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Chapter 187 Brother Li, we are your fans

 The status of SKT's bottom lane duo is that the needle cannot be poked.

It seems that Bang's meditation training has had some effect, sweeping away the decline in the summer split.

The Rat's small cannon in the lane not only didn't suffer a few last-hit hits in the early stages, but even the health of the defense tower was maintained relatively healthy.

Of course, Wolf is responsible for this, but Bang’s ability to withstand stress is clearly visible to the naked eye.

You must know that the ADC on WE in this game is the brother-in-law. Compared with the increasingly calm and steady smile, the brother-in-law is undoubtedly more fierce and brave in the laning.

But even though he got a strong hero in the lane, Brother-in-Law never had a clear advantage, which shows how stable Bang's performance is!

Wawa: "The mice are like this in the early laning. They are basically perfectly developed. WE have to find a way to deal with the mice."

Miller: "Thankfully, Coach Wolong took precautions and prepared the Qian Jue Gem trick, otherwise he might have been shot into a sieve if he encountered a rat that couldn't detoxify."

Sister Zhou: "As the levels and equipment of both sides improve, WE's line power will be weakened, and we must seize this golden period to maximize our advantages."

It is true that WE currently has a certain advantage, especially in the jungle position.

But such a meager advantage is far from enough to achieve victory!

Therefore, WE suddenly changed speed.

In line with the front-pressing troops in the bottom lane, Yao Ji and Qian Jue gathered to double-team, while the big bug quietly shrank back.

SKT and WE have played against each other so many times, so we naturally had a premonition that WE was about to organize a five-man team to win.

Mouse and Feng Nu knew that their escape route was cut off, and withdrawing from the protection range of the defense tower would only speed up their deaths. They immediately used their skills to quickly clear the troops to block WE's double team.

Clockwork and Pig Girl also immediately gave up on the monsters and soldiers and rushed to the bottom lane to support.

SKT suffered a lot from this before, and the support was a little slow, which made the initiative of the entire game fall into the hands of WE.

Gnar, who was on the road, controlled his anger very well. When he saw the big bug shrinking back, he immediately filled up his anger value and jumped forward with two pieces of e, entangling the big bug to prevent it from giving up TP.

Wawa: "SKT's support is very fast. If WE insists on going down the tower, there may be big problems!"

Miller: "We definitely can't attack this wave. The army line has been cleared to pieces. It would be too painful to resist the tower physically!"

Sister Zhou: "Don't go up! If you don't get a chance this time, just wait until next time. Don't give the other side a chance!"

At the LCK commentary booth next door, several Smecta commentators howled excitedly. Those who didn't know it thought SKT had already won the game.

There is a saying, when it comes to the ability to make noise, Smecta’s commentary is truly at the level of a cosmic nation.

The exaggerated appearance is like a duck voice that is about to hang. Even the commentators from the second grade to the explosive island country will be ashamed.

Staying at home, I am afraid that only when the national football team reaches the World Cup can commentators be able to brew such rich emotions.


Suddenly, Enchantress and Qian Jue stopped attacking, got into the grass, started scanning, and crouched down patiently.

Through God's perspective, the audience who saw this scene couldn't help but have an idiom pop up in their minds: surround the point and call for help!

WE judged that the risk of escaping the tower at this moment was extremely high, and decisively changed the combat plan, targeting the SKT midfielder who came to support.

In other words, this situation has long been in WE's calculations, and WE has been prepared from the beginning.

Chongzhong, eager to save people, kept using W skills to speed up, without realizing that there was a murderous intention lurking in the grass not far away.

Brother Li, we are your fans!

Enchantress and Qian Jue suddenly burst out of the bushes, and Clockwork was beaten to low health in the blink of an eye.

Faker used his double moves to cross the wall, but he was still dodged by the Enchantress and took his head.

After getting rid of the clockwork, WE Nakano took advantage of the situation and turned his attention to the pig girl coming from behind on a pig.

Little Peanut quickly braked, turned the pig's head around and walked backwards.

Just kidding, Enchantress and Kindred are not only flexible, but also do high damage.

If the clockwork was still there, I could have cooperated with the arm-wrestling.

But now that Clockwork has hit her face to face, she is instantly killed. If Pig Girl doesn’t apply oil on her soles, can’t she be left as a target?

WE's midfielder expelled the pig girl and did not choose to chase her. Instead, she re-implemented the bottom lane double-teaming plan.

This time, and that time.

SKT's reinforcements were blocked, and the bottom lane troops were restored. Wouldn't it be a pity for WE not to take advantage of the situation?

Bang bang bang bang~~~

WE is very skilled at jumping up and down the tower. The four of them pushed the SKT bottom lane duo under the tower, hehehehe.

Bang and Wolf have no temper at all. I resisted and the other party got even more aggressive. What should I do?

Little Peanut witnessed this inhumane bullying incident from a distance, but he was also powerless. If he stepped forward to stop it, he would most likely end up with one more victim.

Faker, who was watching the black and white screen in Quanshui, was heartbroken. Why is it so difficult every time he plays WE?

Are they too naive, or is WE too cunning?

Wawa: "Wow~~WE's decision-making is so perfect!"

Miller: "Beautiful! This wave of big rhythm! WE got three kills directly, and we can also push the tower and take the dragon!"

Sister Zhou: "WE made full use of SKT's psychology, attacking the enemy only to save them, and going out of their way to defeat them. We completely fooled everyone in SKT!"

EDG, who was watching the game in the lounge, expressed that he felt the same way as SKT and understood SKT's mood very well.

Other teams play games with tactics, WE plays games with tactics!

Before the game, Wolong Military Advisor strategized and left behind a bunch of clever ideas.

During the game, WE's five tiger generals encountered trouble. They took out their tips and acted according to the plan, which was a direct dimensionality reduction attack.

It’s more than just a headache to encounter this kind of remote-controlled “beating” service!


WE pushed down the bottom tower and controlled the dragon.

Afterwards, WE continued to speed up, switching the bottom lane combination to the middle lane, covering the jungler to get the Rift Herald.

SKT has no desire to compete, let alone the capital, so they can only seize the time to develop.

Using Rift Herald, WE successfully destroyed the first tower of SKT in the middle, and then spread from the jungle to the top lane.

SKT's top lane was reduced to an isolated island in the fog of war. Huni did not dare to go too far forward and could only develop in the closed grass between the first and second towers.

957 is an expert in anti-stress, so he naturally knows how to make the other party more miserable.

Once the big bug controlled the army line, Gnar was so desperate that he wished he could deny his last tower.

Also depressed is Little Peanut. Kangdi's Kindred is riding on top of him and tyrannizing, plundering wild monsters wantonly. His mid laner and ADC also eat two groups of wild monsters from time to time to replenish their health.

As a result, the pig girl's development was seriously retarded, and she was dressed in shabby parts. The boy was silent and the girl was crying.

Wawa: "Let me tell you the truth, maybe Little Peanut is really not suitable for the SKT team!"

Miller: "Since you want to play a tank jungler like Pig Girl, why not play Blank?"

Sister Zhou: "I heard that SKT will be rebuilt next year. There is a high probability that Little Peanut will not stay in SKT. I wonder if he will come to LPL?"

This chapter has been completed!
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