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Chapter 853 Chapter 852: Re-employment of laid-off sentries: taking over the power armor and waxing insurance

Chapter 853 852. Re-employment of laid-off sentries: Take orders for waxing and maintenance of power armor, recruit new apprentices, don’t bother me, fools

"So, what is the structure of the mysterious Sentinel Legion? In what way do you protect the blueprint of the world left by the Creator? Is the Heart of the World your headquarters? I have always been curious about this."

"Uh, I forgot, all the information about the Sentinel in my memory database has been formatted. I only remember the scene when I was born on the assembly line. Do you need me to describe to you the workshop and assembly line that impressed me so much?


To use a more vivid description of you flesh-and-blood creatures, that place should be regarded as the swaddling clothes of me and all the sentinels?"

"Well, let's talk about it later when we have the opportunity. Now seems not to be the time to discuss the details of the Creator's engineering with you. Then you should still have records about the details of the subspace disaster thousands of years ago."

"Well, I really want to tell you the details that interest you, but the problem is that this part of the memory data is even more damaged. It must be the strange beta program you just told me about that destroyed my memory data when it took effect.

Regarding that incident, I only remember the huge eye of subspace floating in the sky, the Sentinel Vanguard entering the battlefield through quantum teleportation, and some scattered pictures of me independently repairing the R-9 base energy capsule. I am really curious about your ancestors.

What were you doing in Eden District back then?

Why would they create something as evil as a beta program?"

"Well, believe me, Ms. Sentinel, who is very frank but ignorant of all questions, I also want to know the answer to this question."

Murphy sighed.

The communication with Monica along the way was mostly like this. He always asked a question, and the sentry responded with the reason of amnesia. Because there were so many times, Murphy was a little confused whether there was really something wrong with the sentry, or whether there was something wrong with the sentry.

Is this guy pretending?

I don’t think people’s amnesia is like this. How come your robot’s amnesia is so severe?

However, because Sentinel's permission tree is specially designed, Murphy is completely unable to intervene with administrator permissions, and he cannot force Monica to tell the truth.

Oh, by the way, "Monica" is his name for this sentinel. Although the other party has always tried his best to deny this name, Murphy can't always call her "Ts-006", right?

Although it is very enjoyable to write water words, it is too difficult to pronounce.

When the two came to the subspace crack on the fourth floor of the base, Murphy looked at the purple crack suppressed by the pale halo. He glanced at Monica who was beside him and asked:

"If all your useful memories are gone, how can you help me clean up this subspace threat?"

"The best way to contaminate subspace is through non-physical channels such as emotions, memory and perception. Therefore, when each sentry is produced, the tactics and techniques for dealing with subspace are recorded in our special situation through physical inscriptions.

Coping with the core.

Maybe it’s because a situation similar to mine has happened before, but with the support of this ‘amnesia insurance’, you don’t have to worry about my professionalism in this area.”

The amnesiac sentry straightened his back and made a vow to Murphy.

Then she took out some unknown instruments from her cool Sentinel Maintenance Belt and assembled them on the spot. She quickly made something similar to a reconnaissance lens, then handed the thing to Murphy and said:

"Standard subspace detector!

Through it, you can more intuitively see the readings of subspace pollution and some other characteristics. There is such a tracking program in my prosthetic eye organ, so it is impossible to escape the subspace pollution targeted by the sentinels."

"Is it so convenient?"

Murphy held the camera-like thing in front of his eyes, pressed the switch, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed through the continuous zooming of the lens.

It is still a subspace rift suppressed by the aperture, but through a special "filter" Murphy can see the dangerous forces hidden in the light that are constantly trying to break through the suppression device. Those weird light balls emerge from the other side of the rift like bombs.

They continue to flow out, and when they approach the boundary of the material world, they will be purified by the suppression device of the Beta program.

The collision and annihilation of the two energies will excite a circle of spark-like light beams.

It should have been fleeting, but because there were so many light balls full of destructive power, under this special filter, the subspace cracks were as exaggerated and gorgeous as fireworks.

"Did you see it? Your Excellency Administrator, for the past thousand years, the suppression device and this ancient rift have been engaged in such a confrontation.

Its appearance of calmness and perfection is just a dangerous illusion. I remember that the effective range of the suppression device I set up was two hundred yards inside and outside the subspace, but look, those subspace chaos factors are now starting to directly bombard the suppression device.

The beam itself is gone.”

Monica explained in a serious tone:

"This means that the power of subspace has actually begun to erode the suppression device. It is like an active volcano that seems to be dormant. It will explode with a bang at some point. To be honest, if the situation is so bad, it is basically hopeless.

At this time, it is time to request the Sentinel Corps to 'decontaminate' this place.

But I forgot the application code so I can’t contact them.”

"Harmless disposal?"

Murphy was dizzy by the various reconnaissance data that kept popping up on the detector lens. He put down the thing and looked at Monica and asked:

"So, what is the Sentinel Corps' plan to deal with similar situations?"

“Bomb this place with an ‘erasing torpedo’, change the subspace rift and all the mathematical laws within fifty kilometers around it, and only need to delete one or two characters and concepts to collapse everything existing in it.

The rewriting of reality occurs in an instant, and all individuals active in it are immediately erased from the level of existence.

They won't even feel pain and will be absorbed into an imaginary black hole due to the collapse of reality. The black hole itself will annihilate itself in the next thousandth of a second, leaving only an unexplainable hole in the same place. Outside the giant pit, there will be no pollution left, nor will it affect other life forms reproducing here.

Oh, the scientific name of this thing is ‘Digital Rate Torpedo’ or ‘Disposable Reality Rewriter’. It is a gift from the Creator and is famously safe and efficient!

It is the 'cleanest' type of weaponry in the Sentinel Legion's subspace arsenal."

Monica explained:

"It is a weapon that takes effect based on digital rate. It has a strict effective range and a restart mechanism as a safety lock. It will not interfere with the laws of the world. Civilizations that cannot understand digital rate cannot even detect the explosion."

"Stop! These terms of Creator Engineering give me a headache, and there is a lot of knowledge I need in this base. I cannot allow you to blow it up so irresponsibly."

Murphy rubbed his forehead and said:

"The most important thing is that based on my superficial understanding of the laws of physics, the physical rules of subspace and the real world should be different. It is doubtful whether there are continuous physical laws in this place. How do your digital weapons realize the control of subspace? Contaminated cleanup?

Isn’t this unscientific?”

"Actually, this is very scientific, Mr. Administrator, because digital rate weapons are not effective against subspace. To be precise, we prevent subspace by blowing up the collapse area where subspace merges with the material world. The unbridled expansion of space.

Just like the principle of radiation therapy.

It is true that we cannot kill every cancer cell accurately, but we choose to kill the entire cancerous area, so that there is no room for cancer cells to stay."

Monica said quite scary words in a serious manner, and it was not until this moment that the robot part of her character showed up.

She said in a neutral to frighteningly rational tone:

"After all, compared with the catastrophic results that will result from the explosion of the subspace rift in front of us, it is not unacceptable for this world to permanently lose some mass."

"Okay, needless to say, I probably know how the Sentinel Legion behaves. It seems that it may not be a bad thing that I can't contact you now."

Murphy shook his head and said:

“I’ve heard your solutions, now let’s hear my solutions.

I will use the Beta program existing in the R-9 base as an energy constraint, guide the explosion of the Omega program to forcibly destroy the 'hole' opened by this subspace rift in the material world, and then spread the purifying energy of the Omega program to wipe it out. Calm the plane conflict in this area and let it return to a stable space state.

It sounds incredible, but I have done similar things before, and I already have some experience. The problem now is that we do not have the technology at hand to adjust the intensity of the energy release of the beta program.

But you do!”

The handsome vampire opened his left hand and let the pale light cover his palm. He said to Monica:

"So, my question now is, has your amnesia affected your skills as a Sentinel maintainer? Can you operate the suppression device you modified?"

"Omega Program? Search the database for no similar entries."

Monica looked at the energy in Murphy's palm with confusion.

She glanced at Murphy, who nodded to her and indicated that she could touch. The amnesia sentry raised his hand and placed it on Murphy's palm. The moment it came into contact with the Omega energy, she felt as if she was electrocuted.

Withdrawing his hand, Murphy saw electric sparks bursting out of the corners of this guy's eyes and neck.

"No, it is impossible to collect or analyze energy samples at all, but it can basically be determined to be a variant of creation energy. It is very pure and has a very high energy level. It has exceeded the limiting frequency of the compressed light energy used by the Sentinels."

Monica twirled her fingers and said with awe:

"It must be the unknown advanced technology left by the Creator. It reminds me of the spark of creation beating in the core energy furnace of the Creation Engine. It is equally full of majesty and inviolable.

But you say it can repair the damage caused by the Warp to the plane boundaries of the material world?

This sounds incredible.

After all, in our understanding, once the subspace breaks through the boundary of the plane, the pollution caused is completely irreparable. This is why we used erasure torpedoes on the edge of the seriously polluted Eden Zone during the assault operation thousands of years ago.

saturation attack

Well, I just saw the map hanging in the base. That war zone should now be called the 'Eternal Rift'? There are still a group of creatures called shadow elves surviving? Flesh and blood life is really bold and dares to live in that shell crater, even if it is wiped out

The torpedo itself is very safe, but I vaguely remember that the pollution concentration in the subspace was very high at that time, and there might be a few unexploded torpedoes left there.

Let’s hope they don’t end up playing with something they don’t understand at all.”

"You really still remember!"

Murphy scolded:

"Did you just pretend to have amnesia?"

"I really have lost my memory, Administrator. It's just that there are some data disturbances in my memory database occasionally, which constantly interfere with my emotional circuit."

Monica explained:

"The patterns you can understand with your flesh and blood are fragmented memories, those strange visions that flash before your eyes."

"Well, this situation is normal. The ancients I know basically have this kind of 'sequelae'."

Murphy nodded and said:

"But you haven't answered my question yet. In your current situation, can you control the energy capsule of the R-9 base and the beta program bound here?"

"it should be OK."

Monica said with a guilty tone of lack of confidence:

"After all, I modified that thing myself. My repair modules and skill iteration programs are intact, so I can give it a try."

"I don't dare to let you try it. If something goes wrong with that thing, everyone will be blown up to the sky."

Murphy thought for a while, took out a melted sword that had been damaged by himself from his psychic bag, threw it to Monica, and said:

"Let me see if you fix this."

"Ah? Civilian-grade melee weapons? With all due respect, weapons of this level cannot allow you to fight against subspace pollutants."

Monica observed the molten sword in her hand with disgust, and then like a butterfly piercing a flower, she disassembled the entire molten sword with a hand speed that was difficult for Murphy to observe clearly, and took out an energy damaged piece from it.

valve, and took out the basic components from his tool bag to replace them. He also replaced several unknown modules on the melt sword, and finally assembled them together.

"Here, let's try it."

She threw the unchanged-looking thing to Murphy. When the handsome vampire took it in his hand and activated it, the high-temperature energy that was originally only covered at the blade suddenly spread to the entire blade, making him seem to be waving a Jedi lightsaber.

Same as fighting.

Murphy glanced at Monica who was observing the subspace rift with a strange look, and quietly started the item identification:

Name: Melta Sword +1·Classic Creator Style Civilian Weapon

Quality: [Mass production grade·Modified product] Miracle Creation

New features added after the transformation: Overload protection (allowing the maximum energy release of the melt sword to remain at 200%) High temperature cutting (in overload mode, if the melt sword cannot kill the enemy, it will cause an unhealable "ignition burn" to the enemy.

Burn' effect)

Item description:

[The weapon technology from the Sentinel Legion has raised the upper limit of this thing, but the embryo of mass production that pursues cost control is there. No matter how you carve rotten wood, you can't change its inner nature. To be honest, this transformation technology

It’s much more valuable than the sword itself.】


Murphy blinked and said to Monica, who was constantly recording the energy changes in the subspace rift in front of her:

"Can you build an exoskeleton?"

"What? Those kinds of consumables still need to be repaired? Shouldn't they be scrapped on the spot if they are worn out?"

The amnesiac sentry asked doubtfully:

"That's not right!

Although I have never been to the Eden District, I know that your ancestors are secretly developing military-grade power armor. Although they still use the original drawings left by the creator, that thing is barely worth repairing, right?"

"You have to take into account the differences of the times. The Golden Age has ended a long time ago. Now a set of exoskeletons is considered a magical weapon on this continent. We are not as arrogant as the prodigal son a thousand years ago."

Murphy sighed and said:

"But you just said power armor, right? So you can still repair that thing?"

"Repair? Humph, if you give me enough materials, complete drawings and necessary tools, I can build one for you on the spot!"

Monica, the robot, said in a disdainful and arrogant tone belonging to a craftsman:

"Although I have lost my memory and no longer remember the complete glory of the Sentinel Legion, I can be sure that our combatants there all have a set of power armor, and it is not the original model, but an upgraded and iterated technology.

But you definitely can’t see it in the real world.

Those war weapons are deployed on the subspace defense line of the Sentinel Legion, and are assembled and used together with our 'Heaven's Gate' class subspace hunting cruiser.

I vaguely remember that before I came here to help and ended up getting myself killed, I was the technology officer of a hunting cruiser. Well, if there is nothing wrong with those memory fragments that keep flashing back, it should be like this."

"I have the drawings here!"

Murphy narrowed his eyes. He used the core orb to project the drawings of the Warmaster-level power armor in front of Monica's eyes and said:

"But I don't have the tools or a workshop, so it's definitely not realistic to build it now. Can I ask you to help me maintain my power armor?

In addition, I have a lot of design drawings for exoskeletons here. I know you don’t like this thing, but my army needs weapons of this level now. I have an arsenal that you think is very backward. Maybe you

Can I find a position for myself there?"

"Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Sentinel Manual, members of the Sentinel Corps are not allowed to interfere in the development of civilization in the material world for any reason!"

Monica spoke a string of words as if to endorse, and she replied:

"It's impossible to help you produce weapons. This is a physical constraint written on my core circuit. I can't break through it, but you have a special status and I can help you maintain your weapons."

"Then let's each take a step back."

Murphy spread his hands and said:

"Help me downgrade these design drawings"

"No, there is no way to exploit this kind of loophole."

"What about bringing apprentices? This is no problem, right? As a distinguished administrator, don't I have any privileges here? Be careful that I will revoke your establishment after inheriting the authority of the Creator!"

"Emmmm, this is okay! I can teach it, but whether they can understand it or not is another matter."

(End of chapter)

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