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Chapter 836 835 Now, please call me the mechanical warlord made by the rich man Mo

Chapter 836 835. Now, please call me Mo · Rich Man · Mechanical Warlord · Pioneer of Creation · Fei

After arranging the follow-up cleanup work in the control room of the Farstrider ruins, Murphy set off for the lower level of the ruins.

As a result, as soon as he stepped down the steps of the suspended elevator, he felt something hit him from behind. He lightly reached out and took it in his hand, and found that it was a washed green apple.

"Are you childish? How old are you to play this?"

Murphy curled his lips, put the apple in his mouth and took a bite. With juice splashing around, he looked back at Count Andrei, who was also holding an apple and came over with his "left hand" and "right hand".

The Governor can be sure that Andre's golden descendant is hiding in his shadow at this time.

"Pablo said there was a treasure down there, so he went down early."

Earl Baishan said softly:

"I didn't believe it at first, but now that I see you walking down, I begin to believe that Pablo really has the 'treasure hunting sense' he claimed. So, what is down there?"

"Good question! But I'd rather you see it with your eyes."

Murphy snorted and did not refuse Andre's companion. He moved forward and said:

"In addition to being the best hunters among vampires, the Blood Terror clan is also the most exploratory clan. It is said that the Blood Terror clan sent people to scout the routes to the New World two hundred years ago. They encountered disaster and were forced to become pirates.

, but the heart of exploration hidden in the bones has not been extinguished.

I believe Pablo when he says he has a sense of smell for treasure. He is the best pirate in the Sea of ​​Mists. If he can't smell treasure, then something is wrong.

But this big treasure belongs to me, so don’t expect me to give it to you two casually."

"I am a man with a family business."

Andre said disdainfully:

"Can I like that thing about you?"

"Humph, isn't it great to be rich?"

Murphy, a poor man, retorted sourly, but then took a bite of the apple and said:

"This is something that even money can't buy. Forget it, let me open your eyes. But only you can know the things here. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Don't worry, our friendship is expensive and I won't sell it for a small profit."

Earl Baishan smiled and followed Murphy quickly into the ruins. As soon as he reached the entrance to the space below, he saw Pablo and his coquettish first mate lying there using very professional techniques to try to pry open the obstacles blocking their progress.

Power lock.

That gesture made Murphy laugh to death.

Do these two guys really understand the value of the Creator’s relics?

Isn't it a bit too fanciful for you to use a thief's tool to open this mechanically encrypted channel?

It is said that there is a very neurotic part in the blood fear clan's inheritance. Murphy didn't believe it before, but now it seems that these blood fear pirates are really stupid.


Before Murphy could finish the teasing in his mind, the heavy and precise lock in front of him made a muffled sound.

Later, amid the cheers of the pirate dogs and the dumbfounded gazes of Murphy and Andre, the technological lock left over from the golden age of Eden was actually pried open by Pablo and Claire in a clumsy way!

This. This, this, this.

Although more than a thousand years have passed, the shelf life of Creator technology should not be so short, right?

Damn it!

Could it be that the Twilight servants also used this stupid method to pry open the doors of those places of creation?

"Warning! Egregious theft and vandalism detected! This warehouse is a confidential location of the Far Traveler Company! Lethal force is activated! Extermination procedures are online!"

Before the pirate couple could pry open the door and come forward to check, a harsh warning sounded from the door. The heavy mechanical door was pushed to both sides, and a faint blue laser beam shot out from it, accurately targeting the foreheads of Pablo and Claire.

In the heart-wrenching gear rotation, two sets of mechanical cannons popped out of the dark warehouse in a "light wing spread" manner, quickly forming a six-pack of large-caliber gun barrels. Orange-red light emitted from the high-speed rotating guns.

Welling out of the mouth.

The pirate couple's eyes widened, but it was too late to run away after being targeted by a weapon of this level.

"My life is at an end!"

Pablo covered Claire behind him and made a gesture of opening his arms. At the same time, he closed his eyes and seemed ready to die generously. But Murphy curled his lips. This cunning guy must have done this because he knew he was beside him.

Such exaggerated actions.

If two treasure hunters dared to come and pick the lock of the Creator without even making such preparations, then the Blood Terror clan would not be able to pass on for two hundred years.

With an expressionless expression, he stretched out his hand to hold down Andre, who was about to step forward to help, and signaled him not to move.

Seeing that Murphy was not going to help, the pirate couple, who were ready to die generously, immediately exploded into bats and fled in all directions, in this way evading the fatal lock of the heavy artillery.

"Handsome Murphy, do you think you are willing to die without saving me?"

Pablo's figure reshaped in the safe area, he leaned there and said in a long voice:

"I thought we were friends."

"The fact that you two came here to steal my things without my permission and not leaving you two to die in the sun has proven our friendship, so don't think too much about it."

Murphy retorted, then walked into the heavy fire aiming area with normal steps as others watched, letting the blue aiming laser hit him.

A few seconds later, as the electronic sound became softer, the dangerous fire defense line changed again and retracted under the ground just as it appeared, and the subsequent three locks were actively opened to reveal an entire armed container in front of Murphy's eyes.


"This is not the first time you have come into contact with the ruins of the Creator!"

Murphy stood at the entrance of the open container. He looked back at Pablo and first mate Claire who was hiding behind the captain and looking around, and said:

"I'm sure ordinary thieves' tools can't open the Creator's Lock. After all, there are no interlocking holes on this thing. So you two were just making a pirate joke. Let me ask you, have you conducted similar adventures before?"

"There are many such ruins under the coast of the place of origin."

Pablo took a sip of wine and said with a smile:

"The contents inside have been emptied by the Songhai people, but the place is still there. I found a few of them as my treasure hiding places, and also took advantage of a certain storm passing by to steal from the Eternal Library in Lieyang Port.

Out comes the 'key'.

The process was like a narrow escape from death."

He opened his hands.

A very delicate mechanical object similar to a lighter was lying in his hand. The pirate captain said proudly:

"With this thing, we can open many doors to the ruins of the Creator with a simple operation. We don't know the principle, but we know how to use it. Since we got this thing, the Songhai people's coastal secret vaults have become a priority for Claire and me.

money machine.

More than half of the huge bounty between us in the Land of Origin is because of this thing."

"Well, this is a special data jammer that can automatically connect to the defense system and create electromagnetic pulses to destroy the opening circuit of the mechanical lock. It should be the meticulous work of a certain locksmith in the Eden District."

Murphy looked at it, explained it in a nonchalant manner, and then said:

"This dangerous thing will get you into more trouble, especially now that the Songhai people have joined the Anti-Black Disaster Alliance. As a conscientious vampire lord, I cannot let my companions bear such risks.


So, Pablo, give me a price, I want this thing."

"You look shameless like an immortal vampire. But which one of us brothers is following the other? You can take it. I still have one in my hand."

The pirate captain smiled and threw the thing in his hand to Murphy. Such a generous action made Murphy nodded with satisfaction. He took the thing in his hand and accepted the favor. But when the vampire governor turned around, he saw something in his eyes.

A flash of undisguised surprise.

He didn't tell the truth just now.

The origin of this thing is much more powerful than Pablo thought:

Name: Representative Widia's backup verification circuit·cracked version

Quality: Miracle Creation

Usage: Contains part of the "councillor-level" identity authority information of the Eden District Management Committee. This certificate can be presented on any verification equipment of all non-confidential units under the Eden District and the corresponding temporary authority can be obtained.


This type of item can only be used for identity verification in emergencies, but the verification circuit has been privately modified to have the characteristics of [Quick Crack], [Information Tampering] and [Permission Copy] and can automatically erase all access information after use.


This dangerous modification behavior has violated the information security management regulations of Eden District and constitutes a felony involving information security. The holder is requested to surrender to the nearest security unit immediately to seek leniency.

Produced by: Widya Kesi Tumler, Councilor of Eden District Management Committee/Representative of Information Security Department

Item description:

[As a congressman, he actually made this thing himself. It seems that our Mr. Vidya has a part-time job as a 'locksmith' in addition to his glamorous status as a 'congressman'. Aren't you curious about how he uses this thing?

What are you doing?]

"This Congressman Widiya, shouldn't he be the 'Widiya' I've heard of?"

Murphy thought in his mind:

"Isn't the 'King of All Curses' worshiped by the goatmen an old god? But in Lord Paying's memory, this guy seemed to have done something quite dangerous when the Eden District fell. If

These two Vidia are the same guy, so the process of how Congressman Vidia transformed into the 'King of Curses' when the Golden Age was destroyed is quite understandable.

Tsk tsk, the Eden District Management Committee is really a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and many heroes appear."

With this sigh, Murphy put his new harvest into the psychic bag, and led Andre and Pablo into the armed container in front of him.

Following his footsteps, the lights above and around him were constantly turned on, reflecting the dark place like daylight, and exposing the goods that had been waiting quietly in this place for thousands of years to their eyes.

The three armed containers are connected together to form a three-section storage structure. Each container is as huge as the freighter in Murphy's memory, and the first container that comes into view has a simple metal structure.

Contains thousands of black containment cans.

Murphy is already familiar with this type of containment canister, as the arsenal in the swamp exhibition area is full of such canisters.

He stepped forward and opened one casually. Amidst the sound of mechanical movement, a set of standard Farstrider basic protective gear appeared in front of him.

The black tights can be equipped with different armor pieces to achieve different functions. Each set of protective gear comes with three smart shuttles that can attack and defend. However, it is slightly different from the finished products in the swamp exhibition area. These are not yet available.

Painted, but functional.

"Count how many jars there are?"

Murphy turned around and asked with a satisfied smile. Andre shrugged. It was a bit difficult for him to make calculations as a poet, but the right and left hands of the Earl of White Mountain were good at this. In less than a minute, the two

The dancer wearing a mask came to report.

There are a total of 5,000 sets of Farstrider basic protective gear in this large container.

Murphy has also come to the conclusion by checking the shipping information of the container. This batch of basic protective equipment was originally "police equipment" that was to be sent to the defense forces on the Creation Engine side as consumables.

Beside him, First Officer Claire had already put on the protective gear from the containment tank that Murphy had opened. This pirate girl was really open and bold. She took off her clothes in front of everyone and put on the tights.

The body seemed to be able to control the shuttle to rotate around itself.

She was well-informed and quickly came to the conclusion:

"The defensive effect is comparable to that of Dominator-level psychic leather armor. If you add armor sheets, it can further improve the toughness. The best thing is that this thing is very flexible and can also wear a second layer of protective gear on the outside. The legacy of the Creator is really

That’s great, Captain, we need this!”

She turned her head with her hands on her hips and winked at her captain. Pablo grinned and rubbed his hands and looked at Murphy. The latter shrugged and said not to talk about this issue now, it's not time to divide the spoils and make terms.


This is the first container, why are you so anxious? This group of guys who have never seen the world is really an embarrassment to vampire civilization!

Murphy walked into the second container with an expectant smile. The things here also used mechanical structures to fix larger storage tanks. Handsome vampires have also seen that kind of exoskeletons in the Jackal Civilization Museum.

This thing is stored.

This time, without any instructions from Murphy, Andre's left and right hands began to count.

The lord opened a jar at random, and what was stored inside was indeed an exoskeleton. However, unlike the shadow wolf exoskeletons used by jackals, these were smaller in size and were obviously prepared for standard humanoid creatures.

Murphy put his hand on the exoskeleton and activated the item identification:

Name: "Farstrider·Swiss Eagle Series" Police Combat Exoskeleton

Quality: [Mass Production Type] Miracle Creation

Protective gear characteristics: Specialized reconnaissance·Small matrix generator·Half-covered key defense (physical damage immunity 30%)·External armor slot·Support combat needs·Jet pack

Protective gear effects:

1. Support mode:

The design scenarios of this type of exoskeleton are reconnaissance, search and rescue, riot control and daily patrol, so it greatly improves the survivability performance while weakening the combat performance.

When the user wears this exoskeleton, the dexterity attribute is constant at 25 points.

When the 'support mode' is activated, small matrix generators mounted on multiple levels of exoskeletons can form a support array to create a large energy absorption matrix. In this mode, each additional user joins the support mode, and the energy absorption limit of the generated matrix increases.

20%, allowing up to 10 users to form a support array.


The exoskeleton's new built-in energy battery uses a light energy recovery device, which will quickly restore the energy battery capacity in a light scene after the energy is exhausted.

2. Swift Eagle tactics:

When the "Jetpack" is activated, the exoskeleton enters the "Air Push" mode, allowing the user to stay in the air and fly freely for a short period of time. In this mode, the "Overload Acceleration" can be activated, which greatly increases the user's flight speed but will make the user fly freely.

Built-in energy battery accelerates consumption.


The exoskeleton's "Swift Eagle" mode can be activated or deactivated at any time, but after the energy is exhausted, it must wait for the battery capacity to recover before it can be used again.


The flight controls under Swift Eagle tactics require a long period of learning to master, and it is not recommended for novice users to activate this mode.

Usage requirements: standard humanoid creatures.

Manufacturer: "Far Traveler" security service provider production line under the Eden District Peacekeeping Weapons Design Bureau.

Item description:

[After the great success of the design of the Shadow Wolf series of exoskeletons, the designers of Farstrider Company worked non-stop to design subsequent series of products. In addition to the Swift Eagle series that focuses on dexterity, there is also the Tiger for frontal battlefields.

Combat exoskeleton with violent bear sequence.

Unfortunately, these two subsequent designs were quickly replaced by more powerful weapons, so the series was canceled after only a few finished products were produced.

But designers often have the habit of backing up drawings, so do you understand what I’m saying?】

"Got it! The database here is worth digging deeper into."

Murphy grinned. He now feels more and more that the description of this item has become more "humanized". Well, maybe the "Creator" is using this thing to chat with him.

What an unreliable guy.

"The second container contains 1,500 exoskeletons."

Andre stepped forward and whispered to Murphy:

"What a generous gift! You see, with our relationship, it shouldn't be a big problem for me to buy 300 sets in the name of the White Mountain Faction, right? I can pay with everything you need. I need to go back to Beifeng Castle to refresh

Face, can you help Transia apply for another interest-free loan?"

"Don't worry, Andre, the most delicious cake is yet to come."

Murphy waved his hand and said:

"Just like the look I gave to Pablo just now, although these things are all my property, they can all be discussed. There is no need to worry about money. What I long for is something more precious. Be patient!

It's not the time for bargaining yet.

In addition, you should pause here and let me take a few minutes to enjoy the fun of opening the box. There is something in front of me that I really want, and I want to be the first person to see it in this era."

He strode towards the third container. Andre and Pablo stopped in place and discussed certain things in low voices. They knew that there must be a future-related conversation with Murphy here today. Since the Governor was so big

Fang Fang placed these legacies of the Creator in front of him, which shows that these things are commodities that can be put on the container.

So they, the "buyers," had to guess Murphy's price before they started.

As Murphy expected, there was only one tank and a huge mechanical container in this huge container.

The smile at the corner of Murphy's mouth became more and more perverted.

My dear Tris had previously said that she must find herself a big toy that is as powerful as Hogg’s baby, but older children all know that you have to find the most fun toys by yourself in order to feel a sense of accomplishment.

He stepped forward and knocked on the huge storage tank. After a series of complex identity verifications, the tank opened quietly.

The contents inside instantly illuminated Murphy's eyes.

He stared at the unpainted power armor standing in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh and praise:

"Well, my dear leaders and designers of the Far Traveler Company, if you are still alive, I will definitely try my best to mobilize many people to help your company get good reviews. Look, what a generous group of people."

(End of chapter)

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