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Chapter 84 83 Cooperation? Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

 Chapter 84 83. Cooperation? Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Senior Tris!【2360】

(Additional update for "Huo Zheng is very good" brother [8/20])

The bonfires in the witch hunter camp danced and burned in the dark night, like stars in the night.

But this night was not peaceful.

Especially in the ruins of the outer city separated by a wall, there are still many collectors of survivor camps busy.

After Jed and his gang died, Murphy had already announced the next plan to everyone in the survivor camp. They would soon move back to the land that had been purified by the flames, and they would no longer have to look at their hometown from the camp.

Survivors felt encouraged.

Especially since Murphy allowed the militia to participate in the pursuit of Jed and his gang!

Although this behavior itself does not have much explanation, it does not prevent the smart people in the camp from detecting what the new lord, Lord Murphy, thinks of his fellow tribesmen.

Many stories about Murphy and Tris have been dug out and read over and over again. It is not difficult to draw an inaccurate but absolutely credible conclusion from the previous situation of this pair of useless elders and useless heirs who were rejected by vampires.

That is, compared to the vampires of the Blood Eagle Clan, Lord Murphy is more like a midnight traitor. He is obviously more willing to stand with the loyal humans like them!


This conclusion is very explosive even in the explosion world, not to mention this is Transia!

As a dark area ruled by vampires for four hundred years, vampires like Murphy have almost never appeared.

And rarity always means attention.

If Murphy can continue to do something different from other vampires, then presumably he will soon gain the favor and loyalty of those who have been dissatisfied with vampires for a long time.

Of course, this is what happens in the future.

Murphy withdrew his gaze from the bonfire in the witch hunter camp and glanced at Femis and Mrs. Adele, who were also maintaining awkward silence, as well as Miriam, who was looking left and right with her eyes wide open.

Maxim should have been here, but the loyal servant was still unconscious due to weakness.

As for Captain Natalie, the gray-haired witcher standing opposite Murphy, she had almost no time to deal with her grievances with Murphy at this time.

Her eyes were all focused on the Chapter Leader beside her.

Listening with some disbelief to the confusing description of the female vampire Tris opposite who was holding a wine bottle and chattering away.

The Chapter Leader of the Witch Hunters, the Saint of the Old Faith, and the Lord of White Oak could actually sit down with a group of vampires so peacefully and chat about family matters.

This in itself is quite a miracle.

"Are you going to keep chatting at home like this? Didn't you just shout about fighting and killing?"

Murphy couldn't help but urge:

"I think everyone here has a common question at this time. Since no one dares to say it, let me ask it. Tris, how did you meet Mr. Finock two hundred years ago?

Isn’t this right?”

"To be precise, it's not two hundred years."

Tris curled her lips and did not answer. The old knight sitting on a dead tree maintained the cold chill on his body and whispered:

"Around one hundred and ninety-five years ago, the winter of 916 AD.

At that time, the Second 'Night War' in which the Church of Avalon single-handedly fought against the Blood Clan on the mainland had already damaged both sides. Although the Blood Terror Clan committed suicide and was annihilated by your Lord Pa Ying, the situation was still unfavorable to us.

However, at that time, the Kingdom of Nordtof coincided with its strategic expansion into the Ice Bay region, which made the Kingdom of Sealand and the Kingdom of Isa very vigilant and entered into an alliance.

So we and the vampires also had a tacit understanding and ended the fight with each other in a state of exhaustion.

But it was also that year that the Gray Knights under the Grammorian Presbyterian Church finally figured out the truth behind the theft of our religion’s sacred object ‘Seed of Life’ in the autumn of 885.”

Having said this, Old Finock glanced at Tris who looked indifferent.

He said:

"We found out that the Seed of Life was stolen by the Blood Vulture Elders led by Sarokdar, the leader of the Blood Vultures. It was not stolen by the three major clans as we originally thought. The Elders were angry and mobilized 500 martyrs.

We will use the Antani area to prepare for a sneak attack on Cadman City and snatch back our sacred objects.

Back then, I was just an Oak Knight who had just joined the ranks.

I was honored to join that expedition in the name of Faith Punishment, and I was lucky enough to find the traces of the 'Scarlet Witch' who was the culprit who caused all that in the first confrontation."

"Little Finnock was stupid, naive and stupid back then, and was deceived by their Council of Elders to come and die."

Tris was drunk and said:

"At that time, Salokdar knew the actions of the Church of Avalon in advance, so we set up an ambush at the edge of the Under Armor Hills. They were attacked head-on as soon as they entered.

But these religious lunatics did not give up even when they were completely at a disadvantage. Their counterattack by chanting the name of God in the dark ignited the entire Under Armor Hills.

That battle was terrible!

Of the 500 saints of the old church, only seventeen were dead.

Sixteen of them managed to survive with great difficulty on their own strength. Only the lucky one, Little Finock, was able to come back alive with all his beard and tail intact, all because of my mercy during the battle.

He was a stupid young man who shouted the name of Avalon and came to me for a duel.

But I was so powerful back then that I banished him to the plane of Hades. As a result, he accidentally escaped the battle throughout the night.

When he returned to the material world at dawn relying on Avalon's guidance, the battle was over."

"So, you had a backbone two hundred years ago?"

Murphy said in a strange tone:

"Or is it that the 'Scarlet Witch' back then really had a bad character, and was a vampire fanatic who fell into darkness as you said?"

"Don't ask me about what happened back then, lest my 'prestige' at that time scare you."

Tris rolled her eyes and said:

"What's more, at that time, I was already under Sarokdar's sinister temptation, and I was ready to dedicate my blood essence to that damn seed, okay?

Five years after little Finnock left alive, I was declared ‘dead’.”

"Well, after I received the news of your death, I was still glad that the church lost a terrible enemy. That day, I prayed to God Avalon to thank him for his favor."

The Lord of White Oak sighed and said:

"No wonder the gods didn't respond to me that night. You weren't dead at all!"

"Chapter Commander, so your miraculous 'injury-free victory' turned out to be a lie that has been going on for two hundred years?"

Captain Natalie next to her said to the expressionless Chapter Leader with a sense of astonishment as she discovered the truth:

"During the Saints' Expedition 195 years ago, everyone was rumoring how brave you were in fighting the vampires and finally surviving without any injuries under the protection of the gods!

But the truth is actually”

"It's more than that."

Cuisi Youyou’s final touch said:

"He spotted me right from the beginning of the ambush and rushed over to me, and then he was banished by me. He basically didn't have any effective attacks throughout the whole process. His only contribution was probably to scare me.

I thought some crazy religious people were trying to trick me into committing suicide."

"That's just the need for church publicity.

After all, the 'Saints' Crusade' was an irrational decision made by the Presbyterian Church from the beginning and resulted in an undeserved defeat. The believers should not know the cruel truth."

Old Nofic was unfazed by the humiliation.

He explained to Natalie slowly:

"The fact is that I did experience that war, although not in the way you are familiar with. I admit that it was not an act of a warrior. But Natalie, you have to understand that persisting in despair is a kind of courage in itself.


Just like what we are going through right now.”

"You make sense! But how can we forgive this dangerous vampire in front of us now? She is the one who stole our sacred objects!"

Natalie stared at the drunk Tris, holding the hilt of the sword at her waist, and said sternly:

"The seed of life

When I was a child, I heard the oak sages extolling the wonders of that seed!

It is said that when the seed was still in the Holy Land of Glamour Island, the entire island had everlasting spring all year round, and the blessings from God Avalon were spread throughout the world through the seeds of life, so that people with sincere hearts could always get rid of diseases and recover without medicine."

"It's all a lie, little girl. It's all far-fetched and far-fetched by the church in later generations in order to promote and portray the ugly image of our vampires."

Tris threw the finished wine bottle aside, stretched out to show a perfect arc, and then yawned and said to the angry Natalie:

"The fact is that when we went to steal the seeds, that thing had been worshiped on the altar of Glamour Island for three hundred and fifty years. But it was of no use at all!

That seed was considered by the Presbyterian Council at that time to be just a mystery left by the god Avalon in the world. It was only worshiped as a sacred object. Its actual function was not as useful as the three holy blades hidden in your old religion.

Three swords can still cut people after all.

That seed is not good-looking and has no magical power, otherwise do you think we could have stolen it so easily from the headquarters of the Avalon Church, which was in full swing at that time?

I admit, it is indeed wrong for us to steal things.

But at that time, your church’s defense force was so weak that we didn’t take it away easily. We were sorry for the risk we took on that trip.”


Natalie was speechless for a moment, but she didn't believe the cunning vampire's statement at all. She turned to look at the Chapter Leader, while Old Nofic stared at the silent Miss Femis in the dark night.

After a moment, he nodded and said:

"What Mrs. Tracey said is true. When the Seed of Life was gifted to the Elders by the elven druids of the Castile Peninsula in 530, it represented the revelation of a certain destiny. It followed three handfuls of oak.

The holy blade was given as a gift, symbolizing the hope and blessing of God Avalon for human believers.

However, the elven sages said when they gifted the seed of life, if this seed cannot take root and sprout in 500 years, it means that we have failed the test of faith of God Avalon.

After the Church of Avalon was recognized as the state religion in the Kingdom of Isa, it was transferred to the new Holy Land, Grammo Island. However, three hundred and fifty years passed in a blink of an eye, and the seed remained unchanged.

As far as I know, the Presbyterian Church at that time was indeed disappointed with it and regarded the warnings of the elven sages as a symbolic metaphor.

After the Seed of Life was stolen, the church's violent reaction was not out of its respect for the sacred object itself, but out of anger at the vampire's provocation of the orthodox faith in nature. The believers roared for revenge and punishment, which then triggered a 30-year-old uprising.

The Second Dark Night War of 2000 spread the flames of war in the name of faith throughout the continent."

"That's even a good thing! You little girl who doesn't know anything."

Tris glanced at the big oak blade next to the old knight, snorted and said:

"It is precisely because I stole the useless Seed of Life that you gained the right to use three oak holy blades, such as the sword next to little Finok. I still remember it, ha, one of the famous White Knights

Blade 'Watcher'."

As she spoke, Tris boldly stretched out her hand to touch the big oak holy blade next to the old knight.

This move made Femis' eyes tighten.

She had seen the brutal power of this holy blade with her own eyes, and when she was about to stop it, she was shocked to see that the holy blade did not ignite the purifying fire when faced with the touch of Tris, a vampire.

He just muttered as if to express dissatisfaction.

It even feels quite arrogant.

"Hey, we haven't seen each other for two hundred and twenty-five years, and you still haven't changed your habit of swearing?"

Tris snorted, retracted her finger and said to the big oak blade:

"Whose holy relic is as mean-mouthed as you? Change your mind. Did you forget that you insulted Sarokdar and was almost destroyed by him with necessary evil?"

The scene before her eyes completely shattered Captain Natalie's outlook.

Especially when she saw an evil creature chatting and laughing with her own sacred object, the world before her eyes seemed unreal.

She stammered and asked the chapter leader who was shaking his head:

"Isn't this oak blade supposed to be a weapon to eradicate evil spirits? Why is it so friendly to vampires? Chapter leader! Is that what you're looking at!

Didn't you say that the Holy Blade hates all evil spirits, especially vampires?"

"It does hate the shame brought upon it by vampires."

Old Nofic glanced at the holy blade beside him and said expressionlessly:

"But Mrs. Tris is not among them. Back then, the three holy blades were worshiped as holy objects like the Seed of Life and would not be really used. Instead, because of the powerful natural spiritual energy of the Holy Blade, they were used as care items to support the Seed of Life.


Because the Seed of Life was stolen, the three holy blades were able to escape the dilemma of having their power extracted.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, the three oak sacred blades really have to thank the shameless vampires for their misbehavior, so that they will not be covered in dust.

As for the hatred of the ‘Watcher’ Holy Blade towards vampires

You heard it too.

It was almost destroyed by Sarokdar who ran away to steal the seeds, but it is a petty person and has not forgotten this after two hundred years. Therefore, in short, do not bring human emotions into the holy blade. It has no emotions.

Holy objects, the thoughts they have are completely different from our thoughts."

"No!!! This is not true! This is not the glorious history of the Church of Avalon that I know!"

Natalie held her head and screamed.

At this moment, she felt that her belief in the god Avalon had been horribly challenged.

She had to take some time to calm down and accept the truth that was preached as extremely sacred, but in fact the content was not sacred at all and was even a bit funny.


Murphy thinks this history is damn interesting.

He also made a little discovery about the "magnificent" past of his good-for-nothing vampire girl. He actually wanted to continue listening, but he didn't have enough time.

Therefore, he took the initiative and said:

"If we have finished talking about the past, is it time to think about the future? Mr. Finock, since you and Tris have such an unknown past, then I will treat you as one of my own.

Regarding our proposed collaboration.”

"One of our own? Cooperation?"

The old knight sneered and said:

"You think too highly of yourself, Murphy. What you are talking about now is not the same as joining forces to kill your fellow tribesmen before! What you want to talk to me now is to use my hand to get rid of your tribe leader!

Do you know what this means?"


Murphy put his hand on the drunk Tris' shoulder.

He looked at old Finock and said to him very seriously:

"It seems that after two cooperations, your understanding of me is still superficial, so let me introduce myself again. There is only one patriarch in my heart, and she has always been by my side. Sarokdar?"

Hey, who is that?

Feel sorry.

I neither know nor care.

If that bastard who experimented on his own daughter was destined to die, I would just applaud you with both hands.

Sorry again.

I shouldn't have used such vulgar words, but that's exactly what I meant.

Do you have any questions about my determination?"

This chapter has been completed!
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