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Chapter 859 858 Avalon What kind of blessing are you giving this? Too

Chapter 859 858. Avalon, what kind of blessing are you giving this? It’s so evil!

The Foul Swamp has been changing, and this change has begun since the Transians captured Wolf's Keep and drove out the Plague Gnolls.

Members of the Church of Avalon claim that it is the blessing given to this land by the God of Nature, but the specific blessings are not clear to these believers themselves, but what is certain is that in the vast filthy swamp that is specially designated

After the Lancians were included in the frontier, the natural atmosphere here became increasingly strong.

It seems that the God of Nature has really made up his mind to turn the Filthy Swamp, an important ecological area on the continent, into his own holy land.

But as the decisive battle of the Maginot Line approached, the pace of change in the Filthy Swamp suddenly intensified, and soon someone discovered that there was something "wrong" with this blessing.

As for the cause, it was a small accident.

It is said that there is a very niche section on the player forum specifically for the "fishing guys" group. Cyber ​​fishing guys headed by one of the "Three Generals of Executive Players", Full Insurance and Semi, often share their stories here.

fishing experience, and will share some secret but exciting fishing areas.

Obviously, fishing for flying fish anywhere along the Cadman River can no longer satisfy the appetite of these anglers. Even when the black disaster is ongoing, these guys will share their thoughts throughout the battlefield.

Nice place.

For example, Yinhu, one of the twelve zodiac brothers, found a secret fishing spot in the upper reaches of the Huma River, where he caught a rare luminous gem fish and obtained a hidden achievement.

In addition, there are also outstanding jackal fishermen among the Gray Wolf Army under Hogg's command.

While following Xian Lang in search of his roots, they also continued to share the locations of some hidden fish schools deep in the dark mountains. Some lucky ones even caught a third set of fish while fishing in an unknown deep pool.

Dominator-level psychic knight armor from the Black Disaster period.

This is just bad luck. Less than five minutes after that set of armor was placed on the player trading platform, it was bought by Lao Huo, who was not short of money. He said he wanted to buy it for his friend, but in fact it was his.

Secretary and soon-to-be girlfriend Guan Yue.

There are actually a lot of things like this in the fishing group forums. Some people are spreading rumors that as long as you swing the club enough times, it is even possible to catch the legendary "Holy Grail" by a certain pool. After all, it is safe to fish.

The story of Lord Kudel, the civil official, has been spread throughout the player community. Everyone knows that Lord Kudel became a Knight of the Holy Grail because he drank water by the pool when he was seriously injured, and as a result, he got lucky in a daze.

From this point of view, although the chance of fishing for the Holy Grail by fishermen is low, it is definitely not zero.

However, for administrative players who prefer clerical work, they have no way to go to those awesome fishing spots shared by fishing friends. They can only satisfy their fishing interests within Transia, but this does not mean that they are in Xinshou Village.

Absolutely safe. For example, in a post last night, a senior fisherman shared his escape experience:

Full insurance and half insurance: [Boiled! Why do man-eating flowers grow in this filthy swamp? I almost got swallowed by that ghost when I went fishing just now. Fortunately, I always wore a helmet and had a gun while fishing.

Otherwise, I will really have to make a nest by myself today.】

Big Big Wolf: [???I've never been to the Dirty Swamp, but aren't those fishing spots near Wolf's Castle? That place was a safe zone a long time ago. How could there be such a dangerous thing as a piranha?

Full insurance and semi-rated: [Hey, how did you know that I caught a big one as a blessing in disguise? Let me open your eyes, pictures, pictures, pictures.]

Yin Hu: [Zhuo, a fisherman’s unique way of talking to himself! Who the hell asked you how big a fish you caught? Now we only care about where you met the piranha?

This thing has a thick health bar, is poisonous, moves quickly, and can heal itself. If a newbie encounters it, it's basically impossible to run away.

Brother, please share the information quickly and don’t let them run around around there.】

Full insurance and semi-risk: [Just tell me whether my fish is big or not? 】

Yin Hu: [. Big, indeed big. Is this thing really something that can grow in inland waters like filthy swamps? Why does it feel like a sea fish to me? Why does this thing have bone spurs on its fins?


Full Insurance and Semi: [I'm actually curious too. This thing tastes similar to tuna, but the water depth at the fishing spot I usually go to is at most fifteen meters, so there's no way there is such a big fish.

By the way, the number of swamp tigers in the Dirty Swamp seems to have increased recently. Some people said that they even saw giant spiders when they were laying mines.

That's what happened in the past few days.

Damn! This ecological change is too strange.

Uh, I just discovered that my orb contains photos from yesterday’s attack. I’ll post them for you to take a look at.]

Quan Xuan Ban Gu quickly posted his photo to this post, which recorded the entire process of being attacked by piranha flowers, but someone soon discovered something was wrong.

Mr. Huo, who is looking for a wife in thousands of miles: [No! Brother Han, the thing that attacked you is not the piranha. The scientific name of this thing is 'bloodthirsty root'. It is a close relative of the vampire vine. It looks very similar to the piranha but it is not the same plant.

It does not have the deep roots and attack power of the piranha.

But they are spreading and will not appear alone.

If you find one, it means there must be many nearby, and even settlements have formed.】

Fully insured and semi-protected: [Holy shit! You mean, I’ve been fishing surrounded by a group of man-eating plants these past few days? Why do I feel a little numb in my scalp? 】

Mr. Huo Li Wanli Looking for a Wife: [I don’t know what happened specifically, but the ecological changes in the Filthy Swamp have always been of concern to the Church of Avalon, but the speed at which these changes are occurring has suddenly increased in recent times.

I'm at the R-9 base now and can't rush back, but I've already told Brother Miao Miao and the others about the situation.

They happen to be going back to the Maginot Line to collect weapons. You quickly tell them where you are fishing, and they will check it out on the way to confirm the real situation.

But what is certain is that you administrative players and newcomers to the game should stop running around in the filthy swamp recently.

Things are really not quite right over there.]

At the reminder of Brother Huozi, a real Druid, Brother Full Insurance contacted Brother Mingmiao and made great determination to tell them the location of his favorite fishing spot.

That place is really secretive, and one can’t help but wonder how the fisherman, the fisherman, discovered this place under what circumstances?

Maybe this is the unique talent of fishermen?

However, Brother Meow Meow and the others did not come alone. They were accompanied by some Avalon cultists who were wearing forest robes and were full of an ascetic temperament.

There are no metal items visible on these NPCs. They will decorate their clothes with roots and flowers of plants and trees.

They also have natural tattoos on their arms, necks and cheeks, and they don’t tidy up their long hair and beards. They look just like savages, but their conversations are very elegant and natural. Although they occasionally appear as the very hateful Riddler,

Generally speaking, it makes people feel good.

These guys are the last members of the Druid Order before the Church of Avalon was persecuted. You can still see some scars left by torture on their bodies, and some druids are even disabled.

They are all the support that Murphy asked from the Plantagenet Kingdom. Although the number is not large, it effectively supplements the shortcomings of the Avalon Church in the field of spell caster power. This is their first outing, and the purpose is to

Find out what kind of blessing power the God of Nature has unleashed on the Foul Swamp.

Brother Meow Meow, who has become the Red Knight, and his brothers are wearing the very stylish Swift Eagle exoskeleton, and each of them carries a blood eagle claw on his back. They look more like they are here to stand on the street than on a mission, and Meow Meow

Brother also carried the sacred battle ax of the Mother Goddess of the Earth and led his brothers to clear the way in front. Yongguwei's dexterity of 25 points allowed them to move quickly in the swamp terrain, revealing that he was a tyrant.

While carefully avoiding the minefields and trap areas marked as dangerous on the map, these guys protected the few druids behind them as they moved toward their destination.

"We haven't been here for more than two months, right? How come there are so many beasts in this swamp? There were three elite swamp tigers we met along the way, as well as those big and scary vampire bats.

Are they really those weak beasts we saw before?"

Brother Miao Miao complained in a low voice, and the three or five Dou beside him were holding hot melt knives to chop the vines blocking the road, and replied:

"It's not just a beast, is it? I feel that the plants in the entire filthy swamp have grown a bit bigger. You also saw the banana tree just now, right? The leaves look like tropical plants."

"That thing is not a banana tree. My dear Sanwu Dou, you are a bit too ignorant. It just looks like it. You are still serving Avalon at your level. Be careful of being laughed at by your family.


Brother Miao Miao curled his lips and said:

"That's a stink bomb tree. Its fruits will fall and explode when exposed to external stimuli, emitting a disgusting smell that can directly attack the respiratory system of life.

I read it in old Eugene's book of nature. It is said that the fruits of the thirty-year-old stink bomb tree can not only explode but also secrete weird dust, making those who come into contact with it extremely itchy, and even tear it apart in severe cases.

Fungal infection of the skin.

This thing is said to only exist on some islands in the Misty Sea. I have never found this kind of thing in the filthy swamp before."

The two of them walked forward as they talked, but when they rounded a redwood forest, they were suddenly stopped by a Druid girl behind them.

"Stop! Don't move! If there is something around you, don't irritate it."

The druid girl with long emerald green hair had a black scar on her face, which seriously damaged her appearance, but her mystical temperament was not affected. After warning Brother Miao Miao and San Wu Dou,

The girl cast a Druid spell on herself before slowly stepping forward and carefully holding the invisible object a few inches above Brother Mew Miao's head.

As she pulled her fingers away, the true appearance of the thing appeared before everyone's eyes.

It was like a plant that swallowed flyweed. It opened its "big mouth" full of saliva and was falling towards Brother Meow Meow's head. The thick colorless juice contained in it was terrifyingly corrosive at first glance.

The terrible thing is that this thing is "invisible".

Even the Red Knight's senses couldn't detect its existence.

The druid girl carefully took a little bit of the viscous juice, and then beat the strange plant from its roots with a special frequency, as if to soothe it, so that its predatory organs closed little by little and returned like a snake.

After reaching the surrounding trees, he entered a rather strange optical invisibility.

"Taotie flowers are dangerous carnivorous plants."

She turned back to Brother Mingmiao and Sanwudou and explained:

"In the Holy Land of Greene, we use this greedy and dangerous plant to guard the natural treasure house. The juice it secretes can melt iron armor in a few seconds, and the creature bitten by it will be injected with paralyzing toxin, and will be killed if it cannot break free in time.

It is swallowed into the belly.

In just an hour, your organs and bones will be broken down.

It is one of the top twenty dangerous extraordinary plants in Avalon's Book of Nature. It has special tissues on its body that cannot be killed even with flames. The only way to completely isolate the hidden danger is to use special configurations

It takes a lot of herbicide to get rid of it on its own.

In the legend of the Elf Kingdom, the Taotie Flower represents the monster in the aspect of the Mother of the Forest that specializes in handling corpses, and represents the messenger of the cycle of all things."

"This is definitely not a plant native to the Filthy Swamp!"

Brother Miao Miao touched his neck with some fear, and whispered:

"If there were these things here, Transia would have been destroyed eight hundred years ago. Look at this crazy thing!"

"It's certainly not a native plant here."

The leader of several druids, an old man holding a thorn stick, said in a hoarse voice:

"When the Holy Land of Greene was conquered by King Louis's army, the last seeds of the Taotie flower were also destroyed. This dangerous plant was theoretically extinct, but it reappeared here. Alas, I understand that nature

What blessing has God placed on this swamp?

That is the power of wild nature!

My god wants this to become a place of war, devouring all malicious intruders who enter it.

The Filth Swamp is already a name of the past. This place should now be called the 'Carnivorous Forest'. These newly born dangerous plants can all feed on flesh and blood. In this way, my god is supporting the Transians in their fight against the Black Disaster.


What an unimaginable gift.”

"There is only one similar place in the forest of the Elf Kingdom of Castile."

The Druid girl with the scar on her face explained to Brother Mingmiao and Sanwudou:

"Legend has it that it is the holy land of the Forest Mother of God Avalon. All life that steps into it without permission will be devoured by wild plants. Now there is a similar holy land in Transia. The God of Nature really loves you.


"But these things won't distinguish us from the enemy, right?"

Brother Miao Miao said with some worry:

"After the war, we plan to open up trade routes in the swamp. If we do this, won't this swamp become a no-man's land?"

"No, the wrath of the God of Nature will only be directed at malicious intruders."

The Druid leader shook his head and said:

"Otherwise we will be attacked when we enter here. This swamp has its own consciousness. Avalon's blessing strengthens this will of the forest. Just like the ancestral forest, a heart of the forest was born here.

It will not target innocent passers-by, nor will it criticize destruction and hunting for survival, but if you show hostility and disrespect to nature here, you are finished.

Just keep moving forward.

Go and have a look where the bloodthirsty root is, I suspect there is something even more amazing there."

"Ah? Isn't a large piece of bloodthirsty root dangerous enough?"

Sanwudou complained:

"Now I feel like I have stepped into a haunted house of the God of Nature. To be honest, the actions here make me very uncomfortable."

"The bloodthirsty root has never been a problem."

The Druid girl sighed and said:

"Those things that come with the bloodthirsty root are the real trouble."

She glanced at Brother Mingmiao subtly and said:

"You have something like that in you, the red knight who carries out punishment."


Brother Miao Miao was stunned.

But he quickly reacted and reached out to take out the seed of his war thorn beast. It seemed that he sensed the aura of the same kind. The ground in the swamp in front of him quickly shook, and a huge creature was approaching here quickly.

"Don't move! Maintain goodwill in place and stimulate the natural atmosphere! The wild thorn beast is coming! Don't provoke it."

The Druid girl shouted, and everyone stopped where they were.

A few seconds later, the vines and mud in front were trampled away, and a black thorn beast as huge as a mammoth appeared in front of everyone.

It is larger than Brother Meow Meow's combat thorn beast, the wood grain on its body is rougher, and its aura is more violent. It is obviously a primitive thorn beast that has not been domesticated by the Church of Avalon. The essence of this thing is a special plant, absolutely

Can't grow anywhere.

The fact that it can appear here proves that some disturbing changes have indeed taken place in the Dirty Swamp.


Brother Miao Miao maintained his posture on the spot and cursed in a low voice:

"This damn place is going to end. Plant overlords of this level have appeared."

"Look at the sky!"

Sanwudou suddenly shouted.

Everyone raised their heads and saw more strange birds flapping their wings and flying out from the depths of the swamp, stimulated by the movement of the primitive thorn beasts.

Their heads are sharp, their skin has little hair, and their slender bodies are very similar to the pterosaurs that Brother Meow Meow remembers. However, these strange birds have sharp claws under their bodies and are red all over, very similar to the legendary little devils.

Mixed among these red birds were several astonishingly large snow-white birds of prey. They just flapped their wings a few times and disappeared into the sky, as fast as lightning.

"Bonecracker, a raptor that has been extinct on Greene Island for hundreds of years."

The Druid girl said in a daze:

"There is also the Wolf Owl! The largest silent hunter in the church's records, it feeds on gray wolves. The gift of the God of Nature has allowed them to reappear in this world. I guess this is the ferocious beast that will be used to deal with the jackals.


But even war thorn beasts and hunter owls can only live here, indicating that there must be other more dangerous things hidden deep in this swamp.

The power of Avalon has reshaped the ecology here.

I think this is my god’s response to the battle at the Maginot Line, a natural massacre is about to begin.”

(End of chapter)

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