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Chapter 884 The Story of the Second Day of the Three-Day Miracle of 883 (Part 2)

Chapter 884 883. Three-Day Miracle·The Story of the Second Day (Part 2)

Nefertari controls the core scepter of the Banquet of Souls under the command post of the lord's position. This strange death object made by Dusk single-handedly supports the spiritual movement of the entire position, and the power of death escapes.

It is so extensive that it even suppresses the space where other spiritual energy can operate.

Tris, who was assisting Murphy in killing the enemy, immediately changed the spiritual energy around her. She frowned and smashed out a formed chain lightning in her hand, clearing the area in front and blessing her little Murphy.

With a thunder shield, he flapped his wings and took off to look around.

In the eyes of the psychic master, the entire position under the dark night has been clearly divided into two areas by the huge amount of death psychic energy.

Under the exquisite control of the little mummy who was suffering from brain damage, the death energy in the outer ring has been condensed into entities and turned into gusts of sinister wind to resurrect the corpses. Under the reverse impact of the huge number of walking corpses against the background of the continuously falling cannonballs, they have been transformed into corpses.

The jackal army that invaded the flank was squeezed out bit by bit.

But in the inner ring where the soldiers retreated to the rear, there was not much death spiritual energy to fill it so that there would not be a death echo that was harmful to life.

It has to be said that the Death Moon Church is indeed much better than the Yeluzi Twilight Cultists in the use of orthodox power. These necromancy spells can not only be used to kill enemies, but can also be used to protect them.

However, the undead souls brought up by the orthodox death ritual have no souls to be restrained, so their actions lack spirituality. They can only provide the most primitive human shield resistance under the command of the Hades Knights and Corpse Witches.

But the most eye-catching thing on the battlefield at this time is definitely not the corpses that are moving forward angrily under the urging of death. Instead, they are running down the hillside from the rear position amidst the roar of machinery, killing towards the flanks in a manner that shakes the earth.

Those armed walkers of the Gnolls.

The mechanical weapons named "Dragon Cavalry" by Murphy exploded with powerful force under the burning of fuel and oil. They rushed to the battlefield with the stiff and swift posture unique to the mechanical body, amidst the cheers of the retreating soldiers.

The ammunition compartment at the rear was opened, and the Iron Fist missiles, which were connected together in the most primitive structure, were raised diagonally into the sky, and then, based on the decision-making of the Dragoon's wetware brain, they were launched towards the place with the most Jackals.

Those Iron Fist missiles pulled out white smoke rings in the dark night and then fell to the ground with red flames, creating dazzling explosions.

They stood as still as majestic prehistoric beasts in the light of the bombardment.

Every time the six huge mechanical legs are lifted up and smashed down, a pool of bloody flesh will appear on the spot. Surrounded by countless walking zombies in silence and horror, these "automatic soldiers" who still have the most basic combat awareness

"They seemed to really burst out with an emotion called "anger" under the steel shell.

They ran rampant among the disintegrating gnoll army, and even took the initiative to turn on the built-in flamethrowers on the front and rear sides, letting the thick flames ignite the ugly and fanatical barbarians as much as possible. The one among these big guys codenamed "Duke...

Moritz's dragoons were particularly violent.

Because it is the No. 1 machine, Old Flywheel added a lot of fantastic ideas to this Dragoon.

For example, the folding harvesting sickle hidden under the outer armor, and the high-voltage electric piles under the chassis are all combat-oriented devices made by engineers of the Church of the Mechanical Spirit. At this time, these were additionally added.

The destructive weapons installed were used by Dragoon 1 in an extremely brutal way.

The two folded sharp cutting scythes are like farmers mowing grass. Driven by the huge kinetic energy brought by the steam ejection, each folding ejection will cut all nearby jackals into meat paste, and once the jackals try to crawl

When Dragoon No. 1 is used for personal destruction, the protruding high-voltage electric piles will erupt with dazzling power grids, turning them into balls of coke.

Removing the obstructive crew compartment allows these steel-framed dragoons to carry more murderous weapons and make larger-capacity energy furnaces, making them full of power without having to worry about battery life. Although there are still many technical details that have not been perfected,

The results achieved by this trial version of the steel monster when it debuted were obviously satisfactory.

Even Murphy, who was immersed in the perception of power, was shocked.

After an explosion of scarlet secret energy cleared away the nearby soldiers, Murphy spread his flying wings and flew into the air, standing in the night sky with Tris, watching the fifteen mechanical dragoons like a moving war fortress.

As the army of people marched back and forth, he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"This is the destination that warriors should have. Even the journey to death should not be ordinary, let alone walking gently into the good night. This will become the new martial tradition of Transians."

"But it will also intensify the suspicion and demonization of us by idiots elsewhere."

Tris curled her lips and said:

"Now those gossips who are keen to smear the Transians have something to say. They will say that the Transians barbarians will not allow the soldiers to die, and will brutally extract the souls of the soldiers and put them into their evil machines.

Driving those poor people to continue fighting without ever being free until the day their souls are gone is the end of their near-eternal service."

"Well, in a sense, that's true."

Murphy shook his head.

He looked at the Dragoon 1 that was advancing furiously under the night. The "Duke Moritz" seemed to be a dragoon armor with great character.

It was so violent, so keen on killing gnolls, and so fond of dismembering them in the most brutal way that within ten minutes of entering the battlefield, Duke Moritz's outer armor was completely covered in blood.


It even covers its special Winter Wolf Legion-style paint job.

It's like covering up the past that it has forgotten, like declaring how much this killing machine enjoys the war at this moment.

"Will you return them to Baldwin?"

Tris asked softly:

"After all, theoretically, the combat consciousness of these dragoons belongs to the soldiers of the Winter Wolf Legion. If they can choose freely, they will also want to return to Nordtov."


Murphy replied:

"As long as the wolf girl comes to beg me in person, there is nothing that cannot be discussed in that situation. The jackals are defeated. Look, even with the gaze of the Lord of Hunting, they will still do it when faced with an existence that they cannot understand and cannot harm at all.

Feeling scared.

This fully proves that Hugersen's army is not invincible.

Our morale is recovering, right?

Soldiers will also be afraid of those dragoons, but as long as they are sure that those iron warriors are on our side, they will cheer for their slaughter and celebrate their victory.

One day, these big men of steel born from distortion will also become the symbol of Transians.

Let it rain, Trish."


The Scarlet Witch looked at the tired Murphy. She thought that Murphy wanted to use a rain to wash away the blood on his body, so she used the condensation effect of ions at high altitude to make the clouds thicken, and soon there were small raindrops falling.


But Murphy shook his head and said:

"Grow it bigger and help His Excellency Duke Moritz wash off the blood stains on its shell. Although the scene of such a bloody battle is brave, it is a bit too dishonorable for a war hero from a foreign country."

Tris curled her lips, feeling that Murphy was asking for too much.

However, she could not mercilessly refuse all the reasonable or unreasonable needs of her little cutie, so a few minutes later, a heavy rain swept across the surroundings of the lord's position.

In the rain that lasted for several minutes, Murphy in mid-air faced the dragoons on the ground.

He raised his head, opened his sword-holding arms, and let the rain falling from the sky wash away the blood on his body and armor. When he lowered his head again, he looked at the dragoons on the ground who were chasing in the rain, and the cold raindrops sprinkled on them.

Next, let them become clean again.

And in the sound of raindrops hitting the metal shell of the dragoons, in the wails of the last batch of jackals being mercilessly killed, the daunting red light spots in the V-shaped observation hole also faded little by little.

It dimmed, and the gathered raindrops dissolved the blood stains, causing trickles of red to drip down the irregular outer armor of the dragoons.

Just like a berserker who finally fell asleep peacefully after a satisfying slaughter.

They just stood on the battlefield and fell asleep, waiting for the next call to war when they were awakened.

There are endless wars and endless calls, but the dragoons will not get tired, complain, or rebel. They have been forever fixed at the moment when they died for the first time, overwhelmed by anger and despair.

The soul is dead, but the fighting spirit lives forever!

At this time, the berserker Vamu, who was struggling to resist the wave of subspace in the Kingdom of God, felt blessed for a moment.

He took the time to set his sights on his favorite Transian Arena. He could always find new things that dazzled him in this magical land, and this time was no exception.

At the risk of being stabbed by the subspace shadow, Varm saw the dragoons wreaking havoc. He couldn't understand how the dragoons moved, but that didn't matter at all!

For the berserker, what he admires is the bravery of those whose distorted wills are driven by pure rage to drive giant machines back to the battlefield!

Is there any ending more suitable for the group of barbarian berserkers under his command than this?


Not anymore!

When the berserkers in the world die, when life leaves their bodies, and when their souls ascend to the Kingdom of Wamu, their pure anger will be retained and put into an iron can by Transia that can fight forever.

Here, I will never miss any war from now on.


At this moment, Vaam burst into laughter during the difficult battle. He was so happy that the subspace shadows he faced were frightened.

Why are you laughing while riding a horse?

Most of your kingdom has been demolished by me, and you are about to become a wandering pauper god. How can you laugh in this situation?


But it doesn't understand. It can't understand what Vaam just saw. It can't understand the "eternal life of war" that Vaam has found for his followers.

His teachings are finally complete!

The one-stop service of the berserkers from birth to death was finally put together. The growth of his sect was close at hand, so there was only one thing left. How to convince Murphy to help him create more

What about an "immortal war spirit" like this?

Well, this is a serious question.


The battlefield was unusually quiet in the early morning. The exhausted soldiers after the deadly battle were lying in the medical point sleeping soundly, snoring loudly, and nothing could wake them up.

The manipulated zombies were still wandering around the position under the control of the Corpse Witch and the Knights of Hades, performing guard duties on behalf of the soldiers.

But they are still not the most eye-catching ones.

The huge dragoons parked on the position last night attracted the attention of many combat preparation personnel with their unique posture, especially those who had received orders to march all night and had just arrived at the lord's position to join the battle as a reserve team.

Lancian militiamen.

The somewhat tired Brigadier General Flanders yawned. He rode his horse and looked at the huge machines guarded by the dead with doubts. He turned to an officer beside him and asked:

"Isn't that a halfling machine? I heard that we used this kind of weapon at the Black Flame Pass position?"

"Yes, but also no."

The brigadier general's adjutant is a commander selected from the Blood Alliance servant army. He has cool mechanical legs and has experienced the attack and defense of Black Flame Pass.

Faced with the general's inquiry, the adjutant said doubtfully:

"On the surface they look the same, but the details are different. The most obvious thing is that there is no crew cabin on these walking machines. I don't understand how these big robots can move without a driver?

When I was handing over just now, I heard the excited sentry say that these big guys killed thousands of jackals in just thirty minutes last night. It is said that the position was able to be defended last night thanks to these corpses and these giant machines."

"Maybe some kind of magic?"

Flanders stroked his beard and said with a hint of speculation:

"I don't know anything about mechanics, but if the vampire's secret method is combined with steel, maybe more powerful war weapons can be created?"

"Well, this is not my field."

The adjutant shrugged, and as he followed the brigadier general to lead the troops forward, he looked back at the neat queue behind him, and finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked:

"When General Kudel asked me to join the militia with the remnants of the Blood Alliance Army, I still refused. We are all elite warriors who only came to Transia to take revenge on the Jackals. How can we mix with the militia?


But after actually seeing your Transian militia, I realized that I had thought too little.

How come the militiamen in this damn place are the same as the regular armies in other places! I feel that the organization and training of these militiamen are already comparable to the local elites in Nordtov."

"Hahaha, many people have this doubt, this is normal."

Brigadier General Flanders shook his head and said:

"Not to mention that at least one-third of the members of the militia are armed blood servants of the previous Blood Eagle Clan. They are originally regular troops. Even those strong young people who have been transferred from various administrative villages have to undergo military training every week.

A training in formation and combat skills.

In the words of those foreigners, the whole nation is a soldier. This is a characteristic of Transia, and outsiders must taste it.

Of course, if you want to continue to study all this in detail, I will give you a copy of the "New General History of Transia" compiled by the Administrative Office. After you re-understand the history of this ghost place from the perspective of the people's history,

You will know why our militia is so strong."

The general with a complicated identity paused.

He looked at the tall figure standing in front of the lord's position in the distance and seemed to never retreat, and whispered:

"Living here, not daring to draw a sword when encountering trouble is a precursor to death. If you don't fight, you will die. This is a portrayal of every Transian's life.

We are really not afraid of war!

What we are afraid of is that we will get nothing but despair after the fight, but this time is different, Transia will not admit defeat like the previous four times.

If the jackals want to step into our home, they can!

Let’s wait until they kill everyone here first.”

Having said this, the general glanced at the zombies on the battlefield again, and he added:

"And after Lord Murphy seized the power of death, the gnolls had to kill us twice. To be honest, I don't think they can do it like no one else in the world can!"

"General Kudel is here."

General Flanders' adjutant whispered a reminder and asked the brigadier to turn around. He saw that General Kudel had just finished inspecting the battlefield, escorted by a female vampire carrying a huge gun. He immediately dismounted and attacked General Kudel.

He performed the People's Army military salute and said:

"Commander of the Transian Militia, Flanders McEnt, salutes you! Your Excellency Tribune, we have been ordered to come to support the defense of the lord's position. What is our job?"

"First repair the flank trenches, which were messed up by the Jackal's raid last night, and then part of the elite will follow the substituted Sixth Regiment of the People's Army to the frontline defense area where Lord Murphy is located."

Kudel said simply:

"As for you, Brigadier General Flanders, I need you to temporarily serve as my adjutant for the next two days until the end of this three-day miracle battle."

"Three-day miracle?"

Flanders asked in surprise:

"So it was a three-day military operation? Is it the second day now?"

"Well, the next day."

Kudel said in a deep voice:

"It's not even halfway through yet, the battle damage to the position has exceeded 14,000, and a conservative estimate of 40,000 people on the Jackal side has died, but we all know that this is just the beginning! I won't hide the situation here from you.

, every next hour will be more difficult than the previous hour!

This is a three-day competition to see who can survive until the last breath.

At present, we have a better chance of winning.

Elf rangers and blood alliance knights will come to support soon. This will be the first storm gathering place on the Maginot Line of Defense. I heard about your previous experience, Brigadier General Flanders.

Next, let me see the ability of ‘Vulture Claw’.”

(End of chapter)

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