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Chapter 789 Chapter 788: Jackals and Transians cooperate

Chapter 789 788. Yaoshou, Jackals and Transians are cooperating - New Year update [2130]

(Additional update for the New Year~ I wish everyone a Happy New Year~)

"That's it, Grand Overseer, that bastard old Manson has taken over my command, and he's going to do something that I can't understand but is definitely dangerous.

But this is a war!

We are not the Transians who have no choice but to fight in a corner. The initiative is on our side. We can obviously win this game smoothly, so why should we put our hope in those unreliable evil ways?"

In the Valley of Shadows, Warlord Hass, who was riding a flying dragon back here, was "slandering" Xu Gesen.

This battle-experienced old warlord of the Bloodscar clan was obviously very dissatisfied with Old Manson's deprivation of its command rights. He was also very worried about the development of the next war, so he hoped that Xu Gesen, the hunting god of choice, could make Old Man

Sen stepped back from the brink.

However, Hugersen had no interest in this kind of thing.

It just sat on the throne of the Bone Grinding King, staring at Warlord Hass without saying a word. It was only when a hint of uneasiness arose in the heart of the old Warlord that Xu Gesen spoke slowly:

"Manson is dead."


Warlord Hass's eyes widened. He looked at Hugersen in disbelief and heard the other person say in a hoarse voice:

"That's a warning from the Lord of the Hunt. Twenty minutes before your arrival, I saw in my dream that old Manson was extremely stupid and stepped into a trap for him and us. A group of villains hiding in the darkness.

Taking advantage of old Manson's pathetic mentality of eagerness to achieve victory, he induced him to become the victim of a sacrificial ritual.

The Lord of the Hunt gave it power in order to save it, but that blessing was one-time. Once the damn subspace gap was sealed, Manson would die miserably because of the loss of divine favor.

Calculating the time, it should be almost done now.

However, there is no need to be afraid of its death. This matter will not involve you. I will personally write an explanation and send it to Mossy Valley to explain the situation here to Chief Amot.

It's all Manson's fault. This is the fate he deserves.

You did a good job, Haas, by leading the soldiers to evacuate the already very dangerous area watched by the subspace, preventing our precious soldiers from falling victim to a conspiracy together with Manson."

"Warp space?"

Haas is a veteran warlord. Although he is not a psionic master, he has been in the dark mountain place for a long time, and he has naturally heard many dangerous stories related to the subspace.

Don't mistakenly think that jackals worship evil gods and think they have a sense of belonging to the subspace. In fact, any intelligent creature on the continent should know to stay away from the subspace. Everything related to it is not a blessing.

Even in some vague oracles sent down by the Lord of Hunting, he would warn his dependents not to have anything to do with the subspace.

Look, even the evil god who is about to wake up thinks that those crazy things in the subspace are too extreme.

The psionic masters of the Splitclaw clan seldom touch upon the forbidden knowledge related to the warp, and the goatmen with dark and evil nature rarely set foot in this field. Playing with astral psionic powers is the limit of their evil spells.

Therefore, Haas was really startled when he heard that old Manson was involved in matters related to subspace, but then the cunning old jackal tasted a hint of ominousness in Hugerson's words.

It whispered:

"You just said that Old Manson was being used?"

"Not just it!

Many big figures in Mossy Valley have been used, even my adoptive mother, Chief Potana. I have followed her and I know that she has a deep connection with those guys who hide their heads and tails, and Old Manson works better with those guys than

My mother is more profound.

But look at what happened to both of them."

Xu Gesen showed disgust and contempt visible to the naked eye, and said:

“Even this black disaster that should not have happened at this time has the deep involvement of those lunatics who worship the end of the world.

I'm not sure how many of the five major clans are connected to that organization called Dusk, but I've had enough of us bleeding and dying for our gods on the front lines, yet being treated as victims by conspirators.

Old Manson's death is a warning!

Anyone who deals with subspace will end badly, so I decided to hold off on attacking Transia.

I'm going to do something internally.

And you are my best helper, Haas. You have proven your commanding ability and your sense of war in this battle. More importantly, you have not blindly followed the majesty of old Manson. This proves that you have not been

Something dangerous caught my eye.

I need talents like you!

I will appoint you as the commander-in-chief in charge of frontline military affairs. You will cooperate with me to reintegrate the elites of the Bloodscar clan and the Splitclaw clan. Our current organization is very chaotic. There are too many conflicts between the two clans to prevent us from fully exerting ourselves.

combat effectiveness, and I’m sure that there are still Dusk’s lackeys in our command level.”

The God-chosen Warlord's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said to Haas:

"Sniff them out and get rid of them! I can't control the gnolls of other clans, but under my command, I won't allow bad guys hiding behind us to pick peaches."


Warlord Hass hesitated.

It was actually very moved by this suggestion because it had been fighting for a lifetime and knew very well how fatal the situation described by Grand Overseer Hugersen was to war.

But it also knows that if those Twilight scoundrels really exist, then most of them must be priests, because ordinary jackals are not good at thinking and pretending, and they will not recruit an organization like Twilight that is trying to destroy the world.

Those brainless guys get into it.

But that’s a priest!

Whether they are voodoo priests or blood-scar priests, they are all very high-status people in the jackal civilization system. Clearing them out at this time may cause a chaos.

Therefore, Warlord Hass thought for a while and suggested to Xu Gesen:

"We don't have to do it ourselves, Grand Overseer. We find them and send them to the front line. Those wolf-like Transians will help us solve the problem, but the biggest difficulty now is how we can identify those who are hiding.

The cultist among us?”

"Haha, simple."

Xu Gesen stood up, walked up to Haas, and said condescendingly to the old jackal:

"I want to erect a statue of the Lord of Hunting in the Valley of Shadows, and let every jackal come to kneel down and pray.

I will personally monitor this process. As God's Chosen One, I can easily tell which guys claim to be pious but are unwilling to devote their faith to my god. Of course, judging from the state of old Manson, there are also some who worship my god.

But he's also a bastard who has something to do with Dusk.

Therefore, our actions this time may hurt innocent people, but it is necessary!

As long as there is any suspicion, he will be sent to the front line!

Let them prove their purity in a desperate battle. I know what you are worried about, but I will tell you that all members of the Splitclaw clan are already on the way.

Don’t worry about wasting time, we must purify the command level before my people arrive, and then, you and me, we will launch a ‘real black disaster’ with our own hands!

Not for any other more noble things, just for the most instinctive resistance to pursue the right to survive!

Just like the war waged by my ancestor, the Bone-gnawing King

Lord Philip's deeds prove that we jackals can still make great achievements without any help from bullshit Dusk. So, I will ask you, Haas.

Are you willing to participate in my plan?"

"Of course, Grand Overseer, I am absolutely willing!"

Haas was so excited that he immediately straightened his back and shouted:

"I've had enough of the smug faces of those stupid priests!

They always associate war with sacrifice, but using our own blood to awaken our gods would be foolish.

I suppose if the Lord of the Hunt desires his own men more than the blood of his enemies, then it's not. Ah, hell! I shouldn't have said that in front of you."

"It doesn't matter."

Xu Gesen showed a subtle smile, patted Haas on the shoulder, and finished the next words for him:

"If the birth of the Lord of the Hunt does not mean that our people will be protected, if he desires to kill without distinction between friend and foe and only wants to taste the taste of death, if he cannot bring us victory and prosperity.

Then, He should not have been born!

Although I am the chosen one, I am not stupid or blindly obedient. Haas, I pursue a neutral line. It is a battlefield where God has gods and everyone fights! Most of the time, the two sides still don’t have such a deep intersection.

This is good for both of us.

What do you think?"

Warlord Hass's heart was beating fast.

It felt that Xu Gesen must be crazy!

Is it really okay for you, the God of Hunting, to say such blasphemous words so carelessly?

But Xu Gesen expressed his thoughts so frankly, which made Warlord Haas feel a strange sense of peace despite being frightened.


The Gnolls fought the Black Plague four times without the Lord of the Hunt. Although they failed, the Bone-Gnawing King has proved the Gnolls' war potential.

They can win without a god. Although it is better to have a god, if the Lord of the Hunt cannot protect his people and only wants to see the blood of his own people, then what is the purpose of such an evil god?

"Go ahead and do it!"

Xu Gesen waved his paw and said:

"Give you ten days to get this done. I also need ten days to rebuild a weapon for me. A weapon that allows me to face Murphy head-on!"


"The Nords' position is finished. Baphomet Canyon is undefendable. We must now retreat to the Filthy Swamp for the next phase of the battle."

On the Transian side, Lao Qin convened offline the presidents and officials of various guilds to hold a large video conference. Currently, the presidents of all guilds in the players have been invited. This is obviously a meeting to determine the future of Transia.

Strategy meeting.

As the initiator, Lao Qin briefly explained:

"But we can't just retreat at will. The tunnels created by the Silver Dwarves in Baphomet Canyon can still be used, so I decided to launch Plan B."

"Huh? Do we have a plan B?"

Hao Gegege, who came on behalf of the student party, said in surprise:

"Did you set this up from the beginning?"

"Absolutely. When making plans, you should always prepare for the worst case scenario. The current situation is not the worst. We have resisted the Jackals for at least twenty-five days. And with the current situation, it will take the Jackals to pursue again.

A few days to mobilize.

As long as we delay for three to four days in Baphomet Canyon, the previously set goal of thirty days of guard time will be achieved."

Lao Qin said with a trace of regret:

"The so-called Plan B is not actually a battle plan, but more of a choice.

There are a total of 13 tunnels created by the Silver Dwarves in Baphomet Canyon. Nine of them ended up in Baphomet's underground palace. The remaining four lead directly to the Filthy Swamp. Our people retreated through those four tunnels.

Destroy it when the retreat is complete.

The remaining people began to seduce and fight!

Use various methods to introduce those hunting elects and voodoo army elites who are still active in the tunnels into the earth palace, and try to provoke them into confrontation with the Baphomet cultists as much as possible.

The other party may not necessarily be fooled, but as long as the jackals are still active in the underground palace, the cultists' territory will be threatened.

The Baphomet cult is also a large organization, and their patience has limits.

Once the two sides begin to exchange fire, the march of the Gnolls will be further delayed. It is unrealistic to expect the cultists to stop the Gnoll army, but just like our arrangement at Black Flame Pass, with the terrain of Baphomet Canyon, as long as

As long as the cultists are still active, the Jackal's transportation lines will be under great threat."

"Thanks to Ms. Winnie from the Scarlet Devil Mansion being active in the Earth Palace, we already have a complete map of the upper half of the Earth Palace. The cultists are huddled on the lower floor. It is not easy for the two sides to meet, so we have to

Find a way to divert the disaster eastward."

The five pairs of wheels as chief of staff are added to:

"We don't have a good plan in this area yet, so this time we invite everyone to brainstorm ideas."

"This is easy!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to do bad things, the new Red Knight Brother Miao Miao immediately became interested. He spoke enthusiastically:

"We just need to grab some things from the gnolls that they can't give up and throw them into the cultists' territory."

"Too corny!"

Before the social man finished speaking, he was interrupted by another voice.

The person in the video is an unshaven middle-aged man. It is his first time to participate in this kind of "offline team building", but he does not have stage fright.

This guy whose ID is "Crazy Wolf under the Moon" sneered at Brother Mew Miao's idea. He said:

"What's fake is fake. Neither jackals nor cultists are fools. What you do can only have a temporary effect. If you want to intensify the hatred between the two parties, you have to do it for real! I said brothers, have you forgotten,

Are we still among the players?

We are real jackals!

This kind of messing up the relationship has to be done by us. Once the real jackals start to madly attack the territory of the Baphomet cultists, as long as these attacks continue, Commander Xu Gesen will not be able to explain it clearly."

"But aren't your Blue Wolf Army following the Wise Wolf Hogg on a journey to find their roots, and are they already approaching the territory of the Broken Tooth Clan?"

Mrs. Shui, the representative of the Silver Moon Group, said doubtfully:

"You can't teleport here. It's difficult for someone to respond from such a long distance."

"Yes, the Blue Wolf Army is too far away from the main battlefield, but we still have a group of Jackal players in the Soul Stealing Valley, which is the territory of the Plague Venom Clan."

The mad wolf under the moon waved his hands and said:

"The people staying there are all little perverts who are interested in walking the path of priests and necromancers. There are only about sixty people in number, but they are all talented people with unique skills, and they learned them from the Plague Clan.

He has mastered the methods of the undead and is not afraid of group battles. He is a master at fishing in troubled waters like this.

They are only two hundred kilometers away from the Black Flame Pass. If there is support, they will be able to reach the Desolate Mountain soon. I mean, you just retreat! Leave the task of luring the enemy to our Jackal camp, and I promise to open your eyes!

We are all players, and we have to find ways to win for our camp in things like the Black Disaster. As a member of the Jackal camp, it is very painful for us to watch the Children of Creation fall into disaster.

Xian Lang is determined to bring the wolf man back on track.

We, followers of the Wise Wolf, will naturally have to contribute."


Lao Qin's eyes lit up and he made a decision on the spot:

"Then it's up to you to carry out this mission. I will arrange for psionic masters to assist our Jackal brothers. If you need help from us, just ask. We will do our best to satisfy you."

"The protective gear and battle flags of Xu Gesen's soldiers and the Blood Scar Priests. It's best to prepare some prisoners so that my people can disguise their identities after passing by."

Mad Wolf under the moon thought for a while and said:

"Don't worry about the rest, we'll take care of it ourselves.

Oh, by the way, let the brothers set a secret code and use it to communicate with each other when they meet, so that no one can't help but kill one of them. If there is a bloody conflict, it will damage the harmony.

In addition, leave some of the 'Gnoll-only' equipment and weapons you captured for us. You won't be able to use them anyway. We can exchange them for warg cubs and specialties from the Dark Mountains. I see Baphomet's Labyrinth.

It's very good, very suitable for a place for two-party transactions.

Well, I remember that a brother said he wanted to catch a mighty blood vulture as a pet?

We happen to have a few blood vulture eggs here. This thing is a real specialty of the Dark Mountains. In order to get it, several brothers fell off the cliff and died.

In short, if you need it, please book in advance.

It’s expensive, so don’t come here if you’re poor.”

"Me, me, me! Leave two for me! Money is not a problem, I can pay offline!"

The little potato Ashina jumped out immediately, causing a burst of laughter.

A veteran of the Qing Dynasty also spoke:

"The battle flag of the Cadman People's Army is a blood vulture. I think you might as well give this thing as a gift to Mr. Murphy. I think he will like it. Although you are jackals, you still have to brush it up.

To brush up the reputation of the mainline NPC."

"Licking NPCs, right? Hey, we are good at this. Now Ms. Nanak has begun to recruit her own foreign wolves, and that guy Furui has almost become Ms. Nanak's personal bodyguard. Bah, it's really


(End of chapter)

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