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Chapter 741 740 The Lord who awakened his memory is really Asissa’s

Chapter 741 The Lord who has awakened his memory is really the leader of Asissa’s camp.

One day later, a slave ship arrived at the port of Under Armor Hills along the Cadman River in heavy snow as planned.

It has been incorporated into its own town by the rapidly expanding Stromgarde, and because the river is one of the most important transportation waterways in Transia when it is not frozen, the docks are very busy.

As soon as they saw a ship docking, the civil servants of the Stromgarde Commercial Terminal Port Authority immediately took action.

After confirming that all the "Kavhoka brand self-propelled agricultural implements" transported on the ship, the civil servants followed the customs procedures and allowed the people on the ship to disembark. The locals in Stromgarde who were dedicated to guiding people had long been accustomed to this scene.

Wearing thick and durable military coats and holding various signs, they led down the serfs who were shivering from the cold and looked confused, classified and managed them according to the skills they mastered, and then sent them to the "quarantine camp" outside the port.


There are also staff there who will clean up their entire bodies and then distribute clothes and food.

These serfs need to stay in the camp for fifteen days. After confirming that they are free of infectious diseases and learning the rules of Stromgarde and Transia, they will be assigned to their respective areas.

One-third of them will stay in Stromgarde to fill the city managed by the Knights of Strom, and the other two-thirds will be assigned to the thirteen administrative villages established in the second batch of the Administrative Office. Those skilled serfs

They will be transferred to the archives of the Craftsmen's Association, and then arranged to serve as apprentices in various trades.

It is worth mentioning that young men and women have additional options.

Men can choose to be engineers to support the construction of the Maginot Line. If they perform well, they can join the Cadman People's Army and earn wages as soldiers.

Women can choose to join the medical system represented by field hospitals. The system that the pants-removing demon is responsible for currently lacks everything, especially qualified nursing staff.

In short, they were clearly arranged and seemed to have many choices. In fact, apart from integrating into the Transian system, these serfs who had been sent over had no other way to go, unless they were willing to go back to Kafhoka and work as slaves for the masters.


At this time in the past, the ship owners had happily gone to the port authority to settle the generous remuneration, receive some discount coupons for Booty Bay, and take the sailors to the casino for a few days of fun.

But today is different.

The captain of the ship tremblingly entered the port authority with a letter and two scarlet coffins, and found the director. She was a female civil servant who had been promoted with outstanding performance. She came from a family of blood servants and was very supportive of the current Transnian policy.

The ruling system is also extremely familiar with vampire culture.

After seeing the coffin marked with the emblem of the Thorn Clan and the letter with the seal of Grand Duke Shani, she immediately understood that these things were not left to them.

Therefore, she decisively contacted her superiors in the newly built Calculation Orb Government Affairs Office System that was still in "trial operation". Ten minutes later, the eldest lady Femis, who was on vacation, opened a door in person and arrived here to put the coffin in.

He and the letter were sent back to Scarlet Castle and handed over to Tris, who was researching the formula for upgrading the decisive wine in the laboratory.

After another ten minutes, Murphy in Shadow Valley got the news and rushed back as quickly as possible.

"I think you didn't make it clear in the communication. What did Shani send us? A golden psionic master and her little follower? But why was it packed in a coffin?"

Murphy, who returned to the Blood Eagle Corridor, was confused.

He saw the two coffins in a vacant laboratory under the corridor. Femis was cracking the vampire seal on the coffins, and Tris handed Murphy the letter with the scent in her hand, she curled her lips.


"Xia Ni just acted as a 'traitor'. This is actually a 'gift' given to you by Lord Pa Ying. In the coffin are Lina, the master of the ring tower energy shaping school who you entrusted Shani to find, and her

new apprentice.

These two guys deserved their bad luck. They actually met Lord Pa Ying who was passing through Bonie City on his way to visit the wolf girl.

The Lord reminds you in the letter to invite Lina to join us in the simplest and most direct way. By the way, he also reminds you that Lina's apprentice status is quite unusual.

It's up to you to decide what to do with the girl from the New World."

"What? Where are you from? The New World?"

Murphy was completely confused.

He can understand that Lina was found. After all, a psychic master cannot disappear casually, but what happened to this apprentice from the New World? Master Lina planned to run away after being "forced to resign" from the Ring Tower.

Have you been to the New World?

"It will take about ten minutes!"

Probably feeling the silent urging from Murphy and Tris, Miss Femis, who was busy holding the Night Roaring Staff in her hand, said without looking back:

"This seal is a bit complicated. Grand Duke Shani has integrated her own mental power into it as part of the seal. I can't understand why her mental power has soared to this point, but now I can only use the safest method to dissipate this power.


Well, the sealing technique of the Thorn Clan has its own secrets, I have never seen this kind of use of psychic energy before."

"What's your look, magical girl?"

Tris joked:

"That's obviously the seal of the Secret Blood Clan!

The Thorn Clan is not good at this. The two coffins should be ancient artifacts that Shani took out from the clan's collection, and are the works of the Secret Blood Clan.

It is a very high-level sealed object in itself, and it has the ability to maintain the 'time freezing' effect. Even if you stuff an evil god into it, it won't be able to escape if the coffin is intact.

Unfortunately, these two things are disposable.

Alas, this kind of high-end knowledge has become obsolete now. Since the Mysterious Blood Clan disappeared, the most advanced knowledge in our blood clan can no longer be passed on and learned."

"Well, is that so?"

Femis blinked and asked:

"So, Tris, you are the most powerful psionicist in the history of the Blood Vulture Clan. There is no way for you to contact the Secret Blood Clan? They are just hiding, right?"

"Well, there are rumors that those guys found a new supporter after their ancient Archduke, Ms. Constance, mysteriously disappeared during the second black disaster. Now the whole family has migrated to an unknown place, and we are

Completely cut off contact.

In addition to sending people to participate in the Holy Blood Seal every hundred years, only the Blood Alliance clan can contact them. In short, it is very mysterious."

Tris poked her face, which had become smoother and more attractive recently, and said:

"I have met their second Grand Duke, Lady Dinah Hathor Macavian, but that guy has a very weird personality. I can't talk to her, but don't worry, I guess Lord Paying is very

Soon the clan princes will be summoned to gather together to discuss important matters. Then you will be able to see those mysterious guys, and maybe you can learn a few tricks from them.

You have to know that all the scarlet spells currently used by various clans are passed down from the Mystic Blood Clan. They are the clan with the most profound research on psychic powers among us.

Perhaps, it is also the most deviant clan."

At this point, Tris and Murphy looked at each other.

As vampires who know ancient memories, the two of them are very aware of the relationship between vampires and subspace. If the Mystic Blood Clan's research on psychic energy reaches the point of tracing its origins, it means that the possibility of this clan being contaminated is actually very high.

In this case, their choice to hide from the world and live alone may mean some bad signs.

But the strange thing is that Lord Paying is unwilling to talk more about the secret blood clan. He is very confident in that secret clan.

"The mental power has dissipated, I'm going to open the coffin."

A few minutes later, Femis shouted, Murphy held Necessary Evil in front of him, and Tris waved her hand, grabbing the thunder cane "contributed" by War Chief Potana.

This thing is an exquisite staff made by Potana using the bones of the oldest thunder lizards in the Dark Mountains. The increase in lightning spells is quite exaggerated. The lightning storm summoned by Tris using this thing can easily sweep across

Pass a city.

However, this thing is actually the "professional weapon" of the shaman. The little mummy has been coveting it for a long time, and has even repeatedly expressed that it can be exchanged for the precious knowledge of the Moon of Death.

It's a pity that Tris hasn't had enough fun with it yet, so she doesn't plan to replace it now.


The little lady picked up a crowbar and inserted it into the nailed coffin. With a loud bang, she lifted up the luxurious coffin board.

The effect of the internal time freezing spell dissipated at this moment. The next moment, under the surprised gazes of Murphy and Tris, Ms. Lina, who was stuffed into the coffin, opened her mouth and spurted out a fountain of blood, just like the breath of a whale.


This startled Murphy, and he quickly used the scarlet secret power to control the blood back into Lena's body to prevent her from killing herself due to excessive blood loss.

But in fact, her situation was already very bad.

Tris glanced at it and shook her head and said:

"It's hopeless. She died once. Literally, her soul left her body and embarked on the path of the dead, but she was pulled back to the world by some strange object. She was trying to maintain this

The state of the 'living dead', but now the balance is broken.

Look at the mark on her neck, Murphy.

This was done by the Lord himself, using the blood alliance clan's sin judgment talent, and probably took away most of this poor guy's life in just an instant.

Hey, how do you usually indulge yourself, you bastard?

Let me see, well, gluttony, greed, slovenliness, lying, and laziness, just these five crimes are enough for her to drink a pot."

As she spoke, Tris patted Murphy on the shoulder and said:

"Why are you still standing there? Work."


Murphy looked at Tris, who helplessly covered her eyes because of the slowness of her "little boyfriend" and said:

"The Lord said in the letter that you should invite Lina to join us in the most direct way. Look at Lina's current situation. Apart from transforming her into a vampire before she takes her last breath, we have nothing left to do.

There is no way to save her let alone invite her.

This is what the Lord means.

Make her your heir, then you can send her with confidence.

Look, the Lord even thoughtfully maintained the effect of the spiritual trial, making Lina unable to resist the progress of the first embrace.

Tsk tsk, my cute little Murphy is still an unyielding black iron himself. If you include Villanse, you already have two golden-level heirs.

Oh my god, no one believes you now that you are not the chosen one."

"But we have no source blood anymore."

Murphy hesitated and said:

"In this way, if I hold her for the first time, I won't be able to give her freedom."

"Is now the time to think about this?"

Trish said:

"The Lord has already put food into your mouth, how about me coming? Anyway, I don't mind having another golden-level heir."

"Forget it, you are already in trouble. If Lina can be tried on five charges, she is a troublemaker. I'll do it."

Murphy shook his head and bared his canine teeth.

And when he leaned down and bit Lina's hot neck, Miss Femis, who was paying attention to the scene next to her, didn't know which string was wrong. She suddenly held the staff in her hand and said seriously:

"Ah, poor troubled psionicist, sign this blood contract with me and become Mahou Shaobang."

Tris couldn't stand listening anymore and hit Femis on the forehead with a knife, causing the eldest lady to cover her head and do a standard squatting position.

"Behave decently! Bastard, you are the rising star praised by Lord Paying as 'another possibility for the future of vampires'! How can you be so immersed in those stupid alien animations?"

It’s not like you don’t know the tragic ending of those horse-monkey soju? You, the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, also want to be the Headless Horseman?”

"Ah! You said you don't read this! But it turns out you are persecuting the senior sister again."

The eldest lady discovered a blind spot.

She covered her head and jumped up, pointing at Tris who looked embarrassed and said:

"Ha, you like watching these too, right? Let me just say, our vampire life is already long and boring enough. We have to find some fun for ourselves in eternity. Look at how developed the entertainment industry of people from other worlds is.

The various literary and artistic works they have created are enough to entertain us happily for hundreds of years.

Don’t blame me. I also know that Adele always likes to watch romantic and artistic movies alone. If she hadn’t been unable to shed tears, she would have cried to death. Maxim likes to watch superhero movies and will imitate those shameful ones in battle.

Execution action

You are the most hopeless!

You like to watch those kimchi variety shows almost every episode, and you also like to watch the "cuckold show" ethics variety show. You really have enough bad taste.

Admit it, Tris.

We have all been affected.

We can’t go back to the simpler times before, do you know what I’m thinking?”

Femis blinked her big bright eyes, waved her hands and shouted:

"I'm working with Old Flywheel and Miriam to introduce a batch of outstanding literary and artistic works from other worlds in the name of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and put them in a data network composed of computational orbs for mutual circulation.

Old Flywheel said that as long as there is a database with a large enough capacity, this can be achieved, and Xiao Sharon has already helped us find a similar core database in Port Chardeau.

Not only can we learn the art of war and politics from outsiders, but Transians can also enjoy higher-level entertainment and a more spiritual life! No one can call us barbarians in the future.

Do you get me?

I also plan to make a replica of the projector. I heard that the halflings already have similar machines, but they have no idea how to use those precious things.

the power of public opinion

Miriam has noticed this and she always has a good conversation with me."

"Okay, okay, you can go discuss those awesome plans. Can you just let me, an old aunt who has not kept up with the times, continue to be immersed in the joy of soap operas?"

Tris retorted:

"Just do it if you think it's useful. Murphy and I didn't stop you, right? Murphy is about to start the Spring Festival activities, so you can be responsible for showing movies to the frontline soldiers. I will give you an extra amount of money to purchase

The halfling's projection equipment was edited using those frontline images taken by the warriors.

By the way, look for that guy named ‘Da Da En’.

He's very good at this."


Femis jumped up and said eagerly:

"I feel like I have found a lifelong career, and my whole body is full of strength! This is probably ideal, friendship and bond! Ha, this is my vampire life!"

"Tsk, you guys are really looking at complicated things, but you should be more restrained and don't really give me any scarlet spiral pills."

Murphy complained while wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

As a result, the next moment, Femis rubbed his palms proudly, and a ball of high-speed rotating scarlet spiritual energy gathered into a blood jade, even causing a roaring wind.

"Ahem, please allow me to introduce to you a new variant of the Blood Vulture Clan's psychic magic. I call it the Scarlet Wrecking Ball, an advanced branch of psychic shock, Murphy! Do you want to learn it? I can teach you,

I can also teach you how to use seven runes to release my own 'Blood Dragon Bullet'!"

"Here comes Midnight Mother. Our game has already sewn too many things. Please Femis, don't sew any more. Is this cool stuff hard to learn? As a mainline NPC, I always need to

some special skills.

You know."


This chapter has been completed!
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