night gave an unusual hint of unrulyness to his neutral and handsome face. He lowered his body and grabbed the wooden ladder climbing down the tower, saying:

"Well, ladies, remember to be safe when attending the dance. We'll see you later."


Two blasts of wind passed over the head, and the sound of the flapping wings of the blood-red bat almost blew Murphy away.

Watching the two slender figures disappear into the night sky, the vampire, who felt sour but had not yet grown his own wings, curled his lips. While climbing down the wooden ladder with his cloak swaying, he complained fiercely in his heart:

"Is it amazing that I can fly? After I complete the Black Iron Trial and grow my own wings, I will fly when I go to the toilet! Wow."

At the same time, flying silently side by side above the dark clouds in the dark night, Mrs. Adele reached out and pulled her hood, and she said to the eldest lady in a dumb voice:

"Just now. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist."

"It doesn't matter, Adele, this is the only way for you."

Femis's long black hair was blown by the cold wind in the night. She held a staff and whispered:

"Don't resist the call of your heart. Although you are very reluctant to let go, fate has warned you that being attached to the past is harmful to you and me. It is time for you and me to say goodbye and embark on two different paths in life.

Happy hunting in the dark, Spawn of Murphy."

Lady Adele let out a choked sob.

After a few seconds, she flew forward and hugged the petite eldest lady. As she kept spinning, she caught the latter's surprise and left a cold kiss between her eyebrows.

Like a final blessing and farewell, she responded with a trembling voice:

"I also wish you all the best in your rebirth, my only friend, Countess Femis."

Then, Mrs. Adele pushed hard, and the two figures separated in the clouds, and then roared away in two directions.

No more intersections.


"This is the last batch of blood sent to Jed and his gang, provided by several virgins in the camp."

In a large tent in the survivor camp, Iai, a dump truck, looked at the blood in a crystal bottle in front of him and said with disgust:

"These damn vampires really know how to drink. The old ones don't want it, the men don't want it, and the married ones don't want it. They want pure blood.

In order to satisfy their perverted demands, the poor little girls in the camp have suffered a lot, and some of the thin and weak ones are almost anemic.

Those are all NPCs we rescued with our own hands!

These bastards deserve to die!

Disgusting! Dirty!”

"Burn them to death!"

The chosen gray man was holding a war spear and carrying a shotgun on his back. He had just witnessed his two paper assistants being drained of blood. Now he was filled with anger that had nowhere to vent.

Said fiercely:

"We must not let them die so easily!"

"that is!"

The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche next to him echoed with disdain:

"How else can we say that our Lord Murphy is Guangweizheng? As a vampire, he never drinks blood wantonly. If he can't help it, he only drinks the warm blood of his enemies.

Mrs. Tracey is even better, she only drinks wine and doesn’t suck blood, and she’s so sexy and beautiful. Compared with them, these old, ugly, bitch vampires really deserve to go to hell.”

"Don't worry, as righteous people, don't we just send them to hell with our own hands? Hehe."

With a sinister look on his face, Brother Meow Meow unwrapped several bottles of fine wine and poured them into a large cup. He then took the daytime potion Maxim gave her from Lumina's hand, unscrewed the lid and poured the potion evenly into the fine wine.

Shake well.

Lin Bei Goupian, who worked part-time as the chief bartender in a certain bar, took over the remaining work.

This tall and thin man from southern Fujian rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward. He professionally poured the wine into the blood and shook it repeatedly with a special technique. Finally, he also garnished it with a few fresh raspberries and lemon slices.

"Let's live together, let's drink wine with blood!"

Lin Beigou placed the prepared blood wine in a basin of crushed ice, and then watched as the blood wine was put into a special carriage and sped towards Cadman City.

The other young players were already waiting outside the tent, and on the table in front of them were the exquisite weapons and protective gear that Lumina had just brought over on a cart.

These are the exquisite and recruit-level weapons that Maxim and Murphy have searched in the city over the past few days.

They are all weakly enchanted and are much better than the standard recruit weapons currently equipped by young players. This is basically equivalent to strengthening the players before the war begins. However, Maxim made it very clear that these weapons and protective gear are borrowed.

What is given to them can only be kept in their hands if they win the team battle.

In other words, these are all "trial version" goodies.

"I'll say it again, listen carefully."

With only 30 minutes left in the game, Sister Pomegranate stood in front of the young players. She put her hands on her hips and shouted:

"The witch hunters have dispersed outside the city. Our goal is to drive Jed and his gang out of the city. Kill them if you can. If you can't, don't force them."

"The most important thing is that we must not be scattered. Our strength is relatively weak. Once we are separated, we will be easily killed by those guys."

Happy Stick next to him took on the role of commander-in-chief of the operation. He also got himself a board with a topographic map of the "combat area" drawn by the gray man himself.

Brother Bang held a wooden stick in his hand, pointed at three directions on the topographic map, and said:

"The three directions are commanded by me, Brother Mingmiao and Hao Gege respectively. They use calculation orbs as contacts and attack at the same time after receiving the signal. Our individual strength is weak. Our only advantage is that we dare to fight and can kill one of them.

You are caught off guard, so there is no need for tactics or anything like that. When the time comes, just rush in and hack away and that's it!

Focus on squeezing them into the house so they don't fly around, and then forcing some of them to scatter!


Are your camp guards in place?"

"30 Musketeers! No problem!"

The forklift man raised his hand and responded:

"I led them to do sniping on the outside, and the Cadman Self-Rescue Army in the city also received orders. They were led by their respective captains to find their own positions in the city.

We casual players can't compete with you.

We are not skilled enough and do not engage in close combat, but only provide fire support."

"very good!"

Happy Stick nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Miss Lumi, who is expert in shooting, will operate the advanced hunting crossbow supported by the witch hunter. Set it up on a high point and shoot wherever there are crowds of people! Drive out those powerful silver vampires.

If you go to the city, you will win.

anymore question?"

"Me me me!"

Wearing a suit of veteran armor, Kachitonita stood up, holding his cool big axe, holding his calculation orb and shouted:

"I imported a piece of 'battle music' into my personal interface. Now everyone can fight in their own BGM! The combat effectiveness is greatly improved!"


Happy Stick scolded:

"Just have a unified assault number. Okay, let's do it, brothers! Those stupid vampires dare to block our way, kill them today!

This territory we grabbed with our own hands belongs to us! Anyone who dares to stretch out his claws will be chopped off!

Now, follow my orders!

Let’s go!”


The familiar sound of task updates sounded on the little player's character interface.

[Prologue·The last night of Cadman City

Mission 4: Teeth of the Night

Explanation: Lord Murphy's rule over Cadman City was provoked by the ignorant, but this may also be destiny. No legend can advance to the end safely, and the so-called warriors should stand bravely and proudly on the top of the mountain.

Accept the blow of the strong wind.

The storm has blown, and you who are facing the wind have no choice.

Either win!

Or die!

Warriors, use your sharp blades to declare to the stupid people whose territory this is! Become a pack of wolves and bite them, and let them wail loudly for straying into your forest!

Objective: Attack and delay Jade's group until Murphy completes the killing of the enemy leader.

Rewards: Standard·Veteran Protective Gear [6/6], Masterwork·New Recruit Weapons [1/1], start the next mission. 】

"For Mr. Murphy and our big plan! Go, go, go!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, kill them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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