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Chapter 887 For whom is the 886 Three-Day Miracle Hall of Valor opened? (Part 2)

Chapter 887 Three-Day Miracle: Who Opened the Hall of Valor? (Part 2)

"Norman, don't do this!"

When the witch hunters rushed to the interception point, Potter was still trying to persuade his brother who had already made up his mind to die. He said in a pleading tone:

"You can, you can start a new life, there are still many houses on my farm, hell! You can move in with us, we are the only ones left in our team! Kander is dead, old Lu

Ke is dead, Shudel is dead too, we can't lose you again, Anbo will curse me to death

Don't do this! Please.

We can find a better way."

Norman just moved forward without saying a word until they saw the transport team advancing in the swamp.

More than fifty carts pulled by Los beasts were filled with boxes of dwarf explosives. Like an ugly black snake, they were about to bring more disasters to the Maginot Line. The number of transport teams was so large that

All the witch hunters who saw this scene fell silent, not counting the huge team of Bloodscar clan guarding the convoy. They saw many hunting priests riding small war vehicles in the convoy, and they only looked at the fluttering jackals.

If you look at the battle flags, you will know that they are the elite vassals of the Bloodscar clan.

Rather than saying this is a transport team, it is better to say that it is one of the main reinforcements sent to the front line by the Bloodscar clan.

This was only half of the quantity, and the other half was sent in the direction of the Crimean Fortress, which seemed to represent the destructive power of Xugersen's upcoming decisive battle against the defense line.

Now Old Potter can no longer say "find a better way".

He is a veteran.

He knew that when such a team arrived at the front line, it would definitely bring more uncontrollable variables to the already stressed lord position, which meant that he could no longer deceive himself. Norman said that this was the only way at the moment.

It indeed is.


Potter still wanted to make a last-ditch effort, but Norman had already taken off the sheathed sword from his waist. He had been fighting with this sword in the past few days, and now he handed it to Potter.

He said:

"Return this sword to Archon Miriam for me. This is a good sword. Drinking the blood of the enemy will make it sharper. After I leave, this sword can still protect the Archon.


Say sorry to her again for me.

I lied to her and said that I would definitely go back, but when I left Scarlet Castle, I knew that I couldn't go back.

For many months, I protected her in the same way I would protect my family, but it wasn't until the war happened that I realized that she was not my daughter.

As much as I hope she is.

I no longer want to experience the feeling of loss again. Potter, you see, if I don't go up now, then young people like Miriam will have to go up when it's more dangerous. This is a responsibility I can't escape.

Guys like us who have done many bad things in order to survive should perish in our own battle with the end of the Ten Years' War.

Now it's just a belated farewell.

I'm grateful that fate has given us more time to get a glimpse of what the future holds, and what I've seen and heard over the past few months has convinced me that my sacrifice is meaningful, so I don't have to feel sad about it.


The young witch hunters behind Potter witnessed this farewell.

Some sentimental guys had shed tears, and some held weapons in their hands to pay tribute to Captain Norman in a hero's farewell gesture. Of all the people, only Old Porter could not accept all this.

For others, Norman is a hero who is about to die, but for him, he is a brother who has endured ten years of war. They have been through life and death together countless times, and their relationship has long transcended the concepts of blood and friends.

He couldn't accept losing his brother today.

He grabbed Norman by the collar and asked:

"Why? You are obviously the bravest one among us. I still remember that when we were trapped in the mountains and forests of Sachs with no ammunition or food, you were the one who kept encouraging us. You said that the war will eventually end, and you said that everyone will

Can live a peaceful life!

That's what I did. I followed your description and tried to start a new life by staying away from the past, but you took the initiative to give up!"

"You have started a new life. Although you are still stumbling, I am happy for you, Potter."

Norman grabbed Porter's robotic hand, held it tightly and pulled it away. He took off his mask to reveal his badly burned face, and he said:

"You bravely took that step, but I am a coward. I have many opportunities to follow the progress of Transia like you, but I find that I can't do it every midnight.

The past is holding me back, the past is calling me.

We all lost family members in that disaster, Potter, you were strong enough to make it out but I wasn't!

In the past war, I dragged you to talk about the future because I was afraid that one day I would not be able to bear the pressure and choose to end my life in despair.

I'm not the bravest among us.

So let me live in the past and be buried with the past, while you continue to move forward over my body. My departure will bring back many things. This is the best of all the endings I have chosen for myself.


My family is waiting for me!

They have been waiting for me for ten years in the Kingdom of Avalon.

After seeing the silhouette of the future from people like Murphy and Miriam, I was finally able to convince myself to give up the persistence of suffering and devote my exhausted life to that bright future. I have been dreaming more frequently recently.


The pain always wakes me up in the middle of the night.

This may be the reason why God Avalon allows me to live until now, and this may also be the inspiration given to me by my God.

This moment is my destiny and my last battle!

I no longer do things that go against my conscience just for the sake of survival, but I make decisions based on my own determination and choice. I don’t have the slightest fear. I am no longer an accomplice of the warmongers. I choose to protect the people.

Fight for the future of more people.

They're coming!

Remember to say goodbye to Amber and Natalie for me.

Give that foreign boy a harsh word for me. We will entrust Anbo's future to him. If he dares to break his promise, I will never let him go, even if we cross the distance between two worlds.

Finally, apologize to Mr. Crow for me."

Norman turned around, took a hunter's sword and wore it on his body. As he moved towards the other side of the swamp, he whispered:

"He has been trying to save me, and he did inspire me to try to muster up courage at one time, but unfortunately, I no longer need those maxims, but maybe you can go back and listen to them, they are really useful


This is where I stop and start my journey home."

Potter raised his hand to retain him.

But the trembling mechanical hand stopped in mid-air and finally fell weakly. When Norman decided to take this step, he would never look back.


Potter cursed in extreme anger and frustration, fastened the mask in his hand, and looked back at the silent witch hunters. He roared:

"Remember him! Everyone must remember this man. This is my brother. He is now sacrificing himself for the well-being of Transia and more people. He is not a criminal or an executioner. He is our and Ah's brother.

Hero of Wallon.

What are you still doing?

The gnolls are coming, prepare to fight! Today, we will personally send these dogs here to the hell they deserve!

We will win!

We have already sacrificed so much, we must win!”

The brutal blocking battle started a few minutes later. The druids tried their best to wake up the ferocious plants and animals around them to join the fight. Coupled with the witch hunters' desperate attacks, the huge transport team stopped in place.

The barbarians and priests of the Bloodscar clan fearlessly fought against the blockers and the entire swamp in the swamp.

Perhaps the determination of the witch hunters was sensed by the God of Avalon. Today's foul swamp responds to the nature walker's call to a greater extent and intensity than in the past.

At the call of the druids, flocks of bone-crushing birds and wolf-hunting owls turned into hunting storms from high altitudes and attacked the gnoll army. The strangler vines in the muddy water were also dragging one unlucky person into the mire one after another.


The will of the swamp resonates.

The hunting priests soon discovered this, but when they called the name of the Lord of Hunting and prepared to defeat the blocking enemies with a bloody rampage, as the ground shook, the wild thorn beasts also entered the battlefield from the flanks.

Now it was certain that the gods had secretly taken action.

After all, the spells used by the druids to recruit thorn beasts had been used up in previous attacks. There is no other explanation for these thorn beasts taking the initiative to join the battle except the will of the gods.

It was under this situation that Old Norman took advantage of the chaos and approached the Jackal transport team.

He held the hunter's sword in his hand and moved forward like a ghost in the shelter of the natural atmosphere with a vigorous posture. The shouts and roars around him could not affect him. Perhaps it was a hallucination before death or a change in the spiritual level.

Every time Norman looked back, he could see his daughter's phantom following him.

Ah, she was still as beautiful as she remembered, and the smile on her face seemed to encourage this veteran to embark on the final journey.

The green seed he held tightly in his hand was beating slightly, which was a wonderful resonance with another positioning seed. This meant that the druid had sent the seed to the Goatman Astromancer, who was using two locating seeds.

The connection of natural wonders is used to confirm Norman's position at this time, so as to accurately locate the astral tear.

It is impossible to start a large-scale astral tear without preparation, but at this time, it is only necessary to send the jackal transport team into the star realm.

Norman continued to move forward, and when he raised his head, he could see that the Jackal was already summoning meteorites.

That evil rock dragged a long trail of flames into the swamp ahead. The fact that the Jackal could use such a method showed that Potter's attack was going smoothly.

But he had to quicken his pace, as Potter's small number of people wouldn't be able to stop the Jackal for long.

The veteran arrived at the center of the transport team a few minutes later, jumped into a Losmon car, hid himself in the box full of explosives, and then took out the seed and communicated through the natural wonders.

It becomes intermittent under the influence of ultra-long distance.

It is definitely impossible to communicate with this thing, its effective method is spiritual communication.

"I'm in position!"

Norman put the seed on his forehead and sent a message to the other side:

"let's start."

"What do you rude and barbaric guys think of astral tearing? A plug-and-play psychic trick? I also need time to prepare for a ritual of this level."

Goatman Bol's dissatisfied voice was transmitted in the form of mental vibrations, and he scolded:

"Once the positioning is turned on, you will be captured by the astral energy, and the jackals will also find you, but you have to persist until the ritual positioning is completed, which is estimated to take about five minutes.

But I doubt you could last five minutes in this situation.

be prepared!

Positioning begins immediately. Pull out your sword. Witch hunters and jackals are now very sensitive to astral tearing. If there is any leakage of aura, you will become their main target.

Remember, hold on for five minutes, at least!”

A few seconds later, a unique force emitted along the positioning seed in Norman's hand, locking it on Norman like a shackle, causing the old witch hunter to have the illusion of twinkling stars in front of his eyes.

He even saw a lonely city floating in the dead star realm in the illusion of a few breaths.

However, the illusion then dissipated amidst the roaring sounds around him. Norman immediately pulled out his hunter sword and his combat pistol. He knew that the jackals were coming, and the consequences of jumping out to fight with them would definitely not be too bad.

Okay, I have to think of something.

Then, Norman looked at the pistol in his hand and then at the dwarf explosives piled around him.

In fact, the jackals did not take any safety measures. They temporarily removed the fuses of the explosives to prevent them from being quietly ignited by some bad thing. However, since the players used things like Molotov cocktails, the witch hunters would always use them when taking action.

Bring this thing with you.

The priests noticed that the chilling astral aura was spreading around the convoy. They screamed and asked the barbarians to immediately find the bastard hiding in the convoy. The capable blood-scarred warriors immediately took action.

But as they approached the car, a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the sky and exploded from the air after a gunshot was fired.

The burning flames poured down like rain, and as the jackals and warriors watched in horror, they all sprinkled on the small mountain of explosives and supplies contained in the truck compartment.

The fire is burning, and the dwarves' explosives are waiting. If these things that were created to fight the Black Disaster could speak, then they would definitely express with unlucky faces that they would rather rot in the dwarves' mines than be killed by the gnolls.

Use it.

The explosives are actually also accumulating their anger, waiting for this moment. When the temperature brought by the flames reaches a certain limit, the creations of the dwarves also "cheer",


Fuck these stupid jackals!


Flames soaring into the sky exploded from the middle of the transport convoy. The burst of fire instantly swept in the Jackals who were unable to escape. Old Norman, who was hiding aside, was thrown into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion and fell down while rolling continuously.

Then, he fell into the burning fire in a panic.

He couldn't move anymore.

My legs seemed broken and my brain was buzzing. It was probably a concussion.

But the flames and explosions continued to make it impossible for the Jackals to get close to this place, so they gained five minutes.

The flames were rolling and licking his body, making Norman lying in the fire feel like he had returned to the day when Greene Island burned. He was walking madly through the fire, looking for the ignited home.

Then he held his daughter's cold body in the flames and screamed in despair.

The burns on his face and body were the marks of that desperate day.

A trace of pain.

It is said that before a person dies, there will be a revolving door reflecting his life in front of his eyes. Norman can prove this is true with practical actions.

The fire burned him again, just like that night ten years ago.

But compared to the pain at that time, he could only feel a strange warmth from the flames at this moment, just like the birthday that Miriam and other Archon guards celebrated for him last month.

Just like the candlelight when lit on a cake, it only feels warm.

That was the first time I felt at a loss after losing everything, and it was also the first time I shed tears that were no longer caused by cowardice and pain but by other emotions.

Memories from two different periods tumbled before Norman's confused eyes in an intertwined and superimposed way. He had once stepped onto the battlefield due to disaster, but when he stepped into the same river for the second time, what drove him forward was

It’s definitely not a regret from the past.

Maybe Dr. Crow's treatment was actually successful.

Although not in the way that the foreigner who was looking forward to saving his soul wanted to see, Norman has indeed walked out of the past. This is not only a farewell to life, but also a farewell to those pains and regrets.

He just used a more decisive and explosive way to welcome the new life, even if this new life only lasted a few months.

Even if it's only a second.

As he said to Potter, this war should be fought by people who belong to the previous era. If they don't come, Miriam and the young people will come to fight, but those who are full of confidence in life will

Young people belong to the future, and they should not be consumed in a war destined to say goodbye to the past.

A purple energy arc bloomed in front of Norman's eyes.

He could see a black mark cracking in the swamp sky, and could hear the terrified screams of the jackals around him.

So he laughed heartily while surrounded by the fire. After all, he did not make the same mistake. After all, he used his own hands to protect something. The war would not turn into the worst scenario, and victory seemed to have changed.

The future is promising.

Then sleep in this purple arc of light and warm flames, and relax and sleep without regrets for the first time.

Norman could feel the filthy spiritual energy from the star realm breaking through the cracks in the plane from high altitude and splashing down, and then began to roll back in a very short period of time. He could feel himself being swept high into the sky like a kite in the wind.

Finally drowned in the dead sea of ​​stars.

"Hello! Hello? Can you still hear me?"

At this moment, the voice of Boll, the goat man who dared to do anything but good deeds, sounded in Norman's heart again. It said:

"This crying Druid next to me has been begging me to find a way to save you. Maybe he was infected by your heroic spirit. Congratulations on getting a little fan girl with scars on her face, although I can't understand it at all.

It's such a noble feeling, but it's not impossible to save you.

I just happened to take on a mission here, which requires a determined enough warrior to go deep into the star realm as a more accurate reference coordinate.

I'll send you there."

"No need! I don't want to live anymore. I'm already very tired."

Norman refused decisively, but then the goat man sneered harshly and said:

"Have I ever given you the right to refuse? What are you refusing blindly? I'm just telling you to write down what you need to do. Even if your body is smashed over there, I can still locate it. So if you want to die, remember to drop it after a while.

Give yourself a sword when you enter the astral realm.

I'm a pragmatic goat person.

From the time I was born to now, whenever I encounter a desperate situation, I will do whatever it takes to survive. I really can’t figure out why you hypocritical guys are actively seeking death. You are not even afraid of death when you are riding a horse. Are you still afraid of living?


Hypocritical witch hunter, after you fall into the star realm, the descendants of the wanderers will pick you up. This process of crossing the star realm can only be completed by those hard-core ruthless people who are not afraid of death.

You just don't want to live anymore, so you are the best 'messenger' I can find.

When you successfully enter the city that is about to be sent into subspace, your positioning mission is completed, and you can live or die as you please.

But there are some subspace scoundrels in that city causing trouble, and Lord Murphy doesn't want to see those unappetizing things when the city returns to the material world.

You are a hunter, and it is your job to search for and sniff out your prey.

So, remember to finish your work first and then die, okay?"


This chapter has been completed!
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