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Chapter 914 913 Warmaster Murphy defeated the Chosen One Xu Gesen! Ou

Chapter 914: Warmaster Murphy defeated Xu Gesen, the Chosen One! Ouye - Monthly Ticket Plus Updates [810]

The flow of the Omega program followed Murphy's flying blade to form a subspace suppression barrier covering the war zone. Anyone with dirty power who entered it would be severely weakened to the point where he would not even recognize it.

However, the same method cannot be effective for the second time on the chosen one.

In other words, the divine power given to Xugesen by the Lord of the Hunt has indeed been weakened to the extreme, but this time, the Jackal Overlord did not fall into the dilemma of being beaten by Murphy because of this weakening. The new weapon it forged for itself is in this battleground.

An explosion of power that does not belong to the Lord of Hunting but is still powerful.

The warhammer named Claw Splitter had accumulated enough anger in the previous battles. The broken horn from the Bloodhorn Pad embedded inside was fully awakened, and masses of crimson war power wrapped around the weapon.

Infused into the hands of the hammer wielder, strange phantoms symbolizing war were formed, filling the void of weakness in Xu Gesen's body.

This is the symbol of Bloodhorn Pad. It is a gift from the fallen god of war, Thioguk. It is also the missing power that the berserker Varmu has always wanted to get. Unfortunately, Pad is unwilling to show his face to the ancient demigod.

The "upstart god" the Berserker surrendered, so Vaam could only drool at the sight of this power.

With the berserker's style of doing things, if Pad dares to be so disrespectful, he will definitely be repaired severely. At least, his other horn will be severely broken off, turning it into a "broken horn" Pad. But the problem is

, although Pad is arrogant, he is not brainless. After the fall of Suoguk, it found a home for itself. Today Pad is a dependent of Gaia, the Mother Goddess of the Earth. With Gaia’s style of protecting calves, ordinary people

If Wam dares to bully her own Niu Niu, she will definitely take action to give this junior like Wam a good look!

At this time, what is given by the claw-splitting warhammer is the most orthodox divine power of war. This thing has an order-neutral nature and will not be suppressed and weakened by the Omega Program.

It was only then that Murphy truly realized the oppressive power that a chosen one should have.

Xu Gesen used the battlefield killing technique from the King of Bone Grinders. Every time he swung the hammer, he opened and closed to attack instead of defending. The fury was extremely difficult to resist, and the other material of the Claw Splitter made this guy feel powerful every time he swung the weapon.

It can induce swirling thunder to paralyze the opponent, making the combat zone between the two seem to be wrapped in wild lightning.

Anyone who dares to get close will be washed away by nature's most angry force.

Just now, a few young players who were too "loyal" and wanted to block the sword of the respected Lord Murphy just rushed over, but they were hit by thunder and performed a health bar disappearing spell on the spot, and went offline without saying a word.

Players now know that this battle is obviously of a "CG" nature. As we all know, a third person other than the protagonist and the enemy is not allowed to appear in the cutscenes of this kind of duel!

Didn’t you see that even Lady Tris had to stay away?

But this puts Murphy, who is trapped in the "fighting cage", in danger. Facing a golden man who will not be weakened by him, Murphy, who has just risen to silver, can't even say that he can win, but he can save his life.

I guess he was good at cheating.

This situation was so threatening that even Lao Qin called for the "Murphy's Hammer" on the battlefield where he was helping Su pull out the Filthy Blade, hoping to use high-altitude bombing to help Mr. Murphy escape from danger. However, in fact, no players considered it.

It's so dangerous. Although Murphy is indeed unable to defeat the violent Xu Gesen, he can't defeat him and has no power to fight back.

You Xu Gesen has the power of war that you borrowed from Pad, so wouldn’t I, Murphy, be able to print cards on the spot?

"Kulkan, help me!"

Murphy decisively called for foreign aid as soon as the battle started. The Sun Knife in his hand suddenly burst out with golden sun fire, shaping it into a longer sword along the edge of the obsidian hunting blade. The Assault Light Sword in his other hand also turned on.

After being overloaded three times, it directly enters the "decomposition of all things" state.

The on-the-spot "Swastika" of the two special weapons brought the handsome vampire's destructive power to a point where it was equal to or even exceeded Hugerson's.

This is the advantage brought by pursuing equipment quality. Although it is not enough to eliminate the disadvantages, you can't expect too much now. The rest is left to your own honed skills!

After all, Murphy also knows very well that he does not need to win, he only needs to wait until the "real plug-in appears". Although this feels a bit ungrateful, you, Xu Gesen, a gold-level God's Chosen, come to fight with me.

Does a handsome vampire who has just arrived in Shirogane have martial ethics to fight in a duel?


Why don't you go and challenge Lord Paying?

It’s not just about watching people order food!

Bah, vile!


The "scratching" of the splitting claw war hammer and the blazing sun knife caused the two divine powers to collide with each other in the explosion. The golden sky fire and the red anger mixed together and turned into a shock ring of energy that swept across the surroundings. The AOE damage alone was scratched this time.

Murphy lost one-fifth of his health, and although he quickly recovered, it made him realize that continuing to defend passively would only lead to a dead end.

So I simply made up my mind, mobilized the power of silver, and rushed forward. Since I knew I couldn't beat him, I just gave it a try. It was regarded as the first test of combat effectiveness after being promoted to silver.

There is no need to feel any pressure, just perform your best to the end.

Driven by this mentality, the blood aura surrounding Murphy's body becomes more and more agile. As his attack posture continues to change, when using the swordsmanship of different families, the blood aura will simulate the core strength of different families.

This gives Murphy special power bonuses from different vampire bloodlines, and also allows him, a blood vulture swordsman, to adopt the styles of different clans when using the secret techniques of other families.

The midnight killers of the Thorn clan, such as Phantom, are used to attack, and the dexterous ghosts such as Shani are used to fight in their place. Even their breath is covered and they can even freely walk and jump in the shadows. They are fast enough to imitate the flying thunder god's attack that comes and goes without a trace.

He uses the sword of punishment of the Blood Alliance clan to block attacks from the front. He is as calm and tenacious as if he was possessed by Palano. Every swing of the sword will trigger the echo of the power of condemnation, allowing Xu Gesen to be punished by his own sin even if he blocks the sword slash.

judgment and punishment.

This is real damage that cannot be exempted.

Hunting around with the night blade swordsmanship of the Blood Terror clan, he is both offensive and defensive, just like Barbro crossing the sea. Every contact and every stroke across the body will snatch a trace of power from Xu Gesen and apply it to himself through the transfer of the sword blade. It is really

It's like the greedy pirate who doesn't want to give up any of his gains.

The core strength of the blood eagle clan was strengthened by the blood aura, which made Murphy faster and faster. In less than two minutes of attacking, Murphy's movement speed and attack speed were twice as fast as before.

Breaking through at three times the speed, he even pulled out three phantoms out of thin air because he moved too fast, just like four Murphys besieging Xu Gesen at the same time.

This scene made Tris rub her eyes in the sky. For a moment, she really thought that Murphy might have used some kind of magic to "invite" Salokdar to "get up". This kind of fast and stormy fighting style

Isn’t that what the old patriarch is good at?

Onlookers thought it was outrageous, but the enemies faced head-on were even more troublesome. At first, the Hunter God's Chosen thought that Murphy was trapping the beast to fight. After all, you are just a mere silver, and if you can block ten of my moves except for destroying the plug-ins, you are considered powerful.

, but I didn’t expect that the more I beat, the more frightened I became.

Murphy is a bastard who always likes to cheat and torture people. If he can kill him instantly, he will not put any effort into it. Over time, it gives others the illusion that "Murphy is not good at duels", but it turns out that the Creator God's Chosen One can do it without cheating.

The situation is just as magical.

Especially when this guy was holding two weird weapons that could easily break through divine protection, his lethality was simply stretched to a shocking level.

It's like dancing on the tip of a knife.

Murphy would be seriously injured if he was hit hard by Xu Gesen, but on the other hand, if Xu Gesen was unlucky and pierced through the heart with his Sun Knife, he would also be seriously injured.


The Chosen One holds a war hammer and uses airtight defense to continuously block Murphy's seventeen high-speed swords. In the midst of lightning and flint, it decisively activates its Golden Rule.

It's really humiliating to have to use your core strength to deal with a Silver, but considering that the opponent is Murphy, it seems that all the humiliation is rationalized.

The Lord of Hunting strengthened the hunting sense activated by the Chosen One, and the auras and tactics that could not be caught just now flooded into Xu Gesen's heart, allowing him to capture Murphy's attack trajectory like a prophet, and turned backward to avoid the Fierce Sun Knife.

pierced through the heart, and then struck forward with a charged strike like lightning before the assault lightsaber pierced the heart.


Amidst the thunderous noise, Murphy was knocked out of his high-speed movement. The flying bats exploded on the spot and regrouped further away. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief from the experience of just passing by death.

Then, he saw a war hammer thrown by Xu Gesen, which was wrapped in lightning and struck him.

With a bang, Murphy was knocked down on the spot, and the long blood bar suddenly bottomed out.

he died.

The next second, the reverse flow of time allowed him to return to his prime state in the rotation of the khaki flowing hourglass.

Xu Gesen stepped forward to attack with his bare hands. The roar from behind made him jump forward to avoid the vicious sneak attack of Necessary Evil. The bloodthirsty demon blade turned deftly in the air and continued to attack, but was punched by Xu Gesen who jumped up.

It hit the sword and flew away with a buzz.

"It's great that you can be resurrected! This allows me to enjoy the feeling of squeezing you to death several times."

Xu Gesen grabbed the war hammer, rounded it, and smashed it down again. The cold wind and frozen soil cracked the ground, allowing Murphy to spread his wings and fly into the air. He also used the acceleration of the heaven and the slowness of the star to move himself fast enough again.

It has been elevated to a point where it is completely uncaptureable, like a scarlet storm swirling around the sluggish Hugersen.

During that true, thousand-blow-in-a-moment attack, it used its war hammer to protect the fatal spot, curled up and swallowed all of Master Mo's scraping attacks.

Fighting, that's it.

If you pursue speed, you cannot take into account strength. If you want to have speed and strength at the same time, your overstretched body will definitely not be able to hold on for too long. Master Mo chose speed this time, but the power of the weapon in his hand is enough to defeat him in this sharp blade storm.

Xu Gesen's hunting armor was quickly broken, and he seized the opportunity to stab Xu Gesen in the back of the heart.

Good news, the Assault Lightsaber pierced in, and the exaggerated effect of the disintegrating blade shattered Xu Gesen's heart in an instant.

Bad news, this guy is a Gnoll, and as we all know, Gnolls have two hearts.

"Got you!"

Xu Gesen, who endured the severe pain, finally seized this perfect opportunity to strike the second blow. The divine power of war gathered on the war hammer like an evil ghost and struck at the door, beheading Murphy.

With a bang, nearly 90° of the front area where the warhammer landed was destroyed by one blow. The brutal destructive power of the Golden One was clearly demonstrated at this moment. The ground was several meters down and blasted out in a red rage in a crumbling posture.

An impact-type triangular pit was created, and the scattered soil that was thrown away hit the surroundings like hailstones, and an unlucky rat man was shot in the head.

This also made the players who were videotaping around them sweat for their handsome mainline NPC in shock. This exaggerated destructive power has already matched that of a real Forklift Man. Isn’t the force of this attack more than dozens of tons?


Is this really what flesh and blood creatures can achieve? The common sense of biology taught by the junior high school teacher failed at this moment!

The power of this blow was so powerful that the blood-horned Pad, who was hiding in the star world and peeping, couldn't help but exclaim. Apart from Xu Gesen's dark and evil identity, Pad felt that his horn was used by this mighty guy.

It's not like I'm humiliating myself.

At this time, Xu Gesen, who was in severe pain and anger, had transformed into a ghost-like figure, shook off the blood on his body, strode to the impact crater with his war hammer, and looked at Murphy lying inside.

Miraculous Murphy is not dead yet!

In other words, after the second death, as the bottle of resurrection quietly shattered, Murphy once again returned to his prime, but this time he seemed to recognize the gap between the two in strength, skills and absolute strength.

, decisively chose where to fall and lie down.

Is this guy showing off?

Xu Gesen frowned. This was not the Murphy he remembered, and there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating such an enemy!

"stand up!"

The Chosen One placed the warhammer on the ground and whispered:

"Murphy, stand up! Keep getting beaten!"

"Thank you for the invitation, but I think this is good. You know, I always have to spend some time to save up my energy bar before launching the decisive blow."

Murphy responded using onomatopoeic techniques, with a hint of teasing and relaxation.

This response made Xu Gesen feel bad. Fearing that something might change, he jumped into the pit with his warhammer in hand. But at the same time, a strange whistle fell from high in the sky, causing other people on the battlefield to look up.

They saw a huge black iron can plummeting from the air, loaded by three super-large jetpacks that looked like thrusters.

That thing was extremely heavy. It quickly exceeded the speed of sound as the flight pack continued to accelerate, and brought a burning thermal barrier fire in the air like a falling meteor, heading towards the large triangular pit where Murphy and Xu Gesen were.

Smash it down.

Xu Gesen, who was about to execute him, also raised his head at this moment. He saw the huge storage tank falling continuously. The weight of the thing and the impact it had at this time was no less than that of a small meteorite, even if it was gold.

The reader cannot just bear a direct blow from this kind of thing.

He probably wouldn't have died unless he was too unlucky, but there is no doubt that he would have lost his arms and legs.

It can either retreat now or risk serious injury to kill Murphy. It has less than two seconds left to think. Maybe it can

"You don't think you can kill me in 2 seconds and jump out unscathed, do you? Don't be so greedy, you can only choose one!"

Murphy held the Sun Blade and the Sentinel Sword tightly. His tone was relaxed, like a bad villain who dug a big pit and waited for people to jump in. He licked the obsidian hunting blade to quell the flames with a very perverted movement, his eyes twinkling.

With the blood light of "I have the advantage", he said:

"Also, let's take a guess, how many times can I be resurrected?"


These words made Xu Gesen make a choice immediately, and he turned around and jumped out without hesitation.

The big black can hit the pit behind it with a loud bang, like a real meteorite falling to the ground and picking up millions of smoke and dust, causing the ground to shake and even the wind and snow drifting in the air to swirl angrily.

Xu Gesen raised his arms to block the sand and gravel flying towards him.

At this moment, he had a premonition that he might have been fooled by the vampire's pretense. Just now, he had lost his only chance to kill Murphy and lost it forever.

It stared straight ahead, holding the warhammer in its hand tightly in the wind and snow.

The strange sound of mechanical operation then sounded in the black storage tank half buried underground. This time, the Chosen One did not hesitate, picked up the warhammer and rushed in against the storm of sand. Then there was a dazzling thunder light where the visibility was extremely low.

It lights up in the environment, accompanied by the impact of giant objects and bursts of fire.

The surrounding players held their breath, they had a premonition that the real big scene was about to come.

Murphy did not let them down, just as he never let his little players down in every moment in the past.

A few seconds later, with a muffled sound, a big man was hit hard with a shot put. Xu Gesen, who was disgraced and slapped with panda eyes, rolled over and landed on the ground in a prone position.

On the cracked earth.

It panted heavily and looked at the huge figure appearing in the wind-snow-wrapped sand in front of it with an unbelievable gaze.

The latter stepped forward like a scarlet steel knight, stretched out his five steel fingers and inserted them into the swirling sand storm in front of him. Then he clasped his fingers and tore them apart with all his might. In the collision of the mechanical modules, the surrounding wind and sand were forcibly torn apart.

tear apart.

The heavy and solemn Warmaster's armor made its debut amidst the screams and cheers of the surrounding players like a collective climax.

Murphy also played a trick. At the moment when he tore through the sand and frost and stood on the broken frozen soil, the iron thorn ring on the Warmaster's head suddenly stood up, and his hands twitched together.

, pulled out two heavy-duty scarlet chain swords from behind.

He looked at Xu Gesen who stood up in front of him, kicked forward with his left foot, and kicked back the thunder-wrapped claw-splitting war hammer under his feet, which was then caught in Xu Gesen's hand.

The two guys, one big and one small, just looked at each other, and the atmosphere was so heavy that even the cold wind blowing around made them scream in fear.

"Did you feel good just now? I hope you feel good, because the second round begins!"

Murphy's voice with a hint of coldness sounded from the loudspeaker from under the armor. He took the initiative to close the Omega program, allowing the weakened Xu Gesen to quickly restore the power link of the Lord of Hunting, allowing the Chosen One to also

Restored to its full glory.

The Iron Knight said:

"bring it on!

Defeat me on behalf of your evil god!

Destroy me on behalf of your black plague!

Challenge me on behalf of your beliefs!

I am the Guardian, I am the Avenger, I am the Flawless, and I am Murphy! As long as you defeat me, you and your god can set foot on my land without any worries.

bring it on!

Defeat me any way you like"


This chapter has been completed!
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