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Chapter 93 92 Ambition creeping in the shadows【3260】

 Chapter 93 92. Ambition creeping in the shadows【3260】

(Additional update for brother ‘Huo Zheng is very good’ [17/20])


A map was placed on the table in the tent.

The internal structure of the Blood Vulture Corridor is marked on it. It is the information provided to the witch hunters by Miss Femis, and was transcribed into the hands of the young players.

This time, the onboard happy stick was chosen as the commander-in-chief of the player army without hesitation. He accepted it with pleasure and felt the heavy trust of his brothers and sisters.

But this time, he had to come up with a basic tactical plan.

Several young players with military experience were pulled over, and a group of people gathered around the map in silence.

"Damn, is it so big?"

The full-risk semitrailer, who had been an engineer when he was young, looked at the scale marked below and couldn't help but complain:

"This is an underground building, right? The area actually occupies one-third of the inner city area? Doesn't this mean that a small half of the entire city's underground area is suspended?


"Psychic energy, it means mysterious spiritual energy."

Shannan Huxiao next to him snorted. He had also been a soldier. Although his experience was not as outrageous as Happy Stick, he had participated in exercises, so he still had some military experience.

He looked at the map carefully and said to Happy Stick:

"It's unrealistic to gather together to push through such a big place. The Witch Hunters only have 31 people including the Chapter Leader, and the two of us together with NPCs only have less than a hundred people. It's simply impossible to take care of all places.

So divide the troops!

Clear the mobs by clearing them, push the pictures by pushing the pictures, and we can defeat the BOSS."

"Yes! It's definitely not possible to rush in all at once."

Happy Stick crossed his arms and squinted his eyes and said:

"Based on our previous experience in group play, it is impossible for this game to have such an outrageous and mentally retarded thing as the 'warning range'. In other words, as long as we enter here and are discovered, the monsters inside will all attack us.


Building a defensible line of defense is a must!

Since we are pursuing 100% reality, a 400-year-old vampire holy land is definitely not something we can complete in one day. I estimate it will take at least two days.

It might even take longer.


He lightly drew his hand on the map and said:

"The second hall at the entrance is in a great location and has only one way forward. The enemy can only launch a counterattack against us through here. If the width of the battlefield cannot be opened, it will be beneficial to us with a small number of people.

After maintaining containment on the frontal battlefield, you can send elites to carry out the invasion and beheading operations. The witch hunters will certainly do their part, and we must select elite players above level 9 to participate."

"But to keep the defense line from collapsing, we need a lot of manpower."

The full insurance semitrailer shook his head, and after a few seconds, he said:

"It seems that we still need to mobilize NPCs! We also need to prepare a large number of long-range weapons for consumption. We can't even think about fighting a group of crazy vampires now. Previously, 40 people could fight 7 and 23 of them were killed.

The gap is indeed quite big.”

"I just went to see the witch hunter's arsenal."

Happy Stick said firmly:

"The weapons are absolutely sufficient, and their special attack skills in fighting vampires all year round are almost full. In addition to the ones stored in the camp, regardless of losses, they are definitely sufficient for containment.

But we must have at least 100 NPC militiamen as manpower reserves, and we must be prepared to pay casualties."

"The four of us have joined the Cadman Self-Rescue Army. Lord Maxim said that he will fully support us!"

Shannan Huxiao patted his chest and said:

"The number of weavers over there has now expanded to 120. They are all militiamen with combat experience. There is no need to use camp guards. So, where do the elite troops have to break in?"


Next to Happy Stick, Lin, the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, pointed his finger at a narrow passage at the edge of the map and said:

"We asked Mrs. Tris that this is a natural cave underground in the city. She said that there is an underground river here, which is a secret that only a few people know. From here, you can reach the servant quarters of the Blood Vulture Corridor, and then all the way inward you can reach the Deep River.

In the Scarlet Hall.

The Pool of Holy Blood is there.

The final boss Sarokdar is also there.

If everything goes well, after the second stage, we can find it in just a few dozen minutes. The premise is that the development team is crazy about adding several BOSS and a large number of soldiers to the secret passage, and the premise for the success of this operation is that the defense line is there.

It must be able to hold back the enemy's main force.

I don't doubt the willpower of our players, the problem lies in game time.

There are only six hours a day, and if the time goes on too long, I’m afraid the NPC won’t be able to bear it.”

"Then let's divide it into sections."

The full insurance semi-trailer rolled his eyes and said:

“Fight for a day first, wait for both sides to get the upper hand, and then rush in at once.

By the way, aren't those guys crazy because of the impact of the astral psychic energy? I think they should be easy to catch, and then use some added blood as bait, just like the tactics we use when we fight those brainless vampires


"The tactics have almost reached this point. After all, we have seen the situation on the scene. The next step is to prepare for war."

Happy Stick stretched his body and said:

"Tomorrow the other brothers of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will be resurrected. I plan to let them take the new players for a walk in the sewers. At least before the start of the dungeon, let their levels be refreshed to level 6 or above, otherwise the basic skills will be lost.

It’s impossible to fight a tough battle as a beginner.

By the way, you can also get some equipment in the sewers."

"Brother, you really miss that underground gang lair."

The full-risk semi-guaranteed person curled his lips and said:

"Is this a public weapon for private use? Let me lend the manpower of new players to help you conquer the dungeon."

"The dungeon of Shit is just a challenge area."

Happy Stick didn't refute at all, he grinned and said:

"Look, in this way, new players can get equipment and practice their skills, I can get gang supplies to enrich the team, and Mr. Murphy can get a group of trained soldiers. It's the best of both worlds, and three parties benefit, so what?

Can it be called a public instrument for private use?

By the way, you guys are having a great time being officials. It’s time to return to your old profession as players. Let’s join this training together and brush up your levels.

Don't let your crotch stretch out during the war and it will be embarrassing."


"Members of the Cadman Self-Rescue Army can participate in this operation, sir."

In a wide and dark basement in the ruins of the city, Maxim, who had just finished sword fighting with Murphy and was defeated five times, held the ritual black blade in his hand and faced Master Murphy who was honing the secret sword skills of the shadow elf in front of him.

Report to:

"If we need it, the guards from the survivor camp can also be mobilized. Miriam has already informed the survivors of this matter. After learning that the members of the Blood Vulture clan are still entrenched underground and have become dangerous monsters,

, the survivors’ reaction was quite intense.

They strongly requested us to eradicate those dangerous things.

Of course, it is unknown whether there is some hatred for regular customers mixed with this, after all, the Blood Vulture Clan’s rule on this land for the past 400 years is indeed difficult to call successful.”

"We don't need to focus on that, just focus on the goal."

Murphy's figure flickered back and forth in the darkness, as hard to find as the falling leaves.

Deadly, elegant and dangerous are the essence of this elf secret sword technique, which really fits the racial characteristics of vampires. While practicing the dark steps that are very easy to use, he said to his loyal servant:

"The witch hunters obviously intend to use our warriors as expendable cannon fodder, but I don't think my warriors will be willing to do this, so why not be bold this time. Put your militia under their command!

You follow me and participate in the focused killing of dangerous enemies.

The best way for Black Iron levelers to release their potential as quickly as possible is to fight, and fighting with powerful enemies will put enough pressure on themselves."

"I don't doubt the courage of the warriors, but their 'art of command' is too wild."

Maxim said a little worriedly:

"Isn't it too risky? If a large number of casualties are caused, it will affect the morale that the survivors have finally accumulated under your leadership."

"Be open-minded, Mark."

Murphy shook his head and said:

"If we fail and the blood alliance knights discover the forbidden secret of the eldest lady, these people will also die. I believe Tris will not joke with us on this kind of thing, so this time it is not just pressure on us,

They also have to fight for their own lives.

What's more, if our territory wants to develop, we can't just rely on my warriors.

Their number is a big problem.

Isn't it the responsibility of the people living on this land to defend their territory and home?

If they themselves are not willing to protect their hometown, then they will never have a sense of belonging to us."

"You are quite right."

Maxim nodded and no longer dwelled on the casualties, but he quickly asked in a low voice:

"Sir, why do you have to stand by the eldest lady? Please allow me to think darkly. If we take the initiative to inform the blood alliance knights about this news, maybe."

"Tris was deeply involved in Sarokdar's action of breaking the taboo. That is a crime she cannot escape. And you mean to ask me to give up Tris?"

Murphy interrupted him and his tone became colder.

Maxim was horrified, knowing that he had touched upon the most untouchable topic in Mr. Murphy's mind.

He immediately explained:

"I thought it was too simple. Of course Mrs. Tris cannot be given up. What I mean is"

"No, Mark, no need to explain, I can understand your loyalty and I can understand that you proposed this plan out of my interests.

I don't blame you."

Murphy took back his sword and said:

"There is no need to be so panicked. We are masters and servants in name, but what we have experienced together is enough for us to establish a deeper friendship. I just can't give up Tris, can you understand? Maybe it is the mysterious connection between the vampire and the elder that makes

I support and love her from the bottom of my heart.

But the fact is, she did give me a second life.

Giving up on her is equivalent to giving up all the principles I have accumulated so far. Ambition and desire are very important, but if the price of exchange for them is that we become an unintentional monster, then I might as well not let them go and be content to become a person who smiles at life.

The weak are not bad either.

I mean, this time, we have to fight!

The outcome of the battle in the Blood Vulture Corridor will directly determine whether our small group has the ability to control the land beneath our feet. If we want to own our territory in this war-torn era, we must overcome this hurdle!

If I wanted to run, to be honest, when Adele said she could take us to a secret refuge next to a deserted mountain, I would have followed her.

But that’s not what I want!”

The vampire flexed his fingers in the darkness and said:

"I promised you that we will stand out and become famous. This is the first step! Just like I will not be satisfied with being an ordinary member of the Blood Eagle Clan, I believe you will not stop at being my heir.


We all have ambitions.

Even Miriam, who keeps a distance from us. Have you noticed? Miriam is getting more and more accustomed to the role of camp director.

She never said it.

But I can tell that she has begun to enjoy and learn to use the little power in her hands.

We all have pursuits!

We won this with our own hands!

We will not allow it to be taken away casually, and whoever dares to stretch out his claws will cut it off!"

"But those witch hunters, my lord."

Maxim lowered his voice again and said:

"Do you really trust them? They have an advantage. After killing Sarokdar, maybe even us people will be killed. Anyway, it's just a matter of convenience. If I were one of those witch hunters, I don't think I would

Will miss this opportunity.

The Blood Eagle Clan now exists in name only, why not give it a push and let it be completely buried in history?

They can definitely do this.”

"Of course they can do that, and there's a good chance they will."

Murphy showed a subtle smile and said:

"The premise is that they can come back alive from the Blood Vulture Corridor.

This is exactly what I want to tell you next. Both the eldest lady and Tris told me that there is a self-destruction device in the Blood Vulture Corridor, which was used by Salokdar during the Second Night War more than two hundred years ago.

A secret place to ensure the final dignity of the Holy Blood Pool and the Blood Vulture.

After we start taking action, you have to leave us and get there with Adele.

Then take action at the critical moment!

Our warriors are not afraid of death. Their perseverance can create an illusion, and we cannot let the blood alliance knights find out that we are cooperating with the witch hunters.

This is a serious crime of collaborating with the enemy.

Do you understand what I mean? I don’t trust anyone else to do this.”

"I will fulfill my mission, my lord."

Maxim accepted the task without hesitation and obtained a marked map recording the location of the self-destruct device from Murphy.

After he left the basement, Murphy drew his sword again in the reassuring shadow. With a slight turn of his wrist, his whole body flashed forward and took a few steps forward. When he stood firm, he bent slightly in the darkness.


A pair of immature but already huge outlines of blood bat wings suddenly opened up behind him, allowing the gathering wind to blow outward, and then closed in front of him like a shield.

For the blood vulture, the huge scarlet bat wings are more than just a tool for soaring into the sky!

They have their own tactics for using wings appropriately in battle, and Missy and Jade both showed similar techniques to Murphy.

In the sudden lift brought by the rotation of the bat's wings, the sword style in Murphy's hand changed, and the even colder and more deadly swordsmanship of the Tomb Sword Guard drew a scarlet and dark trajectory forward.

He was seizing the time to practice, but he was also making a profound calculation of gains and losses in his mind.

He must take down the Blood Vulture Corridor to completely consolidate his control over Cadman City and the surrounding areas, so that his new territory can be secure and attract more residents to join.

The addition of territorial citizens will quickly increase the number of players you can get. When a city of 30,000 people is at full capacity and reaches the prosperous stage, the number of people it can feed back will reach 900. As the territory expands, this number will continue to increase.

If he can capture the entire Transia region in a short period of time, then expand outward.

"Ah, a rapidly growing army of players who are not afraid of death! That will be the truly formed fourth natural disaster."

Murphy sighed in the darkness:

"Getting ahead and making a name for yourself? Where are we going? My lovely players and I will become true legends and leave a mark in history, and that's just the beginning!

Dear different world, I suddenly realized that my budding ambition is really great, so please bear with me for a while."

This chapter has been completed!
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