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Chapter 871 Maginot’s Trial on the Day the 870 War Begins

Chapter 871 870. The Day of War·Magino’s Trial

"I can't stop it."

Filthy Swamp, Wolf Castle, the temporary location of Lao Qin's headquarters.

All the young staff officers are staying here at this time. Lao Qin’s two adjutants, the Qing Dynasty veterans and the five pairs of wheels, also have serious expressions at this time. In front of them is a swamp sand table shaped with spiritual energy. This thing is better than the one in the deserted mountain war zone before.

The one used is a little more sophisticated, provided by a goatman conjurer who specializes in psychic shaping.

It details all the tunnels and tactical nodes in the entire area of ​​the Filthy Swamp. The green dots represent the active player teams or Transian NPC tactical groups, the red dots represent the activities of the gnolls, and the blue dots represent

A friendly fortress that exists in the swamp.

The sand table is now covered with red spots, which are densely packed and very eye-catching at first glance.

You don't need to elaborate in words to see that the Jackals' advance and breakthrough in the Filthy Swamp is unstoppable. The number of red dots is even a hundred times that of the green defenders, and they are still moving forward.

"Based on the worst-case scenario, the filthy swamp will be breached within a day or two."

The five pairs of wheels whispered:

"There is bad news from the Church of Avalon. As the number of gnolls continues to increase in the swamp, the domain of divine power belonging to the Lord of Hunting is also spread through these worldly nodes, and the growth of carnivorous plants in the filthy swamp

The speed was suppressed, and the carnivorous beasts became more violent under the influence of the wild will to hunt.

The Goatmen's town in the southeastern part of the swamp has suffered several attacks from swamp creatures.

This means that the God of Nature's blessing to the swamp is temporarily invalid.

The space game between the gods is about to come to an end, and it seems that the god of the jackals really wants to see Transia fall into war."

"The activities of the player team have been suppressed to the limit, especially after the Godslayers were deployed. It is difficult for ordinary players and newbies to resist the gnolls' position breakthroughs everywhere. Even the tunnel system has

It is constantly being occupied by large numbers of kobolds."

The veteran of the Qing Dynasty who was responsible for actual combat on the front line said a little tiredly:

"Although the previous weapon change gave us a firepower advantage on the local battlefield, even the kobolds have begun to be affected by the violent will of the Lord of Hunting. The morale of those cowardly guys is very high, and now they have to kill more

Only then can they be forced to disperse, and because there are too many corpses to deal with, the environment in the tunnel is deteriorating rapidly.

The players can't stand it anymore, let alone the NPCs walking through the tunnels.

Those corpses are likely to cause epidemics, so I have ordered the NPC hunters to retreat to the Maginot Line of Defense, leaving the players to continue fighting in the swamp, but Master Qin, it is only a matter of time before this side is lost."

"It was a matter of time from the beginning, especially after we learned the specific information about the Split Claw Black Tide. I had no intention of annihilating this army in the swamp. That was an impossible strategy.


Compared with others who were in a low mood, Lao Qin, as the commander, looked calm. He was not frustrated at all. Instead, he turned to the domestic 013 beside him and asked:

"Has the battle loss ratio between the two sides been calculated?"

"Well, it's done, Chief."

Domestic 013 immediately took out a document. She glanced at the people around her, cleared her throat at Master Qin's nod, and read:

"As of 9 o'clock yesterday evening, that is, the ninth day since the start of the Filthy Swamp Blockade, we have retrieved the data recorded by the calculation orb of the player team, and with the help of the player Ruyi, we have calculated the accurate battle losses of both sides.

In these days of fighting, we lost about 3,000 players, 76% of whom were new players who had been in the game for less than three months. The casualty rate among veteran players was qualitatively higher than in the previous two battles.


This fully proves that our player group has received quite good experience in the Black Disaster War, especially those players who have entered the Silver level. When they face the strong Jackals of the same level, they can already use the equipment to not fall behind.

This proves that the overall quality of players is rapidly improving.

In contrast, it was the loss of the Jackal side.

According to our estimates, the loss of Jackal soldiers so far is at least 15,000+.

The losses here include deaths, missing persons, serious injuries and disabilities. Although this quite astonishing battle loss ratio was achieved under the extremely special combat environment of the Dirty Swamp, we still have to focus on commending the various explosives produced by the National Arsenal.

The use of war weapons caused the gnolls to suffer a terrible blow to their morale.

The exchange ratio between the two sides is close to 1:5, which is far higher than the previous two battles.

Please note that this is only the loss statistics for the gnolls, and the losses of the kobold servant army are not included, but that is definitely a very exaggerated number.

Using the enemy's physical strength as a measure, our results in the swamp blockade are brilliant. Based on the reality of players being resurrected in three days, we can proudly claim that Transia was destroyed without spending a single soldier.

He captured the three vanguard regiments under Xu Gesen’s command.”

"Okay, this result is indeed brilliant."

The veteran of the Qing Dynasty frowned and said:

"But this casualty is just a drop in the bucket compared to the huge military strength under Xu Gesen's command, and it does not even cause any structural damage to them."

"But you also have to realize that this is a result achieved by just dispatching players."

Five pairs of wheels are reminded:

"In order to maintain the resistance of the Maginot Line at its peak, we did not ask other local forces except the Church of Avalon to join the blockade this time. If the blockade was carried out regardless of casualties, the results would be even more amazing.

But this kind of strategy of all-army battle is not necessary. The Maginot Line of Defense is in the rear. The original goal of the swamp operation is not to annihilate the jackals. From what we have observed, the activities of the jackals in the swamp have changed from beginning to end.

The aggressive push at the beginning has turned into a cautious and slow move now.

Their morale was severely damaged.

We have even observed some gnoll scouts fleeing without a fight after encounters between the two sides. They have become fearful of this swamp that is constantly devouring life.

In this way, after the attack on the Maginot Line was blocked, if the Jackals wanted to change their advance route, retreating through the Dirty Swamp would definitely not be their first choice. From this point of view, this battle had actually been successful.


"This is also the limit that the current player base can achieve."

Lao Qin stood up, looked at the psychic sand table in front of him, put his hands on his hips and said:

"Quantity has always been the decisive factor that restricts players from playing a more important role in various fields. Currently, our number remains at 4,000+. In this black disaster, even if everyone is rushing to be first, it will be difficult to truly assume the core mission.

But looking at the battles over the past few months, I can proudly declare that our players have lived up to the local expectations of us.

The nickname ‘Immortal Heroic Spirit’ is well deserved.

I heard that the Brotherhood of Stonemasons designed and built a 'Hall of Valor' for us in the city of Scarlet Castle. I guess that after this war is over, it will definitely become a new 'holy place' for the locals.

Okay, everyone, whether you are satisfied with the result or not, the stage that belongs to us is coming to an end. The decisive battle of the Maginot Line will begin soon, where we will witness the end of the Transancian resistance, and we will also

Join in and play a colorful role.

While the most outstanding members of our group fight the evil god thousands of miles away, the rest must also be determined and fulfill their duties."

Master Qin paused.

He turned around and looked at all the members of the staff behind him, especially the young people.

He was satisfied to see the growth and changes of these young students during the war years. The aura they exuded from the inside out after being tempered by the real flames of war reminded him of the glorious years of his youth.

It is obvious to soldiers and commanders whether they have been on the battlefield or not. Now Master Qin can finally proudly claim that he has brought out a group of trustworthy soldiers.

"Your time on the General Staff is over, young men."

Mr. Qin reached out and patted the shoulder of the domestically produced 003, who was the most outstanding among the young staff officers, and said:

"Next, you will be assigned to the main headquarters of the Maginot Line according to the work you are good at, and you will assume command responsibilities in a magnificent battle. I cannot issue you a graduation certificate here.

But as I promised before, I can still afford a good set of equipment."

As he waved, several NPC guards walked into the room with several equipment boxes. Inside were the basic Farstrider protective gear that Mr. Qin specially applied to Mr. Murphy. It is currently the most in demand in the player equipment system.

The hot new favorite.

"From the time you entered the game to now, I have been demanding you with military standards, which makes it difficult for you to enjoy the fun that a game should have.

But you know in your hearts that you are different from civilians. You shoulder more than just the hope of this world. You are pioneers, subjects, and defenders, just as you swore on the day you enlisted in the army."

Master Qin said in a deep voice:

"But now, you have passed the harsh test of me, an old man, and you can use your identity as a player to explore the mysteries and fun of this world. Therefore, I declare, counselors!"


The young people in the room immediately took a breath and moved in unison. Lao Qin nodded and said:

"Dismissed! Go and enjoy your gaming career."

The young people immediately beamed with joy and ran to the equipment box to share their rewards. Their attitude was not much different from that of ordinary players.

Five pairs of wheels came over and said to Master Qin with a playful smile:

"Old chief, young people have benefits, but what are my benefits?"

"Do you want me to slap you?"

Lao Qin pouted and said:

"You're so old, please be more careful! Your character's auxiliary specialties are basically equivalent to a special administrative profession, and it's not a combat profession. Why do you need the equipment? Besides, as long as the Maginot Line is defended, this black disaster can only be won.

, you are indispensable for the Hall of Fame.

But you still have a lot of work to do next.

Find me some more ‘making materials’!

The first phase of training is over, and we people don’t have time to spare. We have to arrange the second and third phases as soon as possible.”

"But after the Black Disaster is over, where will we go next?"

Five pairs of wheels were a little confused, but Lao Qin glared at him and said:

"There are many wars on this continent, and there are many places for you to train commanders."

"That is, the Jackals still have to clean up the Dark Mountains. The post-war recovery of the Genoa Peninsula is also far away. There are too many battles for us to fight."

The Qing Dynasty veteran curled his lips and said:

"Take this opportunity to let the kids get a taste of the battlefield, so that they won't have to stretch their crotch when they actually go into battle."

"Then should we directly transfer some junior officers and mid-level commanders from active duty?"

Five pairs of wheels whispered:

"If you want to train dolls, you have to let the soldiers experience it. We can't train elite soldiers in batches here. It's okay to set up an officer school."

"This involves too much. You still have to file a report and go through the process. I guess it won't be that easy."

Lao Qin thought for a while and said:

"Let's start with the young people first. When there are enough people, we will arrange a drill. Let's talk about the results and save us from running to beg grandpa and grandma."

"Hey, this is good! I'll log off and find some more students."

"Hurry up and let them catch up with the decisive battle of Maginot. If you miss a big war of this scale, you will regret it for the rest of your life."


"Our vanguard is about to break through this bloody carnivorous swamp, Grand Overseer."

In Hugersen's camp in the middle of the Filthy Swamp, Warlord Hass, who had returned to the front line from the Mossy Valley, came and reported to Hugersen:

"We can reach the border of Transia in at most one day. In addition, the tenacious blockades from the Transians in the swamps are much less frequent today. Perhaps they are realizing their disadvantage and are retreating."

"They just want to concentrate all their efforts on the last line of defense that is endowed with supreme significance, the city wall called 'Maginot'."

Xu Gesen said expressionlessly:

"It's like a retracted fist to clasp and recharge. We lost too much in the filthy swamp. Some of the less determined soldiers looked at this muddy land with fear in their eyes. The warriors of the Lord of the Hunt

I began to fear the enemy, and even began to fear the place of decisive battle that I had not yet seen.

What a shame!”

"You can't blame the soldiers, Grand Overseer."

Warlord Hass sighed and said:

"I have been fighting all my life, but this is the first time I have to fight with my hands and feet tied up like a filthy swamp. The Transians do have some crooked ideas. If we didn't have enough backup, I would have been in this terrible place."

fearful of the swamp.

But all that has passed.

As long as we cross the swamp and attack the last line of defense, everything will be fine.

The reinforcements from the Bloodscar Clan will become our rear guard, the Grand Overseer. They have already set a strategy to seize at least one psychic node in the Foul Swamp, so as to complete the important task of supporting the front line with astral tearing when necessary.

Transia's space system is not stable, and it is much easier to initiate astral tearing here than in other places.

And the allies you found for us.

Speaking of which, do you really think that astral demigod is trustworthy?

I asked some priests who are involved in astral knowledge, and they told me that the reputation of Silver Wolf Kherson in the astral realm is not very good."

"It has its purpose, we have ours, and the interests of both parties are at least consistent at the enemy level."

Xu Gesen shook his head and said:

"But even if there are no astral wolves, we will still break through the defense line. That is the killing stage that our god wants to see. There will definitely be a shocking battle on the Maginot Line, which is enough to please our cruel god."

"But there will be losses."

Warlord Hass whispered:

"I can't even imagine how many people will be buried here. With the terrifying fighting will shown by the Transians, we will never be able to step into their land before we completely kill the last person on the defense line.


This black disaster may become a glorious battle, but the losses of this black disaster will also be unprecedented.

In addition, when I went back this time, I heard some disturbing rumors on our land. It is said that a faction and belief called the 'Guardians of Creation' are spreading rapidly in the territory of the Broken Tooth Clan, and there are even fanatical gnolls.

The missionaries appeared around the leader of the Bloodscar clan.

Grand Overseer, do you think this will happen?"

"This has nothing to do with our war, Warlord Hass, you are upset. This is not the mentality a soldier should have, so you are no longer suitable for frontline command."

Xu Gesen said coldly:

"I will now relieve you of all duties and assign you the heavy responsibility of Shadow Valley garrison. Go ahead and look after the rear for my army."


Warlord Hass suddenly became angry and roared:

"I'm not old yet, I can continue to fight! I've come this far, you can't cruelly deprive me of my right to participate in this war! Xu Gesen! You can't do this!"

"I can! I am the Chosen One, the commander-in-chief of this war, and the leader of all the jackals here. If I say you are not suitable to participate in this war, then you cannot disobey my orders."

Xu Gesen strode forward, pressed Haas's shoulders, stared into its eyes, and said:

"Stay there! You will take responsibility when some special changes happen! I will hand over my rear to you, and I will hand over the final power to you. Don't let me down, and don't let our civilization down!


Warlord Hass was stunned for a moment.

It felt that there was something in Xu Gesen's words, but before it had time to think about it, it felt a huge force exerted on its neck. The next moment, it rolled its eyes and fainted to the ground.

The indifferent God of Hunting stepped forward and took Warlord Hass out, while Xugersen strode out of the camp and looked in the direction of Transia.

Its gaze seemed to have crossed the swamp at this moment, and saw the defense line standing behind the swamp, that defense line forged with the sweat of the Transians, that defense line filled with defenders of the civilized camp, that defense line

A line of defense lined with swords and guns like armored hedgehogs, a line of defense that would ultimately determine the fate of Transia and the Jackals.

Civilization versus barbarism, order versus chaos, good versus evil, light versus darkness.

All the waiting and preparation are for this moment!

Ha, the time of destiny has arrived!

(End of chapter)

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