Chapter 430 Western Grassland

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 On the endless prairie, groups of cattle and sheep leisurely eat tender green grass. In addition, there are many different types of herbivores, but the number is much smaller than that of cattle and sheep.

A wide and flat yellow dirt road passes through the green grassland, winding all the way into the distance, and a long sightseeing animal car is driving on it.

"The total population of Qunyu City is about 900,000, mainly distributed in four secret realms. Among them, the North District secret realm has the largest population, with nearly 400,000 people.

The North Area Secret Realm can be roughly divided into three parts: left, middle and right according to the terrain. The middle area is the central area. The terrain is mainly hilly, which is the area we just left.

The central area is not only the administrative and commercial center of the North District's Secret Realm, but is also dotted with many large and small workshops, mainly engaged in the deep processing of agricultural and animal husbandry products. Two-thirds of the population of the North District lives in the central area.

The eastern plain is known as the "Granary of Qunyucheng" and is also the base for vegetables and eggs.

Now we are traveling on the western grassland of the North District, which is also called a pastoral area. It mainly breeds herbivorous animals such as beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, horses and deer, among which beasts at the savage level account for about 30% of the total.

The western grassland is the largest meat and dairy base in Qunyu City. It also provides a large number of primary training resources, such as fur, bones, essence and blood from farmed beasts, as well as some wild herbs.

In addition, there are many special breeding projects on the western grasslands. Although the number of populations involved in each project is not large, the benefits are better, but the breeding is more difficult and the risk of failure will be higher..."

"Aunt Xia Xia, after I advanced to the Qi-nourishing stage, my elders gave me an exquisite beast as a gift. I bought it from the North District. There is a hunting activity in our trip. Can I catch another one?

"Linglong beast, where is the one that was given to my family as a companion after being tamed?" Xu Yan asked.

Xu Yan is the youngest member of this tour group. He is only fifteen years old this year. Because he is accompanied by his father, he can participate in this tour group.

Tour groups organized for monks will arrange many activities that are only suitable for monks. For the sake of safety and convenience, several car dealerships in Qunyu City have clear regulations and will set the minimum cultivation level of the participants based on the travel route and activity content.

Certain requirements.

This luxurious group that Gao Xingyu joined not only included outdoor camping and hunting projects that are common on most grassland routes, but also a project that traveled through poisonous miasma areas to collect wild herbs. Therefore, the minimum cultivation level for participants was at the beginning of the Qi Refining Stage.<


However, the tour group is not unkind. There is also a supporting rule that can relax this restriction: that is, if the participant's cultivation level does not reach the minimum limit, but still wants to participate, he or she can sign a liability exemption agreement at the same time.

Activate the active talisman to protect yourself, and hire a monk whose cultivation level is at least one level higher than the minimum requirement to serve as a bodyguard throughout the process.

Xu Zhibiao was once a leader among the local Qi-training monks in the Miaoji world, and was considered to be a promising candidate for the False Alchemy Stage.

However, the weather was not favorable, and Xu Zhibiao suffered setbacks one after another in his attack on the foundation-building stage. His lead in cultivation progress was suddenly evened out, and he was even overtaken by many people who were not as good as him.

This huge psychological gap has a huge impact on people. Xu Zhibiao was unable to recover and wasted many years.

Later, although he put down his burdens and finally broke through the foundation-building stage, it was too late. A monk who only established the foundation when he was nearly 200 years old has no hope of further progress in this life.

Frustrated, Xu Zhibiao made a similar choice to Huang Yi. Under the arrangement of his family, he married a wife and had children, and used his foundation-building skills to become an adventurer (bounty hunter).

Various bounty tasks to earn money.

It is far more difficult for monks to conceive children than for ordinary people, and it is common for them to achieve nothing after practicing double cultivation for many years.

Xu Zhibiao also had a son after a lot of hard work, and he cherished his son Xu Yan very much. Xu Yan suddenly had a whim and wanted to travel to a secret place in the North District, but he did not meet the group requirements.

Xu Zhibiao had no choice but to worry about the rest of the family, so he had no choice but to accompany his son and act as his bodyguard.


"When you talk about pet breeding, there are some on the grassland, but not many. Most pets are actually raised in central areas or plain areas. The original living environment of pets is important, but what is more important is keeping them

Adapt to the human environment.

Therefore, even species that originally lived on grasslands need to be domesticated and adapted in places where they can come into contact with a large number of humans if they want to become pets.

Although Linglong beasts also eat grass, they prefer to eat berries of low shrubs. Therefore, they mainly live in the hilly areas outside the central area.

The hunting activities arranged by our route are in the exclusive hunting area of ​​​​the grassland. If you want to find and capture exquisite beasts in the hunting area, you need to see whether you have such luck."

Tour guide Xia Xia was introducing the situation here to the group members, but Xu Yan interrupted her with a question, but she still answered seriously, and the others in the group did not pay attention.

Through a short period of contact, everyone has understood that Xu Yan is actually a reckless young man who is full of curiosity about everything and has no scheming ideas.

But who wants a family to have a good life? The family they belong to is very powerful, and they have a father who is in the foundation building stage to pamper them, so it doesn’t hurt to act a little recklessly at this age.

The Linglong Beast mentioned by Xu Yan is a kind of savage beast that lives in the world of Miao. The prototype of the Linglong Beast is called the Squirrel. Only when it evolves into a savage beast can it be called an Linglong Beast.

The Linglong Beast has no attack power. When it encounters danger, it can only rely on its fur color change and body deformation to blend with the surrounding environment to avoid natural enemies.

Linglong beasts usually feed on leaves, stems, and berries of various plants. They have short limbs and round bodies, and they look very pleasant.

Linglong beasts have a gentle personality and are very timid, so they live in groups. It is difficult for Linglong beasts to survive in the natural environment.

The Linglong Beast can live for more than a hundred years, and its intelligence level is acceptable. Although its athletic ability is not good, it likes to imitate the actions of humans or other animals it sees.

The domesticated exquisite beast is a popular high-end pet in Qunyu City in recent years. Many parents are willing to buy an exquisite beast as a companion animal for their children.

It's just that the number of exquisite beasts is not large. If you want to keep them as pets, you need a master to capture the exquisite beasts before they reach adulthood and then tame them artificially.

Therefore, pet-level exquisite beasts are very expensive, and they are basically sold at auctions. If you take out an average-looking one, the base price will be hundreds of points.

In addition, the price of special animal food carefully matched for exquisite beasts is even more expensive.

At least based on Ying Baoer's previous income level, she could definitely afford it, but she couldn't afford it.

This chapter has been completed!
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