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Chapter 795 794Cute New Cement’s First Day of Life in Another World New Year’s Eve

Chapter 795 794. The first day of the new cement’s life in another world - New Year’s update [2730]

In the large villa where the operation and maintenance team of "Real World" is located, violent coughs are constantly coming from a special care unit. Doctors in white coats are nervously going back and forth. Various sophisticated equipment are constantly being used, but they are still

There is no way to save the life that is dying.

Sister Cement, who was lying on the hospital bed, was already on her deathbed.

Her body was so emaciated that she was as miserable as skin and bones. This was definitely not the staff in the villa mistreating her. In fact, this was an inevitable condition of body failure. Separation of soul and body was a terminal illness that could not be treated by medicine at this stage.

She knows this herself.

Therefore, I have been persuading the family not to waste more resources on her inevitable death, but the knowledge that Sister Cement has gained from other worlds in the past twenty days is so amazing that her superiors cannot give up on her.

The best medical resources at home were sent here, and more than 40 medical staff were doing their best to extend her life.

All these efforts resulted in an extra seven days of survival time.

Sister Cement should have died seven days ago, but she was forced to hang up until now.

This sounds very tortured, but in fact, Sister Cement lost her awareness of her body half a month ago, so she could not feel pain. On the contrary, she still maintained a fairly clear mind at this time of her death.

"Ahem, I'm going to die."

In the busy ward, this idea came to her mind.

But she was not afraid, probably because she had witnessed with her own eyes the vibrant scene of all things competing in the "afterlife" before she died.

Compared with the current embarrassing situation of being trapped in the body and unable to move, he can still get "freedom" in the true sense by moving to Transia. No matter how you look at it, he has made a lot of money.

Well, to put it in a more literary way, I got a precious second chance.

"It's no longer possible. Her vital signs have declined too severely. The drugs have lost their effect. We can't save her."

The doctor who had been busy for several hours tiredly said something to the assistants beside him, and the atmosphere in the ward became stagnant. Although he didn't quite understand why the skinny lady lying on the hospital bed was so important, but for

For doctors, the frustration of not being able to snatch a soul back from death is still regrettable.


Sister Cement coughed hard and made a weak gesture. The doctor stretched out his hand to help her remove the respirator, and then heard her light voice:

"It doesn't matter, it's not your fault. I deserve this. I'm leaving. I'm being called over there to please. Please come over to the person in charge. I have a few final words to tell him."


The old doctor glanced at Sister Cement with pity, then turned and left. Mr. Qin could not come now, but Brother Zhongzhong had been standing outside the ward. After the news came, the ward was quickly cleared. Brother Zhongzhong brought a tape recorder.

He walked in and sat next to Sister Cement.

He looked at the woman who looked like a humanoid skeleton in front of him with a complicated expression.

In the past twenty days, she has been trying her best to "carry knowledge", like a fire burning away her remaining life. Brother Zhongzhong can feel the rush and regret.

I don’t know if she was driven to do all this by her mind of atonement, but at least in Brother Zhong’s view, Sister Cement’s final life was indeed very tiring.

"What does your look mean? Do you feel sorry for me?"

Sister Cement laughed, coughing, and said:

"You know, you can still see me there, right? You also know that for my current situation, that place in the past is the real relief.

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s talk about something important.

I originally wanted to study the structure and knowledge of the Creator's biopod thoroughly before the deadline, and leave something useful for my family, but it turns out that my wisdom is still too inferior compared to the Creator's technology.

I tried my best but could only understand less than one-tenth of the principles, and I have written them all down."

She pointed to the working workstation opposite the ward and said to Brother Zhongzhong:

"It may take some time for my family to understand the knowledge that is too advanced, but I have also copied the structural principles of the biological cabin. After we complete the rudimentary imitation, we can start making similar things.

It is destined not to reach the level of the Creator's technology that turns decay into magic, but at least it can cure more diseases and provide doctors with more treatment options.

you listen to me!"

Sister Cement emphasized her tone and said to Brother Zhongzhong:

"Creator technology is a real treasure trove! Those magical powers are all generated based on the upgraded stage of our current technological route. That is the most suitable knowledge for us to learn.

I suggest that my family should dig out more usable things from the ruins of the Golden Age at all costs. After I get there, I will come into contact with the forces there.

I know that Mengha is also one of ours, and she and Xiao Ruyi will be my best assistants.

But the three of us are not enough, we need to find more people in this field!

It will definitely take some time from imitation and learning to the production of results. I hope that my family can be mentally prepared. After all, our current technological level is like primitive people worshiping lightning in the face of the Creator's technology, worshiping gods that may exist in the cloud.

But this must be done!

Whether you interpret this as my atonement or my worry, this is a unique opportunity for us. Once we miss it, we will never get it back."

"Well, I will pass your opinions on to my superiors. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Brother Zhongzhong asked seriously.

Sister Cement hesitated and said:

"Mr. Murphy is very important. I'm not talking about the mainline NPC you think. His importance must be above this identity. You must do your best to protect him. He is the node of the fate of that world, and in Alpha Company, use their black

After technology has brought the two worlds together, the fate of the two worlds has also been bound together.

Helping them helps us!

Well, the time is coming, I can already feel my soul leaving my body.

Bring a message to Master Yang and Aunt Mei for me. I will help their son try life in another world after death. I went to see A Feng when I was still alive. Rather than letting him continue in this stalemate, it is better for a strong man to cut off his wrist.


I know it's cruel to say this to a pair of parents, but you may not have discovered that there are hidden dangers in A Feng's current situation. He is now stuck between two worlds. Do you understand what I mean?


Once there is a problem there, such as the sudden shutdown before, and the server cannot restart the connection quickly, Ah Feng will probably get lost in the dangerous place I once lost. Our world has already been noticed once, Ah Feng

Cannot become the second node.

Now I am trying for Feng. If I live there, it means that Feng has one more choice. He can end his life here and get a real new life in another world. This will definitely cost him a lot.

Some price, but I think it's worth it.

Of course, I'm just giving a suggestion.

I gotta go

They are calling me.

at last."

Sister Cement's breathing became weak.

She closed her eyes, tried her best to assume the most comfortable posture, and whispered:

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I will try my best to make up for it in another world."

"It doesn't matter, let's meet again in Transia."

Brother Zhongzhong held Sister Cement's cold wrist, hoping to use this method to give this soul who was about to travel far away a little comfort from his hometown. The warmth in his palm made Sister Cement reveal a smile on her extremely thin face.

The next moment, her overwhelmed heart stopped beating.

The fifth Jingqiu died.

But the new life belonging to the "cement-sealed heart" will start again in another world.

The surrounding instruments made a beeping sound, which made Brother Zhongzhong get up helplessly. Although he and Sister Cement were not friends, the loss of a life still made people feel regretful.

Brother Zhongzhong finally expressed his blessing to Sister Cement, and then strode towards the workbench placed in the corner of the ward. The information contained in it was vital and must be escorted to where it should go immediately.

But after taking a few steps, Brother Zhongzhong suddenly thought of something else.

He suddenly looked back at the gaming helmet placed next to Sister Cement's hospital bed, rushed over and put the helmet on Sister Cement's head, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. This thing is the node connecting Blue Star and the other world.

With the aid of this thing, it is difficult for Sister Cement’s soul to reach exactly where it is.

Facts have proved that Brother Zhongzhong still knows his stuff.

After putting on the helmet, this thing immediately started running automatically and automatically shut down after a few seconds, which meant that it had just executed a mysterious program that no one could understand.

After doing all this, Brother Zhongzhong turned around and put away the workbench, but when he turned back, Sister Cement's helmet was missing from her head.

Damn it!

That thing was here just now, who took it away?

Brother Zhongzhong panicked and immediately ran to adjust the surveillance. As a result, none of the thirteen surveillance cameras captured the disappearance of the helmet, which was just as silent as the thing's appearance.

Hmm, so, is this the recycling method of Alpha Company?


It's really scary.


It was another normal day for the Spring Festival event. 33 lucky people logged into the game today, but there were only 11 people in the secret room at midnight.

As the game progresses to the present, players' birth points are no longer limited to Scarlet Castle. More radical players will directly choose to start their new life at the Maginot Line or Wolf Castle. There are also several Jackal players in

Wise Wolf's journey into the world.

Those who can be born in the Scarlet Castle are either plot players, or administrative and manufacturing players, all of whom are veterans who are not very interested in combat.

The cement seal opened his eyes after taking several breaths.

What comes into view is the dark vampire-style dome and those strange patterns, as well as the gas lamps hanging around that emit a light that is not dazzling.

Beside her, the restless newbies stood up one after another and began to walk out of the midnight secret room, but Sister Cement did not move.

She was still recalling her experience just now after she died.

Well, the journey of death is really wonderful. There is actually a magical revolving lantern that goes back and forth in front of her eyes. Sister Cement can be sure that she really saw her kind grandma waving to her at a certain moment.

After everyone else left, Sister Cement moved her body and climbed down from the stone platform.

This time, I didn't come in by chance. I had a novice shirt. Unfortunately, I was not born directly as a vampire. Instead, I had to go through the complete process from weak to strong like other players.

But she is different from ordinary players.

She does not have the "logout button" that exists at any time to allow her to return to her hometown in an instant. From today on, this is her hometown.

It's a state of mind that's hard to describe, but there's not much sadness in it.

After all, he now has a living life that can jump around, and finally he no longer has to lie on the bed and endure the awkward posture where he can't even control his excretion.

Cement hugged him in the air with a very relaxed gesture, and then jumped and hummed a song and left the secret room, preparing to start his novice career. But as soon as he went out, he saw the shadows gathering into bloody bats flying in the sky.

In the gathering of bats, the handsome Lord Murphy appeared in front of her like a classic vampire.

"Welcome to Transia, Miss Cement."

Murphy said to Sister Cement with his charming smile:

"I'm here to welcome you to my territory and tell you some taboos you should know."

"I am all ears, sir."

Sister Cement performed quite standard vampire etiquette on the spot. This is something she has learned in the past twenty days.

She knew that vampires liked this kind of cumbersome formalism.

"You are different from others. The three-day resurrection is a luxury that never existed for you, because when your soul was transferred, you lost your status as a foreigner. Your situation is even worse than that of Afeng.

Extremely, the 'save point' of another world has been lost."

Murphy said seriously:

"In other words, if you die here, you are really dead. There will be no third chance for you. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, I guessed that resurrection comes with a price."

Sister Cement nodded and said:

"So, the most suitable route for a spirit like me is a vampire or a lich, right? The life-saving ability is maxed out."

"Well, it's your freedom to choose what kind of career and life you want. I won't get involved or even give you advice."

Murphy waved his hand and said:

"All I want to tell you is this, cherish your journey here and enjoy your second life. I know that your research on Creator technology has just begun, but you are also a player, and I cannot treat you differently.

So you have to find the place of creation where you were before on your own. If you can step into it on your own, then I will no longer restrict your exploration there.

You will be an important person in contact between the two worlds. I have no special requirements for you, but you must understand that now you are also a Transian, so you also have a responsibility for your new hometown.

A copy of the knowledge you discover and learn should also be passed on to us.

Like this!"

The vampire lord took out a standard psychic battery and a matrix generator obelisk, and handed them to Sister Cement. He said:

"Let's take the research on this thing as a starting point. Energy is always the basis of development, no matter in which world it is."

"I understand."

Sister Cement became much better-behaved after experiencing a death, at least on the surface.

She took the energy battery and the obelisk, and when she raised her head again, Murphy had disappeared, as if she was talking to a ghost just now. Enough of this Bateman behavior!

Cement complained harshly.

But she also knew that Master Murphy gave these two things to her not only for research, but also to give her, this "special life", the power to protect herself.

"What a gentle leader. How many little girls who are ignorant of the world have to be charmed? What a sinful man."

Cement sighed in her heart, and she continued to move forward, but before she took a few steps, she heard a burst of noise, and then a little potato flapping its wings flew over and landed in front of her with arms akimbo.

Xiao Weiming looked at Sister Cement up and down, and she said:

"You are our group leader, Cement Heart, huh? You are quite mysterious. Come with me, Madam Water asked me to pick you up. We are now at Fort Courage preparing to take back the Shadow Valley. Your wisdom may be able to

Please help."

"Ha, proud little potato!"

Sister Cement stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Ashina's head, but the next second she was slapped open by the irritable little guy, and received a super cute glare.

Sister Cement laughed loudly and waved her hands at the same time and said:

"Don't go over there yet. I heard that Mengha has some problems with his radio research. Please take me there first. Maybe I can help.

Ah, a wonderful new life!

I'm coming."

(End of chapter)

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