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Chapter 750 749 The fierce wind of war has blown again, and the bloody day has begun

Chapter 750 749. The fierce wind of war has blown again, and the bloody day is here.

"The Jackal is coming! Warning!"

A roar echoed on the bastion tower of Fort Courage, and then a harsh warning bell was rung. The clear and sharp sound spread throughout the entire fort in an instant, causing the more than 4,000 soldiers stationed within it to immediately begin to assemble.

This is the time for various churches to conduct evening prayers. Today's prayers are destined to be unable to be completed, but this is no longer a matter of concern to the gods or believers. The Winter Fang ascetic monks of the Winter Wolf Church are moving very quickly.

The fastest, they climbed onto the guard tower and city wall that they were guarding.

Followers of Avalon followed.

Teams of witch hunters began to equip their horses with harnesses, and the druids also began to distribute various oak seeds for use in battle.

The wing cavalry in Fort Courage also began to prepare for possible trampling charges. Wallander would lead them out of the fortress to fight. At least they would not let the gnolls complete the siege so easily. They would take the initiative to attack.

But unfortunately, the Hussars were unable to take on the vanguard operations they wanted to carry out, because before everyone was ready for the war, Vaam's berserkers had already rushed out of Fort Courage in a chaotic manner like a market.

This act of walking alone made the current commander of Fort Courage, Count Under Armor of the Blood Vulture Clan, and Ms. Femis, who was called "Little Potato" by players in private, all jumped up and cursed.

However, if you think that Vaam's followers will obey orders, then you are really overthinking.

This group of berserkers and shieldmaidens recruited from the Ice Bay by the Temple of Vamu longed for a bloody fight to the death. The time they were stationed at Fort Courage almost suffocated them to death, and now they finally have some fighting spirit.

It's fun, don't let them kill you, don't expect them to fulfill their duties honestly.

But the Vam Berserkers also had some foresight.

On the first day they were stationed here, Warrior Captain Frod Gotnus made a solemn promise to the commanders of Fort Courage. If the Vam believers took the initiative to attack, it meant that they did not need any


That was their dedication to the Berserkers, and it was a sacred act. Even if the entire army was wiped out, no one would be blamed.

In fact, in this case, if you still send people to support, you are looking down on the barbarians. Not only will the Wamu believers not appreciate it, but they will blame the helpers for being nosy.

This posture and fighting method are somewhat outrageous.

But considering that these are berserkers who have been influenced by Vamu's teachings for many years and their brains have been burnt by anger, so I can only say that Bingfeng has its own national conditions here.

"Everyone kills at least fifty gnolls!"

While other forces in Fort Courage were still preparing for battle, Captain Froud, who was riding on an armored bear, had already led 300 people to the open area east of Fort Courage.

This wild barbarian, who did not wear armor on the battlefield but wore a bearskin to cover his lower body, raised his battle ax high and roared angrily at the group of barbarian warriors beside him who were making ear-piercing war roars:

"Vam is watching us, listen! The battles you losers had with those foreign heroes that were focused on by Vam were really disappointing. The warriors from Ice Bay were defeated repeatedly and even treated as sandbags.


What a shame!

I know that the other party will not die, and I also know that those lunatics will tie explosives to fight you, but is that the reason for your failure?


This generation of young people in Bingwan are such waste! They have brought shame to their ancestors.


This battle is a battle of revenge for you. If you can't kill fifty Jackals, it only means that you are not suitable to follow the way of Wamu. Even if those unqualified ones do not die on the battlefield, I will strangle you to death with my own hands!

Vaam doesn't need cowards to fight for Him.


Stop rushing forward! You idiot."

The warrior captain threw a flying hammer, knocking a shield girl to the ground who was charging forward. He roared:

"There is a minefield ahead! You blind losers, Vam taught you to be brave and not to let you die in vain. Just wait in formation here! Let the jackals cross the minefield and then kill them severely!

I have seen how those foreign heroes fought, and you have all heard of the miracles of war that happened in this highland.

That's how they won Wam's favor and admiration. If they can do it, so can you!

Just stay here and fight to the death!

Raise the flag!"

Amidst the mad roar of the warrior captain, a huge bone war flag in the style of Bingfang was erected and planted on the small mound behind the group of barbarian berserker warriors.

Commander Froud stared at the blood-scarred jackals riding wargs and driving armed kobolds in front of him. He was breathing heavily, and the bloodshot eyes swelled. Layers of blood-colored anger aroused the strong body like armor.

On top of his body, his already tall body seemed to have grown larger out of thin air.

The big ax that ordinary people were tired of holding with both hands was now grabbed by him with one hand, and with the other hand he grabbed a jackal-style beheading knife from the saddle of the battle bear beside him.

He planted the brutal weapon on the ground, pointed at the Ice Bay battle flag flying behind him, and roared:

"The flag is there and the people are here! This is the sacrifice we offer to Wamu. Fight the barbarians under this flag. I will not allow you to retreat until their or our blood stains this flag red!"

This is your coming-of-age ceremony, too, boys.

Fighting with sea monsters on the frozen sea of ​​​​the Ice Bay is an old story from the last era. Vaam and I are tired of watching those boring battles. Wrestling with beasts does not prove how powerful you are, because beasts have no ability at all.

They can fight, they only have instinct!

So now, it’s time to play something new!

Jackals are very good opponents. Children, you were born in a good era like me. The battle I followed the previous warrior in the Dark Mountains was the most exhilarating moment in my life. I received honors and

Wam's favor.

Now, it is your turn to win your victory in this hot land of war."

"But, warrior captain!"

A young barbarian warrior next to Froud, who was holding a double axe, had a strange mohawk and dyed it a strange green, whispered in confusion:

"According to the ancient rules, shouldn't we confront those gnolls and cut them down? Why do we use this thing called 'anti-infantry mines'? We are not taught to use this kind of thing in Wam's teachings

I mean, this is a bit cowardly. We shouldn't use these external forces to kill the enemy.

Vaam's servants are never afraid to fight with their hands."

"Ha, I had similar doubts. I also questioned whether those foreigners were not brave enough to use such weapons, but until I saw with my own eyes the massacre they caused with such weapons at Black Flame Pass and Fort Courage."

Captain Froud laughed loudly and explained to the boys who left the ice bay:

"That night. The night when the Transians launched the Astral Rip to destroy hundreds of thousands of Gnolls, the night when they used explosives and landmines to massacre the Gnolls, I felt excitement from the bottom of my heart!

I heard Wam's hearty laughter!

Then I know that Vaam does not regard the use of these weapons as a despicable act. Boys, just think of them as the slings and javelins we use.

It's just a weapon, nothing more than a change in appearance.

Didn’t the old soldiers who taught you tell you that rational use of all available weapons on different occasions is also a virtue of Wamu?"

"Oh, that's it."

The green-haired Mohawk barbarian warrior nodded innocently, and then under the shocked gaze of the warrior captain, the guy took out a strange spear from the spear bag behind his back.

The style is still that of a barbarian throwing a spear, but a ring of explosives is fixed on the top of the spear, making it look a bit top-heavy.

The young barbarian turned the thing up and down in his hand, turned around and said to the warrior commander:

"The guy named Giant Shark strongly recommended this 'Explosive Flying Spear' to me. He said that this thing is very powerful and is a war weapon of their Transnian people.

I originally thought that using this kind of thing would damage my courage and honor, but after listening to your explanation, I suddenly realized that maybe Vaam admires those foreigners because they are better at using these new weapons than us.

Captain Flood, should we learn from them?"

"Well, study carefully! Learn their courage and flexibility, but don't learn their overly greedy habits."

The warrior tilted his head and expressed a cautious answer to the apprentice's question.

So the next second, he saw two tall shield girls pulling out the Transanian "small barrel" from the weapon bag on their backs, and more berserkers eagerly picked up the large-caliber trench cannons.


These guys actually have hidden Transian weapons.

Well, don't tell me, it's obviously safer and more efficient to blast a jackal's dog's head at close range than to cut their neck with a knife.

In the past, people didn't dare to use it because they were afraid of offending the berserkers, but now that the warrior leader says it's okay, then there must be no problem.

"whispering sound"

Captain Flood no longer bothered to criticize these cowardly recruits, because the jackals drove the kobolds into the minefield, and the continuous explosions caused blood and flesh to fly everywhere, because too many mines were triggered at the same time, even the open ground was covered with

A layer of cruel blood mist floated.

This scene made the barbarians even more furious.

They vaguely heard Vaam's roar, which was the berserker's request that they complete the massacre and present victory with the blood-stained skull.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Warrior Captain Froud held a heavy weapon in one hand, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes were already dyed scarlet. He stared at the big and round blood-scarred jackals behind the kobold death squad. As a warrior captain, he also had

own dignity.

He didn't bother to kill ordinary gnolls. It was an act of dishonor to humiliate the weak. Wamu despised that kind of battle the most.

Therefore, the warrior leader's target is the taller hunting elects. The governors of the Bloodscar clan are basically such hunting elects. Their bodies strengthened by divine power are no longer much shorter than the barbarians.

This is an opponent worth fighting and killing!


Your own golden trial. Right here!

Step on the Golden Road here to offer your heart to the supreme Vam! Yes, you must kill 99 hunting elects with your own hands. Only in this way can you be worthy of Vam's love.


The Mohican barbarian next to the warrior leader threw the explosive flying spear in his hand. The violent explosion when it landed knocked over the three jackals and their warg. This explosion symbolized the exciting close combat that was about to come.

After sacrificing thousands of kobold cannon fodder, the jackals finally broke out of the minefield.

Then, they crashed into the wall of sharp blades composed of Vaam's servants.


The warrior captain roared forward and chopped down the Warg of the Hunting Chosen with an axe. He then draped his saber on the latter's armor. Sparks were flying and the Hunting Chosen picked up the Thunder Lizard Warhammer and faced it head-on.

Vam's red fury collided head-on with the Lord of Hunt's crimson claws, causing a shock wave that blew everything within three meters away.

At the moment when the storm of power dissipated, the broken bone knife whirled and hit the ground. There was a terrifying wound on the chest of the warrior leader Froud, which almost penetrated his body, but under his feet, the hunting elect was torn apart.

The body is bleeding with filthy blood, and its head has been removed by the warrior chief.

The warrior leader's giant bear also waved its claws and cracked the skulls of the two wargs in front with one slap.


Froud spat at the corpse, staggeredly picked up his opponent's weapon, and curled his lips and said:

"That's it? Rubbish!"

Behind him, the artillery on the high wall of Fort Courage was already roaring, and some of the soldiers who had evacuated from the Black Flame Pass were placed here.

They won't run away again.

Fort Courage is their last position. In the name of the bloody flag that is still flying, and in the name of those who died, either win or die!


The filthy spiritual energy on the Black Flame Pass has not completely dissipated, but its concentration is no longer enough to withstand the rapid passage of the army. The mountain pass that was torn apart by the star realm has become a smooth road. With the activities of a large number of kobolds, it could once be blocked.

The position of thousands of troops has turned into a gentle hillside.

However, the jackals led by Hugerson himself were still unable to pass through quickly, because the Transians went crazy and laid out a terrifying number of "minefields" there.

Not only were there vicious anti-infantry mines filled with steel balls and iron cones, but also the improvised psychic explosive rune stones made by the goat people. Those things were scattered all over the ruins of the Black Flame Pass position in an irregular manner. The jackals only needed to

If you dare to pass here, you will have to pay a lot of casualties.

Of course they can use kobolds to explore the path, but if the kobolds die too many, they will become resistant. These things have some brains after all, and it wastes too much time.

So Hugersen took the most direct approach.

Use meteorite magic to blast away those minefields!

The meteorites falling from the sky dragged long tail flames and hit the already devastated Black Flame Mountain Pass. The psionic masters of the Splitclaw clan did not need to destroy all the minefields, they only needed to clear a path that could allow the army to pass through quickly.

of avenue.

But such a huge movement cannot be concealed at all.

When the first meteorite hit the mountain pass position, the scouts scattered near Desolate Mountain had already noticed this jackal, and the news was quickly sent back to Shadow Valley.

Lao Qin looked at the report, shook his head, and handed the battle report to the "newbie" next to him who entered the game a week ago. This was his second lieutenant besides the veterans of the Qing Dynasty.

In charge of the intelligence collection and command system of the Barren Mountain battle situation.

His ID is "Wu Pairun". He is a really big man, with a typical rough face of a northern man. He is unshaven and looks like he hasn't had a good rest in several days.

"If they can always use meteorite magic to clear obstacles, then it will be difficult for a simple minefield arrangement to block the enemy. But I don't think this kind of magic can be used casually, right?"

The five pairs of wheels looked at the battle report and said to Lao Qin:

"In other words, the speed at which the Jackals can clear obstacles cannot keep up with the speed at which we lay mines? After their army passes through the Black Flame Pass, should they send a new team there to rearrange the minefields?

If they want to enter the Barren Mountain, they must go there. It is a strategic transportation line, and we can make many arrangements around it.

With the help of the tunnel, we can also cross the Jackal's front line at any time."

"Can try."

Lao Qin shook his head and said:

"But you know that it is a strategic communication line, and the Jackals also know that they will definitely deploy elite defenses there."

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Five pairs of wheels winked and said:

"It is a natural position used to encircle a point for reinforcements and ambush, and it can be effective every time. As long as it operates well, it can still become a 'flesh mill'. Of course, the premise is that our tunnels cannot be destroyed too much.


It's a perfect place for guerrilla warfare. Now it depends on whether we can inherit the art of war left by our ancestors."

(End of chapter)

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