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Chapter 1684 I understand this

 Jiang Wei hasn’t come back yet.

Liu Muqiao checked the time and found that he had already left Jiang Wei for 8 hours. He had to contact her. In two hours, she should go to bed.

I have no choice but to escape. If I leave by force, it will be very rude.

Liu Miqiao had no choice but to drive to Qingjiang Hotel and refill Jiang Wei with 6 Qi Qi Pills. However, now that Liu Miqiao appeared, he could not get away.

He was also involved.

Liu Muqiao and Jiang Wei didn't get away until after 9 o'clock at night and returned to the hospital.

On this side, Qin Meixiang drank Chinese medicine twice, with only 3 hours between them. He realized that his illness was almost 10% better, and he felt extremely happy.

He was cured of his illness, and he rushed to tell everyone he met. Everyone he met would say, "I am cured, completely cured. Liu Miqiao helped me treat him."

Zhao Yilin also knew it. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. What's the matter? Physical diseases are easy to cure, but mental diseases are difficult to cure. He obviously has nothing wrong with him - organic diseases. If you insist on saying that you are sick, you are still a doctor! <


However, Zhao Yilin also had to admit that Qin Meixiang was a disease in a strict sense, and this disease was difficult to treat. Many people ended up relying on "suffering" to survive for months, years, or even more than ten years.

, finally fine.

It seemed that even I was tired and didn’t want to bother anymore, and finally got better.

This situation is not uncommon. You can find people with this problem around almost everyone. What is most needed for this disease is the body's self-regulation and maintaining an optimistic attitude.

Qin Meixiang had a good night's sleep. He hadn't had such a full sleep in a long time. When the alarm clock woke him up the next day, he remembered that starting from today, he would exercise, and he would take 20,000 steps a day. This task was not easy.

He decided to exercise in the morning and walk 10,000 steps, and then walk 10,000 steps after dinner.

Qin Meixiang was not a sports enthusiast in the past, because she had to undergo massage every day, which required a certain amount of physical strength, and she did not do many activities such as walking.

He came to Binhe Road and started walking quickly along the scenic strips on both sides of the Qingjiang River.

10,000 steps, 100 steps per minute, takes one and a half hours. This task is not small. However, thinking about his illness, Liu Maqiao said that he has imbalances in the five internal organs, the six internal organs, and the yin and yang imbalance.

When Yang is strong and weak, there are three conditions for curing diseases. One of them is walking, 20,000 steps.

If you have a goal, you will be motivated.

Qin Meixiang walked like this for more than an hour, sweating slightly.

"Doctor Qin, are you exercising? Oh, losing weight? Are you losing weight? The effect is great!" An acquaintance came over, a section chief in the city, and he looked at Qin Meixiang in surprise.

Qin Meixiang used to be slightly fat, but now she is like a skeleton, skinny and skinny.

It is popular for women to lose weight, but not many men lose weight. Only people with stereotyped personalities pursue this kind of excessive weight loss.

"Lao Fu, are you also losing weight?" Qin Meixiang knew Section Chief Fu very well and stopped to say hello.

"If I don't lose weight, when I go to work, others drive or take the bus, and I walk, killing two birds with one stone. Is your weight loss too great?"

Section Chief Fu’s achievements in his life were just like this. He became a full-time Section Chief, but people still called him Section Chief Fu. He was angry at first, but then he got used to it. Besides, I later understood that in Qingjiang City, section chiefs are not at all

What official.

"Where is the weight loss? I suffered from a serious illness, but thanks to Liu Maqiao's wonderful rejuvenation, I came back to life." Qin Meixiang said.

"Ah, your doctor is also sick? What disease is it?" Section Chief Fu has also been very confused recently. He feels that he is sick, but all the doctors he has seen say he is not sick.

"Suffering from disorders of the five internal organs, disorders of the six internal organs, imbalance of yin and yang, excess of yin and deficiency of yang, the disease will become terminally ill without treatment. Fortunately, Liu Muqiao is there."

"What are the symptoms?" Section Chief Fu asked urgently.

Recently, whenever he hears that someone else is seriously ill, he panics, especially if someone has cancer, and he can't sleep all night long.

Qin Meixiang said: "The main thing I feel is that I feel unwell, I don't want to eat, I have insomnia and dreaminess, I feel dizzy and my whole body feels bad. I can't explain the details. Anyway, I feel like everything is wrong. I have done a lot

I went through a lot of tests and saw many doctors, but they all said I was fine. Only Liu Miqiao saw that I was seriously ill and said that if I delayed my illness, I would be terminally ill and there would be no way to save me."

"Oh, Dr. Qin, I am exactly the same as you! I have seen 7 or 8 doctors and they all said that I am not sick. I just want to say that I have not found a doctor with real quality. What should I do? I also want to see Liu Miqiao

Just take a look! Can you help?"

Section Chief Fu became anxious again.

When he asked, Qin Meixiang was stunned.

In the past, this was so helpful. When Liu Muqiao did massage for cervical spondylosis, all the patients were screened by Qin Meixiang.

Now that he is engaged in the field of Tianlai Acupuncture, he has long stopped helping Liu Miqiao screen patients. Later, Liu Miqiao also canceled the cervical spine massage project.

If you want to find Liu Muqiao, you will definitely be able to find him, but it’s hard to say when.

"Wait for my news."

Qin Meixiang can only say this.

Unlike other doctors, Liu Muqiao does not open outpatient clinics.

Ordinary professors and associate professors have to spend at least half a day in outpatient service a week, which can not only meet the needs of patients who come here because of admiration, but also meet the needs of patients who usually come into contact with in the inpatient department.

The inpatient department has to deal with a lot of patients. After they are discharged, they may come for follow-up consultations. It is best to find a doctor who is familiar with their condition.

Therefore, the hospital will arrange for each expert to have an opportunity to appear and solve the patient's needs.

But Liu Muqiao is different. He is too famous and has too many skills. Patients in need will crowd through the door, so he cannot set up an outpatient clinic.

Section Chief Fu felt unhappy when he saw that Qin Meixiang was not very willing to agree, and said: "Old Qin, you must help me with this. I am also a terminally ill person. If you help me, I will not treat you badly. I

Let me tell you, I have a general agent of famous wines. How about I get you some genuine famous wines?"

There are good wines to buy, but they may not be genuine and may even be fake.

This trick is very effective. Section Chief Fu is used to it.

He didn't say he would send some wine to Qin Meixiang, he just said he would get the genuine ones.

In fact, it is difficult for him to give it to working-class people. If he can't afford to give away a bottle of wine worth tens of thousands of yuan or several pieces, he is reluctant to give it away.

Qin Meixiang couldn't just agree to see Liu Muxiang for outpatient treatment just because of temptation. It was really hard to talk about it. It was okay if she was sick. Liu Muchiao would definitely help.

"Let's see, Section Chief Fu, Liu Muqiao doesn't see outpatients, but I have a relationship with him. When I find the right opportunity, I can ask him to take a look at it for you." Qin Meixiang could only say this.

"Oh, by the way, since Liu Muqiao won't go to the clinic, what kind of gift should I bring?"

Section Chief Fu wanted to find out about Liu Muqiao's preferences. He knew the rules and couldn't ask for help empty-handed. Others had asked him for help, so he understood this.

This chapter has been completed!
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