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Chapter 994 The perfect blueprint of the 992 Agreement Creator will surely be realized!

Chapter 994 Agreement III: The Creator’s perfect blueprint will surely be realized!

The battle in the port area has ended on the front battlefield.

When the storm ritual of the Dagon murlocs was destroyed by a solar bombing, the murlocs' terrain-changing tactics were completely ineffective. The tide was receding, and the ice fields shaped by Eris were melting and dissipating. After the members of the Dagon Secret Cult retreated,

Previously, the black winter wolf killed at least seven sea beasts and had a delicious meal of seafood sashimi.

With this legendary creature guarding the front line of the dock area, players can finally relax a little. After the front line was defeated, the murloc thugs blocked in the port area became the targets of the players.

They won the battle, but it was far from perfect.

Because they underestimated the threat of murlocs, the players in the port area suffered more casualties than expected. Whether it was to vent their anger or to blame, in short, the foreign heroic spirits have decided to kill the remaining murlocs in the city before dawn.

Drag them all out and kill them, so as to let out this bad breath.

The veteran players still wanted to show some respect. They did not participate in the newbies' pursuit of the murlocs, but planned to clean up the battlefield to see if they could get some good stuff.

But just when the Silver Moon Group and the Big Bird Group had divided the loot collection area, a sudden loud noise like thunder sounded over the dock area.

Brother Miao Miao raised his head and saw a meteor wrapped in faint blue flames falling from the sky like a meteorite. It happened to hit a three-story building that was flooded near them. The impact was huge.

When the thing was forced to fall to the ground, it destroyed the floor and erupted in dazzling fire.

"Fuck! What is that?"

Sanwudou exclaimed, while Yansang next to him scratched his head and said:

"I saw what looked like a person wrapped in flames. Judging from the body lines, it must be a woman?"

Everyone still trusts Yan Sang, a rhodium, cesium and beryllium investigator, so Brother Mingmiao gave an order, and the surrounding players immediately rushed to the fall point, ready to see what it was.

Just when they arrived at the anti-combustion ruins, they happened to see the No. 11 prototype wrapped in flames standing up from the ruins.

There was no obvious damage to the silver-gray mechanical outer armor, but the scratches left by heavy blows on the armor destroyed her sense of delicacy, and this cool robot seemed to have some kind of malfunction. It was obvious when she stood up

There are head shaking and head slapping movements, which are very similar to the confused look on the face of a brother who is used to the life of a young master when he suddenly wakes up early one day.

The flame nozzles on its arms and legs also emit blue plasma flames from time to time, and the hidden weapon bays on its shoulders and back are also opening and closing, like an electrical switch with poor contact.

"Not a threat! I am Penny executing a scorched earth combat stop! This is not a stop!!!"

A very impressive mechanical sound echoed in the burning ruins.

The chaos coming from the bottom of the heart can be felt even without observation. However, the players who gathered around are not paying attention to the mental activities of this female-lined Ex Machina. Their eyes are all on the cool appearance of this robot.


"Holy shit! The development team has built a Gundam! Is this Iron Man? Which one of the Mark series? Is this thing for sale? I want to get one for myself!"

Xiao Ashina held her Hammer Guard in her arms and looked at the friendless and handsome robot in front of her with the kind of fanatical love that a plastic girl has when she sees a new plastic.

From this guy's constantly moving adaptive outer armor and streamlined bionic design, you can tell that this is definitely not a fantasy technology created by halflings. It may be the work of Creator technology, as the old saying goes.

, something with combat effectiveness must be beautiful.

In many cases, the beauty of strength and beauty of appearance do not conflict. The prototype No. 11 in front of us perfectly proves this point. Amidst the exclamations of Ashina rubbing her hands, the surrounding players have begun to gather around the slightly crazy one.

The robot takes photos like crazy.

Someone also started a live broadcast of the scene where Ex Machina appeared in the fire. More water friends saw it, and the barrage exploded almost immediately.

A group of people were there shouting strange things like "I will set the sea on fire".

This crazy Ex Machina falling from the sky made players vaguely aware that this might be a pie created by the development team, but it couldn't stop the mechanical aesthetics of this thing from catching people's attention. However, amidst the sighs, there were still vigilant old players.

He immediately threw the detection technique at the chaotic-thinking mechanical body.

Brother Miao Miao's eyes widened the moment he saw the information feedback:

Target name: Doomguard Type 11, codename "Elevin"

Target type: Mechanical creature·High-level creation of Creator technology

Target level:???

Target occupation:???

Target evaluation: Like a god·invincible

"Back off! Back off quickly! Blanch, don't go up!"

Brother Meow Meow pulled his brother back and shouted at a few newbies who boldly approached, but like all classic plot designs, the prompt always came a step late.

Ex Machina, who was in a state of confusion due to the data restart caused by the signal jammer inserted into the outer armor by Murphy, stabilized at this moment. She realized that she was being scanned, and in the battle logic of the smart guard, being scanned

This is the signal to start war!

It's like a paladin suddenly broke into a tavern where a group of cultists gathered, and the latter's starting move was to throw an evil roll at everyone. Isn't this the rhythm of holding a knife and opening a movie?

So its mechanical mind came online again and entered self-protection mode.

"The target's threat level is extremely low! The punishment level is reduced to 3%!"


The flame vent spewed out red plasma fire again. Amidst the screams of several newbies, Ex Machina swung her heavy fist and used a "Heavy Cannon Slam MAX" to burn the three guys who tried to touch her in the fire.

The armed module on its chest scanned the surrounding individuals, locked onto it instantly, and launched a wave of indiscriminate bombing while the missile slots on its shoulders were opened.

In an instant, the players were knocked off their feet after being bombed, and they retreated crying for their fathers and mothers.

The veteran players reacted quickly, and the heavy shields and barriers were propped up to barely withstand this wave of AOE damage. Ashina even pulled out the Iron Fist Missile Setup, aimed at the female BOSS covered in flames, and pulled the trigger.

"Blow up you bad robot!"

she screamed.

The missiles filled with burning gold roared towards them, and they were about to hit the No. 11 prototype, but the latter used a superb Z-shape shake to dodge the lock and latched onto the center of the missile. With five fingers clasped together, it exploded in his hands.


The blazing flames and shrapnel flying across the plane failed to cause any damage to the prototype, not even to hinder it.

"Ugh, that's it. I'm going to stop surfing the Internet for three days now."

Xiaoweina was dumbfounded as she watched the Ex Machina punch her fist and easily push back Orchid's defense in the fire explosion. Then she flew into the air with the propeller activated, and kicked towards her with a knight's kicking attitude as the fire accelerated.

He couldn't dodge at all, the opponent was too fast.

She only had time to give herself a moment of silence before opening her arms in the air to welcome death. However, fate was always very generous to the laughing little potato. Just when the Destruction Knight of Prototype No. 11 kicked the warrior who was about to crush Murphy, the latter

Suddenly he changed the direction of his attack in the air and kicked himself high into the sky with a more cool spin.


The powerful flaming heavy cannon kick collided with the Warmaster's armed wolf lance. The collision of power and the burst of fire blew the surrounding players away with screams.

Xiao Ashina opened her eyes when the ground shook, and saw Master Murphy driving his invincible power armor to the battlefield at the critical moment.

"What are you going to do to my warrior? Little girl Penny!"

Amidst the scolding, the power armor, which was several times larger than prototype No. 11, backhandedly grabbed the left leg of the destruction machine that wanted to escape, and threw her back and forth on both sides of the earth in a standard "Heaven and Earth Return" slam.

After being beaten seven or eight times, it was like a terrifying attack with a sledgehammer of eighty and a small hammer of ten thousand, which knocked Ex Machina stupid.

She didn't even have time to adjust her battle plan when Murphy, who had thrown away his lance, pressed his left hand on the boulder next to him. He made a fist with his right hand and smashed Ex Machina on the head.

The first punch shattered the boulder.

The second punch drove Prototype No. 11 into the ground. It was very similar to the scene where Fire Cloud Evil God brutalized Ah Xing. The continuous heavy punches made a human-shaped depression appear on the ground.

Even the earth cannot withstand such brute force, and the continuous heavy blows to the core of the body make it impossible to maintain the mechanical mind of Prototype 11. In addition, Mosna on the Origin Pioneer keeps attacking her firewall.

Attacking will allow Penny's memory and consciousness to resurface in the processor.

A few minutes ago, she was brutally tortured by the Warmaster's weapons.

Originally, the battle should have ended in the outer city area, but Murphy deliberately smashed this guy into the port area from there, allowing his little players to intervene in this plot so that the second expansion pack could be released soon.

The gold content and sense of expectation continue to increase.

"The restart of the mental module is about to be completed! The mechanical mental tactics that the scholar applied to her have also been turned off. I have activated the battlefield ethics module left by the creator. You can let her go now. Next, she needs to pass three steps before launching any attacks.

Routine ethical decision-making.

This prevented her from carrying out large-scale extermination operations."

Mosina's voice rang in the combat cabin of the Warmaster's weapons and Murphy nodded. He picked up the No. 11 prototype that had been blasted into the ground, then grabbed her head and smashed her towards the back.

go out.

Like a flying baseball hitting a wall, Penny, who had regained consciousness, lay in a sluggish posture among the gravel amid the smoke and dust from the shattered bricks. The flames and tactics on her body were

The modules were closed, allowing her to become "quiet", but her consciousness still stayed at the moment when she was enveloped by the glow of God's scepter.

It was like having a distant dream, she was more like being locked in a fish tank, looking at the outside world through a layer of "glass", and a completely different experience from before was invading her mind.

Temperature 7.

Southeast wind direction.

The humidity is extremely high. If you stay for a long time, it is recommended to use anti-rust engine oil to maintain itself.

The number of individuals moving around within 300 yards is 213.

The opponent has obvious hostile tendencies, so it is recommended to adopt defensive counterattack tactics.

Advanced sensors constantly transmit external information to her mind, and the active decision-making module keeps giving suggestions. She can't feel her eyes, ears, limbs and five senses, but the other one is more perfect than before.

The way of observation has been gradually adapted.

I have been changed, forever changed and I seem to have lost a lot of memory.


A slightly familiar voice sounded from the side.

Prototype No. 11 made a very humane turning movement. Although she did not need to do this, she could still clearly capture the figure approaching her through the sensor with thirty-two different observation modes.

Even in the dark, you can clearly see every pore on the other person's face by adjusting the focus pixel.

"Penny, are you awake?"

Bertie flapped his wings and fell from the sky.

This miserable guy had serious burn marks on his body. For a vampire, it would be torture, but he didn't care about it at all. He just half-knelt beside Penny and stretched out his hand to try to help up Ex Machina who fell in the rubble in front of him.

, but unfortunately he couldn't do this at all.

The Smart Guard prototype made by the Creator himself is made of extremely solid materials. Even after being hammered so many times by the power armor, it only left a few scratches. This weight level is even worse than Bertie. It is just as difficult to let a few barbarians come over.

Lift her up.

"Who are you?"

A confused electronic voice sounded from the voice module of Prototype 11, and she said:

"I feel like you are familiar. Have we met before? Penny, is that my name? I just remember that I was hit by the light and it hurt. I heard someone crying. The memory data and the vocal channel comparison are 100% consistent.

,So, is that you crying?

Do you cry for me?


"What the hell is going on with me stepping on a horse!"

Bod was stunned.

He hadn't yet woken up from the joy of Penny regaining her mind, but several of Penny's questions hit his heart like a heavy hammer. He looked back with anger and blankness at Murphy, who was striding towards him. The vampire

Sensing his heir's rude gaze, he said:

"It is none of my business!

Minx stopped her emotions from being stripped away at the last moment. At that time, the progress bar had reached more than 90%, so it was lucky that she could retain even one tenth of her memory. However, she could still feel that you were very

Being familiar with her already shows that your importance in her heart is not low.

You have all entered immortality, and there will be enough time for her to get to know you again. Now I must restrain her, she is very dangerous.

She is dangerous, both to you and to others."

"Refuse to be restrained!"

Hearing that Murphy was about to lock herself up, Penny reacted fiercely and immediately stood up to fight again, but Bertie held her arm down and clasped it on the nozzle that would burst out plasma flames at any time.

He shook his head at Penny and said:

"No! Don't go back. I won't allow you to go back. It was that seemingly gentle but actually crazy scholar who made you so quiet. Penny, don't resist. The mentor will come to us. We will decide then.

How to do."

"Well, the little rookie has finally figured out what the Twilight members are like, I'm glad to say that."

Murphy laughed and said:

"But I don't think you can leave so easily. Your thinking needs to be corrected. Before you are completely free from the influence of dusk, you must stay by my side. As for your mentor, I am happy to meet him again."

"I I listen to you"

Penny was a little confused, but she "looked" at Bod and decided to follow her inner inspiration. Although her consciousness had been completely digitized, her perceptual thinking made her confirm that she could trust Bod and that he would not hurt her.

Logic-based decision-making gave this decision a score of 35. A very low score means that the core processor program does not agree with this decision. However, Penny has her own ideas after all.

With the Warmaster armed and ready to strike at any time, Prototype No. 11 stood up in a completely unphysiological posture. It did not show aggression, but blocked Bertie in a protective posture.

This makes Murphy curious about the current relationship between these two guys whose lives have been turned upside down.

But a few seconds later, Penny said doubtfully:

"The system self-check found that a special program is being activated. It has high authority and cannot be terminated. It uses the body as the signal source and is about to issue special instructions to the entire city."


Murphy raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What's the content of the order?"

"Wait a moment, the command is being parsed"

Penny made an electronic sound like a real robot, and replied a few seconds later:

"The content of the order is as follows: Creation Protocol III - Take over the control of all mechanical individuals within the scope of the order, and lock the action mode to destroy, targeting the port of Chardoux and the living entities within it.

The command comes from the main control program 'Resuscitation'.

The special message is: Administrator Alpha, please do not interfere with this program’s continued advancement of the Creator’s blueprint, otherwise you will be regarded as an enemy of the Creator and will be eliminated!

The Life Greenhouse Project is about to be restarted, and the transformation of the world will be promoted again after a thousand years.

For the glory of the Creator! A perfect kingdom will be established!”


After listening to this, Murphy felt that the world had changed a bit too wonderfully.

As an administrator personally chosen by the Creator, the dignified God of Creation is actually regarded as an "enemy of the Creator" by a renegade AI? Why don't you expel me from the Creator's faction if you are so capable? And this recovery has caused so many things.

Is the purpose really just to restart the world blueprint left by the Creator?

Isn't this guy's loyalty a bit too extreme?

And this Creation Protocol III


Murphy was still thinking about the meaning of the agreement when a halfling walker in the distance that was being shut down for maintenance suddenly restarted and fired a cannonball aimed at Murphy's direction.

But before the cannonball fell, Penny in front of him used a "Heavy Cannon MAX" that was so fierce and cool that it had no friends and exploded in the air. In the jumping fire, Murphy immediately realized that something new was happening.

"Chief Murphy! All the engineering machinery in the city suddenly went out of control!"

Mosina's screams echoed in the armor communication, and she yelled:

"Those walkers attacked the defense line of the outer city wall from behind, causing chaos everywhere in the city. The university town was set on fire by fire walkers. The machines betrayed their makers. They are being driven by some kind of force to prepare for the attack.

Initiate an internal destruction in the city.

Ah, I see, this is an iron man rebellion

It is what your foreign heroes say all day long, that intelligence is not worthy of trust, and only pure flesh and blood can bring loyalty. Although I am opposed to this argument, this city really has it now.



This chapter has been completed!
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