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Chapter 868 867 When personal struggle conflicts with the process of history

Chapter 868 867. When personal struggle conflicts with the process of history.

Faced with Xu Gesen's rhetorical question, Mrs. Tracey, who is known for her resourcefulness, the best theologian and a very outstanding historian on the continent, was speechless for a while.

Okay, Xu Gesen can indeed withdraw his troops, but what are the consequences?

This hunting god's choice will be abandoned in an instant and become the sinner of the jackals. At this time, Gehrman Bonegnasher, who is launching an epic Waaaagh on the Genoa Peninsula, will also immediately take over. The slaughter and conquest carried out by the Bonegnasher King there will have already begun. It suits the Lord of Hunting very well. Once it becomes the hunting god's choice, the evil god's awakening cycle will probably be compressed to within a week.

Compared with Transia's complete war preparations at this time, the Genoa Peninsula is truly undefeable. Once the black disaster really breaks out there, the subsequent impact will be absolutely catastrophic.

Therefore, taking a comprehensive look at it, Tris had to come to a very bad conclusion. Let Xu Gesen maintain the status quo is the best solution to the direction of the war.

Murphy did not comment on the issue.

He was observing Hugersen in front of him, and saw the warhammer held in the latter's left paw and the paper from Hogg held in his right paw.

There seems to be a hidden metaphor in this scene.

It represents that Hugersen may take on Hogg's responsibilities at this time in a certain life, but unfortunately fate is not kind to him. The flickering blood on his body already represents that Hugersson's fate has been sealed.

Like Murphy, it can only keep going along the established path until the end is reached.

However, the Jackal in front of him didn't seem too dissatisfied with this. After all, judging from the Jackal's outlook on life and values, dying in the last battle of a fierce war was not an unacceptable outcome.

In fact, this is the perfect ending that many gnoll warriors have been pursuing.

They have been barbaric for nearly a thousand years, and they have long been unable to enjoy a quiet and peaceful life.

"I am not here begging for mercy, two vampires."

Hugersen stated his position straight to the point. In this slightly dim chief's cave dwelling, he said to Murphy:

"I am just having the first and last conversation with you before the decisive battle is about to begin. To use the habits of your civilized camp, this is more appropriately called an 'ultimatum'. Maybe I should ask you to surrender at this time, or you guys I was sternly asked to put down my arms.

But we all know that's just a waste of time.

So, skip the insults and get down to business.

In addition to all the members of the Splitclaw Clan whom I mobilized, the Bloodscar Clan will also send a support force to enter the battlefield of Transia later. I asked Warlord Hass to send a letter to Chief Amot. Now, As the war situation in Genoa Peninsula has begun, the Bloodscar clan is eager to see Transia fall into the flames of war.

The pious chief will most likely not refuse this request for help. He will send a group of the most fanatical warriors of the Lord of the Hunt to your defense lines, and your job is

Kill them!


Kill them all."

Xu Gesen said in a bloody, cold and indifferent tone:

"The poison of the Lord of the Hunt has persecuted the gnolls for more than a hundred years. Every warrior alive now is more or less willing to offer blood to the gods. They think this is their destiny, but that is just the development of barbaric traditions.

The ultimate fallacy.

I cannot imagine what the future Gnoll society will be like, but I am certain that as long as these fanatics are still there, it will be difficult for my people to get rid of the shackles of the past and follow the Wise Wolf on the road to the future.

They are the locks of the old era, binding the door to the future, and saying goodbye always requires courage. We failed to say goodbye to the past a hundred years ago, and naturally we have to pay a higher price now.

I gathered the wildest, craziest and coldest jackals I could find into an army and brought them to you. This is the last thing I can do for my people as the God of Hunting, and it may also be the best thing I can do.

The only thing I can do for my people.

Kill them!

Show no mercy, annihilate us under your defenses in the most efficient way you can imagine, but you cannot expect me to remain neutral in this war, and I will indeed do my best to command my army and what I can

Use all your power to break through your defenses.

Only in this way can I ensure that the eyes of the Lord of the Hunt are always on me.

Mrs. Tracey, I heard that you are the best theologian on the continent, do you know why I do this?"

"I know."

Tris nodded and said calmly:

"This is indeed necessary, especially when a god-killing battle will start at the same time as the decisive battle of Maginot, you used yourself as a 'sacrifice'. I take back my previous sarcasm, Your Excellency, only from courage and determination

From a human perspective, you have surpassed 99% of life on this continent.

At least if it were me, I wouldn't be able to make such a decision so decisively, which would mean a rather terrible ending, but in a sense, such an ending is also quite glorious."

"You can devote part of your military strength to the attack on the eastern section of the Maginot Line during the decisive battle."

Murphy said softly:

"In the area near the Crimean Fortress and near Wolf Castle, you can put the most ferocious warriors there. I guarantee that at a necessary moment, they will usher in the end without struggle. As for myself, I will be in the middle section

The challenge waiting for you is in the area near the west side, Hugeson.

As you said, only one of us is destined to survive.

But with all due respect, I have always had a question. Hogg told me that you had a conversation with Frederick, and it also confirmed that after that conversation, you had strengthened your mind and chose your side in this war.

One side's position.

But that doesn't explain your hatred of me

Is it just because I killed your adoptive mother with ulterior motives?

You should know that Potana doesn't really love you that much, she is just using you. It is precisely because of my activities that you have been freed from soul to body, and can control your own life and protect your lover and family.


From this point of view, you should thank me."

"You want a child raised by Chief Potana to thank a murderer of Potana?"

Xu Gesen said quietly:

"I heard that most vampires are a bunch of cold-blooded bastards, and it turned out to be true when I saw it today. It seems that the relationship between mother and child among you vampires must be generally very bad, so that you cold-blooded people can't understand the meaning of a mother to her child.

Potana's treatment of me is indeed not gentle.

But she protected me.

When I was still a cub, I almost died in the chaos within the Bonegnawing Clan. It was Portana who saved me when I was at my weakest. She hid me in the Clan at the risk of an all-out war with the Bonegnawing Clan.

In the Splitclaw clan, she used the most precious resources she could find to nurture me.

She was like a sculptor with lofty ideals but clumsy skills, trying her best to cultivate me into a talented person. She valued me so much that she neglected to raise her children, causing them to turn against her.

Whether she is using me or treating me as a tool is no longer a problem in the face of such upbringing. There has never been a saying in this world that merits and demerits balance each other. I hate her for taking me down this road.

, but I must also remember her kindness.

Therefore, Portana is my mother!

And you killed her.

Isn’t it enough that I use this as a reason to take revenge on you?”

"For others, if this is the reason for them to raise weapons against me, then I absolutely believe it and will apologize to them before killing them, but you are not an ordinary person, Xu Gesen."

Murphy shook his head and said:

"Although I personally don't like fate theory, I have to admit that guys like you are indeed born to do great things. Therefore, I am sure that in addition to the factor of Potana, your hatred of me must also have

A deeper reason.

Come on, we still have some time.

Before you and I draw our swords and engage in a life-and-death battle, I, as one of the fighting parties, may have enough reasons to know the reasons that may take my life.

What exactly do you think?

You should tell me honestly, so that I won't have nothing to write on your epitaph."

"I really want to tell you, but not now."

Hugersen lost interest in conversation. It had finished what it needed to say, so he stood up, slung his weapon behind his back, and carefully folded Hogg's paper and placed it in the armor on his chest.

He plans to take this thing back and read it carefully.

When leaving the cave dwelling, the Hunting God's Choice turned back and said to Murphy who was looking at it:

"When I am killed by you, or you are about to send me to death, let us spend a little more time to reveal the answer to this question. This conversation ends here, and the next time we meet, it will be a matter of life and death.

Good luck, Mr. Murphy."

"Well, I also wish you good luck, Mr. Xu Gesen."

Murphy also said goodbye to Hugersen politely, but he quickly thought of something and said to Hugersen using onomatopoeia:

"At a critical moment in the war, the Twilight Cultists will definitely jump out unwilling to be left alone. Especially when you are at a disadvantage, those guys will never miss the opportunity to 'help' you. I can even guess them What means will I use to help you?

Especially after they saw with their own eyes the 'secret weapon' I prepared for this decisive battle.

The previous letter that helped us breach the R-9 base was sent by you. I can be sure of this. You hate those annihilators as much as I do.

But this time, when they want to give you support, don’t refuse!

Not only don't refuse, but ask for as much as possible, and treat it as a legacy left to Nanak and your children.

If I win, Lord Hugersen, I promise to ensure that your widow and posthumous children enjoy the life they deserve in the new era of jackals, but as a husband and father, you should also think more about your family. "

"If I win, I'll do the same to your family, Murphy."

Xu Gesen snorted and responded rather viciously:

"But it's a pity that you vampires won't have children. It's such a shame."

This bastard just walked away, which made Tris's teeth itch with anger.

But Murphy knew that Hugersen would seriously consider his proposal without rejecting it, so if he was lucky this time, he could still recover a small part of the "Creator's Legacy" from Dusk that should belong to him.

After Xu Gesen left the Smuggler's Grove with the group of remnant soldiers who were taken in by the Blood Claw clan, Murphy also walked out of the chief's cave. The little Nash shivered next to a group of golden people. He looked at it bitterly. Looking at Murphy, I hope that the Governor of Transia will not blame himself for the failure of his "enemy luring plan".

It's not that I don't work hard, it's that Xu Gesen is too sharp, and the deceptive tricks I learned from Hogg are really not enough.

"Nash, come here, I have a task for you."

Murphy called Chief Bloodclaw and asked Nash to come to him. He said to Nash:

"You don't have to worry that I will blame you for what happened to Xu Gesen. I didn't have high hopes for this, but the guy's conversation with me just now revealed a hidden meaning. I want your Blood Claw clan to do Be prepared!"

"What preparations? Sir."

Nash immediately raised his head and looked at Murphy with confidence, and then heard the vampire governor say to him:

"Be prepared to take over those old, weak women and children from the Splitclaw clan!

Xu Gesen will most likely not let them participate in this decisive battle. It will consume all the most fanatical and ruthless males of the Splitclaw clan. According to the tradition of the jackals, you, as the victors, will be eligible to inherit the Splitclaw clan.

The female and her cubs.

That was Xugersen's final arrangement for the Splitclaw clan. He brought them here hoping to take this opportunity to return them to the birthplace of the gnolls.

This guy has also performed his duties as chief in a very subtle way. In short, those more than 100,000 old, weak, women and children will be your responsibility in the future, and I don't want to see them causing chaos after the war."

"Ah this."

Nash was startled and exclaimed:

"But the female gnolls in the Dark Mountains are much more powerful than our subspecies. It is estimated that the strongest among us, Martai and the retarded one, will have a hard time defeating those wild females. Will we accept the entire army?"


"Emmmm, I think Xu Gesen will arrange this kind of thing, right?"

Murphy rubbed his chin and looked at the little Nash. He suddenly thought of the scene where Nash was surrounded by three or four big-bodied jackal women, and he suddenly became happy.

With a kind of wonderful pleasure, he reached out and patted Nash on the shoulder, and said softly:

"But think on the bright side, now you will become the first subspecies Gnoll chief to have a wild Gnoll wife. This is a very honorable thing on the mainland. With this group of people who can fight

Only when the female becomes your subordinate can your Bloodclaw clan's development and occupation of the Filthy Swamp be truly implemented.

You have to know that Hogg left the Bloodclaw clan to you because he saw your potential, and in the future you will share this swamp with the Goatmen. With the current strength of the Bloodclaw clan, how can those dark-black Goatmen be able to

Eat you like cute sandwich cookies.

Therefore, for the revival of the local jackals, you, a little chief, must take on more responsibilities. Oh, by the way, I have small pills here specially provided by the royal family of the Songhai Empire. Do you want to prepare them for you in advance?"

"Uh, okay, although there is a high probability that it won't be used, there's nothing wrong with preparing in advance."

Nash curled his lips.

It quickly remembered something again, looked around, and lowered its voice and said to Murphy:

"My Lord Governor, the hunters I sent have figured out the road leading to Lake Sulpus from the Cato area. Didn't you say before that you can divert the disaster eastward when necessary? Do you need us to prepare in advance? When the time comes,

Serve as a guide for Xu Gesen's army?

We can successfully bring them to the vicinity of Lake Shurpos, but we can't help with the attack on the Dorode Fortress Group.

That hateful Marshal Loren is sitting there personally, their artillery is so powerful, and they also have wolfsbane vampires acting as scouts, so our people don't dare to get too close."

"No need for the moment."

Murphy looked back at the direction of the Maginot Line and said softly:

"Hugesen has already made a request, so as its designated lifelong enemy, I can't let that bitch underestimate me.

Let its armies come!

Let them attack the Maginot Line and die there.

The border of Transia will become the burial place of the Gnolls. The shame of the past hundreds of years will be completely washed away in this battle. Our hometown will become the beginning of a new history of the Gnolls and a historical landmark in the history of this continent.

A bold stroke of color.

Even if Loren is lucky this time, he won't have to bear the backstab from his allies.

But even if I didn't interfere, the bone-gnawing army from the direction of the Genoa Peninsula would be enough for him to drink. However, he is destined to die in the hands of the Transians, and the blood feud in Xico City must be repaid with our own hands!

If he is unlucky enough to die at the hands of Gehrman Bone-Gnasher, I will definitely make his tombstone into an easter egg, and let every warrior go there to spit and get achievements.

Haha, I hope that short guy behaves decently."


While Murphy and Nash were talking, the Rose Knight Palano, who had been resting on the Maginot line recently, strode forward. This handsome guy who maintained a perfect demeanor held a shining blood crystal in his hand.

Said to Murphy:

"Lord Paying has sent a message. He will summon the God-Slayers in seven days! The decisive battle is coming."

"The decisive battle has come, Palano."

Murphy looked at this guy who was so handsome that he felt a sense of threat, and he said:

"Let's go, return to the defense line, let me practice it for you, and I wish both of us can win."


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(End of chapter)

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