Chapter 429 Tour Group

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 Chen Jingtian was struggling to figure out the control techniques he had just learned. When he saw Gao Xingyu approaching, he was overjoyed and quickly stood up to greet him.

"Master Gao, you are here at the right time. The control method of the "Five Elements Wheel" formation is very delicate. There are a few things I don't understand very well. I would like to ask you to give me some advice."

Chen Jingtian is obsessed with formations. Although he is older and has a much higher level of cultivation than Gao Xingyu, he is able to ask questions without shame, which can be described as a childlike innocence.

"Master Chen, you are too polite. You are a senior with extremely high attainments in formations. I will most likely not understand the problems you encounter. We can discuss and study them together.

However, my mission has just ended, and I am now going to distribute rewards to Huang Yi and Ying Baoer so that they can go back and rest. Just wait a moment and I will come back after I have dealt with these things. I can spend the entire afternoon with you.

Communicate together.

By the way, in our place, if we want to assign task rewards to assistants and apprentices, what are the general regulations?"

"Well, this is completely decided by our formation masters. There are no clear regulations in the hall. We generally allocate rewards based on the difficulty of the task, time, and each person's participation and completion level.

The reward assigned will generally be 10 to 20% of the total reward of the task. If the task is big, give more, maybe 20 to 30%. If the task is small, you can give less or even none. Anyway, they have a guaranteed income from the hall, and they can work in the job.

When completing the task, they learned something from us and also practiced their skills. Even if they are not paid, they are still willing to do it."

Gao Xingyu understood.

Here, the distribution of rewards is completely decided by the formation master. The biggest gain for the apprentices is not the jade points, but various formation knowledge, skills, and training opportunities.

Gao Xingyu is not short of money, and he has no intention of deducting remuneration. There is no problem with doing this, but if it is really like this, it is not enough to embarrass him.

But Gao Xingyu cannot give more. Every place and every industry has its own rules, and Gao Xingyu cannot break them at will.

So, Huang Yi and Ying Baoer left happily. Huang Yi was an assistant, so he got 20%, which is 8,000 points. Even Ying Baoer, a newcomer in the formation, got 10%

Four thousand points.

To put it bluntly, this is much higher than the remuneration they expected to receive. If coupled with the monthly apprenticeship subsidy they receive, not only have they learned a lot of formation knowledge in the past three months, but their income is also quite high, which is really worth it.
Gao Xingyu gave Ying Baoer ten days off and asked her to go home to rest and consolidate some of what she had learned these days. He was planning to go shopping.

It's very pitiful to say that Gao Xingyu has been in Miaocuijie for more than half a year and has been busy. In the early stage, he immersed himself in the formation hall, and in the later stage, he was busy setting up formations and teaching newcomers.

Even his new home in the Southern District has not been back a few times. Now that he finally has some free time, Gao Xingyu naturally wants to relax.

There is not much to see in Qunyu City itself. The inner city is the administrative and commercial area, and key areas of the outer city are guarded by city guards to quickly respond to possible herd infestations.

In addition to these, there are large areas of spiritual plants, mainly spiritual grains and ordinary spiritual fruits. The real good things are not planted in the outer city, but in several secret realms.

Gao Xingyu, who took a vacation for himself, found a car dealership in the inner city business district and spent 199 points to sign up for a luxury three-day tour in the North District.

The four secret realms of Qunyu City each have their own characteristics. The environment in the northern region is mainly composed of plains and grasslands, and is recognized as the most similar to the overall environment of the Liaocheng Realm.

Gao Xingyu will definitely leave Qunyu City in the future and travel around the world of Miaocheng. So now he plans to go to the North District first to adapt to the environment in advance.

The car dealership in Qunyucheng has a wide range of business, not only providing passenger transportation and freight services, but also providing customized services such as bodyguards. Travel is one of them.

The suggestion to join the tour group was made by Ying Baoer. She is a travel expert and travels around almost every year. Not only has she visited all four secret realms, but also the real Miaoji Realm outside Qunyu City.

I went there several times.

In Qunyu City, the monks travel in several secret realms. If they leave Qunyu City, half of them will join tour groups. Although there are not many dangers in the secret realm, many places have been rented by local monks for living, practicing, or engaging in activities.

Make a living through some planting, breeding and other projects.

Monks have very different temperaments and may not necessarily welcome strange tourists to disturb their lives. Some projects are not really suitable for other people to come into contact with.

Therefore, unless you are accompanied by an acquaintance in the secret realm, it is best to travel with a group. The tour group will arrange everything.

As for the monks who want to leave Qunyu City and explore outside, they can also join a tour group not far from the city. However, such tour groups mostly provide guide and bodyguard services.

If you go further, you can only form an adventure team. The wilderness is full of dangers, and it is too dangerous for one person to act alone.

Although the cost of joining a tour group is slightly higher, it is convenient and worry-free. It is the first choice for people like Gao Xingyu who are rich but have no specific goals. Ying Baoer knew Gao Xingyu's situation and suggested that he join a luxury tour group.

Early the next morning, Gao Xingyu arrived at the meeting point, ready to start his trip.

Since it was a luxury group, only eight people participated, which was not a large number. At the meeting point, everyone arrived one after another. Gao Xingyu also saw other group members for the first time.

In addition to himself, there are a family of three, an elderly couple, and a father and son. Among them, this father and son are the most interesting. The father is on the second floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage and is the only Foundation Establishment monk in the group.

The child looks to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, with a cultivation level of the third level of the Qi Yang stage. He is also the only one in the group who is in the Qi Yang stage.

The tour guide was a round-faced little girl who had been waiting at the meeting point early.

She was wearing a blue overalls with the dealership's logo and waving a small flag of the same color in her hand, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Good morning, dear tourists, I am the tour guide of this tour group - Xia Xia. After entering the North District, you will also meet Dongdong, the driver of our tour group. He is my younger brother and is in charge of the tour.

Group driving and security work.

The two of us will accompany you during these three days, hoping that every tourist can enjoy a perfect trip.

There are a total of eight tourists in our group, and I have seen that everyone has arrived at the meeting point on time. No more chatting, let’s set off now. After we enter the North District and get on the bus, I will introduce everyone to each other.

According to regulations, you can only pass through the entrance of any secret place quickly, and no stop is allowed. Therefore, the meeting point of the tour group is located a few hundred meters away from the entrance of the secret place in the North District.

Under the leadership of Xia Xia, several people in the tour group filed into the secret realm of the North District.

This chapter has been completed!
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