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Chapter 1683 Clever

 Medical ethics!


Liu Muqiao is different.

Liu Muqiao brought Qin Meixiang to the office and looked at Qin Meixiang's laboratory tests and examination sheets again. Fortunately for him, Qin Meixiang had even checked her estrogen and androgen levels.

Something is abnormal.

The blood pressure is slightly higher, there are small plaques in the carotid arteries, the Doppler carotid artery blood flow is slightly faster, the blood lipids are slightly higher, the hematocrit is slightly lower, the average red blood cell volume is slightly smaller, and the uric acid is slightly higher...

There are all kinds of unusual projects.

Liu Muqiao is not in a hurry to express his position.

In fact, he had already come to a conclusion, but just to appear serious, he deliberately delayed the process.

A long time will show that you are thinking seriously.

Every physical examination will have some abnormal indicators. In fact, many indicators are not a problem at all and can be completely ignored. Qin Meixiang's abnormality is like this.

Does it matter if your blood lipids are higher?

Uric acid is slightly high. As long as you don't have gout, it doesn't matter. Plaques in blood vessels are not a big deal. Just be careful to eat less fat. At worst, you can take some statin drugs to lower lipids.

In short, it can be said that none of the current examinations support his existing symptoms.

Liu Muqiao still needs to ask.

Questioning is the most basic basis of medical treatment.

"Did you sleep well?"

"No, I have insomnia. I can't fall asleep at two or three o'clock."

"How's the diet?"

"Don't think about tea and rice."

"Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

“I don’t feel comfortable anywhere!”

"Be specific."

"Insomnia, dreaminess, nausea, headache, dizziness, anxiety, and fear of the future..."

"Well, let me feel your pulse. Don't say anything."

Liu Muqiao once again put his arm on Qin Xiangmei's wrist and stayed there for three minutes.

"How are you? Is your pulse okay?"

"Uh, this, it's not very good. Your illness is not serious!"


"This is not enough."

"What disease is that?"

"The five internal organs are not in harmony, the six internal organs are not smooth, and the yin is excessive and the yang is deficient. If not treated in time, the disease will fall into the ointment."

"Is it still too late?"

"It's okay, it's okay. You have to cooperate with me. After three weeks, you can recover as before. However, there are a few conditions."

"Okay, don't mention a few conditions, just ten or twenty will do."

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "There are three conditions. First, you want Su Yajuan to prescribe you a pair of Chinese medicine and take the medicine on time; second, you must stop for the Tianlai injection and adjust your body before doing it; third, you must walk twice a day.

Ten thousand steps."

"Is it that simple?"

"Is it easy? Try it, you take 20,000 steps a day, you have to take medicine, and you can't play with Tianlai needles. Is this still easy?"

Liu Muqiao was thinking that Qin Meixiang's problem is very common among ordinary people, but it is generally not so serious.

This can be regarded as a disease. It used to be called neurosis, but now it is called disease phobia. There is no organic damage, it is mainly functional. The first treatment is to relax the mind, the second is to combine exercise, and the third is drug intervention.

There are two forms of pharmaceutical intervention, one is placebo, and the second is anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. The former is used for mild symptoms, and the latter is used for moderate to severe symptoms.

Generally speaking, this disease mostly affects women, especially women in their 40s, who are very susceptible to this disease during menopause. Men can also suffer from it, but like Qin Meixiang, it is relatively rare.

Liu Miqiao was thinking, could it be a side effect of Tianlai injection?

I have to ask.

"Professor Qin, how have you been practicing your Tian Lai Acupuncture recently?"

"Encountering a bottleneck."

"Be specific, tell me."

"I'm stuck on the sixth level of the first floor and can't go up."

"Where is Professor Sun?"

"Professor Sun is already at level 2 and level 4."

"How long have you been stuck on level 1 and level 6?"

"More than half a year."

Well, Liu Muqiao understands, this is the root of the disease!

If you get stuck while practicing Tianlai Acupuncture, and if you rush for success, there may be backlash. This is the case with Qin Meixiang.

At such an old age, Sun Yigu is still studying Western medicine. He is already at the second level and fourth level, and will soon be promoted to the third level.

Qin Meixiang must be eager for success.

One layer of Tianlai needle can only be used for colds and colds. The effect is very good. Cold patients can see the effect at one time. They come in with a runny nose and go out well.

However, except for colds, the effect on other diseases is very small.

On the second floor, you can treat some common diseases, such as controlling blood sugar and blood pressure, treating general lung infections, abdominal pain and diarrhea, headache and brain fever.

If you reach the third level, you can treat high blood pressure and diabetes. Although it cannot be completely cured, it can control blood pressure and blood sugar for a longer period of time.

In other words, Tianlai Needle is used one level at a time. Once you learn the first level, you will be eager to advance to the second level. Once you reach the second level, you will be eager to advance to the third level.

"Professor Qin, your Tianlai Acupuncture must be stopped for a period of time. Your illness is related to Tianlai Acupuncture. Did you know that this is called backlash?"

"That won't work! If we compare with Professor Sun, we will get further and further apart!" Qin Meixiang was anxious to death.

"This is incomparable. You have to know that Professor Sun's talent is not comparable to ordinary people. Even though he studied Western medicine, once you get into it, Chinese medicine is also very good. Besides, each layer of Tianlai Acupuncture has its own

The great thing is that you don’t always have to pursue a higher level. For example, I have been on the sixth level for several years, and I have already reached the peak of the sixth level. I still can’t get to the seventh level..."

Liu Muqiao couldn't reason too much with him. In fact, he was already at the peak of the sixth level at a young age. The more he thought about it, the more anxious he would become.

Liu Muqiao changed his mind again and gave Qin Meixiang a dose of Chinese medicine directly because when he took the pulse just now, at least 10 stars were flashing.

There is still medicine to save her, and Qin Meixiang's illness is not a big problem.

Strangely enough, when Qin Meixiang came out of Liu Muqiao's office, she felt that the sky was much brighter, the atmospheric pressure that used to press on her head seemed to have become lighter, and the waves of fear in her heart no longer appeared.

Not far out, he passed by Mrs. Chen's fruit stall and he actually swallowed his saliva.

This is progress.

For a long time, everything he ate had no taste, let alone fruits, even fragrant meals were hard for him to swallow.

"Buy 5 bananas."

Unable to resist the temptation, Qin Meixiang bought 5 bananas for only 4 yuan, peeled one and ate it, hmm! It’s been a long time since I tasted this delicious taste.

There is no way, medicine is so magical.

Qin Meixiang’s illness has recovered by 60%.

He hurried to the Chinese medicine pharmacy, prepared the medicine, and began to boil the Chinese medicine.

Xiao Chen from the Pharmacy Department once treated a cold with Qin Meixiang. When he saw it today, he was surprised.

"Have you lost so much weight?"

"Well, I lost more than 20 pounds."

"Is there any problem?"

"No, it's a big problem! This is the medicine prescribed by Liu Miqiao himself."

"The medicine was prescribed by Liu Muqiao himself?"

Xiao Chen quickly took it. There were more than a dozen medicines on it, but it was impossible to tell what the prescription was.


He praised.

Just don’t understand it.

Liu Muqiao is a great doctor, and the prescriptions prescribed by great doctors must be different. This is obvious.

"You mean clever?" Qin Meixiang asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Chen said firmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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