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Chapter 818 817 Today, my Vam’s heavy punch will be violently blasted into the air

Chapter 818 817. Today, I, Wamu, will violently blast into the dusk stronghold of Kougua with my heavy punch!

The old chief of the Whiptail clan, Singer, is the brother of old Senke. This explosive truth adds another element of uncertainty to the current murky status quo of jackal civilization.

But it is not a bad effect, but a change that is more inclined to the better.

The Whiptail Clan is currently following the Bonegnawing Clan in attacking the Brass Fortress. If Old Senke can persuade Old Singer to retreat, it may be able to give the precarious Western Front battlefield a chance to breathe. But whether it is Murphy or Hogg, for

In fact, I don’t have much confidence in this development.

When it comes to issues related to the future of the clan, even the chief's personal grudges can hardly influence the final decision.

But Old Senke was still willing to give it a try.

No matter how bad it is, it can provide old Singer with another option of following the Lord of Hunting all the way out of the dark. In fact, if Singer is as resourceful as the legend says, he should understand that at this moment when the evil god is about to awaken,

What a blessing to have another option.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the Whiptail Clan has been secretly assisting the Broken Fang Clan.

As a former bodyguard of the King of Bone Grinders, Old Singer has really seen the world. You don't have to expect such a well-informed jackal to bow down to the Lord of Hunting.

It must have a mind of its own!

However, these are all internal affairs of the Jackals. Although Murphy, a vampire, is qualified enough to participate, he cannot even manage his own Transia. Now he really does not have that much energy to participate in the racial changes of the Jackals.


Anyway, Hogg is his spokesperson, and the cooperative relationship between administrator Alpha and Wise Wolf, who have achieved mutual success, has long been an irreversible foregone conclusion. Therefore, Murphy can rest assured and leave this part of the affairs to Wise Wolf to handle.

Hogg will definitely be very busy in the future, just digesting the Broken Tooth Clan will be enough to keep him busy.

Murphy did not bother Hogg anymore. He walked out of the Jackal Civilization Hall. When he left the Holy Land, he saw the governors and priests of the Broken Tooth Clan and the Wolf Army lining up to see the Holy Land. But just now

The transformed guardian of creation, Master Popok, wears a cool black security system and controls his own shadow wolf exoskeleton to maintain order at the gate of the holy land.

Tsk tsk, you are worthy of your old skills!

Look at Mr. Popok's skillful actions in maintaining order. It's obvious that he is a natural security guard. He also shouts from time to time to stop those who jump in line.

Well, that's the taste, that's right.

Murphy grinned, spread his wings, and flew to the top of the hill in the dark night before dawn, intending to think about the next steps. When he landed, a prompt quietly lit up:

[The Creator Faction·Security Sequence has been established, and the reputation of Wise Wolf Hogg/Creator Jackal has reached Exalted!

The hidden achievement "Khan? Pour me a cup of tea first!" has been lit!

Achievement points +20.

Reputation achievement [Famous] completion level 4/5.

Because of assisting a Creator faction to rebuild in the new era and judged to have perfectly fulfilled the duties of the exhibition director, the Eden District special allowance X5 has been issued!

Please go to the exhibition hall warehouse to collect it.]

"Phew, there is only one last step left to reach the level of fame, and this special allowance is really an unexpected blessing."

Murphy nodded with satisfaction.

He got angry when he talked about the director's allowance. Last month, he and Tris finally got their wages on time. As a result, they happily ran to the warehouse and saw that the stingy exhibition hall had given him five standard energy batteries to fool him.

Tris, the assistant, is even worse. Her monthly salary is only three batteries.

This thing is considered a good thing. After all, no one can recreate this kind of high-energy polymer in this era. The problem is that just using it as a battery is useless!

Murphy currently has two matrix shield generators that can consume batteries, and one of them is given to Sister Cement for self-defense. With Murphy's current fighting style, there is basically no need for this thing.

The energy battery in his hand has now accumulated more than a dozen yuan. Apart from giving Lan Huahua a mission to ask her to increase her reputation and exchange batteries to recharge the hunting crown, it is basically useless.

However, the "special allowance" is still very delicious. Murphy guessed that there should be a physical reward this time, and he wished he could run back to the exhibition hall to check it out. But he is a person with status after all, and he cannot be as anxious about this kind of thing as young people.

Monkey anxious.

Besides, aren’t there “guests” coming now?

"Why are you hiding behind me?"

Murphy, who was looking at the moon, said expressionlessly:

"A big shot like you coming so close to me will probably bring trouble to you and me. To be honest, Tris just warned me to stay away from you, Mrs. Shani."

"I told you last time, if you call me 'ma'am' again, I will beat you."

Shani scolded coldly, and at the same time stepped out of Murphy's thin shadow. She stood beside him with her arms folded, letting the night wind blow her golden braids.

But she definitely wasn't just teasing Murphy, so while Murphy was looking at him waiting for questions, Shani said:

"I just have a little doubt, who are you?"


Murphy blinked in surprise and asked:

"What do you mean? Who else can I be but myself? Am I an alien flying from the sea of ​​stars?"

"Don't act stupid, you know what I mean, Murphy."

Shani stared at him, as if she wanted to see through Murphy's disguise through her eyes, and she said:

"I feel now that you are just wearing the skin of a vampire. Your inside is a hundred times more complicated than your appearance. I admit that I underestimated you before."

"Ah? Just because I assisted Xian Lang in pulling the Jackals from their dangerous beliefs back to the true faith of the Creator. Just because of this, do you think I am a bad guy who hides his identity?"

Murphy shrugged and said:

"Your attitude change is a bit too drastic. What I mean is that I am just an ordinary vampire with good luck."

"No, you're not!"

Shani took a step back and said seriously:

"I think I'm beginning to understand why Tris is willing to follow your lead. She is so proud of the Scarlet Witch and doesn't even have any initiative in front of you. What's even more frightening is that she doesn't feel regret or loss for this. She is willing to do this.


It's not just Tris.

And Lord Paying’s unique attitude towards you.

I've never seen a proud Lord trust a vampire so much. There's something magical about you, Murphy.

It's hard for me to describe my feelings accurately, but I feel like you are the one standing in the center of the stage. We and even the whole world seem to be your foil. Now you are just a lord, you can stir up the storm and grow in the future.

I can't even imagine what you're going to do when you get up."

"You are so complimentary. You are so complimentary that I feel a little embarrassed."

Murphy waved his hands and said:

"But I don't want to discuss this issue with you, Mrs. Shani, let's talk about business. You are about to set off to continue hunting the incarnation of the source, right?"

"Well, I can't stay here for too long. I'm about to rush to the other end of the wilderness, near Port Joseph in the far east, where there is a suspected source's den."

Shani brushed her braids and said:

"Thanks to your matchmaking, I was able to walk there through the astral world under the protection of the wanderer, without having to go through the torture of traveling far away. I should express my gratitude to you for this.

But you also have to be careful.

As the incarnations of the source are hunted and cut off by me one by one, that guy will definitely fight back, and judging from the enthusiasm she showed for Tris before, I think the focus of the next attack will still be your old


In the past, I would have reminded you.

But I just witnessed the magic of you, Murphy, so I can only wish you success.

Regarding the black winter wolf Eris, I will complete Su's summons for it, but if there is really a conspiracy against Su unfolding, then I hope you can lend a helping hand when needed."


Murphy said in surprise:

"But I'm just an ordinary vampire. How can I get involved in the affairs of a god? You think too highly of me."

"Even though I value you so much, I still feel that I underestimate you."

Shani rolled her eyes, and when she turned to leave, she threw something away, which fell into Murphy's hands.

The vampire lord picked it up and looked at it. It was a bottle of liquid with a strange luster. Murphy was very familiar with it. Source blood! The jealous source blood belonging to the Thorn clan.

This diluted bottle is enough for many vampires.

"Give it to Andre, that kid's performance impressed me."

Shani's figure disappeared into the night, but her dignified voice still echoed in Murphy's ears. She said:

"I still don't think freedom is necessary for vampires, but if Andre and you both believe that such a move can bring a new future to vampires, then prove it to me with your own hands. But if the White Mountain Faction finally

Destroyed by this uncontrolled freedom.

Then don’t blame me for hiding and laughing at you two young people."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shani, you are such a kind and kind vampire!"

Murphy shouted, causing the dashing Shani, who was flashing in the shadows, to almost step on the air and fall down. What is a "kind" vampire with "good intentions"?

Are you sure you're not mocking me?

Bastard Murphy!


"Giant Shark, report the situation!"

Just as the Broken Tooth Clan's affairs were coming to an end, in another place deep in the Dark Mountains, a remote place close to the Gray Desert and the Eternal Rift, and close to the east of the middle of the Dark Mountains, the connection between the orbs was calculated.

It sounded quietly.

At this time, the giant shark disguised in a "geely suit" was lying on a green grassy hillside with his Wam brothers. They were holding various halfling telescopes in their hands to monitor

In the small oasis in the distance hidden among the rugged mountain streams, the giant shark with his face painted in colorful colors professionally put the adventure assistant to his mouth and answered in a low voice:

"There are no special circumstances worth noting. Those cultists don't seem to be planning to come out today. We have been on guard for three hours and haven't seen a single hairy man. Are you sure that the man in black robe came down from here before?


"Of course I confirm. This is the news given by the angry Lord Yvette. She followed the man in black robe all the way here and will not lose him. That 'welfare girl' is the most powerful among vampires.

Track Master.

Oh, by the way, I got her bonus panties last night!"

"Fuck, what do you mean by 'reward underwear'? Isn't it disgusting?"

The giant shark cursed:

"Can you bastards please be more professional? We are carrying out an important mission. If the mission fails, the powerful Lord Paying will lose confidence in us.

I also expected to kill a few cultists today to please Vaam. After killing a few hunting elects before, Boss Vaam ignored me. Apparently he felt that my fighting was not strong enough.

He is eager to see greater challenges.

Ah, it is so difficult to serve such a god.

And my Silver Trial is stuck on the last target. Damn it, all the hunting elects have withdrawn, and I can’t find a target to kill.”

"Stop chirping, there must be many powerful guys in this dusk stronghold for you to kill."

Xiao Weiming's voice came in from the channel of Yuansuan Orb, and she reminded:

"Ms. Lina just said that we will launch an attack in the evening, rush into the base and kill all the hateful cultists inside. Now all the teams are making preparations. Put on your most powerful equipment, don't skimp on potions and


"Okay, okay, I can't wait."

The giant shark roared in anticipation, only to be hit hard on the head by another Wamu brother next to him, who was blowing his beard and staring.

What a shame!

We are conducting covert reconnaissance. If the target is exposed, we will be finished. We will be laughed at by Boss Wamu, you bastard!

The giant shark smiled coquettishly, and then retreated to a safe area. He pulled out his Vam Decapitator battle ax and began to polish it with a whetstone. At the same time, he applied Juggernaut sword oil made from the venom of the swamp snake to the ax blade.

Generally speaking, Vaam believers hate the use of poison, but this situation is different.

The twilight cultists commit extremely evil crimes, and everyone will punish them!

There is no need to talk about moral principles when dealing with such evil people. As long as they can be hacked to death, Boss Wamu will be very happy.

The giant shark is not the one who doesn't know how to adapt.

He even brought a dozen bombs made with the light-devouring power of the Lord of Darkness, just waiting to blast violently into the cultists' lair.

On the other side of the mountain where the giant sharks are hiding, on another almost parallel ridge, the white knight Natalie, who is the commander of this assault, is also making preparations for the battle. She prays to Avalon that today's battle will go well. By the way,

Temporarily enchant the Great Oak Holy Blade.

The Silver Moon Group followed her and acted as liaison officer.

Xiao Ashina raised his left arm, constantly using the adventure assistant to contact all the player teams scattered around this strange mountain top, and confirming one by one whether their situation was safe.

"The Big Birds, the Beasts, the Shado-Pan, the Soldiers, the Varmu Brotherhood, the Devil's Eight, the Rock Dwarves and the Wolf Fangs are all ready. Brother Bang and his Cadman Raiders

And the Riptide Knights will be responsible for the outer blockade after we rush into the base."

Xiao Weiming reported to Mrs. Shui next to her:

"In addition, there is a group of newbies who are still proud of themselves. They insisted on joining in the fun, so they were placed under Taipal to help us block this terrain.

In addition, the eldest lady will bring the psionic masters from the Scarlet Devil Mansion to seal the surrounding space at night to prevent the cultists from escaping. The group of goat man spellcasters who have just joined Transia will also help.

This time it’s a dragnet, and those bastards will never be able to escape!”

"Don't be so confident. I still think this operation is very dangerous and we must be fully prepared."

Mrs. Shui said with a serious face:

"Double the supply of potions to all the brothers and sisters participating in the battle. Everyone should replace the gold-burning bullets and bring the winning wine. We should also remind the magicians of the Eight Masters of Demons to be prepared to bind their souls.

According to the last battle experience with the 'explorer', the cultists of these scholar factions have the ability to transfer souls.

This time, the blood alliance hunters will act with us and pay attention to protecting the safety of NPCs. I guess the number of NPC casualties will also directly affect Lord Paying's judgment of us.

In addition, many brothers decided to use this battle as an opportunity to advance to Silver, so the battle will definitely be fierce.

Judy, there are Cement and Ruyi. You three rookies are following the four golden flowers. Don’t rush forward, especially you, Cement. I suggest you stay outside until everything is cleared inside.

Go in."

"I understand, I won't cause trouble."

Sister Cement, who was carrying a new staff, nodded obediently. Next to her, Ruyi was playing with a very large adventure assistant, and gave one of the two powerful pistols she "licked" from Xiao Sharon.


"Wow, it's my first time to be the leader of such a large group. As a newbie, I'm so excited."

Terranova, the largest Songhai player in the Silver Moon Group, was wearing a strange helmet, lying on the back of her big scarab "Amon", looking left and right with interest, as if she had never seen the world.


Terranova originally did not participate in this event, but this group of cultists belonged to the "scholar faction" and were the most proficient in biotechnology, so Terranova, an entomologist, was also roped in.

She is a serious and certified biologist, and she will definitely come in handy for counting the harvest after the war.

"It's night time in two hours. Let's take a rest and go to the toilet and have a meal."

Mrs. Shui went through the process one last time, and after confirming that everything was correct, she said to her team members that she would go offline to cook for her babies.

Natalie, who was staying with them, shrugged, activated her adventure assistant, and asked the other side:

"Lina, are you okay over there?"

"Well, it depends on what you say. I have no problem myself, but Ms. Yvette seemed to be driven crazy by me. I was so annoyed by her harassment that I chanted a 'spell', and she covered her head.


I'm comforting her, please wait a moment. Hey! Don't take off my clothes, you dirty vampire with dirty thoughts. Ah!"


Natalie felt that she had better forget the conversation just now.

For a sincere Avalon believer, no matter what Lena does with Yvette on the other side, it is too blasphemous and too advanced for her, a single who was born in Solo.

(End of chapter)

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