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Chapter 733 732 Farewell, King and War

Chapter 733 732. Farewell to kings and wars

Major Ron made a very firm request to return to the Pioneer Fortress immediately.

Fraser advised him not to do stupid things, but in all the years he had known Ron, he had never seen this guy be so serious and stubborn about something. This guy had a very "sensible" character, and he knew how to observe what was happening and act accordingly.

You will not cause trouble to others because of your own reasons.

Although he is usually careless, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

However, perhaps it was Major Dunn's death in battle that stimulated him. After waking up from the seven-day coma, Ron was like a different person, irritable and violent. Fraser could not stop him at all, so he promised

He said that he would just wait until Ron's surgery was completed and then take him back to figure it out.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he walked away, Ron asked his Iron Hand Captain to call Brother Loyalty for him.

Because he purchased the highest-grade war insurance, Brother Zhongzhong personally helped him adjust the mechanical prosthetic surgery this time. He brought a whole box of modules and accessories for the leg prosthesis alone.

"So, which one do you want?"

Brother Zhongzhong, wearing engineering glasses, is holding a cable for debugging prosthetics in his left hand, and a very dangerous-looking three-claw stabilizer in his right hand. The shelves next to him are filled with various legs.

Partial prosthesis.

Not only the ones he made himself, but also the "high-end goods" that his mentor Sharon bought back from Port Chardeau.

Some of them were even delivered to Transia yesterday. Originally, these were all trading items provided to players, but Major Ron is obviously a big customer, so Brother Loyalty is ruthless in order to ensure the quality of service.

A handful of blood.

"Any one will do, as long as you can get me to stand up early tomorrow morning, I'm going to do something."

Ron was leaning on the hospital bed, biting an apple. He stared ahead as if staring at an invisible object, and said hoarsely:

"We can't waste time. Fraser will definitely notify them in advance. Even my father will stop me, so I have to be quick. Your Transian airship will dock at the Maginot Line, right?"

Could you please help me arrange a ticket?

Go to the Ancestral Glades!

From there it only takes one night to go to the fortress."

"You know you're actually doing something stupid, right?"

Brother Zhongzhong blinked and asked:

"You, a little major, dare to question your marshal. This behavior itself can be regarded as a challenge to military law, not to mention that Marshal Loren is strict in his military affairs. If you dare to break into his office, he should be killed.

about you.

Even your general father can't protect you.

Listen to my advice, brother, this is not the way to investigate the truth!

You are pushing yourself against the muzzle of the gun. Not only will you not be able to get what you want, but you will also easily alert others.

If you confirm that this matter was concealed by the top military officials, then what you should do is, like Colonel Fraser, secure your own safety first before talking about anything else. You have a general dad, so you are already winning at the starting line.


I think you are a good guy, so I would like to remind you, don’t mess around.

So if you want to hurry, let me give you the standard prosthetic body first. This thing has been used in Port Chardeau for two hundred years without any major problems. It is a process-based thing, and it is very fast to adapt to it.

I will use the best one for you, with five plug-in slots. You can choose the combat and auxiliary plug-ins you need after you come back from your work. I won’t have to come over to install them later.

This thing has a ten-year warranty, so use it sparingly.”

After saying that, Brother Zhongzhong turned around and went to help Major Ron prepare the mechanical legs.

As an espionage officer, he keenly sensed the opportunity to intervene from Major Ron, but because he did not have a suitable local agent under his command, it was too late to report to the Shadow Intelligence Bureau now. Mrs. Adele's main focus

They are all worried about the black disaster, so they can only sit back and watch this opportunity slip away in vain.

But he was an old spy after all, and his words that seemed to be comforting were actually infuriating, and Ron almost exploded with anger.

The Iron Hand Captain next to him was very worried. While Zhong Zhong was debugging the mechanical leg, he whispered to his superior:

"Although this foreigner spoke very directly, he was right, Major.

If you really want to find out about this matter, the best way is to stabilize your current position and work hard to climb up. When you have access to more information, maybe the truth about this matter will come to light.

I'm a stupid person, but I think it's a bit too extreme for you to question the entire pioneering army based on the Gnoll Plague."

Ron simply closed his eyes and said nothing.

This refusal to communicate made the captain quite helpless, but he did not think of tipping off Colonel Fraser. After all, he had also experienced the attack and defense of Black Flame Pass.

The wave of gnoll plague broke out right in front of him. If it weren't for Lord Heather's self-sacrifice, the plague offensive would definitely have caused more horrific casualties. But just for a short period of time when the plague broke out, the originally impregnable No. 8

The position suffered heavy casualties, and not even a third of the Plantagenet artillerymen who were stationed there escaped.

It is impossible to say that the captain was not angry.

"Here, inhale a little anesthetic gas so that I can implant a control orb into your wound."

Brother Zhongzhong was ready, took out an asthma respirator-style thing and put it to Major Ron's mouth. He said proudly:

"This is a top-notch product smuggled from Port Chardeau. If you are not a big customer, I won't be willing to buy this thing. Just take a deep breath. The halfling has done inhalation control and can accurately control the coma time within ten minutes.


Hey, big guy over there, your manipulator also has a new combat component. Do you want to get another one for you? The power of the newly arrived impact frame is really awesome. We call it the gorilla arm.

I commissioned Mr. Fei Lun to redesign the internal structure, and now it can also be equipped with a small mantis knife."

"Okay, give me one!"

During the conversation between Brother Zhongzhong and Captain Ironhand, Major Ron fell into a drowsy sleep. When he woke up again, the mechanical body implantation operation had been completed. His left leg still did not have that fleshy feeling, but it was obviously able to

It feels like there is a "new organ" there waiting for orders.

This is a very novel experience.

He had heard Captain Robinson describe the feeling when he first got the prosthetic body. The mechanical hand that always required giving orders to move was very clumsy. However, after getting used to it, he felt that this thing was more useful and more deadly than the original hand.


"Although it is a basic prosthetic body, I have also installed a bounce enhancement module and a force-relieving impact module. Now you can jump to high altitudes and enter the battlefield with a cool 'rocket slam' attitude."

Brother Zhongzhong smiled and patted Ron's mechanical leg and said:

"Let the captain teach you how to use it specifically. By the way, considering that you may become a pauper in the future, the captain paid for the extra modification money this time. Let's see you later, young man.

I just found someone to buy you a ticket for the airship station at the Maginot Line. The airship will arrive at the station in thirty minutes, but listen to my uncle's words, don't be impulsive when something happens!

The future is important.

You know, what you eat is grievance, but what you feed is pattern."

After completing another fire arch, he dragged his mechanical box out of the ward, while Captain Ironhand, whose arm frame had been replaced, stood aside and was getting used to the new mechanical hand.

This thing is two full circles bigger than the previous one, and it looks a bit incongruous with Captain Ironhand's exaggerated upper body muscles, but the sense of power that erupts when the giant steel fist is clenched is really intimidating.

Hitting the jackal's head with such a heavy punch would probably crack the skull. In a battle with human enemies, this thing would be a deadly weapon.

Ron tried to jump off the hospital bed. He staggered a bit while standing but quickly stabilized himself. He issued follow-up orders to his mechanical legs. When he raised his legs for the first time, a miniature steam furnace buzzed in it.

Let many of the modules operate and adjust the landing force according to Ron's gait.

It sounds very exquisite, but the unique rough way of steam engineering keeps it in a "clumsy" posture at a "barely usable" level. After several adjustments, Ron can use it in a rather strange way.

It can move around with its posture, but it will obviously take some time to use its own manipulator as flexibly as Captain Ironhand.

"You stay here, I'm going to the Maginot Line."

Ron put a coat on his body and prepared to set off, but the captain shook his head, got him a warm classic green military coat, and said:

"It's already late winter, Major, and you're still a patient."

"What do you mean you're carrying a bag?"

Ron glanced at his adjutant and said:

"I didn't ask you to follow me. You don't have a general father, so you dare to rush into the marshal's office with me. Be careful, your head is in danger!"

"My orders from General Soros are to protect you, sir."

Captain Ironhand shrugged and said:

"I have to fulfill my responsibilities. Besides, I suddenly realized that with my background, I would be lucky to be able to retire as a school officer. I have a large family to support. Military salary alone cannot make my family live well.

Good days.

You are not the gambling king of Transia. You have many ways to make money and you are loyal. I will definitely make a lot of money by following you."

"Bullshit, stay here!"

Ron took the adjutant's bag and scolded:

"You have fought so hard for your future. Now that you have become a war hero, you are destined to have a prosperous official career. There is no need to risk your future like a prodigal like me. I don't need that stuff in the first place, but you are different."

"Only one-third of the brothers in position 8 have returned, and more than half of them are still lying here. Who is not angry? You are not the only one who has discovered the problem. If I dare to let you go alone to plead for the dead and injured brothers,

To be fair, others could eat me alive."

Captain Ironhand sighed and said:

"The future is indeed important, but for us grown men, there are always some things in life that are more important than these glamorous things. I am a rough man, and I can't figure out those complicated things that only Colonel Fraser can figure out.

If you feel that what is hidden in this is related to the senior leadership of the Pioneer Legion, then I am willing to follow you to the headquarters.

I hope General Soros can see that for the sake of my diligent execution of orders, he can say a word to me when the angry marshal shoots me."

"You won't die. We are already war heroes. No matter how angry Marshal Loren is, he has to consider the domestic impact. He can't do that kind of liquidation of heroes after the war because of King Louis's negative arrangements in the direction of Transia.

, after the Black Flame Pass falls, we can only use people like us to promote victory in the country.

We already have the amulet with us, so death is absolutely impossible.

You really think I'm stupid.

But I only bought one airship ticket, so you can figure out what to do with yours."

"Hey, that's easy to say. I just won a lot of money with the little tricks you taught me about hiding cards."


"Get out of my office! You two little bastards! Guards! Drag them out!"

The next morning, Marshal Loren's loud voice rang out in the office of the Pioneer Fortress, but this time it was different from usual, the roar was filled with uncontrollable anger.

It seems that someone really pissed off the marshal.

The guard at the door immediately pushed the door in but was easily suppressed by Captain Ironhand. Ron also slapped the table and roared at the short-handed marshal:

"Speak clearly! Are you in cahoots with the bullshit psionic masters from the Tower of Rings? You haven't answered me what I asked you just now! Why are the plagues we used before and the ones used by the gnolls exactly the same?

The soldiers under your command are dead! They were killed by the plague we used! Everyone who survived on position 8 saw with their own eyes the gnolls dropped the plague barrel, and even the runes on it were exactly the same.


You're a bullshit, you cold-blooded bastard dwarf."

Loren, who was stuck in the office questioning these damn things, almost went crazy.

The young man in front of him had no idea how many people's heads had fallen because of the Ring Tower incident. He was just venting his anger. Loren had also lost his comrades. He could understand where Ron's anger came from at this time, but this future

Bright young people use the worst way to vent their anger.

He trampled on the face of the marshal of the pioneering army, and he violated the most untouchable taboo in the military system.

"I'll give you one last warning, Major Ron!"

Loren stared at him like an angry lion, and he almost squeezed out words through his teeth:

"Get out of my office immediately! Follow the guidance of the military police and go to the cage to wait for the military court's verdict on the stupid things you and your adjutant did today. If you think this is too boring, then I can also

I'll kill you here with my own hands!"

"We went out with 5,500 men, and only 2,000 came back. Those damn jackals and their vicious plague killed our soldiers, Marshal.

I know that in the eyes of a big shot like you, the grudges behind these things can be slowly settled after the black disaster is over.

I also know this is the correct behavior.

But I'm sorry, I'm just a common man who survived the front line, I'm just a soldier, my vision is not as far-sighted as yours, and I can't understand the necessary sacrifices.

I want revenge, revenge for my brothers, revenge for my subordinates, revenge for Dunn!

That’s all!”

Major Ron took a step back.

He held his major's military badge and pulled it off with all his strength. Under Marshal Loren's glare as he suddenly stood up, he finally touched his major's military badge and then threw it on the marshal's desk.

This action happened to be seen by General Soros who came as quickly as possible at the door. The panting general's hand that had just been raised fell down weakly at this moment.

He knew that he was a step too late, and his idiot son had already done everything he could not do.

Ron no longer cared about this at this time. He was wearing a military coat and said hoarsely:

“I know that doing this will make this matter spread as quickly as possible, I know that doing this will put you under the greatest pressure you can bear in politics and public opinion, and I also know that doing this will force you to act in the strongest possible way.

Find out the truth quickly.

The entire pioneering army will pay attention to your future actions because of this incident.

The dead and the living are watching you!

Perhaps no one dares to say it to his face, but be careful, Marshal, you are walking on thin ice and you only need to make one wrong choice, and the pioneering army you have worked so hard to build will fall apart from within.

I didn't come here just because my brain was hot. I learned from you how to put pressure on the target.

Sorry, Marshal, I am indeed coercing you. This is the fastest and most direct way for me to seek justice and revenge for my brothers.

I know that I will be expelled from the Pioneer Legion today."

"You think so! You bastard only deserves one bullet."

Loren jumped up and roared:

"Guards! Take these two traitors below and put them in a cell. If they dare to resist, they will be shot on the spot!"

More guards rushed in. Major Ron and Captain Ironhand stopped resisting and allowed them to escort him out. When Ron was dragged out, his eyes were fixed on Marshal Loren.

Those bloodshot and tired eyes were exactly what a soldier should look like.

It is even filled with prayers.

A few minutes later, General Soros, who seemed to have aged by more than ten years, walked into the office. Before he could speak, he heard Loren's voice in the smoke:

"Your son must be desperate, otherwise the smart boy would not use this method to make the final resistance. He may have guessed the compromise between us and the Ring Tower.


I really didn’t expect that something that ended two years ago would actually cause trouble today.

No, it never ended at all!

The moment I ordered the use of the plague sent by the Ring Tower, this matter will haunt me like a resentful spirit for the rest of my life.

It's true that I have already realized this, but now I realize that I have dug a hole for myself that can never be filled.

The Transians are looking for revenge on me, the evil spirit of Xiko City will not give up, the dogs hiding in the Tower of the Ring are so proud of it, and now even my own soldiers are rebelling against it.

But don't worry, Soros.

They are war heroes. King Louis has begun to publicize their victory in the country. Ron is the core of this propaganda. The military court will not execute them at this time, but your promotion in two months will be subject to this.


"No, I don't care about this anymore, Marshal."

General Soros stepped forward and reached out to pick up the military badge discarded by his son. He clasped the thing in the palm of his hand and made it sink deeply into his flesh with his fingers, making him feel pain.

He said tiredly:

"We have to solve this matter! If Fraser's report and Ron's questioning are true, it means that there is a power hidden in our country that can stab us to death from behind. I don't know what your Majesty is to

Whether he is ready or not, there may not be much time left for him.

Ring Tower.

You really should have led troops to bulldoze it last time!"


Marshal Loren, who was sitting on a special chair, raised his head, blew out a smoke ring, and whispered:

"We missed that opportunity, but this time. This time it is definitely not a problem that can be solved by cleaning up one faction. 3,500 people died. I want them to pay a hundred times the blood!"

(End of chapter)

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