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Chapter 923 922 The Day the Fierce Sun Falls

Chapter 923 The Day the Fierce Sun Falls

"The main engine is severely damaged and cannot be restarted! The backup engine is not loading properly, the energy cabin pipe has burst, and the main system is about to shut down in preparation for a crash!"

"Shut up! You have time to yell and think of a way! The main body of the solar ship is very strong, but falling from an altitude of 10,000 meters is enough to destroy it. The Crown Prince is still on the ship, so think of a way to weaken the impact!"

"We can open the ailerons used for flying in harsh environments and find ways to make the solar boat fall into a gliding state before stopping, but we must calculate the best gliding position, otherwise the accumulation of kinetic energy will destroy us."

"Then hurry up and calculate! Where is His Highness Khufu? Who has seen him? You guys, go and activate the escape cabin! We can die, but His Highness must be sent out!"

General Bhopal's roar echoed on the chaotic bridge, quickly suppressing the situation and allowing the panicked subordinates to take action.

The emergency warning light has been activated in the originally very bright cabin. The shining red light spots and the vibrations from the hull from time to time represent the poor state of the ship at this time, like a giant beast about to be stranded.

After screaming, the automatic damage control measures were activated, and the cabin where the explosion occurred was sealed to prevent the danger from spreading. A few capable soldiers quickly moved towards the location of the rescue cabin amidst General Bhopal's roar.

But it is really not easy to accomplish this on a tilting spacecraft in such a bumpy environment.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the missile did not directly hit the operating solar engine due to the interference of Lord Paying. Otherwise, once the thing exploded, its energy level would be enough to turn the "Origin Pioneer" into a flying star in the sky.

Scrap iron.

However, in the nearly thousand years since the Songhai people got the sun boat, they have almost never considered that this holy object given by the Creator will one day fall from the sky. After all, in the inherent knowledge of the Songhai people

, the sun boat is a symbol of invincibility on the mainland, which directly leads to the current situation, not to mention the soldiers, even the outstanding general Bhopal is a little at a loss.

However, everyone is absolutely unanimous on one thing, that is, they must protect their crown prince in such a dangerous situation no matter what.

If His Highness Khufu died in such an accident, these loyal soldiers would never dare to imagine the impact it would have on the Songhai Empire.

Therefore, while the spacecraft was falling from high altitude, General Bhopal, whose arm was broken in the explosion just now, rushed to the crown prince's lounge as fast as he could, where there were already many guards.

Try to open the locked hatch in a tilted scene where you can't use any force at all.

"Your Highness! Your Highness? Are you okay?"

The old general rushed over and knocked on the door and shouted. Khufu's slightly panicked voice sounded from the other side of the door the next moment:

"I'm okay, General, but Berdinos was pierced by a broken pipe trying to protect me. I was saving him. By God, he lost a lot of blood. What happened to the spaceship? All I heard was

an explosion

We're falling, right?"

"Your Highness! Back off!"

Sonnik, the captain of Khufu's bodyguard, got a beam cutting saw used by damage control officers from nowhere. After shouting to the crown prince, the tall Songhai warrior started cutting with this thing.

After more than ten seconds, an irregular incision was opened. Regardless of the danger, the old general climbed in and rescued the crown prince who was holding a protective short sword. Then another priest climbed in and rescued the seriously injured Lord Berdinos.

Also brought it out.

But at this time, the altitude of the spacecraft had quickly dropped to four thousand meters. Although the war technicians tried their best to open the six hidden ailerons of the solar ship to slightly slow down the falling speed, even if it entered the gliding state, it was still far from the final destination of the solar ship.

There was less than five minutes left in the fall.

"Quick! Captain Sonnik! Take His Highness and the Great Priest to the rescue cabin and take them away from here!"

General Bhopal shouted and commanded:

"The rest of the people are going to the power cabin, where the science and technology officer is trying to overload the auxiliary engine so that it can generate some reverse thrust before falling to help the solar ship weaken the impact. The machinery has been locked and cannot operate. Now we can only rely on

Human power activates it.”

"What about you? General."

His Highness Khufu, who could not maintain his grace even in a crisis situation, clutched the protective dagger in his hand tightly and exclaimed:

"You must leave with us too!"

"I am the commander of this ship, Your Highness. His Majesty the Pharaoh personally entrusted you and this ship to me. I must do my best to protect you for the sake of the empire."

The old general said in a deep voice:

"I firmly believe that the sun boat given by the Creator is stable enough, just as I firmly believe that you will become an outstanding monarch in the future. Today's events are just a small trial that is not scary for you. The Creator will protect you and be kind.

He will also protect us.

Your Highness, it's time for you to leave!

Your stay here will only make the brave soldiers more stressed."

"I understand, General."

Khufu took a few deep breaths and said:

"Then we'll see you on the ground. Please be sure to protect yourself."

After saying that, the crown prince, under the protection of the captain of the guard, moved forward along the tilted hull towards the rescue cabin. The high priest Bertinos, who had fallen into a coma, was also taken along and evacuated.

The great priest really tried his best to protect the prince. The broken pipe almost passed through his waist and abdomen. Fortunately, the Songhai people had strong vitality, otherwise this injury alone would have been fatal.

The old general returned to the bridge with his command knife. There was no one here. Everyone was trying to restart the auxiliary engine manually in the power room. Bhopal didn't have to guess what happened to his soldiers.

After trying so hard, he sighed and sat on his captain's chair.

Through the cracked observation window in front of him, he could see the undulating land of the dark mountains in front of him, which looked a little peaceful in the night.

Who would have thought that this desolate place would be lucky enough to witness the first fall of the legendary sun ship?

Well, for superstitious people, this seems to be an ominous sign.

But I am the captain!

No matter what the outcome is, he will go to the end with his ship. Just as he said to His Highness Khufu, he firmly believes that this holy object given by the Creator is strong enough and can protect it under any circumstances.

Its passengers are not at risk.

On the other side, the captain of the bodyguard, Sonnik, who was escorting His Highness Khufu to the rescue cabin, was looking at the corridor in front of him that was completely blocked due to continuous explosions with an unbelievable look.

This is not the only way to the rescue cabin on the lower deck, but the problem is that there is no time for them to take a detour at this critical moment.

The captain of the guard pulled out his molten sword with a cold face and prepared to step forward to clear the way, but was grabbed by Khufu.

"There's no time, Sannick! By the time you split the road, the solar boat will have hit the ground, and we won't use the rescue capsule!"

At the critical moment, the Crown Prince was somewhat decisive. He pointed to the other side and said:

"It leads to the landing cabin from here. There is also an airborne capsule used for assault. It is the type used by the Godslayer and our soldiers before. Only one airborne capsule can send us all down."

"That thing needs to be activated remotely. Your Highness, I am an airborne warrior."

Captain Sonnik shook his head and said:

"Now that the Sun Ship Master system has shut down, this means that we cannot start the assault module's reverse thrust rocket, which means that you have to hit the ground directly at super high speed. With all due respect, you will die from ruptured internal organs at the moment of contact with the ground.


"I won't! I have this!"

His Highness Khufu pointed to the ball floating on his shoulder and said:

"Before I left, my mother gave me this. It is said to be a gift that the ancestors of the Ptolemaic family received when they met the Creator. It is a super stable energy matrix. It can not only absorb energy damage, but also convert the matrix into kinetic energy to neutralize

The force field means that when we fall, we will not suffer any impact damage as long as the time is correct.

Unfortunately, its effective range is only ten cubic meters, so it cannot be used by this ship at all."

"Then let's go!"

Sannik was naturally a decisive soldier as he was the captain of the Royal Guards. He immediately carried the crown prince on his back and led everyone behind him into the landing cabin and opened one. When he was about to speak, he heard Khufu stubbornly say:

"I'm the last one in! I've read stories like this from the writers my sister raised. You will definitely close the hatch when I go in alone. I know it's an act of loyalty, but now"

"Well, Your Highness, you have such a rich imagination."

The captain of the guard said helplessly:

"This is the Dark Mountains! There are dangerous beasts everywhere. How could I allow you to airborne to the ground alone? Don't worry, we will all go down with you."


The crown prince blushed deeply, but this was not the time to say this. He helped send his unconscious brother-in-law into the landing cabin, and after counting the heads to confirm that everyone had entered, he closed and locked the hatch.

A few seconds later, the assault module was thrown out from the falling spacecraft. At this time, the solar ship was less than a kilometer away from the ground. When the assault module was thrown out, Khufu could see his own from the window.

The rear of the ship was completely shrouded in black smoke. This powerful weapon that symbolized the majesty of the Songhai Empire was as miserable and desolate as a broken-winged flying eagle.

Fortunately, the soldiers were sent to the ground just now.

Although they would need to fight the evil god without fire support, at least they would not have to die in such a disaster without warning.

"Before I set off, I had a divination with Priest Hayek. He told me that not only would everything go well during my trip, but I would also encounter wonderful opportunities that would last a lifetime."

A rather strange thought flashed through His Highness Khufu's mind at this moment, being protected by several guards in a "human flesh pad" manner in the bumpy landing cabin:

"Ah, others say that Priest Bayek is a strange person, but now I believe it, old man! Look at your divination results, they are so wrong!"

In the solar boat, General Bhopal, who was sitting in the captain's seat, looked at the ground getting closer and closer in front of him, and then glanced at the multifunctional navigation clock placed on his seat. That thing actually measured the downward movement of the solar boat at this time.

The speed has exceeded the safety threshold by more than three times.

This means that once a collision occurs, the ship will most likely disintegrate on the spot.

Of course, the holy objects given by the Creator will not fail in the collision test with the earth, but such a sophisticated creation, even in the best case scenario, will remain in the form of wreckage forever on this land far away from its homeland.

"I don't know if it is possible to go home from the Road of the Dead here? Are the envoys of the kings of the underworld willing to travel here to help us losers return home?"

General Bhopal sighed, closed his eyes, took out his cane, opened the secret compartment above the cane, pulled out a small bottle of wine, removed the cork and drank it in one gulp.

Drinking while sailing is a serious infraction, but this is the time, so let's get over it.

Just when the spacecraft was close to the ground, with an altitude of less than 300 meters, and the collision was about to occur in a few seconds, a loud noise suddenly erupted from the middle of the sliding spacecraft, causing the entire ship to shake violently and causing General Bhopal to suddenly open his eyes.


He realized what had just happened, and before he could be ecstatic, a violent recoil erupted from underneath the solar boat's auxiliary engine, as if a pair of hands were supporting the falling hull from below, allowing the accumulated falling kinetic energy to continue.

was offset, causing the gliding speed to quickly approach the safe threshold again.

However, this push came too late.

The height above the ground is no longer enough to allow the spacecraft to return to a stable flight state. It can only reduce the destructive force caused by a collision as much as possible. General Bhopal also grabbed the restarted steering wheel and started

Gritting his teeth, he adjusted the position of the solar boat.

Just like an old sailor wrestling with the sea in the waves, he is unwilling to give up even in desperate situations.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the spaceship dropped from the sky in a diagonal sweep across the rocks on the ground and made a loud noise. It then made a bumpy emergency landing and pulled out for thousands of meters on the rolling hills of the dark mountains.

The ravine finally stopped.

The good news is that the emergency landing was successful and the spacecraft did not disintegrate.

The bad news is that the distance between the direction of their emergency landing and the landing point of His Highness Khufu's assault cabin is now over 70 kilometers.

The worse news is that His Highness Khufu's assault cabin seems to have made an emergency landing within the territory of a Gnoll clan.

Therefore, before the old general could catch his breath, he had to lead the team to retrieve their crown prince as quickly as possible with a bloody head and severe concussion.

Oh, look at this damn day -


The elongated screams became clearer as the assault cabin fell from the sky closer to the ground. The screams came from His Highness Khufu and his personal maid.

Well, the nature of this maid is different from Count Andrei's twin dancers Xiao Zuo and Xiao You. This lady is old enough to be His Highness Khufu's grandmother.

However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is still very reliable. Although he was very scared, when the assault cabin packed with twelve people was more than ten meters away from the ground, he decisively activated the device in his hand and activated the kinetic energy neutralization force field.

In an instant, the assault cabin, which hit the ground with a "bombing" attitude, quietly hovered almost seven meters above the ground.

The whole process was extremely smooth and did not cause any discomfort to everyone. Then the assault cabin slowly landed while the Crown Prince continued to adjust the frequency of energy release.


The hatch was kicked open by the captain of the Sannik guard. The vigilant Songhai warrior jumped out with a powerful molten halberd, and formed a standard protective formation with his two soldiers. Khufu and the others

The man then walked out of the assault cabin.

What caught their eyes was a desolate land under the night sky.

I don’t know how far away from the Mossy Valley it is, but judging from the speed and trajectory of the sun boat as it slid down, it was definitely a journey that couldn’t be measured with two feet.

"We must rush to join General Bhopal immediately. Only there can we protect your safety."

The captain of the guard said in a deep voice:

"Your Highness, next you need to use your feet to complete this unexpected trial given to us by the Creator."

"Well, maybe you don't have to use your feet."

Khufu wiped the dust and blood from his face, pointed to the smoke and dust rising in the distance, and said:

"Although I left in a hurry and didn't bring my champion insect Sulla with me, we seemed to have landed in the territory of the gnolls. The other party sent people here. The most important thing is that they brought wargs for riding, so

Even though the Creator sent us a fall as a test, the Father God of the Songhai people still loves us, right? Everyone.

Just wait here!

It would be great if the one who came was a gnoll who believed in the Creator.

Priests, please treat my brother-in-law quickly, his condition is not good at all, and I don’t want my sister to become a widow before she gets married."


This chapter has been completed!
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