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Chapter 810 809 The battle between the wolves

Chapter 810 809. The battle between the wolves

Hogg and his Gray Wolf Army have crossed most of the Dark Mountain Range and entered the territory of the Broken Fang Clan. The pitiful thousands of people who started out have now snowballed to the terrifying tens of thousands.

Not only are there a large quantity, but the quality is also quite good. I have actually won several battles with the vassals of the Broken Tooth Clan recently.

This is enough to prove the gold content of Gnoll players.

In terms of combat power alone, this is already a quite impressive force in the Dark Mountains. If Hogg is willing to give up his lofty ideal of "saving the country and the people" and become a warlord on the spot, its current power will already have the potential to establish a large clan.


But this also raises another question.

That is how the Canglang Army, which currently has less than 200 people, can command such a huge army?

Is it possible that the Jackal players are all military wizards like peerless heroes?

Of course it's impossible. You can't hide what a player is like from others. It's unnecessary to expect them to become familiar with military law and become a commander overnight.

The way the players of the Blue Wolf Army command the Jackals to fight is very simple. They don’t command at all!

They will set a very specific goal, and then generously leave the combat part to the war instincts of the jackals. Each player chief only needs to be responsible for the general strategy and logistics, and the rest will naturally be taken care of by those being taken care of.

The governors they selected went to do it.

The Jackals have fought against the Black Disaster four times. Their current fighting mode is highly tempered. It may seem barbaric, but it is the most suitable fighting method for their level of civilization.

Players have no intention of changing this system, at least at this stage they do not intend to introduce "alien warfare".

The reason why the Jackals of the Blue Wolf Army are so powerful is probably because the players were generous enough when they were chiefs.

These guys don't even want the loot!

After winning the battle, all the seizures were distributed to the soldiers under his command, and he was very precise about "clear rewards and punishments".

As the leader of the Canglang Army, Yuexia Mad Wolf also specially formulated a set of "military laws" for rewards and punishments. It was probably a slightly modified version of the old Qin people who were happy to hear the war.

He even established a thirteenth-level military rank and a conferment system for distributing honorary titles in the Canglang Army. Jackal warlords could get more manpower and materials based on their military exploits. Xian Lang promised to use military exploits to reward each individual after they obtained the territory.

The fiefs that the warlords can obtain, and ordinary gnolls can also be promoted through this relatively clear war system.

The previous vague divisions of Gnoll civilization in this regard have been changed, and military affairs and logistics have been completely separated.

Except for those guys who are good and fun-loving and occasionally go to the battlefield to practice their skills, most of the Jackal players will keep all the logistics supplies of their clan in their hands, and will not allow the frontline warlords to interfere at all.

This is enough to ensure that the big-headed Jackal soldiers are obedient. After all, no matter how fierce the Jackal is, there is no way he can fight on an empty stomach, right? At present, all the cooks in the Canglang Army are directly managed by Xian Lang. There are some truths that apply no matter what profession they are in.

In the same way, if you dare to mess with people who can feed you, then you can live comfortably even if the cooks lose!

In one sentence, the players’ strategy is to focus on operations!

All the fighting is left to the jackal natives, who are responsible for maintaining the clan's operations in the rear.

How do you say that?

After learning my brother's operations, the remaining jackals and barbarian soldiers under my command can win F2A with their eyes closed!

Players' general advantages in mathematics and management make them more suitable for the job of logistics officers than Jackals. The well-handled logistics means that the brave Jackals don't need to worry about the rear at all. They can just rush forward on the battlefield and be done with it.

Another point is that the female jackals, who have always been excluded from wars in the past, have also been put to good use by the players.

The females will be turned into an army to guard the camp and the cubs and directly accept the command of the chiefs. Although the female gnolls are inferior to the males in terms of size and strength, they still have the physical fitness that a gnoll should have.

At critical moments, the fighting power these female jackals can unleash to protect their cubs is definitely not bad.

Some of the great ingenuity of the Canglang Army also learned from the tactics of the Peasant Army in the late Ming Dynasty.

They arranged the family members of the gnolls near the rear camp. In this way, the gnolls on the front line not only won the battle, but also had the belief to protect their families.

These factors were simply combined together, and the Canglang Army was suddenly "reborn". Although it was still far from the elite army commanded by Xu Gesen, bullying ordinary clans could be considered a dimensionality reduction attack.

This journey of finding roots has honed the ability of Jackal players in this area. To this day, the individual strength of these guys is not necessarily better than high-end players, but in terms of actual combat operations, they are definitely better than players of other races.


What's even more rare is that the Canglang Army is really united.

The number of Jackal players is already small, and as soon as they enter the game, they are arranged to participate in a plot such as "Journey to Seek Roots". They are almost surrounded by enemies along the way, forcing them to form a rope in order to survive in Hog.

Under his leadership, he completed this "Odyssey"-like feat.

If the players, as chiefs, can work together as a team, the clans under their command will naturally not dare to cause too much trouble.

As the core members of the Blue Wolf Army, the Mad Wolf under the Moon and his Shadow Moon Clan were given the responsibility of "military police" by Hogg. He also built a "Juyi Hall" in his clan camp specifically for the arbitration of the Blue Wolf.

Conflict within the army.

But today in the evening, under the moonlight, Mad Wolf suddenly heard the horn sound of the army gathering, which shocked him greatly.

"What's going on? There's going to be a decisive battle with the Broken Tooth Clan now? So fast! And there's no sign at all!"

Brother Mad Wolf stood up suddenly, quickly called his guards to bring him armor and weapons, and ordered the governor he personally appointed to mobilize the troops.

He himself also has to go to the big tent of Popok, the Great Overlord of the Blue Wolf Army, to receive the Shadowmoon Clan's mission for this battle from the Jackal NPC with the funny black eyes.

But as soon as he went out on his cool red and white armored warg, he met his good brother Furui.

The latter greeted the wolf under the moon on the warg and shouted to him:

"Don't go over there. Grand Overseer Popok's order is very simple. Let us gather soldiers and follow him towards the coast. He said there are reinforcements coming over there from Wise Wolf."

"What? We still have reinforcements? Or are they coming from the sea? Is it the blood-fearing vampire fleet that dominates the foggy sea?"

Brother Crazy Wolf was surprised to receive the first-hand information from the Great Immortal Furui:

"When a brother proposed this idea on the forum before, I thought it was a whimsical idea. I didn't expect that it was actually guessed. The main line of the jackal's racial mission was actually connected to the plot of the vampire."

"I heard that Lord Murphy has arrived!"

Immortal Furui swung his tail, hugged his helmet and whispered:

"You know that our Fury clan is specifically responsible for protecting Ms. Nanak. When I heard Ms. Nanak talking to Commander Popok just now, the pronunciation of "Murphy" seemed to be mentioned in her voice.

Damn it, we have been in the game for more than a month, and now we can finally meet the real mainline NPC, and then go to Mr. Murphy to ask for a dock or something.

It makes me excited just thinking about it!”

"Mr. Murphy will also come? Well, it seems that the plot of the Black Disaster DLC is indeed about to enter a turning point."

The mad wolf narrowed his eyes under the moon.

The half-orc, who looked like a golden lion and wore clan armor, moved his paws and said:

"I don't think the next step in this mission is for us to do it together with brothers from other races. I estimate that after excavating the Jackal Holy Land here, we may find a big secret that can rewrite the main plot of the current game. This is the only way.

The plot can then logically advance to the point where the jackals and the civilized camp join forces to fight against the enemy.

And us!

We, Canglang Army, are the main ones who have uncovered this shocking secret.

"Look at what I said before, the development team really has a preference for the gnoll race, probably to make up for the incompleteness of the gameplay, so they gave them a very important position in the plot."

"You are thinking too much. Let's settle the Broken Tooth Clan issue first. Hogfa's mission is very difficult. It requires us to persist until it leads its elites into the Gnoll Holy Land. Before that, we

But it cannot be defeated, otherwise the mission will be considered a failure.

This battle was probably fought.

We have calculated very carefully that there will not be more than 70,000 people including the female gnolls, but the entire Broken Tooth clan has soldiers, and there are no less than 100,000 tribesmen in this area alone.

If not, everyone will have to lose all the wealth they have worked so hard to save now."

Immortal Furui spread his paws and said:

"I think you should give the brothers a warning in advance so that everyone can be mentally prepared for a hard fight. In addition, the vanguard warlords of my clan who were captured by your Shadowmoon clan because of the fight. Can you release them?


Now is the time to hire people. Although they ignore discipline and fight, they are still provoked. It is obviously the clan of the bad guy Big Big Wolf who provoked first, and we are just accepting the challenge.

I promise I won’t do this again.”

"No way! This hole cannot be opened. Once it is opened, the war discipline that the Canglang Army has finally cultivated will be over. If you want them to survive, just get them some equipment."

As the military police force directly under Xianlang, Yuexia Kuanglang refused. He said with a straight face:

"I'm not telling you, Furui, you've really developed feelings by raising a jackal? That's a big, round jackal brother, not the kind of furry Furui girl you like."

"Nonsense, those are all SRs that I personally drew from the 'Dark Mountain Card Pool', okay? They are all jackal warriors with full potential. I will just wait for them to conquer the country for me in the future. What's the point of Furui Niang!

A real man should train his muscles to become a star, okay? By then, I can have as many furry girls as I want."

Immortal Furui chuckled and curled his lips and said:

"Forget it, you're not easy to talk to and you have a special position, so I won't embarrass you, but don't send them to dangerous places this time, okay? Is it easy for me to find a few powerful subordinates?"

"Hurry up and assemble your clan. I'll talk to the other brothers about how to fight."

The mad wolf is also in high spirits under the moonlight.

He drove away the Great Immortal Furui, drove the warg around a corner and ran to gather with other player chiefs to wait for Popok's arrival.

As the departure order was issued, the entire Canglang Army camp began to move. Teams of Jackals followed their centurions and rushed out of the camp. They also raised the battle flags of their respective clans amidst the roars of the warlords.

The first-level Grand Warlords unified and prepared their respective forces in preparation for the expedition.

The female jackals directly under the chiefs distributed various crude scrolls and potions needed for the war.

Thanks to the joining of psychic clans such as the Plague Clan under Hogg, the soldiers of the Blue Wolf Army can obtain various potions. Although they are all very common primary rage, primary strength or primary healing, in terms of logistical supplies,

Indeed, they are far ahead of the barren Broken Tooth Clan.

In addition, the jackal version of the decisive wine is also being distributed.

This kind of thing was originally a vicious gadget invented by the Jackals during the Fourth Black Disaster. It was abandoned only because of the crotch-reducing effect. The pharmacist of the Pestilence Clan obtained the formula shared by the Transians and was able to make a weakened version.

A more effective win-win.

With the exaggerated physical fitness of the jackals, they will not die after drinking it, but they will fall into long-term weakness or even be disabled after the violent rage.

This stuff was distributed in large quantities by Hogg to make up for the lack of hunting priests in the Wolf Army. It was definitely something that could only be drunk when desperate.

"Our army is in great shape! It's a pity that the equipment of individual soldiers is too stretched. I heard that our Transian brothers have completed the weapon replacement. I wonder if some of the big bolts they replaced can be given to our Canglang Army.

There are also steel protective gears. Jackals are far behind in this aspect. If the two sides can complement each other, it would be perfect."

Gray Wolf, the chief of the "Blade Tooth Tribe" who was riding on a warg, was wagging his tail and looking at the army preparing for the expedition. He couldn't help but sigh.

Other chief players also echoed.

In their opinion, the most perfect posture for a Jackal is to be supported by the weapons of the civilized camp, and then equipped with firearms, explosives and sophisticated protective gear. Only in this way can the war potential of the Jackal be fully explored.

"That's all for the future, don't think about it so much now."

BanchoLeomon carried a hunting bone blade like an Odachi on his back, put on a cool clan war helmet, and held sweetroot grass in his mouth. He said in a deep voice:

"When the false god Lord of the Hunt is put to death and Master Xianlang leads us to jump back to the Order camp, then both sides will have enough reasons to communicate with each other. Only then will the power of us Jackal players truly rise."

"Bah, why do we jackals want to join their civilized camp?"

The mad wolf under the moon carrying the halberd shouted:

"We have quantity, and the quality is not bad. As long as Xianlang takes us away from the bad reputation of Jackal, take the head of the false god and return to the true faith of the Creator, we can definitely become a third party outside of Chaos and Order!

Just like the Songhai people who claim to be the sons of creation!

With an aloof attitude, we are outside the ordinary civilization. We don't have to look at anyone's face or look up to others. With the secret help of Mr. Murphy and our player brothers, we can even turn the entire Dark Mountains into our country!

If any king dares to have an opinion, let him personally bring his army to talk to us!

Brothers, do you still remember the oath we all made when the Blue Wolf Army was established? We will use force to make the world tremble, to complete the great deeds that the Bone-gnawing King failed to complete, and to let the jackals live on this continent with their heads held high.

, now that oath has come to be fulfilled!

Just win this battle!

As long as we can face off against Broken Yahao, one of the five major clans, and win a big victory, the name of our Canglang Army will be resounding throughout the Dark Mountains, and this is the true starting point of our career!"

"Yes, this battle is destined to be difficult."

"White Wolf", who chose the form of the ancient jackal, pulled the reins of the warg and shouted to the player chiefs who were listening:

"I don't even have to think about it to know that tonight our brothers may lose the clan they have worked so hard to save, and even our lives.

But this is a big deal! You can’t spare your life at this time.

I will lead my "White Fang Clan" to charge forward and open the battle for my brothers. If my clan is destroyed, other brothers will take over.

I think we should take this opportunity to make a contract. As long as we win tonight's battle, the other clans will help rebuild the destroyed clans. Our Canglang Army now has 187 large and small clans, and it is time to ascend as a prince.

Entering the player stage.

We will maintain this scale from now on.

Don’t add new people or start new clans for the time being. If future Jackal player brothers want to join us, they must first name themselves and get everyone’s consent before opening new clan factions.”

"Good idea, but I still have to say, your physical education teacher played e-sports before teaching mathematics, right? We are obviously 188 clans now."

Immortal Furui, who was driving the warg over, reminded:

"You forgot to count the 'Soul Stealers' clan. They are also a member of the Jackals. Although they are not here now, Lao Xie and his brothers are also working for everyone's common cause in Baphomet's underground palace.

Count them in!”

"Okay, let's set up a post as proof!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, the mad wolf under the moon raised his weapon and shouted loudly:

"Here today, 188 of us brothers have made a 'Cang Wolf Alliance' to advance together and retreat together, and do a damn great thing in this other world! We will fight against Duanya tonight, and we will die if we don't win! We will never retreat!"

"If you don't win, you will die! Never retreat!"

Immortal Furui shouted excitedly.

The friendship between men is so strange and simple, and they are willing to go through it even when the heat is high. More players are infected and join in, and the roar becomes stronger. There is also a wise man who shouts this oath in jackal language, so that

The surrounding jackal guards also roared loudly.

Until the end, the entire Wolf Army was roaring the war oath of "win or die". These words sounded encouraging and more in line with the reckless character of the jackal. It was simply tailor-made for Slugen!

Well, the Broken Tooth clan is going to be in trouble now.

(End of chapter)

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