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Chapter 918 917 Burn! Mossy Valley

Chapter 918 Burn! Mossy Valley

Basically at the same time that the Crimean Fortress collapsed, the priests of the Bloodscar clan sent this great news to Moss Valley, which made the clan leader Amot who was guarding there very happy.

Ah, the Crimean Fortress has collapsed, the road to the Kavhoka Great Plains has been cleared, and nothing can stop the army led by Xu Gesen from entering the mainland and repeating the glory of the Black Disaster!

What's even better is that the God of the North Wind has lost his power and fallen to the mortal world. His own god has also regarded him as a prey. A hunt for the gods will begin in the frozen ruins. Before his own god is even born, he will...

Take his first victory among the gods.

What an honor!

How mighty!

How powerful!

The master of my own hunting is truly invincible!!!

As a devout follower of the Lord of Hunting, when he saw that the situation was so good that he could not even imagine the perfect situation now, even though the well-informed leader of the Amote clan could not help but feel happy, and even spent the afternoon

The prayers performed at each hour were doubled in length, causing a group of hunting priests praying with it to almost break their legs.

But no one dared to complain about this kind of thing, not even a whimper of dissatisfaction.

When your own gods win a great victory, it doesn't matter if you don't wave the flag and shout by the side. How can you encourage other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige?


Have you been bribed by that damn "creation belief"? Are you planning to rebel?

Someone come!

Drag this guy who is disloyal to the Lord of the Hunt down and kill him, so that he can help his own evil god.

Well, this is the final fate of those who do not show fanaticism to the Lord of Hunting in the current Mossy Valley. As the base camp of the Lord of Hunting's faith, the distortion of this place began long before the power of the Lord of Hunting took shape.

Of course, although Mossy Valley is the holy land of gnolls, it was the territory of the shadow elves before the three black disasters occurred.

Although it was more than two hundred years ago, even after being occupied by gnolls for such a long time, there are still many elven-style building ruins in this fertile and huge valley.

Most of them are gorgeous temple ruins, already covered with moss and covered by ivy and other plants, hidden in the dark forests.

Jackals rarely come to these places, and the artistic styles of the buildings here are of little research value to them. The treasures hidden in them have long been plundered. It is said that after the rise of the Bone-gnawing King, Lord Philip liked it quite a lot.

Wandering around these shabby places, no one could understand the mentality of the Bone-gnawing King when he saw these "relics".

In short, when Patriarch Amot finished today's prayers with satisfaction and left the location of the Lord of Hunting's shrine, passing through an elven ruins and returning to the core town of the Bloodscar Clan to deal with the clan's internal affairs, his good deeds appeared because of the invincibility of his own gods in every battle.

The mood quickly disappeared.

Because a very troublesome guest visited it.

Singer, the old chief of the Whiptail Clan, dragged his body that could be blown down by the wind at any time to the Mossy Valley. It was so weak that it could no longer move and had to be carried by the tribesmen on sliding poles.

It seems that the rumors about the impending transfer of power in the Whiptail Clan are true. This old guy may not survive more than two months in his current condition.

The weakness that comes from its bones cannot be disguised. If he hadn't known that Old Singer was indeed old and frail, Chief Amot would have even thought that this weakness was a sequelae of poisoning.

"Amot, I would like to ask you to help me pray a hunting prayer before I die."

Old Singer did not hide his purpose.

It lay half-dead on the sliding pole, unable to even open its cloudy eyes. It said weakly:

"I'm about to die, and I'm going to return to my Lord's hunting kingdom, but I don't want to die and I can't die. There are still a lot of things I haven't done yet. I thought, if you personally prayed for me,

, maybe God will give me a gift to make me healthy again.

Please, help me."

“You’re an immortal thing, you’re like this, don’t you want to give up your power?”

Patriarch Amote despised Old Singer's behavior very much.

It feels that this is not in line with the tradition of the jackals at all. The old guy should be a little self-aware. Guys like Singer who linger and breathe are simply a shame to the jackals.

Of course, on the surface it is impossible to say such straightforward words.

Although Old Singer is old and fatuous, this guy has very strong control over the Whiptail Clan and is a powerful chief. Now that the cause of the Lord of the Hunt is in full swing, the Jackals want to further occupy the entire world.

Without the full support of the Whiptail Clan.

But in the face of Lao Singer's request, Chief Amot hesitated.

It knew that what Old Singer wanted was not an ordinary hunting prayer, but to use many hunting priests to conduct a large-scale ceremony on the cliff near the holy place.

That is a ceremony that is only held during grand festivals when the Jackals celebrate the appearance of the Lord of the Hunt. Not only does it have a strong symbolic meaning, but more importantly, the ceremony can indeed communicate the power and blessings from the gods.

And among all blessings, there happens to be one that strengthens life and slows down aging.

That was the purpose of Old Singer's trip.

It will live on!

However, to hold such a huge ceremony temporarily now, not to mention the manpower and material resources required, the timing chosen by Old Singer is not right. Even if the ceremony is really held, will the Lord of the Hunt who is currently busy with awakening matters be able to do it?

It is also unknown whether he will respond.

So Amot thought for a moment and declined:

"I am very willing to help you, Singer. My god also needs a healthy Whiptail Chief. However, you may not know that a breakthrough has just been made in the central battlefield. The Nords' Crimean Fortress has been destroyed by my god's power.

With the whole body collapsing, Xu Gesen could quickly lead his army into the fertile land.

As a result, Chief Gehrman Bonegnasher in the west and Warlord Xugesen in the center both achieved great victories, and it was even possible to realize the unfinished achievements of the Bonegnasher King.

I was about to call on all members of the Bloodscar clan to join this great conquest, but I really

"But you need food and enough weapons."

Old Singer was lying on the sliding pole, gasping for air. His difficult posture made the leader of the Amote family worried whether this guy would appear in front of him in the next second.

But Singer finally finished what he wanted to say, and the treacherous old man whispered:

"I know my request is too much, so I brought a gift! As a gift to the Bloodscar clan, I brought one-fifth of the food owned by the Whiptail clan, and I also brought the armor and weapons we stored.

a lot of.

It's now just outside Mossy Valley, and you can send someone to pick it up.

I have only one request

Since my god's conquest of the world is about to begin, I should hurry up and get healthy! I don't want to miss this sacred battle, and I also want to continue to dedicate my strength to my god.

Please, Amot.

Help me, this is just a prayer from a poor old man who wants to get back his strength to serve the gods. At worst, it cannot have worse consequences, right?


Hold a prayer ceremony for me!

Those things I brought belong to you. My clan still has many things. Help me, Amot, help me escape death!

I can give them all to you"

"Singer, calm down, it's not that I don't help you, it's really"

"Fifty thousand wargs!"

Old Singer gritted his teeth and said:

"I will give you fifty thousand more wargs, enough for you to arm a powerful warg cavalry, help me!"

"This isn't a deal! Heck, we're talking about faith, we"

"Ten vassal clans!"

Old Singer upped the ante again.

Its breathing became more and more violent, like a dying old man who was afraid of death and wanted to spend all the treasures in his hands in the hope of getting a second life.


Lao Singer's price was so generous that even Amot was stunned.

To be honest, dark thoughts floated in the blood scar clan leader's heart at this moment. He might be able to use this ritual as an excuse to extend his life to drain the wealthy Whiptail clan dry in one breath, but then he thought about it, the conquest of the mainland was about to begin.

At the beginning, all ethnic groups must carry out comprehensive mobilization to cope with the advancement of the two battlefields in the west and central part.

It would be of no benefit to the Hunting Lord's cause to push the Whiptail clan into a hurry at such a critical moment.

"Well, I have seen your supreme loyalty to the gods, Singer."

Amot changed his tone and said hypocritically:

"We gnolls do not need these gifts to prove our sincerity to our god. Faith itself is the most glorious reward, but considering the world conquest that our god hopes to see, I will accept your sincerity.

I will immediately summon the priests to prepare a prayer ceremony for you, but you must also send your trusted followers back to your clan to summon your people to this war.

This is the bottom line!

No need to talk."

"Okay, okay, anything is fine! I just want my ritual. I mean, all the members of the Whiptail clan are looking forward to dedicating their power to my god."

Old Singer responded with some excitement, and then said:

"Then, I will wait for your good news at the Whiptail clan's station in the valley. I hope to enjoy the blessings of the gods tomorrow. A healthy chief will certainly help improve the morale of a clan.

Are you right?"

"Greedy old creature!"

Chief Amot immediately felt disgusted. Isn't this old Singer too anxious?

To prepare the ceremony in one night, he had to summon at least two-thirds of the priests in Mossy Valley. But seeing the really bad posture of Old Singer, Amot also understood why this guy was doing this.


Old Singer now has to cough several times even to speak. Its heartbeat is so weak that even a golden person like himself can hardly detect it. It has really reached the edge of death. Whether it can survive tonight is a matter of course.

Unknown number.

"Okay, okay, I will immediately gather people to prepare the ceremony for you. This is the courtesy you deserve as a great chief."

Amot reluctantly agreed for the sake of those valuable gifts. Watching Old Singer leave with a lot of gratitude, the clan leader immediately called the bloodscar clan's military governor responsible for defending the valley.

After hearing the clan leader's inquiry, the latter immediately reported:

"There is indeed a huge convoy outside the valley. The Whiptail Clan brought two hundred and sixty carts pulled by Los beasts. Half of them contained food, and the other half contained weapons and protective equipment. I have sent people to check it.

, no problem has been found so far.

However, there are also a large number of barbarians used to escort such a large convoy, more than 3,000 people."

"Let them send the things to the Bloodscar Clan's warehouse, and then let them leave the Holy Land as soon as possible!"

Chief Amote ordered:

"This batch of food and weapons will arm us with a new army. In addition, you will send people to the territory of the Whiptail clan to receive 50,000 wargs. That is what Old Singer just promised, and there will be an additional ten vassals.


"Your Majesty, Lord of the Hunt, is Old Chief Singer no longer planning to live his life?"

The defense governor was startled and exclaimed:

"Are you planning to pack up and sell the Whiptail Clan? What is it trying to do?"

"Haha, you are still young. You don't understand the feeling of life passing by but being unable to do anything. Especially since Old Singer is a long-lived jackal. The longer he lives, the weaker his courage becomes."

Amot sneered and said:

"The blessing of time has turned it into a shameful coward. In order to survive, it will do even more shameful things, let alone sell its own clan.

But this guy is indeed treacherous. It has calculated that my god’s next conquest cannot be separated from its clan, so it comes to ask for it at this time. It can not only gain health, but also take advantage of this good opportunity to give away what it has. Take it back from other places on the mainland.

Gee, what a cunning chief. If it were more sincere, I would even extend an invitation to it to become the high priest of my god.

Go, go, take those gifts into our hands, and then send a message to the priests all over the valley, asking them to gather on the hunting cliff as quickly as possible, and take some of the soldiers under your command to help arrange the ceremony there. on site.

This ritual must be completed within one night."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll go right away."

The tall warlord turned around and left, and soon different orders were issued to different areas throughout the valley, and the Whiptail Clan transport team that was blocked from the valley was finally allowed to enter the holy land of the valley.

The several great warlords of the Whiptail Clan at the head were riding in their own war chariots, while the barbarian soldiers in the rear had no chariots to sit on and had to queue up to move forward.

In the middle of the team, old Senk, wearing an ordinary Jackal armor, looked around with a look of nostalgia mixed with disgust. In the era of the Bone-gnawing King, he had served as the guard governor of Mossy Valley.

It knows the terrain here very well.

Behind it are two thousand warriors carefully selected from the creation guards of the entire Broken Tooth Clan. They do not wear the honorary uniforms nor carry the powerful weapons given by the Creator, but this cannot conceal their willpower once they rise up. The terrifying destructive power created.

They are just pioneers, they only need to capture the entrance to the valley!

Farther away, the Gray Wolf Army and the Creation Guards, commanded by Xian Lang himself, were already on alert. In a few hours, the valley that had witnessed the rise of the Jackals would be in flames.

In this regard, Old Senke has no regrets or dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, it just felt that this moment came too late. After the great cause of the Bone-Gripping King came to an end, this great valley was stolen by Xiaoxiao.

Those servants of the evil god who pretended to be gods and ghosts walked openly on the land where the king once thought deeply about the future of the race, and did the stupid things of worshiping the evil god in the king's base camp where he created glorious achievements.

Everything that has happened in the Moss Valley in the past hundred years is the most terrible desecration of the great cause of the Bone-Grinning King.

At this time, Old Senke had only one thought of revisiting his old place.

It now wants to uncover the explosives hidden under the grain in the carriage it is guarding, and burn this place that reeks of profanity to ashes!

This is what it has been trying to do for the past hundred years.

Well, there is no need to hide it anymore. Soon, it will bring back the glory that the jackals have forgotten under the guidance of the evil god.

Just tonight!

Right here, the evil god will reap the consequences!——

"Lord! I know that the God-killing operation is very secretive, but at least give us some preparation time before setting off!"

The team of God-killers was currently speeding through the Dark Mountains. Uncle Fording, who was riding a war horse, complained:

"This place is at least a hundred kilometers away from the battlefield. Is it really too late for us to rush to Moss Valley now?"


Facing Fording's inquiry, Lord Paying, who was driving the unicorn forward unhurriedly on the ground, turned to look at the player in confusion, and asked:

"When did I say we were going to ride over there?"


Uncle Fording was stupid, and a group of veteran players around him were also stupid.

If you don't ride a horse, do you have to teleport to open it up?

Isn't Mossy Valley protected from teleportation?

"This is a secret operation. Time is the guarantee of life and victory, so in addition to calling you, I also called another force. Look, they are coming, let's go over there on that thing!"

Lord pointed to the sky.

Everyone raised their heads in unison. In the approaching dusk, a strange flying object was landing from the clouds in their direction.

"What it is?"

Madam Shui, who was riding an "exclusive mount" and gave Brother Huozi a set of cool druid armor, asked in confusion:

"Looks like an airship?"

"That's the Songhai people's sun boat."

Grandma Bach, the psychic master who was walking in the team, sat cross-legged on her flying carpet. She adjusted the potion in her hand and explained without raising her head:

"A hundred years ago, this thing destroyed the last resistance of the Bone-gnawing King. I knew that Lord Paying's confidence to dare to kill gods did not lie with us god-killers. The support of the Pharaoh King was his greatest confidence.

source of.


Thousand-year Lord, you are so cunning."


This chapter has been completed!
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