Chapter 435 Liaodong (18)

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 Sachahewei, the former site of Fuyu Ancient City, has more than 70,000 tribesmen and 10,000 warriors camped here on Chahar Road.

Abu Nai was ordering his men to build rafts and prepare to cross the river. Suddenly, a group of soldiers and horses appeared on the other side of the river. Prince Wu Keshan of Qing Zhuoli Ketu arrived with seven thousand Horqin cavalry.

Wu Keshan was the uncle and father-in-law of Emperor Shunzhi. Although he was very dissatisfied because his daughter was deposed from the queen to the concubine Jing, after all, her bones were broken and her tendons were connected. Especially the Horqin tribe, who was originally a descendant of the Jin family, betrayed Lin Dan Khan and fought with Lin Dan Khan.

The Chahar tribe has formed a deadly feud. If they are allowed to enter the Mongolian grasslands, they will be digging their own graves.

Therefore, as soon as he received the report from Sabusu, Wu Keshan took his five adult sons, Biertahar, Baoteta, Manda, Darima, and Lawson, and led an army of 7,000 to defend the west bank of the Songhua River;

He also sent someone to bring a message to his two younger brothers Chahan and Sonomu, asking them to quickly bring troops and horses to help.

"Great Khan, the Horqin people have blocked the west bank of the Yangtze River. We might as well go north to the territory of the Dulbert people," the veteran Tashhai suggested.

At this time, Abu Nai was no longer just raising an army. Now he had an army of 10,000 people with strong strength. He did not want to escape, but wanted to fight with real swords and guns. The great Mongol Khan hid when he saw the enemy for a long time.

Where is the prestige?

Thinking of this, he encouraged the soldiers loudly: "Warriors, after crossing the river in front, we will go home. Let the invincible Sulu Ding guide us forward! Move forward! Move forward stepping on the corpses of the traitor Horqin people!"

"Haorui! Haorui! Haorui!"

The soldiers of the Chahar tribe cheered long live and boarded the raft.

In Tashihai, Hulu Kezhaisang led a team of five thousand people, charging on bamboo rafts with shouts; Abu Nai led a 3,000-strong army, with 70,000 tribesmen following behind the second general; and at the end was Badasi Zhaisang's team.

Two thousand cavalry are at the rear.

"Dong dong dong!"

The war drums sounded, and bamboo rafts rushed to the other side.

"Boom! Boom! Boom", the Horqin people's small cannonballs exploded in the river one after another.

"Swish, swish, swish", arrows are like rain.

At this time, any language is redundant. Bamboo rafts landed one after another, and then formed an array, and the Mongolian flag merged with the dragon flag of the Horqin tribe.

The Chahar people formed the fish scale formation that the Mongols were accustomed to, while the Horqin people formed the square formation.


"Sabu Suzhangjing, the Chahar people are at war with the Horqin people now, why not take the opportunity to attack them?"

Langtan and Sabusu hid in the reeds by the river. Seeing that the Chahar people had crossed the river, Sabusu didn't give the order to attack, so they were a little anxious.

Sabusu was calm, "Don't worry, wait until Abu Nai's Sulu spindle moves, and then attack them. Make sure to hit the vital point with one blow, and eliminate this scourge for the country!"

An hour passed. Seeing that his forwards were still unable to break through the Horqin people's defenses, Abu Nai became anxious and ordered the Chinese army to cross the river.

Genghis Khan's Sulu spindle moved.


Sabusu issued the military order without hesitation.

"Da da da da da da", three thousand and eight banners rushed toward the rear of Chahar's tribe like lightning.

Nayan (thousand households) Badasi Zhaisang in the rear was frightened and hurriedly led two thousand cavalry to stop the Qing army.

The cavalry of the two armies fought against each other. The Qing army charged first and started running at a fast pace. The Mongols responded in a hurry, and before their horses could speed up in time, they were knocked over.

"Pfft", Sabusu shook his hand and stabbed his lance into Badasi Zhaisang's chest.

Badasi Zhaisang couldn't believe it. He looked at the big hole in his chest and fell off his horse.

At this time, part of Abu Nai's central army was boarding the raft, and part was still on the shore. As for the 70,000 troops, most of them were old, weak, women and children, in a messy and disorganized manner.

Sabusu and Langtan rushed into the Chahar formation, killing everyone on sight, and surrounded Abu Nai by the river.

"Great Khan, I will escort you to the north to break out of the encirclement," the guard commander Elesu said.

"No, this Khan's goal is too big to break out. You go out alone, find Burni, the son of this Khan, go east, cross the Narin River, and take a detour to find the Ming army. Borrow the help of the Ming Dynasty.

"Avenge Ben Khan", Abu Nai knew that he would not be spared and refused to leave.

Ellesu kowtowed to Abu Nai and fought his way out of the siege to find the little prince Burni.

How difficult it is to find a child among thousands of troops! Fortunately, although the Songhua River is full of herdsmen and defeated troops, there is a very eye-catching lowered flag dangling here and there.

"Lower the flag?"

Elesu was furious and went straight to lower the flag. He was about to kill the dog slave who had disgraced the Mongols, but he found Princess Makata holding the little prince Burni in her arms.

It turned out that this Maqata was the second daughter of Huang Taiji, the eldest princess of Gulun Wenzhuang in the Qing Dynasty. When she thought about it, what did it have to do with women and children if men beat her to death? The Qing Dynasty was her natal family, and she would not treat her like that.

Since he was disadvantaged, he ordered his slaves to make a pole and lower the flag, preparing to surrender.

Ele was so angry that she asked, "What does this mean, concubine?"

"The defeat has been decided, I want to save this bit of flesh and blood for the Great Khan." Makata embraced Burni without any fear.

"The Great Khan's order ordered the servant to take the concubine and the young prince to surrender to the Ming Dynasty."

Upon hearing the order from the Great Khan, Makta paused and asked, "What if Yu refuses to go?"

"Hmph, anyone who doesn't listen to the Khan's orders will be killed," Elesu said and pressed the handle of the knife.

Makata's heart trembled, and she sighed, her tone much softer: "Whether I am alive or dead, mother and child, all depends on the general."

Elesu, with more than 30 cavalry, escorted Makata mother and son eastward, crossing the Nalin River and escaping.

Just when he took a breath, there was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and Elesu sighed, God will destroy me Chahar! Draw your sword and fight for your life.

A closer look revealed that it was not the pursuers, but the Yanhulu Kezhai Sang. It turned out that after Hulu Kezhai Sang crossed the Songhua River, he discovered that the Chinese army was in danger, so he led his army back, was defeated, and fled here.

Elesu asked Hulu Kezhaisang: "Where is the Great Khan?"

Hulu Kezhai Sang shed tears, "He died in the army!"

Abu Nai died heroically. He died in the battle under the Sulu ingot. He was wounded in more than ten places and killed dozens of people with his hands.

Nayan Tashihai also died in the battle on the west bank of the Songhua River.


Yan Hulu Kezhai Sang and Elesu protected Makata. When Burni fled to Yang Huai's army, there were only a hundred soldiers and more than 300 tribesmen left.

Yang Huai was preparing to attack Wula Mountain City. After receiving the news, he raised his hand to his forehead and said to Tong Yangjia: "God help me Ming Dynasty, this is a priceless treasure!"

"Yes, Marshal, there are rare things to live in. We should send troops to escort them to Yizhou and report the matter to His Majesty for his decision." Tong Yangjia also laughed.

Yang Huai immediately sent a clipper to report the matter to Zhu Hengjia; he also sent Kuang Lu to escort Burni to Yizhou, imitate a Genghis Khan's Sulu ingot, and recruit Mongolian warriors in the name of the Mongolian Khan. Soon more than a thousand Mongolians were recruited.


After Emperor Guangwu learned of the incident, he praised Yang Huai for handling it properly and immediately issued an edict to make four-year-old Burni King Huaishun.




The emperor system said: I respect the destiny of heaven and rule the world. Whenever I carry out government affairs, I must have a heart of benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, I can be virtuous overseas, and all foreign guests are submissive. The code of Xijue is not limited by the distance of the land.

The Chahar tribe has lived in western Liaoning for a long time. They do not follow the teachings and neglect the etiquette, so they are in danger of annihilation. Zierburni, since you are in urgent need of me, the Celestial Dynasty has the virtue of good life, so it sends troops to rescue the poor and allows you to pay tribute.

You should be mindful of the duties of your ministers and observe the essentials; you are grateful for the emperor's kindness, and you have no need to pay for it. I hereby designate you as King Huaishun, seal it with a gold seal, and crown it. You should treat your neighbors with faith and loyalty.

, serve the Heavenly Dynasty with loyalty and righteousness, obey my orders, and do not violate it. In the play! People miss the Han Dynasty, and restore the Chinese clothes to Nanjing City; God's will is in the Ming Dynasty, and I got the nine white silk scrolls in Changbai Mountain. Thank you, so here's the edict!


February 6, the fourth year of Guangwu



This decree effectively dealt a blow to the myth of the Manchu and Mongolian family, and subtle changes occurred in the hearts of the Mongols.

This chapter has been completed!
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