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Chapter 898 897 The undefeated city will always face failure and is impregnable

Chapter 898 897. An undefeated city will always face failure. Impregnability has always been a curse.

On the third day after the battle at the Lord's Position, which was the twelfth day after the Maginot Line began, in his dilapidated but majestic position full of victory, he had just recovered from various post-war matters that would never be finished.

Murphy, who was temporarily away, received an invitation.

That was an invitation sent from the Crimean Fortress.

It was personally signed by General Baldwin, and also had the emblem of the Winter Wolf Church and the seal of the Cardinal Archbishop of Kakhovka.

Just by looking at the size of the letter, one could tell that it held extraordinary significance. After opening it and reading a few sentences, Murphy, who had already packed his bags and prepared for a quick trip, frowned.

"What's going on with these Nords?"

He complained to Adele beside him:

"Why do they hold a big purification ceremony and invite other commanders on the battlefield to watch the ceremony? Isn't this inappropriate ceremony a bit too full? Or do they actually have other plans?"

"It is said that the Nords were inspired by the action of the Lord's position to use the power of the gods to cleanse the evil gods. They also plan to take the same action. I got the exact news. After the purification ceremony, Kree

The defenders of the wooden fortress will launch a major counterattack against the gnolls.

General Baldwin wanted to invite other commanders to witness the counterattack and to boost the morale of the soldiers there who had been having a bad time lately."

Adele, who always seems very reliable, explained:

"Actually, this letter is just an excuse for you. As you saw in the letter, it is very clear that you are inviting the undead heroes who commanded Transia to attend the ceremony. General Baldwin obviously hopes that he will be able to gain victory during his army's major counterattack.

Assistance from foreign players who made a splash in the battle at the lord's camp.

But the old-school soldier didn't say so."

"Well, it is indeed very reserved. Even asking for help has to go through a few twists and turns. This formalistic style is really going to kill people. However, considering that the Crimean Fortress has been stormed by Hugersen and his troops recently, I can basically understand Baldwin.

General's needs and pressures.

But unfortunately, I have another thing to do and I can’t put it off any longer.”

Murphy placed the invitation on the table and ordered Adele:

"Please Tris and Kudel lead the players of the Loyal Hymn and Hammer and Sickle regiments to attend the ceremony on my behalf. It's getting late, and it's time for me to set off.

After all, the 100,000 people in Cadman City have been waiting in the star realm for nine months for the Lord’s rescue, and there is no reason for them to continue waiting.”


Adele nodded and summoned a subordinate from the Shadow Intelligence Agency to forward the invitation to Grand Duke Tris. Murphy also sent an invitation to the players on the ground to go to the Crimean Fortress to witness Nord.

The tasks of a person's purification ritual.

After doing all this, he took Adele to Wolf's Castle and from there entered the swamp forbidden area, and then came to the R-9 base through the teleportation network of the Land of Creation.

Because the decisive battle of the Maginot Line has arrived, the players stationed here have already gone to the battlefield. Some of the vampires from Bonnie's Grand Duke's Guard are stationed here, and the rest are researchers.

When Murphy arrived, the amnesiac sentinel Monica, who had not seen her for more than half a month, was waiting in front of the teleportation array with her two apprentices, Lao Feilun and Xiao Sharon. Also here were those who had already listened to the advice.

Sister Cement, who changed her race to become a blood vulture, and the goat-man villain Astromancer Bol, who always behaved very humbly.

This is the next member who will assist Murphy in completing the Cadman City rescue.

"Have all the preparations been completed?"

Murphy didn't talk nonsense and asked directly:

"How is the transformation of the energy cabin of the base going? What are the results of the coordinate calculation of the astral mapping?"

"The energy cabin transformation has been completed."

Monica is still dressed in a classic style. Although she has changed into an engineer outfit that matches the style of this era, the cool sentry maintenance belt is still hanging around her waist. She is like a cool and sassy female mechanic. She is full of confidence.

Full answer to:

"I replaced the energy valve and implemented overload protection. Now the creation energy of R-9 base can change according to the frequency of your special power release. However, after calculating the residual energy, after the subspace rift is closed this time,

The remaining energy of this base will enter the dangerous threshold.

You have to find the special type of battery rods used in the energy cabin from elsewhere, otherwise many basic functions of this base will be shut down due to lack of energy."

"That thing sounds very rare, so where can I find it?"

Murphy asked, and Monica immediately replied:

"I don't know the location of the Land of Creation in this era, but I guess there must be a lot of spare energy rods in the Creation Engine of the Land of Origin."

"Well, I understand. If you want to go with me to a place that has inherited many relics of creation in this era, that's no problem. As long as the project at hand is successfully completed, everything will be fine."

Murphy nodded and looked at Bol again. The cunning and evil Goatman Astromancer would feel deeply honored to be able to participate in Lord Murphy's great cause.

Of course, this guy has no idea about the glorious rescue of the 100,000 people who are drifting in the star world. His excitement comes purely from the wonderful and powerful knowledge of creation that is open to him in the R-9 base, and from the fact that he finally got it.

Governor Murphy's trust was allowed to participate in this level of clandestine planning.

Faced with Murphy's questioning eyes, Boll immediately replied:

"I sent a warrior who was determined to die to the Star Boundary as our 'living body positioning'. He successfully arrived in Cadman City a few days ago. With the location information of that warrior, we can accurately capture Cadman City.

Manchester City's movement in the star realm.

And the cement lady under your command is amazingly talented in mapping formula calculations. Not only did she help me complete the relative position calculation of the city, she even calculated a perfect action time window for us by improving the mapping formula algorithm.


Bol unreservedly praised the cement beside him, and the new vampire also showed a modest expression.

She took over the conversation and said:

"The astral mapping calculation formula used on the mainland is old and has not been updated for hundreds of years, making it full of intolerable flaws. I just updated it in some details using topological models and chaos algorithms.

However, my cooperation with Master Bol did calculate the most suitable time window to bring Cadman City back to the material world.

Just seven hours later, the mapping between the astral world and the material world will enter a special stable cycle. In the next forty-five minutes, you can disrupt the city by interfering with the space system through the existing subspace rifts.

Being sent into orbit in the subspace region.

At that time, it only needs to continuously apply interference to specific coordinates to pull Cadman City closer to Transia.

The Goatman's apprentices in the town in the filthy swamp have already prepared a large-scale astral pulling ceremony. After receiving the message, they will pull and locate the astral objects at a specific location. That city

Then you can return to the material world through the window."

"Well, I don't understand, but I feel like your plan is very reliable."

Murphy blinked and asked again:

"So, where is your new location for Cadman City?"

"According to your request, it cannot be too close to the mainland of Transia before the hidden dangers are eliminated, but it cannot be out of our control. Therefore, after coordination with many parties, we decided to put Cadman City near the Black Flame Pass."

Boll took out a map, pointed to the circles on it and explained to Murphy:

"Because the great tearing of the star realm you carried out at the Black Flame Pass resulted in a dimensional rift there that we can exploit, and its passage is wide enough to allow a city to enter and exit, so that we don't have to take the risk of re-opening.

Carrying out astral tearing can also allow Cadman City to shoulder the responsibility of blocking key roads in your black disaster strategy.

Once the city falls on the Black Flame Pass position, it can re-form a front line blockade with Fort Courage, and the 100,000 people inside are all soldiers you can use.

The most important thing is that the astral aura on the Black Flame Mountain Pass position dissipates very slowly. Letting Cadman City, which has been in the astral realm for nine months, fall there, it can give life to those in the city that have been completely changed by the astral realm.

A little adaptation period to prevent them from being unable to withstand the constraints of the material world and causing problems of this kind."

"Wait a minute, I'll consult a professional."

Murphy repeated Bol and Cement's plan to Tris who was far away at the Maginot Line through quantum communication. After listening, the Scarlet Witch thought for a moment and answered:

"Very solid thinking. The only question is whether the new formula they used is reliable? I will seize the time to check it and give you a reply in thirty minutes at most. But for now, it seems that this plan is very mature and I can't find fault with it.


This Bol is indeed a genius in this area."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Murphy hung up the communication, turned around and said to the people in front of him:

"Then let us start the final preparations. In seven hours, we will bring Cadman City, which has been away from us for nine months, back to the material world. At the same time, we will seal off this subspace that has existed for more than a thousand years but is still dangerous.


The Jackals thought that the Maginot Line had all the drama it could play, but Hugersen would never have guessed that not only could it summon the Splitclaw clan from the Dark Mountains as reinforcements, we Transia also had our own 'shaking method'


The return of Cadman City and its hundreds of thousands of tough men will be the real turning point in this Black Disaster battle. After they bring the power of the stars to re-seal the Black Flame Pass position, Hugersen and his jackals will

There is nowhere to escape.

By then, this black disaster will have come to an end."

Everyone nodded in unison, and they followed Murphy's gaze towards the subspace hole on the fourth floor of the base that had been suppressed by the Beta program for thousands of years. This monster-like thing like the Eye of Evil was shocking no matter when they looked at it.

human heart.

In this silence, the amnesiac sentry Monica whispered to Murphy:

"While transforming the energy cabin of the base during this period, I suddenly discovered that the Beta program was constrained into a sealed posture. In addition to the modification of the energy cabin itself, there is also a positioning and assisting constraint on the other side of the subspace rift.


That should have been delivered by me personally more than a thousand years ago.

Although we can ignore the device and forcibly seal the crack, if possible, I still hope that you can put a little effort into recycling that thing when sealing the crack."

"So what the hell is that?"

Murphy said in surprise:

"Being able to persist in the chaotic region of subspace for more than a thousand years without being corroded sounds impressive."

"That's it!"

Monica rubbed her eyebrows and said with some distress:

"I really can't remember what I threw into the opposite side, but its ability to resist subspace pollution for more than a thousand years fully demonstrates its preciousness. Maybe it is the Creator's treasure held by the Sentinel Legion.

So whether it's public or private, getting it back will definitely be helpful for our future actions, and this job is completely fatal for others, but your special Omega program allows you to do it easily.

Of course, I am just making a suggestion, and it is up to you to decide how to proceed."

"Ha! Do you think a greedy guy like me would miss a treasure chest that sounds very powerful during such an important plot advancement?"

Murphy smiled, took out his cool mechanical pocket watch, checked the time, and set a seven-hour countdown. He said:

"When the time comes, you give me a precise location, and I will definitely get it back."

"Uh, this thing in your hand is the activation key of a starship. It looks like it's a small or medium-sized starship. How could you have such an outrageous thing?"

"As a 20-year-old administrator, is there anything wrong with having a cool starship as a means of transportation?"

"No problem! No problem at all, but if you have a starship in your hand, you can become the king of the world in this era. Why do you still have to worry about a black disaster?"

"I found out why you, a Sentinel, talk like this and poke people's lungs? How about we change the topic. By the way, you were the scientific and technological officer of the subspace cruiser of the Sentinel Legion. Therefore, you must be able to repair starships.


"Oh, I just understand a little bit."


"The purification ceremony will begin in four hours! Please move to the reception room of the Crimean Fortress to rest first. The fortress is currently in a state of war readiness, so please do not enter the war zone at will."

At the easternmost end of the Maginot Line, Tribune Kudel wore ceremonial armor and led nearly three hundred players to the appointment on time.

The escort sent by General Baldwin guided them into the fortress and told them some rules before leaving to receive others. Putting aside the curiosity of the players, Kudel himself looked very serious.

Although Mrs. Trish stayed at the command post because she had temporarily received an important job before departure, Kudel was also well-informed. He looked out in the reception room reserved for the Transians and noticed

The red priests walking back and forth in the fortress.

These are all elite members of the Church of the Winter Wolf. Judging from their numbers, the scale of General Baldwin's upcoming counterattack must be staggering.

A few minutes later, while the players were discussing the taste of various dried fruits and refreshments provided by the Yankees, the special Winter Wolf God's Chosen Iron Fist Turner walked into the room wearing a very formal priest's robe.

He whispered to Kudel:

"Archbishop Artyom is conducting the final inspection of the Great Purification Ceremony. This ritual connects the divine power of our god to completely wash away all forces with dark tendencies, and vampires will also be affected.

Therefore, when the ceremony begins, you and the warriors of the Blood Eagle Clan can go to a specially arranged location to watch the ceremony."

"Thank you for taking care of the vampire's feelings despite your busy schedule."

Kudel smiled and then asked:

"So, this viewing ceremony organized by General Baldwin is actually a swearing-in ceremony, right? After cleaning up the power of the Lord of the Hunt scattered on the battlefield, the Winter Wolf Legion will attack on all fronts?"

"Well, that's true."

Turner nodded and replied:

"This is Archbishop Artyom's suggestion. The venerable servant of God noticed that the morale of the defenders in the fortress was a little low, so he prepared to impose a high-standard on Su's people while the purification ceremony was going on.

Blessings of war, to help our soldiers complete this necessary counterattack!

We will definitely drive the gnolls from the front line of the fortress today, just like Lord Murphy achieved a great victory on his position, giving the gnolls a fierce blow."

"But I heard from some professionals that the gods have not been able to respond directly to prayers in the material world recently. This may prove that the gods are not making progress on their battlefield."

Kudel said slightly worriedly:

"Will conducting such a large-scale divine communication ceremony at this time cause some unexpected consequences?"


Turner hesitated and said:

"I asked the God of the North Wind for instructions on this ceremony before and got a clear answer. Su did not stop it but told us that we need to be prepared to prevent changes.

To be honest, Artyom is not the only red archbishop in the Crimean Fortress. The North Wind Cathedral has secretly sent three archbishops and thirty Winter Wolf Sword Masters here to prevent accidents.


"Well, if it's such a proper arrangement, then I'll have no problem."

Kudel nodded and no longer questioned.

On the other side, in the gnoll position in the filthy swamp, Xu Gesen looked at the Crimean Fortress in the distance.

It played with the wolf fang pendant in its hand and then looked back at the large group of elites behind it who were ready to go and the hunting priests who were preparing to cast spells further away. It knew that at this moment, the rat people of the Black Servant clan had quietly dug in from the ground.

Arriving close to the fortress.

They carry enough explosives to blow down the gates of the Crimean fortress.

But whether they are jackals, ratmen or those stupid kobolds, they are not the protagonists of today's battle. They are just supporting roles in a grand ceremony.

"Oh, the unbreakable wall? The Brass Fortress boasted so before, but what will be its end?"

Xu Gesen sneered and said:

"Today, I can appreciate your collapsed posture."

(End of chapter)

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