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Chapter 844 843 The God of Trading means that you are the real one

Chapter 844 843. The God of Trading means that you are the real master of trading

Ms. Philosier was very candid.

In her own words, this was because the revelation of God Avalon required her not to conceal any truth.

But judging from her status as a Ranger General, now telling the truth in a private name and inviting Murphy, Tris and the unknown but absolutely powerful forces behind them to join the hunt for the Twilight Faction, this

It is something that is beneficial and harmless to the Elf Kingdom.

And because it is a private identity, it is most likely to avoid uncontrolled royal scandals.

After all, using one's own people for human experimentation sounds very evil. Even if such an action greatly strengthens the Elf Kingdom's strength in Felosil's view, it still cannot change the dark nature of this matter.

The fact that the Elf King chose to block the news after the incident of the Shadow Elf split proved this point. King Querion himself also understood that this matter could not be brought to the table at all.

And this also proves from the side that this guy "Yuan" is definitely not just causing trouble in the central area of ​​the old continent.

While she was micromanaging Transia, she was also planning a conspiracy in the Elf Kingdom to make even the ranger generals feel threatened. When she thought about the true identity of the explorer who was revealed during the previous attack and defense of Black Flame Pass, a general

The idea appeared in Murphy's mind.

The explorer who has been following the "source" is the most feared king of resentful spirits, Mamluk, in the Kingdom of Songhai, the place of origin. And this guy launched an invasion of the Elf Kingdom three hundred years ago. He is a complete

War maniacs are also qualified elven enemies.

It’s self-evident what exactly Yuan and this guy want to accomplish by getting together.

Murphy has increased Dusk's threat assessment as much as possible, but now it seems that he still underestimates these guys' actions and their ambitions.

If left unchecked, there may soon be an army of ghosts from the underworld of the Songhai people, guided by the "Witch Cult" under the Yuan's command, and will invade the Castile Peninsula, putting the threat of war most of the time in this era.

The elves outside were also dragged into an era of chaos.

This is a situation that must never occur!

Once the elves are attacked from both sides, the civilized camp that is now under great pressure may soon collapse.

The elves of Castile, who have been making artificial humans since six hundred years ago, are definitely not good people, but now Murphy needs them to continue to support the civilized camp's war.

Therefore, after General Ranger proposed a request for cooperation, Murphy did not hesitate for too long before he was ready to agree. However, before responding, he glanced at Tris, who looked complicated, and said using onomatopoeia:

"If you don't intend to let this android general intervene between you and Luna, I can refuse her."

"Why refuse?"

Tris replied in Murphy's heart with a tired voice and the spiritual words of desire:

"Promise her.

Luna is indeed planning something quite terrible. Publicly and privately, we all must stop this before worse results occur. I am tired of being chased by a crazy kid. Filócile is right.

Wrong, I am 100% responsible for what happened to Luna.

This is the devil I created with my own hands, and I cannot escape my responsibility."

“There are naturally good people in this world, and there are naturally born assholes. Maybe you are just unlucky and met a natural sociopath.

Okay, I know that argument doesn't hold water."

Murphy comforted:

"But Philosil himself admitted that when you took Luna away, they were conducting an experiment on the child to awaken the god. I don't think that the experimental process will be full of 'love and peace'.

Maybe Luna did learn some dark tricks from you, but her hatred of elves had already sprouted before she met you.

do you know?

This story reminds me of Femis

The guy who is still playing the horse-monkey soju game is lucky to have met us before he knew the dark secret of his life. It was us who pulled her back from the cliff of collapse, otherwise Femis would probably have died.

Become a second 'source'.

Well, children who lack love since childhood will really become monsters when they grow up."

After saying that, Murphy took Tris's hand, looked at the silent Ranger General, and said:

"We are willing to cooperate with you on this matter, General, but you and I both know that this is not the most important thing right now. No matter how much you desire to bring Luna peace with your own hands, you have to help Lord Paying kill her.

Kill the Lord of the Hunt before taking action.

The plan has come to an end and is just waiting for the Lord to assemble.

As the initiator and logistical support of this plan, I must ask you, before you follow the Lord into the mossy valley of narrow escape, what kind of help do you need on the material level?

Although Transia's products are in decline, I will do my best to meet your needs."

"Well let me think about it."

General Philosil was really rude. Faced with Murphy's casual inquiry, she actually started to think about it. After a few seconds, she pointed at her silver-white mechanical bow and said:

"Originally, there is nothing I need your help with, but after seeing with my own eyes that you can control the Creator Device more easily than those pesky Songhai people, I have to make a slightly excessive request to you.

This war bow!

This is a hunting sacred object inherited from the elves of Castile from the last era. It accompanied my brother through the first four hundred years of the era and was handed over to me. This is the most powerful thing in the world.

war bow, but it also has its own problems.

This bow was damaged during the turn of the era.

Although the damage is very weak, it affects its ultimate power, but it is a genuine miracle creation that cannot be repaired by any technology of this era, unless we are willing to humble ourselves and ask for the help of the Songhai people. However, even the most corrupted shadow

Elves also have their own dignity.

Therefore, I am here to ask you to help the Kingdom of Castile restore our sacred relics, so that I can assure you that I will do my best when following the Millennium Lord to advance the great cause of killing gods."

"To be honest, I was just being polite."

Murphy complained harshly.

But people have made requests, and he, who calls himself the "logistics officer of the God-killing Plan," really can't pretend he hasn't heard them.

Reluctantly, Murphy reached out and picked up the silver-white mechanical war bow and examined it carefully in his hand.

The shape of this thing is quite cool. It belongs to the category of super cold weapons made with incomprehensible black technology. The slender bow arms form a crescent shape through precise mechanical links, and there are also hidden pulleys to open the bow.

In order to reduce consumption, there are some unknown and powerful devices hidden in the bow body.

When Murphy made a standard shooting action, nine green cursors popped up in front of his eyes.

Good guy!

Comes with your own lock?

Can you lock on to nine enemies at once? Isn't this the psychic version of the big top?

It is indeed a sacred object of the elves.

This thing has no bow string, but when Murphy is pulling it, there is a blue light that gathers into a line. When it is pulled apart, the gorgeous shimmer rotates to form an energy arrow. The coolest thing is that there is no need for Murphy at all in the whole process.

Provides psychic energy.

This thing also comes with its own arrows. No wonder the Ranger General doesn't have a quiver at all.

OK, how much ammunition can such a good weapon save the shooter?

Murphy blinked. Although he hadn't started to identify it yet, he had already determined that this mechanical bow was definitely a black technology weapon on the same level as the Dark Night Good Luck in Pablo's hands.

Thinking back to the fact that he had unlocked a new weapon appearance for the Vientiane Device when he first came into contact with Dark Night Good Luck, Murphy knew that he was going to get the design drawing of a new weapon today, and the fact was exactly as he expected:

Name: [Adel's Grudge] The Creator's reforged Moon Bow·Classic Creator style hunting bow

Quality: [Civilization Heritage·Unique] Miracle Creation

Weapon characteristics: Accuracy MAX·Piercing MAX·Extraordinary toughness·Extraordinary agility·Autonomous enemy search·War and hunting dual purpose·Eye of the moon

Weapon effects:

1. Recasting of the Creator:

This war bow is the last legacy of Adel, the elf world that was destroyed in the "Great Extinction". It is also the last memory of the elves for their lost hometown. It was severely damaged and was repaired by the creator himself, so it has a very special

Symbolic meaning.

After entering combat, this weapon can lock onto nine enemies within 30-200 yards at the same time, and launch fatal hunts on several of them based on the user's shooting skills.

This weapon was reforged by the Creator into a special dual-form weapon. While it has outstanding long-range damage, the second form of the Moon Bow can be disintegrated into two Moon Glaives for melee combat through the bow body.

This weapon does not require conventional ammunition to operate, and can independently produce arrows with different effects according to the user's needs.

The arrow effects currently recorded are as follows:

Doomsday Thorn·Shadow/Piercing/Binding.

Dawn Blade·Ignite/Explode/Scorch.

Dance of Radiance·Purify/dispel/heal.


The above arrow effects can be switched at will, but the user's archery skills are required to support them in order to exert their true power.

2. Adel’s grudge (under seal):

This weapon is the last witness of a destroyed world, so it has the symbol of "the end". The user can activate the mysterious power of the weapon, mark an enemy as the "Enemy of Adel", and use this weapon

When attacking the marked person, [Terminal Echo] will be triggered.

The will of hatred in the dead world will hit the enemy hard in the form of energy meteorites and inflict extreme damage to the enemy's mind until the opponent dies.


This effect can only be triggered by "Children of Adel".

3. Weapon loss:

Thousands of years of use without good maintenance according to special procedures caused the weapon to suffer from rare [metal fatigue], and due to the direct impact of subspace power, the mysterious power inside it was in an unstable state. The metal of the war bow

The special effects of Adel's Grudge cannot be activated until fatigue is repaired.


The reforging material of this weapon is Creation Alloy, so high-purity Creation Power (such as the Omega Program) can be used to repair and maintain the weapon, returning it to perfect condition.

4. The legacy of creation:

This weapon is a mysterious creation handled by [DATA EXPUNGED] and is one of his works. The design of this weapon can be extracted after meeting a "destined person".

Producer: Order of the Star Sages of the dead world Adel/[DATA EXPUNGED]

Item description one:

[O Adel, land blessed by the stars, please rest in mourning for your cruel fate. Your last children are still flying in the starry sky. Every time the elves of Castile look at the sea of ​​​​stars under the moon, they are like

In memory of you.

Your glory is still there!】

Item description two:

The elves came to me crying and asked me to help them repair the sacred object, but I am very busy, okay? How can I have so much time to figure out the forging technology of this war bow?

So I used magical 'engineering magic' during the repair process. Okay, I admit that the war bow reshaped with metal lacks the artistic flavor that wood products should have, but at what time do we have to stubbornly maintain the tradition?

That's not necessary.

When I saw the elves happily leaving with it, I suddenly realized that they didn't really want to retrieve the holy object, they just wanted to get some power from me.

Ah, that's why I hate these pointy ears with too many thoughts.

But as wise as I am, I have also done some tricks. Since I want to restore the sacred object, I have to look cool. By the way, I can leave a little gift for the poor child who is destined to bear a heavy mission because of my choice, so as not to cause him to be too stressed.

Go crazy.


Love comes from [DATA EXPUNGED]


Reifno Murphy Lesembra is the Alpha manager and meets the conditions of "destined person". The Vientiane Device learning program has been started. Is it necessary to extract the "Creator's Moon Bow" weapon design?

"I knew it, okay, I won't lose either."

Murphy blinked to confirm the extraction.

A few seconds later, a design drawing of the Moon Bow was recorded by the Vientiane Device. Just like the good luck in the dark night that had been included, as long as he found qualified manufacturing tools and a craftsman with sufficient skills, he could make it for his little one.

Players have mass-produced this awesome thing.

"Give me a few hours."

The handsome vampire looked at the war bow seriously, then raised his head and said to the ranger general:

"I have roughly figured out what the problem is with it. I need to go to the depths of the ruins to use the Creator's secret method to repair it. This process cannot be disturbed, and the handling fee for maintaining the weapon for you cannot be reduced.

This is not for me, but a tribute to the Creator.

Although you have your own gods, I think Avalon will not refuse this due human affairs."

"We certainly will not refuse to pay for your assistance."

The Ranger General smiled and she said:

"So, is a long-term interest-free loan to Transia sufficient?"

"Let's discuss this with my Scarlet Archon."

Murphy made a arrogant expression like "Don't insult me ​​with money" and said:

"The remaining relics of Avalon in your hands will be sent to the Maginot Defense Line within a week. My warriors need them to resist the invasion of the Jackals.

Then the debt between you and me will be settled, and the rest will be discussed after the Lord of the Hunt falls.

In addition, I have a little curiosity that I hope to get answered: How many ‘gods’ are there in the Kingdom of Castile?”

"Not as much as you think."

The Ranger General replied in a subtle tone:

"But fighting a war to destroy the country is definitely enough, even if the opponent is the Songhai people. We may not be able to win, but we can definitely do it by dragging the opponent to hell."

"Okay, let me make an additional condition."

Murphy raised a finger and said:

"I want your blood, not much, just half a bottle is enough. Don't ask me what I'm going to use it for. A smart collaborator must always learn to assess the situation."

"You also want to pry into the mystery of the power of the gods?"

The Ranger General shook his head and said:

"With all due respect, your attempt will probably take a long time to be effective, but since you have made this request, I might as well be a little bolder.

As you can see, I don't intend for my rangers to run away after their defeat. My soldiers can continue to fight. They just need weapons! I noticed something clearly Creator-style on your guards.

New equipment, it seems you made a fortune in this ruins.

Now that we are allies, can I buy some Creator gear from you to arm my ranger?

In this way, when we reach the Maginot Line, we can immediately enter the battle instead of needing a longer rest.

We will give you a price that is enough to satisfy you.”

"I can give you a thousand sets of protective gear and some Creator exoskeletons."

Murphy calculated in his mind, and then said in a deep voice:

"But the interest-free loan you promised before will be tripled, and as a ranger general, you will give my warriors the right to enter the Kingdom of Castile to travel and adventure. Your border security is too strict, and many of my warriors want to

Let’s go and see the Elf Kingdom.”

"This deal is not a good deal, Your Excellency Governor, I know that the Creator's legacy has all kinds of magical powers, but just a thousand sets of basic protective gear cannot bring about a qualitative change in the army. If the quantity is larger, maybe we can negotiate."

The general frowned and said:

"Our King Querion is no one to be taken advantage of."

"Okay, then let me add another condition in exchange."

Murphy stroked the mechanical bow in his hand, and after a few seconds, he said:

"'Adel', is this name familiar?"


The Ranger General's expression changed, and she said seriously:

"That is a word engraved in the soul of almost every elf. We don't know what it means, but even the fallen shadow elves will hear its name in their dreams every corrupt midnight.


Do you know what it means?"

"I know, I know that was your former hometown, but you have forgotten it because of the amnesia caused by the end of the Golden Age. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you this secret."

Murphy smiled and said:

"This is the past that only civilization representatives are qualified to know. Let the noble King Querion take your civilization tablet and travel to Transia after the Black Disaster. I will reveal all the answers to him.

Believe me, it's definitely worth the money.

So, deal?"

(End of chapter)

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