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Chapter 162 Super Program Questions

 WE was unforgiving when it came to power, and it snowballed without giving OMG a chance to make a comeback.

Although the old thief's big mouth is well developed, the plane and Rambo are targeting him, making him want to die, and there is no room for output at all.

WE destroyed everything and made a good start.

Overall, OMG lags far behind WE in terms of BP in this round.

Moreover, OMG must think about a question next: Do we still want to take Big Mouth?

If you want to get it, you have to think about how to deal with Rambo and airplanes.

If you don’t take it, you can’t help but think about other alternatives.

In the second game, OMG came to the blue side, and WE switched to the red side.

OMG replaced the former AHQ jungler Mountain, seemingly hoping that Laoshan's experience could help OMG hold on to its position.

As the winner of the previous game, WE also made a big move and replaced the bottom lane substitute combination.

In comparison, WE's substitution decision seems even more bizarre.

Remember: "We have entered the playoffs, does Coach Wolong still insist on rotating in the bottom lane? Moreover, there was no problem with the performance of my brother-in-law and Ben in the last game, right?"

Hao Kai: "Laoshan can be said to be one of the best junglers in the LMS region before. He is often compared with Karsa, the current jungler of TES. There is no doubt about his strength and experience. The key lies in whether he can get along with the team.

There is a tacit understanding!"

Strawberry: "WX can be considered playing. I didn't come here in vain today! I hope he can resist the pressure, don't have too much burden, and perform to his due level!"

The substitutions on both sides added some suspense and anticipation to the game.

Xiye and Smlz, the talented duo of WE.A, were once known as the emperors of LSPL. However, when they led the team to the LPL for the first time and faced the WE first team that Strawberry and Xiaoxiao insisted on, the two were brutally educated and suffered a lot.

The loss of youth.

Nowadays, things have changed, and Xiye has become WE's mid laner, fighting side by side with the comeback Smile. As the pillar of the new generation of OMG, can Smlz climb over the mountains that were unattainable in the past?

Entering the BP stage, OMG banned Qinggangying, Syndra and Kenan in the first round.

It can be seen that OMG took the initiative to seek change and chose to open Pandora's box and give out all the OP's heroes.

Anyway, WE’s unique skills are almost impossible to ban. Instead of being limited everywhere, it’s better to give it a try!

WE backhandedly banned excavators, wine barrels and crocodiles.

Zhuge Liang obviously saw OMG's plan, but he was also happy with it and had full trust in his team.

The audience has long been accustomed to this.

Even OMG, as the opponent, also cooperated to get weird.

However, in the last 30 seconds, the line split determined by WE was once again shocking.

I saw WE's mid laner and support complete the exchange, Galio swung to the support, and Kalma came to the middle.

Remember: "We have been analyzing our feelings for a long time, but we were knocked to the ground by coach Wolong's final swing!"

Hao Kai: "If you think about it carefully, Fan Mom will definitely have an advantage over Galio in the early stage when she hits Snake Girl. As for Galio's support, it is probably WE's new idea after this hero has been repeatedly weakened. Mid laner Galio has no

If you are so strong, what will happen if you switch to the support position?"

Strawberry: “Mainly because WE’s mid laner Galio left such a deep impression on us. In fact, when Galio was first released, there were many professional players who used it to play top lane. Who stipulates that choosing

If you come out of Galio, you must be in the middle?"

After Zhuge Liang's sway, the strength of WE's top, middle and jungle has increased a lot. At the same time, Galio has become a rare soldier who can roam and support, and may be parachuted in to support at any time.

Not only that, Galio's support seems to be quite restrained to Rakan.

If Luo dares to come up with W to lift someone up, Galio can taunt him with his backhand, use his E skill to knock him away, and then use his Q to drain his blood.

If you fight hard, Luo may not really be able to get any benefits.

OMG’s coach Mingzhe is so stupid, why is Wolong so good at keeping things together?

Obviously they have done enough homework and memorized all the knowledge points required by the exam syllabus before entering the examination room. But when they got the test paper, they found that they were all questions that were beyond the syllabus!

There was no time to calm down, so Mingzhe seized the last thirty seconds and hurriedly supplemented the tactical plan for the players.

It wasn't until the staff at the back urged him that Mingzhe had no choice but to take off his headphones and go to the center of the stage to shake hands with Zhuge Liang, who was already standing waiting.

This chapter has been completed!
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