Chapter 436 Liaodong (19)

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 "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The imperial carriage of Emperor Guangwu was slowly driving around the military camp. He was reviewing the troops. Wherever he went, cheers could be heard. There was also a person in the carriage, a prisoner, Horqin Zasak Dorobatu, who was granted a title by the Qing court.

The king of Lu County is full of pearls and practices rituals.

Originally, after the victory in the Battle of Liuhe, the emperor wanted to take advantage of the situation and send his troops northward to cross the Yellow River. However, the water in the Yellow River was too fast and the sediment content was heavy. Large ships could not enter, and small ships could easily capsize. There were not many medium-sized warships and their transport capacity was limited. Duni

, Shitingzhu was guarded according to the natural danger, but it was difficult to cross for a while.

But it doesn’t matter. From the end of December to January, the Yellow River will be frozen for nearly two months. By then, the thousand-mile river will feel like walking on flat ground.

While waiting for the Yellow River to freeze, Emperor Guangwu strictly ordered He Jiuyi, Liu Zhenguo, and Zhang Hu's 20,000 Yunnan troops to quickly move north to join him; at the same time, he stepped up military training and reviewed the troops from time to time.

"With all the pearls and rituals, what do you think of the might of our Ming army?"

"A truly powerful force!"

Zhu Hengjia smiled and said, "Do you think Qinglu can stop my army?"

When Manzhu Xili heard this, he broke into a cold sweat. He thought about it and said, "I can't stop it!"

"Hahaha", Zhu Hengjia laughed loudly, "You are honest! Make good preparations tonight and let you go back to Horqin tomorrow."

"Go back to Horqin?"

Manzhu practiced the salute for a moment, then knelt down and cried: "Thank you for your kindness in not killing me. I swear to the Changsheng Heaven that after returning to Horqin, I will never be an enemy of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Yes," Zhu Hengjia nodded, "bring a message for me to your three brothers, especially your eldest brother Wu Keshan, telling them that as long as they lead troops to surrender and the Qing Dynasty confer titles on them, I will recognize them.

If you persist in your obsession and want to die for the Qing captives, I will kill you on the Horqin Grassland and make you regret it!"

When he mentioned the words "too late to regret", Emperor Guangwu deliberately emphasized his tone.

"I will definitely persuade the three brothers to wake up," Manzhu Xili promised again.

The release of Manzhu to practice rituals is another example of Zhu Hengjia's failure to sow discord between Manchu and Mongolia.

Politics is like chess. No matter whether it is effective or not, the chess players must make moves.


"Okay, okay! We in the Qing Dynasty still have loyal ministers and good generals. Sabusu, Lang Tan, and Wu Keshan have contributed greatly to the pacification of Chahar. I will reward them heavily." Emperor Shunzhi was very excited when the Qiangong Palace was built in Beijing.


Abu Nai of the Chahar tribe raised a flag to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, which caught him off guard. At this time, the main force of the Qing army in Liaodong was guarding Hetuala, and they really had no troops to put down the rebellion.

But I didn't expect that Sabusu and Langtan only brought 3,000 banners and cooperated with Prince Zhuoliketu Wu Keshan to wipe out Abu Nai. How can you not be overjoyed after getting rid of a serious problem?<


"Your Majesty, Sabusu, and Lang Tan are so good at fighting, why don't you send them to Hetuala to help in the battle?" Concubine Dong E said with a smile. This woman is not only charming and charming, but also well-educated, gentle, and strategic.

As he grew older, Emperor Shunzhi became less and less fond of discussing matters with Empress Dowager Zhaosheng, but preferred to discuss them with Concubine Dong E. He even abolished Empress Borzigit Mengguqing for her, which angered Zhao Sheng.

Queen Mother Sheng and Prince Wu Keshan.

"What my beloved concubine said is that I will immediately designate the two of them as Merle Erzhen and let them lead the army to Hetuala to help in the war." Emperor Shunzhi kissed Dong E's cheeks hard and with a stroke of his pen,

Ao Bai's subordinates now have three thousand more elite Eight Banners.


South of Nerchinsk, in the vast prairie area of ​​Borgia, a wooden city is located. In the wooden city, there are small wooden houses one after another.

This is the settlement area of ​​the Daur Nelyud tribe. They originally lived in the mountains and forests near Nerchinsk. After the Rakshasa people arrived, they had to move south.

Gentemul wears a traditional Daur leather robe and is entertaining guests.

He was hosting a banquet for the leaders of the four surrounding Daur tribes: Duboqian, Mozhideng, Nemor, and Huerhula.

After thirty years of drinking, Gentemuer went straight to the topic, his body as tall as a hill, let out a big wine burp, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

"Everyone, leaders, Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing Sharhuda, wants us Daur people to send troops to reinforce Hetuala. We have been fighting for years, and our men have suffered many casualties. Let us all make up our minds whether to send out these troops or not."
Each of these four tribes only has about 200 young men at most, which is slightly smaller than the Nelyud tribe, which can produce more than 300 young men. Therefore, the Nelyud tribe is implicitly the leader.

"Chief Ghentmur, we have been fighting for the Manchus for these years, and we have lost people every year. Now our Nemur tribe can't even gather two hundred young men. We can't send more troops. If we do, our sons will die."

Absolutely," said Heji, the leader of the Nemore tribe.

"Yes, we, the Duboqian tribe, only have one hundred and seventy young men left," Mogul, the leader of the Duboqian tribe, also said sadly.

Seeing this, Ghentmur took the opportunity to instigate: "The Manchus only give us a small amount of things every year, but they ask us to sacrifice our lives for them. Every time there is a war, the Daur people rush to the front, and the ones who die are all our sons. It can't be like this.

If they go down, I mean that everyone will stick together and not send a single soldier to them."

"But, Ghentmur, what if we don't send troops and Sarhuda sends troops to attack us? They have armor, muskets, and artillery. We don't have these, so how can we defeat them?" said Mozhideng.

The leader Zorba and the leader of the Hurhula tribe, Idali, were a little scared.

"Haha, come with me," Gentemul proudly led the four leaders to his warehouse.

I saw that it was filled with cotton armor, fire blunderbuss, and even small cannons. These were weapons that the Qing government strictly prohibited the Sauron people from possessing.

"Chief Ghentmur, where did you get so many treasures?" When the four leaders saw them, their eyes lit up.

"Haha, to tell you the truth, I defected to Marshal Yang of the Ming Dynasty. He looked up to him and gave me 800 pairs of cotton armor, 700 muskets, and ten small cannons. In my opinion, the Ming Dynasty has strong soldiers and horses, and sooner or later the Ming Dynasty will take back the world.

How about you join me and join the Ming Dynasty?"

There was deathly silence, and all the leaders did not answer.

Gentemul gritted his teeth and said, "If you are willing to follow me to the Ming Dynasty, I am willing to give each of you a hundred armors and seventy guns. How about it?"

"I am willing to listen to the instructions of the chief of Ghentmur." The four people immediately agreed and called them the chief.

Gentemu'er chuckled in his heart, these guys with shallow eyes are so easy to win over, and he took out a few more orders.

"Big boss, what is this?" Everyone was curious.

"This is the imperial edict of the Ming Dynasty. It was also rewarded by Marshal Yang. The official positions have been filled in. Just fill in the name and it will be valid. I am already a general of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone, I am a guerrilla general. To be honest, the general's

There are only these five edicts. If a leader comes to vote later, he can only act as a thousand generals and control the generals."

Be good, guerrilla general!

You must know that the racial discrimination in the Qing army is extremely strong. As a Sauron, being able to mix with Niulu Zhangjing in the Qing army is basically considered a blessing. Historically, in the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi, the Manchurian Zheng, who was born in Daur,

When White Flag general Mabudai was recommended to serve as deputy governor of Qiqihar, Emperor Kangxi sternly rejected the offer on the grounds that he was not of pure Manchu origin.

The Ming Dynasty is better! Don’t discriminate against us Daur people, just ban a guerrilla general directly!

Everyone was overjoyed and filled in their names on the edict one after another, and they became officials of the Ming Dynasty from then on.

Gentemul was a smart man, so he immediately proposed that everyone should sworn brothers and share blessings and hardships together.

The atmosphere reached a climax. The five leaders returned to the wooden house and ordered the servants to prepare the incense table and fruits in preparation for the sworn vows. While preparing, they loudly discussed the important matter of defecting to the Qing Dynasty. These people were all rough men and had no scruples at all.

, speaking loudly.

"Ba", "Yeah!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a teacup falling to the ground, followed by another scream, a female voice.

"Someone is eavesdropping outside the house!"

"Catch the spy!"

There was chaos in the house.


The "spy" was brought up, but it turned out to be the second daughter-in-law, the personal maid of Zizala, Sarhan, Manchuria.

"Damn you, how dare you eavesdrop on the leaders. Say, who sent you?"

Gentemu'er pulled out the steel knife.

"Chief, spare your life. The imperial aunt ordered the slave to eavesdrop. She said that after you came back this time, you got a batch of weapons from nowhere, so I asked the slave to find out."

It turns out that the Salhan concubines from various tribes in Manchuria not only play the role of marriage, but also serve as spies.

"Oh, if you protect yourself day and night, it's hard to protect yourself from house thieves!"

"Yes, big boss, if you don't get rid of your wife, your life will be at risk!"

The leaders all persuaded Gentemu'er to kill his relatives out of justice.

In fact, there is no need to persuade, Gentemuer has long disliked his daughter-in-law Sara. This woman, relying on the power of the Manchus, has become less and less interested in her father-in-law. He has long wanted to get rid of her. He sneered at the moment

He said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will send someone to send her on her way immediately. When you go back, you can also clean up the Sarhan cones in the tribe."


Gentemul called his eldest son Catan and his second son Zanta, told him the matter, and then asked Zanta directly: "Zanta, do you want a father or a mother-in-law?"

"Father, can you spare Sara's life?"

After one night of marriage, a hundred days of love, Zanta still wants to plead for Sara.

"Hmph, if she doesn't die, my father will lose his head. So, you want your mother-in-law, not your father and the clan?"

Gentemu'er's face turned red and he slowly drew the knife with his right hand.

"Second brother, you are so confused! How could you betray your father and your tribe for a Manchu woman? Kill her, and you will have your choice of Daur girls." Katan quickly advised his brother.

As soon as she saw her father's face and actions, Zanta knew that it was difficult to recover, so she could only say calmly: "I listen to my father."

"Okay, this is my son of Gentemul!"

Gentemul laughed loudly, and then summoned the one-armed Nahara, "Nahara, take some people to deal with that 'imperial aunt'."

Ever since the last time I visited the Wulinmu City in Ninggu Pagoda, and was knocked over by the "Imperial Aunt" on horseback, and her belongings were knocked over, and she was whipped, Nahara hated Sara and went there happily.

"Nahara, please take her away and kill her. I can't bear to hear her screams! Also, dig a grave for her and bury her," Zanta begged.


Nahara sneered and agreed.

He walked into Sarah's wing, tied her hands and feet, packed her into a sack, and carried her toward the mountains.

As they walked farther and farther, Sara became very scared and kept calling for help and begging for mercy, but no one listened.

When they came to the mountain, Nahara smiled ferociously and put down Sarah with one hand. Although he only had one hand left, he had been a warrior after all and was very strong.

"Good Nahara, as long as you let me escape, I will ask Amma to reward you with lots and lots of gold," Sara promised in tears.

"Haha, why, the emperor is afraid? When you bullied the slave in Wulinmu City, you didn't expect that one day you would fall into the hands of the slave, right?"

Nahara said jokingly.

"Slave dog, if you dare to kill me, the Qing Dynasty will not let you go!"


Nahara laughed, "I lost this arm in the war for the Qing Dynasty, and I just want to ask for some reward from the Qing Dynasty. I have slept with many Daur women, and today I want to taste what it's like to be a Manchurian 'emperor'!"

It was late at night, and there was a new tomb on the nameless barren mountain south of Nerchinsk.

This chapter has been completed!
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