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Chapter 97 96 Dare to get stuck with BUG, ??you are no longer an ordinary player,

 Chapter 97 96. If you dare to get stuck with BUG, ​​you are no longer an ordinary player, you must take a heavy blow! 【3660】

(Additional update for the brothers of ‘The Want of Midsummer’ [1/5])

Under the "BUG" tactics developed by Brother Meow Meow, the "dangerous" structures that kept pouring out of the second hall were eliminated in batches with Mr. Murphy's powerful "assist".

The cooperation between the two parties was so tacit that the witch hunters who were waiting at the rear felt that this might be a tactic prepared by the cunning vampires in advance. It must be said that this way of letting the weak attract the attention of the strong enemy brought them into their own side.

Being near the strong is indeed a simple but very effective strategy.

Moreover, the players' snake-skin movements and occasional convulsive action patterns really left a deep impression on this group of witch hunters.


"It's just a group of ordinary guard structures. Do you need to go to such trouble?"

Amber, the scout among the witch hunters, pushed up her blindfold and whispered to Captain Natalie in front of her:

"It seems that Murphy's warriors are not hiding their weakness, they are really weak! They are so weak that they are only slightly stronger than ordinary soldiers. Of course, these guys are indeed much stronger than when they first met.

It’s amazing how quickly they grow.”

"However, have you forgotten how we were defeated by the ambush of these guys? Although I admit that there was a factor of luck that time and we underestimated the enemy.

But you have to admit that they were unambiguous when they fought hard, and their courage without fear of death is their greatest advantage."

Natalie shook her head and said:

"Be careful, Amber! Humiliating the enemy is humiliating yourself, especially if they have defeated us."

"Okay, this is the end of the monkey show!"

The old knight Finok took the metal kite shield engraved with divine mottos and the one-handed emerald green sacred wood hammer handed to him by the witch hunter beside him, and said to his team members:

"There are a lot of out-of-control dark psychic vibrations ahead. Those crazy vampires are hiding behind the second hall, moving forward, ready to take over the battle! These vampire servants can't be counted on. I know that this kind of trouble must be solved by myself.

Peace of mind!”

The little players don't know what's hidden in front of them.

While they followed the extremely powerful Lord Murphy forward, they also searched for the "drops" of those structures, and they actually picked up a few pieces of "irrepairable Gargoyle Hearts".

The item identification mark is the core of the structure. Psychic items can be used to make new structures. At first glance, they are rare materials that will only be dropped in dungeons, making players who pick up good things happy.

But they soon realized it was a group copy!

Although there is no stipulation on the distribution method, it is obvious that these spoils will have to be distributed uniformly after the war.

Before the war started, everyone agreed that in the future, large-scale dungeon events like this would use the DKP system to distribute the spoils. This is the most reasonable and fairest of all distribution methods.

As a result, the oldest dump truck man, who was prudent and steady, was officially promoted as the DKP recorder.

"Why are you just swiping the mobs but not the BOSS?"

Good Pigeon in the crowd grabbed his staff and asked doubtfully, but as soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Murphy, who was leading the charge in front, suddenly stopped and said with a puzzled and vigilant expression:

"Something's wrong! I smell a terrible dark breath, be careful!"

He shouted, and at the same time used onomatopoeia to give orders to the eldest lady who was prepared in the security room:

"Now! Throw it down!"

"To be honest, sometimes I really can't understand what's going on in Murphy's mind."

The eldest lady on the second floor faintly complained to Maxim and Adele beside her, and then the three of them nodded together and smashed the core gargoyle structure bound by psychic energy downwards.


The weak psychic threads bound in the air exploded, freeing the black gargoyle commander.

The huge stone wings dotted with blood-colored gems spread out, and its body, which was twice larger than the ordinary structure, fell to the ground of the second hall with a fierce and arrogant attitude, making a loud clang sound.

The flapping of its huge stone wings brought up a roar of dust, causing the players in front of them to raise their hands to cover their eyes.

After the dust was dispersed by Murphy with psychic energy, the chandelier in the second hall was lit, and the players also saw the BOSS appearing in front of them.

The whole body is dark, and the head has two horns.

Although it still looks like a gargoyle, the metal armor and the light surrounding it make it look like an extraordinary creature. The most important thing is that this guy is big, ugly, and fierce. He is definitely the gatekeeper BOSS of the Blood Vulture Corridor dungeon.


"Ah! I'm seriously injured. I must retreat immediately."

Murphy clutched his chest and shouted weakly, then spread out his huge blood wings and disappeared into the hall, leaving only a group of wide-eyed players who were just as confused as those who were pushed down in front.

The leader of the gargoyles.

The scene fell silent for a while.

"Damn! I knew it! Every BOSS battle must have this kind of plot, these NPCs are all fucking actors! Act hard! Can a leader NPC like you be injured by such a janitor monster? You just killed the monster

At that time, you were so powerful that you were not so weak at all!"

Brother Miao Miao complained harshly.

But other young players expressed their emotional stability.

Hey, hey, the NPC is acting in a show. What a big deal. You see, Guang Wei is like a super paladin holding an artifact like Lafayette. He should be fishing in the water, but he should be charged at the beginning?

Our NPC is a cunning vampire. Isn't it normal for him to retreat tactically when the situation is bad?

To put it bluntly, Mr. Murphy didn’t accuse you of being invincible, right?

"The shield hand comes forward! Remotely retreat, prepare with the magic system, and the BOSS will start in 10 seconds!"

The commander-in-chief Happy Stick shouted, and all the players immediately became energetic.

This is their first BOSS battle in "Real World" and they must deal with it carefully.

At the same time, Murphy, who had quickly returned to the security room on the second floor with the help of the vampire, looked at the actions of the little players below with satisfaction. He slapped the eldest lady behind him who had completely controlled the core of the corridor structure.

Snap your fingers and say:

"You stay here at the control core, and remember to put two gargoyles into the battlefield every minute. When the big black guy is about to be killed, put six gargoyles in at once."


The eldest lady couldn't understand it at all now.

She asked doubtfully:

"Why? Why do you want to increase the difficulty for your warriors out of thin air?"

"Because you don't need weak people under your command!"

Maxim immediately gave the standard answer.

This quick answer and this answer that was correct at all times made Murphy nodded with satisfaction. He said to the eldest lady:

"They are 60 heavily armed professionals. If they can't even deal with such a stupid gargoyle leader, what else can I expect them to do? Don't worry, Miss, my warriors always get braver as they fight. They don't

I will blame you and me.

They also have to grow up quickly.

Mark, Adele, follow the plan!”

"As you command, my lord."

Maxim and Mrs. Adele immediately exited the security room and followed the marked map given by Murphy before heading to the self-destruction core area hidden in the corridor.

Murphy flapped his wings and floated up, reminding the eldest lady:

"Seal this place! Until my warriors defeat the powerful enemy and then open the seal, I will go and talk to the witch hunters. Next, if we continue to advance into the depths of the corridor, they will have to support us. Are there still many tribesmen in the corridor?"

"That's what I'm telling you, their numbers are much lower than we expected."

The eldest lady said with a puzzled expression:

"Even less than what I saw when I entered the cloister before!

Judging from the spiritual aura in the depths, there are only five hundred people here at most. However, when Cadman City was engulfed by the energy of the star realm, the number of people who escaped the first wave of star energy and hid safely in the castle and corridors was at least a few thousand or even thousands.

Tens of thousands of people.

I know that my father 'sacrificed' some people for something I can't understand, but their numbers shouldn't be so different!

So I suspect there is something else in this corridor, you should be careful, no matter what it is, it can kill the elites of the family at will."

"Very useful information, I understand."

Murphy nodded and flew into the darkness.

The young players below him have dispersed throughout the second hall to find attack points, and the shield bearers, supported by a hail of bullets, began to use snakeskin movements to "pedicure" the gargoyle leader.

As he glided out of the second hall and returned to the Children's Hall, the door of the second hall was slowly closed under the control of the eldest lady, just like a classic BOSS battle always closes the area to prevent players from escaping.

"Your warriors seem to be in trouble?"

The old knight surrounded by witch hunters outside the door stared at Murphy and said:

"Shouldn't you help them deal with it? It's just a black iron-grade finely crafted structure. Don't tell me you can't even handle that thing."


The blood-colored bat wings behind Murphy, which were larger than ordinary blood vulture vampires, slowly folded in, and he replied expressionlessly:

"Isn't this the responsibility you want my warriors to shoulder? I have my responsibility to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers for you so as not to waste time. Just as my warriors will never stop here, you should also fulfill it.

It’s your job!

Follow me, bypass the second hall from the side corridor and you will enter the main part of the corridor, where my crazy people are entrenched.

But I did some investigation and found that there is something more dangerous inside."

The old knight waved his hand forward, and the elite witch hunters immediately filed out.

Natalie, who was wearing a new weapon on her waist and carrying five knives on her back, glanced at Murphy when she passed by him, and then disappeared into the darkness with her team.

But when they entered the deeper passage, they took a turn and headed in a completely different direction from other witch hunters.

"What's the relationship between Ms. Natalie and you?"

In the Heir Hall where only two people were left, Murphy asked softly:

"You seem to pay a lot of attention to her?"

"Are you looking for my weakness?"

Old Finok stepped forward with a one-handed hammer and a kite shield, and replied coldly:

"Don't be careful, Murphy. Tracey should have warned vampires like you to know how to stay away from dangers like me when they are weak."

"I can't help it. I'm a very unlucky person. Dirty things will always find me."

Murphy curled his lips, raised his fingers, pointed at a wall nearby and said:

"Follow me! The secret passage in the cave that can lead directly to the depths of the hall is here. I don't know what's inside. No one has entered there for hundreds of years. But I think your strength is so strong, I don't have to worry too much.



Just like the old knight did when he invited Murphy and others to open the door, the vampire made a polite "invitation" in the dimness.

Old Finock stepped forward and reached out to touch the luxurious wall. His natural psychic perception allowed him to quickly capture the hole behind the wall. However, this wall was three or four meters thick. Generally speaking, it could not be broken by human power.

However, in front of the old knights of the gold rank, these obstacles are nothing.

"The force of nature is my vanguard."

He put an oak seed with a metallic luster into the gap in the wall, took a few steps back and recited a mantra.

The seeds quickly grew, piercing the cracks with sharp vines and advancing inside. Amidst the heart-breaking crackling sound, the thick wall collapsed in just ten seconds due to the ever-growing ironwood tree species.


A rotten atmosphere gushed out from the ancient cave in front of him, and the old knight's eyes narrowed under his barrel helmet. He walked into it with a one-handed hammer and shield, followed closely by Murphy holding a sword.

When the sound of gurgling water sounded from the darkness, Old Finock suddenly moved his nose, and then whispered:

"I seem to have accidentally dug a hole that is neither deep nor shallow for us."

"Oh? What should I say?"

Murphy, who was holding his sword, asked.

Old Finock shrugged, pointed to the emerald green fire that was lighting up in the huge cave ahead, and said in a long voice:

"Do you still remember that before I came in, I told you that the spiral passage was used as a nest by an astral manticore? It was expelled by the flames and is now in front, and it seems to have recognized us.

Well, it is really angry and ferocious. It reminds me of the heroic flying lions in the north of Greene Island.

But my old arms and legs suddenly feel a little tired.

So Sir Murphy.



Murphy, who had just acted for the little players, turned around and was acted out by the "real NPC" in front of him. Listening to the deep roar and the ferocious breath approaching quickly in the cave, Murphy sighed and raised his sword.


Alas, it's better not to do more bad things.

This is probably the principle behind acting.


"Hurry! It's time to enter the killing line! Be careful of the remaining blood and violent rage!"

In the second hall, Happy Stick fired while directing the output of the team members in the team channel.

The big black gargoyle leader in front of him has had his armor ripped off by constant attacks, and his stone body has been punched with cracks.

Being besieged by nearly 40 large-caliber shotguns for nearly five minutes and still being able to persist in the attack fully demonstrates how rough and thick this thing is.

Under Brother Bang's command, the rocks thrown by the gargoyles could always be nimbly dodged by the small players on the periphery, and their snakeskin movements also made the young lady on the second floor extremely satisfied.

The eldest lady watched for five minutes!

She had never realized that she could be so bored before, but now she roughly understood why those human nobles always liked to watch gladiatorial fights.

This drama of the weak versus the strong is really interesting.

Especially when I saw 60 players forming a wonderful whole under the command, like a machine running smoothly, beating the high-level gargoyles that they could not deal with one-on-one to a miserable state.

Femis learns more about Murphy's otherworldly warriors.

Their solo combat capabilities are very poor.

But their comprehension and understanding of cooperation is indeed much better than that of ordinary soldiers.

"Now it's 60, if you have 600 people."

The eldest lady squinted her eyes and looked at the "performance" of the little players below. She couldn't help but think in her heart, no wonder Murphy never chooses his blood servants in the survivor camp. He really looks down on those ordinary people. He

The warriors are indeed much stronger than ordinary blood servants in every aspect.

What's even more frightening is that these guys are all following Murphy's command!

This means that once their number exceeds a certain limit, the destructive power of Murphy's organization will increase exponentially.

So, is this where Murphy’s fearlessness lies?

Femis thought this way, and at this moment, Mrs. Cachitoni below also swung her axe, howling, and struck the scarred arm of the gargoyle leader, shattering the rock with a bang.

"The victory has been decided!"

The eldest lady stood up and followed Murphy's instructions and clicked on the control core next to her.

Amid the angry roar of Happy Stick, the last six gargoyles flapped their wings and left the base at once, just like the last little "surprise" and trial for the winners.

"Maxim, Tris, and even Adele have their own favorite warriors."

The eldest lady quietly flew up and left the security room and headed deeper into the corridor, while thinking:

"Maybe I should follow Murphy's wishes and select a few warriors for me among his warriors. If I plan to stay in Murphy's new family, then maybe it's time to learn their style of doing things.

I really have to carefully choose my favorite warrior."

This chapter has been completed!
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