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Chapter 971 970 Why are you just acting cool here when you agreed to pick up girls?

Chapter 971 Why are you just acting cool here when you promised to pick up girls?

Captain Yara, a senior agent of the Thieves Guild under the Council of Steam Lords, revealed his identity and used the secret of the halfling secret subway to persuade the shield dwarves to help.

After the young people of the Hoffman family brought the news back to the Polut Pass, the current patriarch of the shield dwarves sent a group of three hundred gryphon air cavalry to assist in the battle without hesitation. All the explosives were ready-made.

Taken from the crash-landed airship.

Yara and the others stayed by Lake Delir and waited for the shield dwarves to come and join them, while the players and the hunters took the first step.

They once again walked through the dangerous mountain forest in the silence of midnight, with three dragoons equipped with all war components as the vanguard to clear the way.

The heaviness brought by the six legs of these big guys as they stepped on the earth made all the players who followed them feel full of security. Xugou was riding on the saddle of his skeleton war horse, and was also giving his subordinates in the guild channel

The newbies are having fun:

"Brothers, don't be afraid!

As soon as you encounter a difficult fire point, rush forward and explode yourself. You have just passed the Black Iron Trial and have basically no equipment accumulation. It is not a bad idea to die now. I will wait for you to be resurrected at the Maginot Line in three days.

You can catch the subsequent airship and come here to continue making money!

This is a serious military mission for us, and Master Qin and the People's Army Staff gave us a very generous reward.

As long as you capture that factory, you can officially activate the military rank system.

Nowadays, the People's Army is very wealthy. As long as you reach the rank of corporal, you can go to the Logistics Department to exchange for a set of military protective gear and matching psychic weapons at a low price. After that, every time you advance to a higher military rank, you will receive a set of protective gear and various benefits.

Woolen cloth.

You guys are watching old songs, that guy can still fall in love with Captain Mia, don’t you envy him? He is a serious active-duty Chasseur Major. When you are in a high position in the future, you will naturally be able to raise cybernetics.

My wife."

"No, brother, are you so reckless?"

The elf named Mengxin said in a low voice:

"My sister-in-law is still in the group, how dare you say that?"

"Hey, I'm not afraid. As a grown man, don't pull your ears! It hurts!"

"You also want to find yourself a cyber wife, right? What? The yellow-faced women at home are no longer rare now? Humph, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, bring your marriage certificate and see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

Hearing Maotu shouting to Xugou, the group was suddenly filled with joy.

The newbies were laughing, but there were also some guys who were quietly observing the relationship between Brother Qu and Captain Mia.

By the way, the player base has now expanded to more than 6,000 people, and there are quite a lot of outrageous deeds of gods and goddesses from all walks of life. In the past, there were two sisters from the Ashes who had a double income and married into the wealthy business family as husband-in-law.

If you think the above two examples are too vegetarian, there are actually some meaty ones.

It is said that Big Shark, who is very popular among players, was "kept" by a mysterious shadow elf wife in the Scarlet Castle. Some people said that when they saw Big Shark, he would secretly go back every week, and then after a night of noisy...

Will hold on to the wall to come out.

Although I don’t know how the giant shark and his elf rich woman achieved in-depth communication when everyone’s cattle were locked up by Mr. Murphy, this kind of thing that is basically equivalent to real evidence still proves that "Real Alien" This game is far more outrageous than pure players can imagine.

As a result, there are actually quite a few people who are interested.

Especially those restless singles.

Unfortunately, it is not much easier to find a cyber wife in Transia than it is to find a girlfriend in the material world.

The NPC intelligence in this game is too high. Simple players simply cannot play those NPC female NPCs. The forum even opened a special "emotional topic" section to discuss this kind of gossip that everyone is interested in. information.

Well, as a game forum, it generously opened up such an outrageous thing as the "Tree Hole Area", which really proves the unchanging truth that the game area is the area where games are discussed the least.

Fortunately, although the conditions for player selection are currently relaxed, they are still strict, so that the atmosphere of the forum has not yet deteriorated, and Murphy, a dog planner, can proudly shout out the famous saying "Alfa Company may go bankrupt, but it will never deteriorate."

"Attention! We are approaching the battlefield and the target is ahead!"

After more than an hour of trekking, this 300-man team composed of players and hunters finally approached the factory controlled by the Jackals.

This is a typical town factory.

Low-rise houses full of halfling characteristics are distributed along the cross-shaped streets, and the square factory area is at the end of the street.

The entire town serves this factory that produces explosives. The peace-loving halflings do not hinder their efforts in the explosives industry chain. After all, the dwarves are indispensable for mining and armament, and explosions are indispensable. Steam engineering is also a very important branch of halfling steam engineering.

"Look at the walls around us. The halflings still have a sense of safety. Unfortunately, the walls built based on their height cannot stop the jackals at all. Well, I guess it can be prepared against the sneak attack of the kobolds."

In the air, Qu Ge controlled the Swift Eagle exoskeleton to conduct reconnaissance. He summoned his Storm Horned Eagle "Swift Shadow" and activated the Eye of the Beast to conduct a close-range search. He also placed the firepower points he discovered on the simple map in his hand. and the gathering place of gnolls are outlined.

It was almost early in the morning, the quietest time of the day.

Jackals are flesh and blood creatures and they naturally need to rest. Therefore, in addition to the jackal hunters and their wargs who are on duty at night, other gathering points in the town can hear the snoring sounds of those guys all day long, which is exactly the time to launch an attack. good times.

A few minutes later, Brother Qu returned to the ground after completing the general reconnaissance, summoned backbone players such as Xu Gou, Mao Tu and Da Bi Dou, and then called Captain Mia to come over with his platoon leader and squad leader.

On the map hand-drawn by Qu Ge, he divided the attack direction into two groups and launched attacks from both sides of the town.

"We are on the left, Mia is on the right, and three dragoons are responsible for breaking through the front. After we fight in, we move forward. The buildings on both sides do not need to be cleared. Just greet us with grenades and missiles. Everyone meets in the center of the town, and then goes to

The factory moves forward.

The defense there is the tightest, and the attack is expected to be very difficult, so our air power must cooperate with fire suppression at that time."

Brother Qu's fingers kept sliding on the map. Although he was only a real civilian, nearly four months of high-intensity confrontation in a black disaster gave him the momentum that a commander should have.

He imitated the way veterans of the Qing Dynasty made tactical plans, describing the tasks to others in the simplest way possible.

Fortunately, the terrain is not complicated. When the halflings built the factory, they deliberately chose a flat terrain, so there was no need to consider terrain factors in this battle.

"We'll charge when the air cavalry comes!"

Brother Qu clenched his fist and punched the map, then turned to the key players and ordered:

"Let the new brothers be prepared to self-destruct to destroy the enemy. It is still our old rule. The brothers who died during the distribution of loot will be given priority. This factory looks very promising. With the exaggerated technological capabilities of the halflings, maybe

Pretty good equipment can be exploded from it.”

"Okay, let's go and boost morale."

Xu Gou replied, and took his wife and Dabi Dou to the player's side.

As soon as the news was announced, there was a burst of cheers, and then they moved towards the left side of the town with great courage.

Brother Qu, a sniper, wanted to kill enemies at high altitude, but when he separated from Captain Mia, he handed over a pack of special bullets and said:

"This is a newly developed special dragon's breath bomb developed by the arsenal. It is very effective against hairy creatures like jackals. Because it is equipped with burning gold and special gunpowder, it can kill silver individuals at medium and short ranges.

Strength has improved a lot.

Just take it and use it."

"I took it, what did you use?"

Captain Mia whispered:

"Major Qu, you don't actually have to take care of me like this."

"This is not because of the care of my superiors and subordinates. I am quite good at talking in front of other people, but I don't know why I am always clumsy in front of you. There are some things I want to say but I can't say them. Forget it. I'll talk about it later.

Let’s get more familiar with it.”

Lao Qu scratched his head and said:

"Anyway, you take care of yourself. I am an immortal and my life is consumable, but yours is not. What's more, as a Silver Man, I can always take care of myself."

After saying that, he smiled at Captain Mia, activated his exoskeleton and flew into the air to prepare for sniper combat.

The three dragoons at the rear also entered combat mode. The blood-red sensor beacon moved back and forth in the V-shaped observation window. Finally, under the leadership of the walking machine codenamed "Lieutenant Bottas", they headed in a triangular formation.

The town rushes past.

Almost at the same time, the shield dwarf air cavalry loaded with explosives on the gryphons also appeared over the battlefield. Still led by the young Lord Tucker Hoffman, the fierce and stubborn shield dwarves led the flying escorts.

Through the eyepieces, each one looked fiercely at the town below, which was surrounded on three sides.

They are just a subspecies of Brass Dwarves.

They are not conspicuous among the dwarves, but shield dwarves also have their own pride.

They are the only earthwalkers left on this land after the Brass Dwarves were abandoned by Mother Gaia. They bear the expectations of the Mother Goddess of Earth and fight against the gnoll invaders to protect their homeland and country.

Their hero, Lord Heather Hoffman, made legendary achievements during the Black Disaster, and they also want to use their actions tonight to pay tribute to the hero!

For the Polut Pass!

For Mother Gaia!

Tucker Hoffman piloted his armored griffon and was the first to swoop down from a high altitude. When he was close to the ground, he cut off the net bag on the griffin's body, allowing the full load of explosives to hit the town with its impact.

In a courtyard, the gryphon returned to the sky with the roar of fire in the background.

The three hundred sky knights and their griffons behind him have begun bombing freely. Each griffon carries three net bags. Although it is not an incendiary bomb specifically used for ground bombing, it is better because the number is enough, nine hundred times.

Dropping bombs from high altitude is enough to blow up an entire town from top to bottom.

What's more, their heroic allies have already begun a ground offensive at this time.

Tucker admired the bursts of fire on the ground from a high altitude. He clearly saw the Dragoon walkers that could move without a driver moving forward silently in the fire on the ground. They were covered with strange things.

A device that can continuously launch steel punch-like missiles to bombard the gnolls approaching them.

And even if they escaped the missile bombardment and approached the walker, those dark jackals would be easily chopped into pieces by the ejected mechanical folding scythe. The dragoon at the front also turned on the flamethrower, using the erupting fire as the chassis rotated.

After setting the jackals on fire, the kobolds were frightened and fled in all directions.

Farther away, those Transians were extremely brave.

They rushed along the road on the left side. When encountering the stubborn resistance of the jackals, the warriors drank the decisive wine and shouted, pounced on the enemy and blew themselves up. A strange black light flashed and engulfed all the enemies in front of them. This kind of bravery was so shocking that it shocked people's hearts.

With their fighting style, no jackal can stop their progress.

The Jaegers of the People's Army have a completely different style.

Cold, efficient and united, like a pack of hunting wolves in the dark night, a round of concentrated fire with long and short firearms will crush those stupid and arrogant guys into a sieve, as well as the indifferent vampire captain.

She holds an astonishingly large gun at a high place. Every time she fires, a Jackal captain will be decapitated. She doesn't bother to hunt ordinary barbarians at all. It's like the most deadly blood blade.

Swing for worthy goals.

This is exactly the same as the combat style of the human major flying in the air.

"No wonder they were able to defeat hundreds of thousands of gnolls in Transia. Such fighting power and fighting spirit have proven that they are truly brave men."

Tucker admired this on his gryphon, and then led the air cavalry to continue the bombing to cover the advance of the ground soldiers.

The three parties attacked simultaneously with air support, which temporarily stunned the jackals in the town.

By the time they were ready to assemble to retake the battle line, the three dragoons had already rushed towards the road leading to the factory and started killing each other crazily. The successfully merged ground troops moved forward under the cover of the dragoons.

Qu Ge was relieved when he saw that everything was going well. He drove his exoskeleton towards the factory, preparing to find a perfect commanding height to provide support to the ground. But when Qu Ge approached the factory, a glass shed on top of it

It suddenly shattered and a fierce bipedal flying dragon jumped out of it.

As if in a hunting posture, it clasped its claws on the body of Brother Qu who was caught off guard. The sharp claws were blocked by the exoskeleton, but the venom of the bipedal flying dragon almost sprayed down on Brother Qu's head.

Fortunately, Brother Qu has a good habit of wearing a helmet at all times, and as a silver man, his set of protective gear is also top-notch. It can block the erosion of venom, and when the talent of quickly drawing a gun is activated, he can draw it out of his waist

The imitation Colt fired four shots at the flying dragon while spinning at high altitude, forcing the beast back.

However, due to the stalling speed of the spinning fall, Qu Ge could no longer lift himself into the air. Facing the glass shed below, he could only curl up his limbs and load himself up.

Amidst the violent noise, he fell into the upper floor of the factory in an awkward posture. Before he could get up, a black sharp blade slashed down in front of him. Lao Qu blocked it with the exoskeleton of his arm, and sparks flew everywhere.

He was thrown away by the huge force, and his own troll hammer also spun and landed on the other side.

He gasped, grabbing the gun with one hand and pulling out his own bayonet with the other.

In front of him was an astonishingly large jackal warlord. He was definitely a silver man and his brain was suspected to have been eroded by the filthy power. Even his body began to undergo disgusting mutations, and a stench full of sharp teeth was torn out on its belly.

It has a large mouth and snake-like intestines that spit out green venom.

This scene made Brother Qu almost want to burst into tears.

But he knew that now was the time to fight, as long as he got his gun


The moment the monster-like filthy jackal pounced on Brother Qu, a muffled sound sounded above his head.

The monster in front of him was hit in the eye and screamed and retreated in the heat like dragon's breath. Brother Qu raised his head and saw Lieutenant Mia flapping her wings and landing on the broken ceiling above her head. At this moment, Lao Qu's heart

It started beating like crazy again.

But he knew that this was the time for spring, so he activated his flight pack and entered the overload state and hit it, knocking the blinded monster Jackal several meters away. Then he turned back and grabbed his fallen gun and raised it again.

high places.

When the monster roared and rushed towards it again, it was greeted by two specially-made troll hammers and two capable hunters. When the players broke through the factory gate and rushed into it, Qu Ge and Captain Mia also

A wonderful hunt was completed, and the filthy evil thing was killed in the flames of the Iron Fist missile explosion.

"Are you okay?"

With the flames exploding in the background, Captain Mia turned around and asked.

Lao Qu looked at her and wanted to come forward and give her a victory hug, but he restrained this emotion.

Mia is not the kind of little girl who likes surprises. Doing this will only make her feel that she is not stable enough. So, in the explosion of fire, Brother Qu put on a cool posture and made an OK gesture, saying:

"It's a joke, now you can have another bloody star on your gun."


This chapter has been completed!
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