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Chapter 827 826 Doomsday is coming? Don’t be stupid, witness the power of wealth

Chapter 827 The end is coming? Don’t be stupid and witness the power of wealth!

"General! All the rat tunnels have been recaptured by us! The entire Brass Fortress has also been re-defended. The gnolls who have been harassing all directions of the fortress began to retreat without the tunnels. We win!"

A heavily armed dwarf heavy artilleryman put down the telescope dotted with rat-man skulls in his hand, excitedly turned back to the fortress defense general Bannock Earthforce standing behind him and reported:

"Look, from our position, we can just see our Iron Heart Warrior raising his battle flag from the last tunnel, and the Bonegnawing Clan's handsome flag is also moving back. That damn brutal Gnoll Chief is like it

Just like our ancestors a hundred years ago, they collapsed in front of our great unbreakable fortress!

Even if they have evil allies like the Skaven, the miserable barbarians will not be able to take down our powerful fortress!"

"Well said, soldier! This is exactly the good news our Majesty wishes to hear."

General Bannock was also very excited.

He took off his battle helmet dotted with red tassels and looked at the battlefield ahead with his powerful eyesight. Wherever he could see, the jackals were retreating across the board, and their evil allies walking underground were fighting in the fearless iron heart.

The soldiers and the dwarf soldiers, whose morale was high because they had received three times their military pay, were pursued and defeated.

"Send our elite iron-hearted warriors to guard those tunnels immediately! I'm going to report the good news to our Majesty and discuss what to do next."

The dwarf general withdrew his gaze and gave orders to his several messengers. Then he turned to look at the gunners beside him with a blazing look. Of course he knew what these guys were expecting, so General Bannock gave a big hand.

Waving and shouting:

"In the name of this victory, a sufficient amount of gold will be distributed as a reward soon! Every soldier will be rewarded in line with his merits. In the name of His Majesty, all taverns and casinos in the entire city will be rewarded.

Start a victory celebration and maybe even have a discount event.

Oh, by the way, there are also holidays!

You have been here for so long, and now that victory is in our hands, I will advise Your Majesty to give you enough vacation to squander the huge wealth you have obtained.

A brilliant victory means you can spend a lot of money, brothers! Cheer!"

"Oooh, long live your generous majesty!"

General Bannock's series of promises cheered up the spirits of the dwarves in the surrounding positions, and the broken gongs shouted, making the place extremely noisy.

There were some artillerymen in the crowd with curious expressions of unfinished expression on their faces.

After all, now that the fortress has been defended, the gnolls have retreated, and the defense of the Brass Fortress has been won, there will probably be no more good days of getting three times the military pay every day, repelling attacks, and receiving rewards.

But they are still content.

After all, everyone has survived. No matter how much lovely gold you earn, you still need life flowers.

"I know you are very excited, soldiers, but please stand guard for the last time for our Majesty."

General Bannock looked at the morale he had boosted with just a few words. He nodded with satisfaction. The luxuriously dressed general issued defensive orders to the surrounding warriors, then mounted his Loth Beast and rushed to the throne room.

Report victory.

Before leaving, he took one last look at the sky above the fortress.

The subspace fog that shrouds the entire Gorgon Pass is still entrenched as usual, but both the density and color are much darker than before. It will dissipate soon, which means that the Gorgon Pass and Brass

The siege of the fortress is coming to an end.

Well, good things are all good things!

The most difficult moment has passed, which means good things are to come!

General Bannock thought so and rushed to the throne room as quickly as possible. His king, Hadran Earthhammer, the supreme lord of the Brass Dwarves, was sitting on his throne, looking at his hands with a frown.

There seemed to be some problem troubling him, which prevented him from noticing that his most trusted general was walking into the hall.

"Your Majesty, good news!"

Bannock shouted:

"The last Skaven tunnel has been recaptured by our brave soldiers, and the gnolls have also retreated. They are retreating! Our great city continues the ancient tradition. We did not bow to the invaders. We won!"


Lord Hadran, who had not left the throne room for almost a month, was also overjoyed when he heard this. He patted his knees and praised:

"Okay, okay! I finally saved my last few treasuries. Well, ahem, I mean, this victory comes just in time! My general, I just received news that the Atlan Merians

The Stormreaver warlocks will shatter the Warp Mists tomorrow morning, meaning we no longer have to be cut off from the outside world.

What a double blessing!”

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will re-establish contact with Port Shardo. By then the entire continent will know the great deeds accomplished by the brass dwarves. We are not relying on anyone, we are not even relying on the gods who abandoned us. We use our own

Having defeated the Black Disaster with both hands, the Brass Dwarf will once again become the hero of the entire continent!"

General Bannock strode forward and said to his Majesty in a voice of praise and flattery:

"You will also become the savior of the entire continent. When other leaders were having trouble sleeping and eating because of the threat of jackals, it was you who led your people to stand up and completed the great cause of protection even though they were abandoned.

My Majesty, you will become a symbol of all dwarves, and you can even permanently end the division of the three dwarves.

But before that, my lord, there is something you must resolve immediately. According to the agreement between you and the soldiers, after this victory, you need to use a large sum of wealth to reward their bravery and as a pension for the dead.

I did some calculations on the way here and found that the treasury we currently have is completely insufficient to pay such a large amount of military pay, but the soldiers need material rewards, Your Majesty, this is indispensable."

"I know I know."

Upon hearing this, Lord Hadran's expression turned into a frown, even a little embarrassed. He sighed and said:

"Money boosts the morale of the warriors, but the price of victory is too high. The royal treasury has been exhausted. My general, I don't have to hide anything from you. The fact is that your king has been because of this for more than a month.

Defensive and destitute.

Taking into account the reward for this victory, the Earth Hammer family will go bankrupt tonight.

Those mining companies are very willing to support our war, but their coffers have been exhausted."

"No, Your Majesty, you still have enough wealth in your hands."

General Bannock smiled, took out a piece of raw ore covered with crystal clusters from his arms, put it into the hands of Lord Hadland, and said:

"Isn't it just for today that we have been keeping those Burning Gold? No smart dwarf will refuse to accept your use of Burning Gold raw ore as military pay. The proliferation of gold coins in the entire city has led to extremely high prices. My servant told me this morning

For me, the price of a large piece of white bread has increased to five silver coins."

"Five silver coins? Gaia is on top!"

The Supreme Lord was shocked when he heard this. He stood up and said:

"We can't go on like this. People will cause trouble if they don't have enough to eat. We must get the value of money back on track as soon as possible."

"So we need to pay with burning gold and give the currency enough time to stabilize. Your royal accountants are already thinking of a way. You should trust them."

General Bannock said calmly:

"However, the burning gold ore in our hands is not enough to reward every soldier. Your Majesty, with all due respect, you have been preserving the temple for Gaia for more than a month. In the most difficult moment, you didn't even

By using that wealth, you are trying to express your piety in this way.

But Gaia didn't respond to us!

Now that we have won, we don't need any mercy from the gods.

The wealth that has been donated over hundreds of years should probably be used in more appropriate places."

Upon hearing this suggestion, the Supreme Lord fell silent. After a while, he said:

"I have to think again"

"Your Majesty! On the one hand, you have betrayed our gods, and on the other hand, you have loyal soldiers who sacrificed their lives for your city and people. In the face of this reality, do you still need to think about it?"

Bannock said angrily:

"As you can see, I was once the most devout priest of Gaia, but now I have awakened!

In the tragic war, I saw the death and loyalty of the soldiers, and I also saw the courage and unity of our people to spontaneously defend the city. Facts have proved that that cold god is not worthy of our worship at all!

We Brass Dwarves can accomplish anything we want with our own hands, and your soldiers have fulfilled their promise. Now it is your turn to prove your oath to your soldiers. Your Majesty, we have lost Gaia.

, we can no longer lose the loyalty of our soldiers!”

The High Lord remained silent.

He sat back on his golden throne, reached out and took out an old holy symbol, placed it in his hand and rubbed it.

This is the sacred object he carved with reverence for the first time after being guided by Gaia when he awakened from the Dark Mountains more than a thousand years ago. This is evidence of the first contact between man and God, and it is also

The pact of faith between the Brass Dwarf and the Earth Mother.

For more than a thousand years, the dwarves and the Earth Mother have lived side by side, like an old friend.

"Gaia, please answer me."

Lord Hadran prayed in his heart, just like every call in the past month or so, but what he got was still an empty silence.

"Oh, that's all."

The Supreme Lord sighed in frustration. Under the gaze of General Bannock, he threw the holy symbol that he never left behind on the table at hand, closed his eyes and waved his hands very tiredly, saying:

"Go in person, Bannock, my most trusted general, commander and savior of the Brass Fortress, go and open the treasury of Gaia, distribute the king's rewards to those loyal and brave warriors, and declare to them that their king respects them.

and fulfilled my war pact with them."

"My lord!"

Seeing that the Supreme Lord had finally made up his mind, General Bannock was overjoyed. He knelt on the ground and responded piously:

"Your decision today will be written into history. From now on, we brass dwarves will be able to truly be freed from that heavy bondage. Please rest and leave the rest to me."

After saying that, the general put on his battle helmet dotted with red tassels again and strode out of the throne room. A few minutes later, he led a group of soldiers into Gaia's treasury.

The guards have dispersed.

Bannock looked at the treasury door with the statue of Gaia carved in front of him. He sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the cold-blooded warrior stepped forward, swung his war hammer, and knocked open the heavy door. The next moment, the golden luster appeared.

It illuminates everyone's eyes.

For hundreds of years, the brass dwarves have made offerings and prayers to the gods before their eyes. What a spectacular wealth this is. It is enough to make the noble hermit bend down, and it is also enough to bend the knees of the brave hero.

, no one can remain rational in front of the mountains of gold and silver treasures, even General Bannock's breathing becomes heavier.

He stepped forward, picked up a handful of gold coins with his gauntleted hand, and placed it in front of his eyes. He let the yellow-orange treasure fall from his fingers and hit the gold mountain with a light and sweet sound.

"Well, Gaia, I broke into your treasure house, I plundered your wealth, and I will distribute these things to those people who have been abandoned by you.

Where are you?"

The general said in his heart:

"Come and stop me. As long as you whimper, I will immediately stop all the actions I am planning. Yes, as long as you speak! This will still be your holy place. All evil and conspiracy cannot be realized here. As long as

You speak"

There was still only an empty silence in response to him.

It seemed that the Earth Mother God was very thorough in cutting off the Brass Dwarf's faith. Such a silent response also made General Bannock sneer in his heart. He kicked the golden mountain next to him, causing the dazzling gems to fly everywhere.

He turned around and shouted to the dozen or so royal accountants who were following behind him:

"Distribute the king's reward immediately! Let the commanders of each team come to receive the reward, and inform them that each soldier will receive a piece of gold-burning raw ore as a reward, and their vacation will begin tonight!

No need to worry about city defense!

The iron-hearted warriors will take over their posts and let the tired soldiers enjoy the happy moments they deserve.

Everyone, you are also very tired.

Don't forget to calculate a reward for yourself, don't be formal, these are all gifts from the king, you all deserve them, cheers, dwarves."


In order to attack the Brass Fortress, the Ratmen dug quite large tunnels underground. The Brass Dwarves fought most of the battle in the underground tunnels for more than a month. It was not until today that they finally drove the Ratmen away.

Now that we're out of this underground area, that doesn't mean the danger is gone.

After all, as long as these tunnels exist, the jackals and their minions outside the city can still use the tunnels to attack the city. Therefore, for any qualified commander, how to deal with the tunnels left by the ratmen has become a matter of course.

The top priority is the security of the fortress.

In the past, these tunnels would have been no problem for the dwarves' earth priests.

Just calling on the power of Gaia can fill these tunnels and even turn them into part of the defense system of the Brass Fortress. But now that the Brass Dwarves are no longer loved by the earth, it is no longer possible for them to deal with these hidden dangers in a short time.


"Don't worry, I already have a solution."

At this time, General Bannock, who was advancing in the tunnel, said to several worried royal psionicists behind him:

"I have a great plan that can solve these troubles once and for all, but it requires your help. You are His Majesty's most trusted psychic masters and the best psychic users among the Brass Dwarves. Please

Come with me.

I'm going to prepare a ritual that can solve all problems, and I need your help to complete it."

All the psionic masters have no doubt that he is there. After all, it is only General Bannock’s perseverance and command over the past month that allowed the fortress to persist until now. This general is the most central figure in this defensive battle, even more so than

to the High Lord who had been staying in the throne room.

"Can you tell me your plan? General."

A female dwarf psionicist asked. Bannock laughed and said boldly:

"Actually, it's not complicated. It's still the same old story. When the Mother Goddess of Earth was still paying attention to us, the power of the earth was our weapon. Now that the Mother Goddess has abandoned us, it doesn't matter. We can still find ways to get it from other gods.


Well, no, the power of the gods is always troublesome to use.

We also need to give faith, this relationship is too stupid, so we have to get it right in one step."

The general looked back at the psionic masters behind him who were slowing down. He grinned and said:

"You know that the Gnolls launched this black disaster just to create their own god, right? What an arrogant ambition. But what you don't know is that the Gnolls are actually latecomers. All their methods are borrowing from ancient times.

They are not the first ideas, nor are they the ones closest to victory. Therefore, please allow me to show you a great project that was planned hundreds of years ago.


The great power born from the subspace, the wonderful individual constructed by the prayers and imagination of countless people, first has thoughts and then great power, and when something is recognized by countless people and given a common understanding that transcends entities, the basis for the birth of gods

It has been solidified, and all that is needed next is a sacrifice that is consistent with its priesthood.

Everyone, the brass dwarves are no longer loved by the Earth Mother, but it doesn't matter, because we will soon have the power and wealth given by the new god to inspire courage, gold to grow strength, trading to give wisdom, and squandering to bring pleasure.

Most importantly, burn gold!

Every piece of burning gold circulating in the continent will become a carrier for His power. I call Him the God of transactions, the God of wealth, the God of commerce and the God of joy.

Hmm, why are you showing this expression?

Do you think I brought you here to perform the sacrifice of the coming of the gods?"

Bannock looked at the horrified psionicists, he laughed and said:

"No, no, my foolish compatriots, the sacrifice has already been completed!

Behold, our brass fortress!

A holy land that should have fallen early but was sheltered and won by the power of money. It has been the center of gold trading in the mainland for hundreds of years. Mining companies that work tirelessly to increase wealth are shrewd and stingy and love wealth and know how to do it.

People using money.


The sacrificial ceremony for the coming of my god has long been completed!

Now we only need to complete the last step, so that He who has shined so brightly in the subspace can truly descend into the material world.

Everyone, you will witness the birth of a new god with your own eyes. What an honor this is!

Come, smile, and then hold this ‘Diamond of Planes’.”


This chapter has been completed!
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